Urbanism Law vs New approaches in architecture and lifestyles
Knowledge base project
Hosted by @dcht00 / CHT Hackbase.
< RFC+ >

This is the project's open knowledge base - read the manifesto first: 🔗hacking-housing!

Also see 🔗alike for many interesting practising institutions & resources.

Add new content anywhere (or at the end if unsure). --> [...]


(This is Wiki🔗Centro_Financiero_Confinanzas, an occupied unfinished skyscraper project in Venezuela.)
""" Here in Venezuela that tower is known by the name "La Torre de David" / "The David Tower" """

    2015-09-07 start
    2016-01-19 remodel
    2016-12-06 remodel
    2017-10-10 cleanup
    2018-08-28 (import to new system)
    2020-09 added: netherlands

Also ties to:
    * 🔗architecture
    * [...]

Table of Contents
1.1 Spain, especially Canary Islands
1.1.1     Basic reads
1.1.2     What to do if the Spanish police appears
1.1.3     GRAFCAN Catastral System : Using
1.1.4     The lidar view (2024)
1.1.5     GRAFCAN: interesting views
1.1.6     GRAFCAN: open questions
1.1.7     case of >riki
1.1.8     explore more resources !!!
1.2 Slovenia
1.3 Greece
1.4 Netherlands
1.5 United Kingdom
1.6 Berlin, Germany
1.7 Norway, Sweden: "Right to roam"
2.1 Hackbases
2.2 Squatting
2.3 Pure Nomadism / "Permanently Temporary"
2.4 Camper vans ("RVs"), "Harbours", #vanlife
2.5 River canal boats / barges
2.6 Camping on top of buildings
2.7 Free / Wild camping
2.8 Containers
2.9 Geodesic domes & Hexayurts
2.10 Yurts
2.11 Seasteading
2.11.1     Venus Project
2.11.2     Libertarian/Neoliberal "Seasteading"
2.11.3     The Italians (2020)
2.11.4     (general links)
2.12 DIY House Plans
2.13 "Living architecture"
4 *** (meta)
4.1     Todo !!!
4.2     How to collect this research?
4.3     Next for format
4.4     Related documents
5.1 < tjm.org
5.2 < @dazinism
5.3 < @kamiel79
5.4 < @stefek99
5.5 < @mspanc
5.6 (encountered on jvea.org conf 2015-07)
5.7 < gio.yono
5.8 Check "law for the commons"
5.9 3D-printed Housing
5.10 Hemp concrete / "hempcrete"
5.11 Chattel house (Barbados)
5.12 Tiny House Villages
5.13 Rethinking public lands
5.14 Case of #cht7d eviction / #EOL : ley de costas 2021-05-20


Spain, especially Canary Islands

    Basic reads

    * Guide to Building Construction in Spain -> http://spain.angloinfo.com/housing/buying-property/building-construction/
    * cadastre (land / zoning) info: http://visor.grafcan.es/visorweb/ 
    ____________ more
    * https://www1.sedecatastro.gob.es/CYCBienInmueble/OVCBusqueda.aspx
    * https://www1.sedecatastro.gob.es/ :
        #TODO - get identification !!!!!!
    * [...]

    What to do if the Spanish police appears
   * Be polite, talk with them, explain everything and ask all the doubts about what is possible to do and what not.
   * If they ask for identification, and you show it so that they note it, that may be a problem for you in the future.
     If you don't have your ID at the place, they can drive you to find it or to the police station, but most probably they won't bother, which means end of the problem.
     Only Spanish citizens that live in Spain must carry their ID always with them, as tourist you have the right to keep your ID in a safe place.
### augment !!!

    GRAFCAN Catastral System : Using
### (we mistakenly called it "gravizor" lol)


    * https://www.grafcan.es/ (other maps) !!!!!!
    * by https://www.idecanarias.es/ (Infraestructura de Datos Espaciales de Canarias)
    * https://www.grafcan.es/gigapan/ (hi-res images)
    * ###

____________ 2018-12-03 notes

    * check "Leyenda"
    * click and you get specific info
    * next to the layer, you have "double circle", where you can set Opacity !
    ___________ TODO:
    * put stars on the map!
    * [...]

    The lidar view (2024)

    select area
    you get a point map


##### export?

    GRAFCAN: interesting views

        →Mapa de Espacios culturales

        a) catastro + orto express 50%
        b) mapa topografico integrado:
            shows more "legal houses" information ???

    * AGRICULTURA, ...:
        * Crop Map / Mapa de Cultivos:
            * Abandono Prolongado
            * Abandono Tunera \ Sin cultivos: "cactus that make fruits"
            * Tunera \ Frutales (with picon)
            * Millo
            * Viña
            * [...]
        * Corine Land Cover (1990-2000-2006):
            THIS IS PERFECT !
            Can show a historic process of land abandonment, for example as in 29,03381309|-13,68085468 !
            Great for arguing #legal !
        * Mapa de Vegetacion:
            * cht6b1:
                REAL = https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matorral :
                    Fisionomía:         MATORRALES | De sustitución | Comunidad nitrófila frutescente
                    Vegetación:         Chenoleoideo tomentosae-Salsoletum vermiculatae variante con Launaea arborescens
                    Nombre Común:         Matorral algoaera y matabrusca con ahulaga
                POTENCIAL =
                    Vegetación Potencial:
                        * (MORE BLACK BUT ABANDONED)Ahulagar en lapillis. Comunidad deLaunaea arborescens == "Ulaga land"
                        * (ERODED, ABANDONED, GROWN-OVER DESERT) Tabaibal dulce semiárido. Odontospermo-Euphorbio balsamiferae sigmetum aeonietosum lancerottensis
                        * [...]
            * [...]
        * [...]


        * DOC 1: METODOLOGY:
            * http://www.gobiernodecanarias.org/cmsgobcan/export/sites/agricultura/agricultura/galerias/doc/obrasRegadios/Metodologia-del-Mapa-de-Cultivos.pdf
            * 3.4.3. Técnica de cultivo: Abandono, Invernadero, Enarenado natural, Enarenado artificial, Jable, Gavia, Transformación, Otras técnicas.
            * [...]


        * DOC 3: Publication en BOC (legal book = Boletin de Canarias):
            * http://www.gobiernodecanarias.org/boc/2017/206/007.html
            * TODO: CHECK ALL THE LINKS !!!:
                * https://opendata.sitcan.es/ WHAT IS HERE?
                * http://www.gobiernodecanarias.org/istac/ = ISTAC (statistics institute)
                * [...]
            * TODO: A lot of stuff is in .SHP (Shapefile) ...:
                * How to open ??? Qgis??? #gis
                * QGIS CAN DO IT :
                    https://docs.qgis.org/2.8/en/docs/user_manual/working_with_vector/supported_data.html !
                    #workflow #gis
                * <-------------------- (now) >david
            * [...]

        * Mapa de Ocupación de Suelo:
            * AGRICOLA
            * SUELO DESNUDO \ Mineral
                Espacios libres \ Jardines (cactus garden)
            * [...]
        * [...]

    * LITORAL→Puertos:
        Shows ports, including tiny like Jablito

    * LITORAL→Playas


    * ECOCARTOGRAFICO → Monumento natural:
        interesting areas (birds, dunes, etc)

    * ECOCARTOGRAFICO → Bancales:
        wow! TERRACE MAP!

    GRAFCAN: open questions

    * Is the "land type" (Crop Map) just a statistic, or does it have legal indication, or even consquence?
    * How do you change the crop type? If you want to grow something that needs SHADING, can you just do it?
    * Which crops are controlled here? Bamboo? Papaya? Marihuana? [...]
    * [...] 

    case of >riki
    * "minimum size is ~20m"
        * 35029A030003350000HO
        * https://www1.sedecatastro.gob.es/CYCBienInmueble/OVCConCiud.aspx?del=35&mun=29&UrbRus=&RefC=35029A030003350000HO&Apenom=&esBice=&RCBice1=&RCBice2=&DenoBice=&latitud=&longitud=&gradoslat=&minlat=&seglat=&gradoslon=&minlon=&seglon=&x=&y=&huso=&tipoCoordenadas=
    * more info/contact via → info@totalism.org
    * [...]


info by @dcht00; parts in Slovenian; stub as of Jan 2016

    * cht.lj (2012)
    * [...]

    * full list of laws:

    * ZGO-1 ("Law on Building Objects") + bylaws:
        * http://www.gu.gov.si/si/zakonodaja_in_dokumenti/drugi_predpisi/zakon_o_graditvi_objektov/
        * @2 defines "Object" (fixed to ground, etc)
        * bylaws:
            * "Decree amending the Regulation on classification of construction with regard to their complexity" !!!!!:
                * http://www.pisrs.si/Pis.web/pregledPredpisa?id=URED6200
                * zahteven / manj zahteven / nezahteven / enostaven
                * enostaven "ni namenjen bivanju":
                    * kaj je razlika med "namenjenostjo"?
                    * kaj sankcionira to tukaj, če kaj?
                * glej priloge, kjer so definicije teh objektov !!!!!
                * [...]
            * (nothing else important)
        * [...]

    * ZUreP-1 ("Spatial Management Act") + bylaws:
        * http://www.gu.gov.si/si/zakonodaja_in_dokumenti/drugi_predpisi/zakon_o_urejanju_prostora/
        * @2 defines "Space"
        * geodet plans, catastro
        * drinking water regulations
        * [...]

    * https://pxweb.stat.si/pxweb/Database/Dem_soc/Dem_soc.asp
    * https://www.stat.si/KrajevnaImena/Settlements/ByZeroPopulation
    * https://www.stat.si/KrajevnaImena/Settlements/ByRegion (+ sortiraj po št. prebivalcev + pregled po regijah + obrni vrstni red + 50)
    This datasets could be used to develop a custom advanced tool for 🔗landsites !

    * https://www.facebook.com/groups/371540219623206/ ("Let's squat an abandoned village")
    * totalism.org active here, especially in Kranj, contact david@totalism.org !
    * also see 🔗slo-zadruge (slovenia co-ops)
    * [...]

Open questions:
    * types of land
    * prices of land
    * draft project
    * climate stuff:
        * which places in Slovenia have survivable winters
        * how to survive the winters in other places (Primorska, etc)?
    * [...]

_______________ more in 2019


_________ 2024

interesting techno/legal/artistic project that finds and problematises "the public good"
in this case, (often weirdly shaped/glitchy) unclaimed pieces of land, via GIS
by https://www.culture.si/en/Egon_March_Institute


TODO >michela !!
    * ResidenceSEA

    * there's an "island where you can build"
    * the ResidenSEA is right next to the ocean in a peculiar anthropocene/legality situation
    * tenant rights:
        * eviction in 1 year? advanced notices?
        * make modifications on the house + status of those?
    * [...]


Squatting was legalised in the '70s with heavy protests and a huge housing shortage, you could not be vacated from a place if it was undoubtedly empty (12  months) and you established domicile (lockable enclosure, table, chair and bed).
Since the financial crises following 2008, the conservative/liberal government has put every effort in promoting home ownership and preventing the housing bubble to burst. Putting heavy taxes and conditions on renting, while keeping mortgage interest tax deductable.
Blocking alternatives like stopping the financing of elderly homes so abruptly, most went under and were demolished. It also became illegal to rent too cheaply for your income, pushing living costs towards 1/2 and even 2/3s of a single income.

Squatting was banned in 2010, making it illegal to break and enter without the owner's permission.
Due to a loop hole some (shady) companies are now profiting from 'anti-squat'. Where this agency receives money from the owner for protecting against vandalism, while also receiving money from people guarding the place.
Therefore, there's no rent flowing from the tenant to the property owner and no legal protection can be claimed. Although it's illegal to register your official address on a place where there's no contract, there's an order forcing municipalities to accept domicile in these situations.
Municipalities can, however, claim administrative costs to companies acting in their jurisdiction, making this quite lucrative for local governments to keep this situation. The tenants usually have no rights to privacy, contacting the owner, living with pets, couples and certainly no kids.
Usually they have a 7 day notice when they need to vacate, no guarantee on another offer.

Almost all new building projects are upper class family homes, aiming at couples both having careers and sharing in mortgage.

Some notable projects are:
    * https://www.archilovers.com/projects/140410/floating-houses-ijburg.html
    * http://www.ecoboot.nl/

Taking the idea of a house boat a stretch further and creating full floating neighbourhoods. Most of the country has soft ground and a really high water level, Amsterdam is in fact floating about 20 mtrs above firm ground with only a thin floating layer on top. All houses in that area stand on top of poles because they would sink on the regular land. Draining such an area would lead to considerable problems with the settling of the ground, on a large scale it will also allow salt sea water to creep up through underground layers destroying arable land. This, combined with climate change's rising sea levels and increasing draughts has also led to the construction of floating green houses. Having these on an impermeable layer with some dikes around them allows them to store excess rain water in a basin beneath them protected from the sun to be used in dry periods.

PS. It is forbidden to sleep in the whole of The Netherlands. You're only allowed to sleep within a private property that has a license to be inhabited. When sleeping somewhere else like streets, public transport, forests or your own back yard, police will usually wake you and are allowed to fine you. Tents are considered building structures and will need building permits (special permits exist for less than 6 weeks). Next to that, fire is also forbidden in the whole of the country. With cooking stoves, candles, chimneys and combustion engines usually not banned, they're not allowed either. Some places already have started to enforce the ban for wood fires.

Berlin, Germany

    * ask @dcht00

    * "there are no, 0, true squats in Berlin [...] all are legalised"
    * "...but there is Kopi..."
    * there are a number of housing projects, like in Bethanien park (newyorck, etc)

    * Berliner Linie law !:
        * http://translate.google.com/translate?sl=auto&tl=en&js=y&prev=_t&hl=en&ie=UTF-8&u=https%3A%2F%2Fde.wikipedia.org%2Fwiki%2FBerliner_Linie&edit-text=&act=url
    * [...]

Norway, Sweden: "Right to roam"

Apparently you can free camp in some Scandinavian countries!

Also called:
    * "The Right to Access"
    * "Freedom to roam"
    * "Everyman's right"

    * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_to_roam
    * https://visitsweden.com/what-to-do/nature-outdoors/nature/sustainable-and-rural-tourism/about-the-right-of-public-access/
    * http://www.visitnorway.com/plan-your-trip/travel-tips/right-of-access/
    * [...]



🔗hackbases — the patterns
🔗history — application at CHT

Pure Nomadism / "Permanently Temporary"


    * "Terra Nulius" (latin) Terra Nova (seafaring, "Newfoundland")
    * potentially legally still referenceable
    * "permanently temporary"
    * [...]

Camper vans ("RVs"), "Harbours", #vanlife

See 🔗trucko !

In 2018, there is a new concept of "Harbours", see for example:


Random vanlife

River canal boats / barges

Some examples:
    * [...]

Camping on top of buildings


Free / Wild camping

Also: Caves (Spain!)

* 🔗season4 (totalism.org).
* [...]

Geodesic domes & Hexayurts

120 pounds free shipping ... doesn't look bad ?


    build with 2x1 panels & heavy duty duct-tape
    minimum cutting
    different designs
    tested a lot at burning man, etc!



    * https://joeyh.name/yurt/
    * http://www.greatbuildings.com/buildings/Yurt.html
    * http://originalyurts.com/about-yurts/yurts-and-nomads/
    * unbuild / build https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uW-FRx1Pq2I

Materials used in traditional Mongolia:
    * wooden circular frame
    * felt cover (wool)

Materials used in modern version:
    * steam-bent wooden framing or metal framing
    * canvas or tarpaulin
    * Plexiglas dome
    * wire rope
    * or radiant insulation


    Venus Project

See 🔗alike#____Venus_Project.

    Libertarian/Neoliberal "Seasteading"

No one has yet created a structure on the high seas that has been recognized as a sovereign state. Proposed structures have included modified cruise ships, refitted oil platforms, decommissioned anti-aircraft platforms, and custom-built floating islands.[4] ... Criticisms have been leveled at both the practicality and desirability of seasteading. 

via https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_Ship
[...] these projects could be considered a realization of the avant-garde Walking City[5] concept from 1964, by British architect Ron Herron of the group Archigram. The Freedom Ship also served as the inspiration for (and is closely resembled by) the Libertania, a mobile ship depicted in Grant Morrison's comic book The Filth. In the 1950s, Buckminster Fuller also proposed "floating cities" approximately a mile wide that could accommodate up to 50,000 permanent inhabitants.  Mike Wallace interviewed Buckminster Fuller on TV regarding this "floating cities" concept, which Fuller explained would free up land needed for agriculture and industrial uses. 

A key advantage of seasteads is what Friedman calls “dynamic geography,” the fact that any given seasteading unit is free to join or leave larger units within seasteading communities. Seasteading platforms would likely band together to provide common services like police protection, but with the key difference that any platform that was dissatisfied with the value it was receiving from such jurisdictions could leave them at any time. [Friedman] argues that this would “move power downward,” giving smaller units within society greater leverage to ensure the interests of their members are being served.
(also discusses some problems)




"the power of inflatable art"

    The Italians (2020)


Keep following :)

    (general links)

Also see:
    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Artificial_island
    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freedom_Ship
    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MS_The_World
    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Atlantis : project in 3 phases (1968-1973)
    * [...]

Ephemerisle festival
Ephemerisle is a floating celebration of community, learning, art and seasteading.
We construct a floating city on the Sacramento River Delta and live on it for five days. Ephemerisle has elements of Burning Man in the early 1990s: a new adventure into an alien environment, with discoveries, adventures, and mishaps along the way.
There are no tickets, no central organizers, and no rangers to keep you safe.


The Republic of Rose Island (Esperanto: Respubliko de la Insulo de la Rozoj; Italian: Repubblica dell'Isola delle Rose) was a short-lived micronation on a man-made platform in the Adriatic Sea, 11 kilometres (6.8 mi) off the coast of the province of Rimini, Italy. 
It was built by Italian engineer Giorgio Rosa, who made himself its president and declared it an independent state on 1 May 1968.[1][2] Rose Island had its own government, currency, post office, and commercial establishments, and the official language was Esperanto.[1] However, it was never formally recognized as a sovereign state by any country of the world. Viewed by the Italian government as a ploy by Rosa to raise money from tourists while avoiding national taxation, Rose Island was occupied by the Italian police forces on 26 June 1968, subject to naval blockade, and eventually demolished in February 1969.[3][4]
see also
  • REM Island, a platform towed into international waters for the purposes of offshore radio broadcasting.
  • Republic of Minerva, a short-lived artificial island micronation in the Pacific Ocean.
  • Sealand, a declared principality near the United Kingdom, built on a World War II sea fort.


DIY House Plans

    * hexayurts (see more above)
    * http://wikihouse.cc
    * [...] ###

"Living architecture"


Baubotanik is dealing with new building typologies that redefine the relation between inside and outside, city and landscape, nature and culture: In the past the European city was seperated from the wild nature of the surrounding forests. Then trees entered the city and the city itself expanded into the countryside. This dispersion of architecture and nature is now carried on to an amalgamation where buildings and trees fuse to one unit. The Plane Tree Cube Nagold is an example for that.


<------------------------ (new) TYPOLOGIES ↑


Please add yourself or people you know here.

Facebook group: Hackbase Architecture Group

    * David Potocnik (@dcht00) : started this doc, architecture theory/software (david@totalism.org)
    * Tim McCormick : 
    * Eric Hunting : http://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Eric_Hunting 
    * Miloš Kosec : http://architectuul.com/architect/milos-kosec
    * http://twitter.com/KompaLaw : lawyer
    * SQEK: 🔗sqek-index
    * [...] <

Also see:
    * 🔗alike

*** (meta)

    Todo !!!
    * publish 🔗chtlj !!!
    * merge in David's docs (#hackingh , ...)
    * [...]

    How to collect this research?
    * see 🔗E2H !
    * option: host on sharewiki ?
    * maybe federated wiki http://fed.wiki.org/view/welcome-visitors ?

    Next for format

    * v1: separate Manifesto and Pad <--------- (now)
    * v2: restructure / merge both "Hacking housing" docs
    * v3: region + typology table / matrix!
    * [...]

    Related documents
    * 🔗hacking-housing
    * 🔗architecture
    * 🔗land-attributes (stub!)
    * 🔗season4 <--- application of these principles to the CHT Hackbase
    * [...]

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Write your own comments, ideas, etc :  ---> [...] <---

< tjm.org

[great idea, love this. Just checking & thumbs up, more later. -Tim McCormick  Twitter @tmccormick tjm.org ]

< @dazinism

Yes this is interesting.UK wise there are possible options for expanding a houshold within the curtailage of a house. Residential development in the open countryside if there is an 'essential need' as part of a agricultural/forestry livelihood.Radical Routes have been effectively hacking housing co-op finance and regulations for years. twitter @dazinism
Also see http://beingsomewhere.net/ Simon and Jasmine are doing some great work. Experimenting with building using materials found on site or recycled as much as possible.  Also addressing beuracracy.

< @kamiel79

After some explorations in France and Spain, #Portugal seems to be the best bet. Central Portugal. See http://earth-neighbours.com. Much less red tape, many UK people came here for early retirement and sustainable living. Internet coverage on rural hilltop fast enough for basic stuff for 40/month, but if you're lucky there are even ruins with a telephone line. I like the coming together of hacker/sustainability cultures. I'm everywhere @kamiel79

ˇˇˇˇˇˇˇˇ REPLY

The problem is the weather, so I'm betting on Canary Islands. The slight but substantial difference in low temperatures, esp in winters:

    Lanzarote: normal winter night low 16°C, cold of 13°C
    Coimbra, central Portugal: normal nights <10°C, low around 0°C

(I picked Coimbra, open to change to other reference Central Portugal place). The difference between 15 and 5 degrees is, in the first you can camp and won't get sick if you pass out on the porch, in the second you can't camp, and will get a winter cough.
Land prices in Lanza are 3-5€/square meter for farming land. I think the connectivity is not much worse - cheap flights. @dcht00

< @stefek99

Random #Polish link - New legislation - no need for building permits under certain conditions. (use Google translate)  Twitter @stefek99

One more, this time from wikipedia - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Micha%C5%82_Drzyma%C5%82a - "He is a Polish folk hero because, after he was denied permission to build a house on his own land (only because he was Polish) by the Prussian authorities in the village of Kaisertreu, he bought a circus wagon and turned it into his home. At the time, Prussian law considered any dwelling a house if it remained stationary for more than 24 hours. Drzymała use the mobility of the wagon to exploit the law and to avoid the negative consequences by moving the wagon each day and thus preventing the Prussians the ability to penalize him."

< @mspanc

[ Truly awesome concept, I am in Twitter @mspanc ]

(encountered on jvea.org conf 2015-07)

Encountered July 2015 on jvea.org "conference" ...

    compiled by Alan Smart
    .PDF can be had - watch this space

2) SQEK:
    http://sqek.squat.net/ ("squatting everywhere research kollektive")


Amsterdam squat + hacking
"Where are they now?"

< gio.yono

The ideas are great but not everyone wants to go into the countryside & loneliness, even if with a few other like-minded people.
Many people want to enjoy different cities and their inspiring spirit
 So how about populating flat roofs in big cities as summer camps?
 Tents or other structures on the roof can be connected to the infrastructures in the flats below, where friends (and the owner of the house) allow to use the toilet, electricity, WLAN, etc.
 Some flat roofs can have damage from people who are walking on it, therefore the owner has to be asked before, as he has to come up for the renovation costs.
 Also people who are drunk or do not see in the dark can fall down from the roof, so some fence, etc. would be of benefit. 

--- gio.yono1@gmail.com

3D-printed Housing
    * https://www.nasa.gov/directorates/spacetech/centennial_challenges/3DPHab/index.html
    * https://www.businessinsider.fr/us/3d-homes-that-take-24-hours-and-less-than-4000-to-print-2018-9
    * https://www.iconbuild.com/ :
        Vulcan II
    * https://cobod.com/
    * [...]
* they don't look realy 3d-printed, think windows, etc
* ... so, DEFINE 3D-PRINTED !  ... define by labour intensity ... #automation
* ... also and mostly, define by MATERIALS, HABITAT PROPERTIES, ...

Chattel house (Barbados)
movable house, associated with Barbados

Tiny House Villages
Emerald Village Eugene (EVE) is an affordable tiny home community developed by SquareOne Villages. 
It builds upon the success of Opportunity Village Eugene, which is a transitional micro-housing community for otherwise homeless individuals and couples. This next iteration of our village model provides a permanent, accessible and sustainable place to transition to.

Rethinking public lands
#oldie #tomerge
(fragments on idea to petition UNESCO for Lanzarote as "terra nova", etc)

    * ... as common lands?
    * any successful campaigns that changed the rules?
    * any ready-made rulesets?
    * any national, supernational ally organizations?
    * re-indigenous? neo-indigenous/trans-indigenous initiatives?
    * establishing "free land" anywhere in the world?
    * [...]

there's a lot of public land almost everywhere

Case of #cht7d eviction / #EOL : ley de costas 2021-05-20

___________ situation

* (guardia passes by previous day, after a while, might be related)

* police come, give 24h notice:
    say they'll come again only on monday (in 4 days)
    there's 11 vehicles.
    others higher up, which got eviction previous day, don't get it this time !

* basically, 20m in urbano, 100m normal, 200m extended:
    ### how to see if extended: ???
    important: establish zero line!:
        not high water mark but "coast line", usually this will be cliff top + ~5-10m

full info:
    * https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ley_de_Costas_de_Espa%C3%B1a
    * https://www.miteco.gob.es/es/costas/preguntas-frecuentes/index2010-10-29_22.56.32.8360.aspx
        ### checkout

___________ finding new spot
********[m!!↑] merge this **********


* check for land status

* check for nature / protected zones

* mapa de ocupacion de suelo:
    (at least, if any of it is out of COASTAL ZONE) ... however that's established

* LITORAL→ Deslinde dominio public maritimo:
    aka "COSTAS" :)
    DPMT = Dominion maritimo publico terestre
        green = "Límite DPMT aprobadoDPMT :
            maybe zero point?
        purple = "DPMT=Límite SP aprobada":
            maybe +100m ?


    shows kind of CATASTRAL FEATURES but also NATURAL (like barranco)


Jablito 2022 case:
            B) ORDENACION DT:
                SAU PA + SUz = "Suelo apto para urbanizar con planes aprobados" + "Suelo Urbanizable"
                close to SRC= Suelo Rustico Comun

<-------------- (now) !!!!!!

open q:
    * LEGAL -- what can we do with a RUINA?:
            IS marked as RUIN
            but NOT on CATASTRO (=RUIN WITH NO OWNER)???
    * CONSTRUCTION -- easiest way to secure a ruina:
        * steel mesh net + wooden cross beams + don't sleep there + stress test + cement asap (HOW TO DIY CEMENT?)
        * ask >santi
    * ###

<-------------------------------------------------------- ((new))

found via slovenian moneylab (2020) 
"""We are a group of architects, researchers, and educators, who develop solutions for spatial problems; hacking economic, technological and political infrastructures to shape the future city.""" <--- has this, link to social media (quite active and popular, reposting pretty things) and ... nothing more? where are the solutions, the hacks?
looks like liberal mutualism

via http://blog.p2pfoundation.net/introducing-the-commoners-of-the-european-commons-assembly-madrid/2017/10/23 :
    * MINISTRY OF SPACE @Belgrade:
        Iva Cukic: Ministry of Space (Ministarstvo prostora) is a collective from Belgrade which was founded in 2011 with the aim of reflection on the future of cities. Their joint work was initially focused on the formal creation and defense of public and common space, using the DIY philosophy. This is a further incentive to the study of different approaches to urban development, cultural practices and interventions in cities, through a series of actions, exhibitions, workshops and public discussions.
    * [...]

#lol #detournment #squatting @SLO

@UK #camping #legal
"Freedom camping club are a fully certified exempted organisation and have legal powers to licence any piece of land deemed suitable for camping and caravanning to operate as a campsite. You don't need to apply for planning permission or a licence from your local authority and its a great way to get a small campsite running in areas where planning approval would not normally be given."
a bit like #CLT ?

Tiny house and Green house #live-in #research #textilefarming
PhD research from Svenja Keune https://www.instagram.com/textilefarming/
in Sweden

Fabship as " Off-grid maker spaces for a better world"
derived from https://www.earthshipglobal.com/

pioneer: Michael Reynolds
self sufficient housing, no bills, no harm for natural environment
 (arch. Barbara Wojtkowska) -> minimum 14 celsius degree inside an earthship - while its polish winter outside
 (polish example in Mierzeszyn, but its ugly and not open to public)
Earthship open to public - in Zwolle, Netherlands
Wikipedia: An Earthship is a style of architecture developed in the late 20th century to early 21st century by architect Michael Reynolds. Earthships are designed to behave as passive solar earth shelters made of both natural and upcycled materials such as earth-packed tires. Earthships may feature a variety of amenities and aesthetics, and are designed to withstand the extreme temperatures of a desert, managing to stay close to 70 °F (21 °C) regardless of outside weather conditions. Earthship communities were originally built in the desert of northern New Mexico, near the Rio Grande, and the style has spread to small pockets of communities around the globe, in some cases in spite of legal opposition to its construction and adoption. 
Reynolds developed the Earthship design after moving to New Mexico and completing his degree in architecture, intending them to be "off-the-grid-ready" homes, with minimal reliance on public utilities and fossil fuels. They are constructed to use available natural resources, especially energy from the sun and rain water. They are designed with thermal mass construction and natural cross-ventilation to regulate indoor temperature, and the designs are intentionally uncomplicated and mainly single-story, so that people with little building knowledge can construct them. They can be perceived as a realization of the utopia of autonomous housing and sustainable living. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Earthship
passive architecture
popular trend in architecture right now
neorurals in warsaw (meh)
"Życie poza systemem - off grid, kampery, cohousing, ekowioski" group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/1623441477951491/?notif_id=1673360842145475&notif_t=group_r2j_approved&ref=notif "living outside the system - off grid, campers, cohousing, ecovillages" polish group on fb with 51 000 participants

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