< DRAFT++ >
Necessary conceptuals & language
"We are comrades when we face the same dangers." (A.Platonov)
2014→ original
2021/02→ refreshed

Table of Contents
¶How to download books? Shadow libraries!
For general info, see SLUM (Shadow Library Uptime Monitor) !
* CHT's internal collection:
Ask for access. ........TOTALISM-ARCHIVE🔗/BOOKS : CHT internal collection. Ask for access.
* "Library Genesis" book search. ~90% of anything that is online:
* (2023→) ←←←
...down? find replacement here (check top messages)
* Nexus (2023→):
* telegram bot (works great!): (choose one here) ←←←
* STC (via IPFS):
direct →
* Anna's Archive (2022→):
"📚 The largest truly open library in human history. ⭐️ We mirror Sci-Hub and LibGen. We scrape and open-source Z-Lib, DuXiu, and more. 📈 6,729,402 books, 24,142,422 papers — preserved forever. All our code and data are completely open source"
* Aaaaarg: : The other ~10%, has ~30% overlap with LibGen
* Sci-Hub: : Scientific articles, via their DOI (Wiki🔗Digital_object_identifier):
...down? find replacement here
For general info, see SLUM (Shadow Library Uptime Monitor) !
* CHT's internal collection:
Ask for access.
* "Library Genesis" book search. ~90% of anything that is online:
* (2023→) ←←←
...down? find replacement here (check top messages)
* Nexus (2023→):
* telegram bot (works great!): (choose one here) ←←←
* STC (via IPFS):
direct →
* Anna's Archive (2022→):
"📚 The largest truly open library in human history. ⭐️ We mirror Sci-Hub and LibGen. We scrape and open-source Z-Lib, DuXiu, and more. 📈 6,729,402 books, 24,142,422 papers — preserved forever. All our code and data are completely open source"
* Aaaaarg: : The other ~10%, has ~30% overlap with LibGen
* Sci-Hub: : Scientific articles, via their DOI (Wiki🔗Digital_object_identifier):
...down? find replacement here
A downloadable library with shared annotations and advanced theoretical tools.
Also see: 🔗text (Text.Totalism project).
A downloadable library with shared annotations and advanced theoretical tools.
Also see: 🔗text (Text.Totalism project).
Advanced-stage capitalism is not only a way of organising work — capital owners, "the 1%", directly and indirectly dominate culture and nature. This would make any shift in the core of capitalism a topic with total consequences.
Advanced-stage capitalism is not only a way of organising work — capital owners, "the 1%", directly and indirectly dominate culture and nature. This would make any shift in the core of capitalism a topic with total consequences.
¶ Jeremy Rifkin — The End of Work
"The end of work" is the upcoming abstraction and machine automation of mostly all that is currently understood as work. Inside capitalism, the critical moment is specifically where technology meets capital: who gets to own this "capital": the "factory without the worker".
This book, originally published in 1995, demonstrates that end of work (=end of jobs) is an immediate reality. For most, who are currently subsisting through participation in the wage labour system, this is also end of getting paid and able to "not die". The (postfordist) idea of "for every job at the bottom closed by technology, there's one opening at the top" is ridiculous and proven wrong here.
The "sharing economy" and their VC-backed, for-profit enterprises, are not going to help that. Neither will other institutional types — the public academia, NGO system, art world, etc — which will not expand to provide significant new employment).
Wiki🔗Universal_Basic_Income is often suggested: besides being undesirable for its own reasons, it is politically untenable, see this argued effectively here by Dmytri Kleiner, who correctly rather calls to strive for an "Universal basic outcome".
"The end of work" is the upcoming abstraction and machine automation of mostly all that is currently understood as work. Inside capitalism, the critical moment is specifically where technology meets capital: who gets to own this "capital": the "factory without the worker".
This book, originally published in 1995, demonstrates that end of work (=end of jobs) is an immediate reality. For most, who are currently subsisting through participation in the wage labour system, this is also end of getting paid and able to "not die". The (postfordist) idea of "for every job at the bottom closed by technology, there's one opening at the top" is ridiculous and proven wrong here.
The "sharing economy" and their VC-backed, for-profit enterprises, are not going to help that. Neither will other institutional types — the public academia, NGO system, art world, etc — which will not expand to provide significant new employment).
Wiki🔗Universal_Basic_Income is often suggested: besides being undesirable for its own reasons, it is politically untenable, see this argued effectively here by Dmytri Kleiner, who correctly rather calls to strive for an "Universal basic outcome".
¶ McKenzie Wark — Hacker Manifesto
"Hackers" are (or, are proposed to consolidate as) a new societal Class that produces abstractions; the mechanics of expropriating abstractions (turning them into capital), is different than with non-abstract labour.
Some examples are theory/tactics, replicable organization infrastructures; contra: expropriative forms of intellectual property, proprietary technology, marketing, etc.
Hackerspaces are existing infrastructure to expand and replicate common access to, and think critically of high technology, and if organized correctly, could be a defining agent of change in the way technology is developed and propagated.
Hackbases (with CHT as an instance) are a direct extension of this:
#1) hacking is political (not "having fun with technology") - there is a common interest
#2) hackbases are a necessary new institution for this class to self-develop, as a platform for new strategies to be developed and executed
#3) curate the strategies as an independent, consistent & consequential hacker micro-state, that can be replicated
Independence from whimsicality of current institutions is a base motive to how CHT operates. Reliance on either governments and local councils, or personal first-world wealth shared among a group of niceties you choose to tolerate, or any other reactionary instinct, is rejected.
Examples of successful abstractions brought to commons:
* vectorialist "UNIX" system freed by hackers (Stallman, Torvalds et al) -> GNU/Linux
* ... and open-source software in general
* closed encyclopedias for sale, controlled by central authorities -> Wikipedia
* [...]
"Hackers" are (or, are proposed to consolidate as) a new societal Class that produces abstractions; the mechanics of expropriating abstractions (turning them into capital), is different than with non-abstract labour.
Hackerspaces are existing infrastructure to expand and replicate common access to, and think critically of high technology, and if organized correctly, could be a defining agent of change in the way technology is developed and propagated.
Hackbases (with CHT as an instance) are a direct extension of this:
#1) hacking is political (not "having fun with technology") - there is a common interest
#2) hackbases are a necessary new institution for this class to self-develop, as a platform for new strategies to be developed and executed
#3) curate the strategies as an independent, consistent & consequential hacker micro-state, that can be replicated
Independence from whimsicality of current institutions is a base motive to how CHT operates. Reliance on either governments and local councils, or personal first-world wealth shared among a group of niceties you choose to tolerate, or any other reactionary instinct, is rejected.
Examples of successful abstractions brought to commons:
* vectorialist "UNIX" system freed by hackers (Stallman, Torvalds et al) -> GNU/Linux
* ... and open-source software in general
* closed encyclopedias for sale, controlled by central authorities -> Wikipedia
* [...]
¶ Dmytri Kleiner — Telekommunist Manifesto
Theoretical foundations for real work at some of those strategies.
Copyfarleft, Venture communism, etc.
A license that says "You cannot use this in a for-profit driven enterprise."
This goes against free software licenses, which specifically propagates full freedom of anyone to use the work in full capacity.
Theoretical foundations for real work at some of those strategies.
Copyfarleft, Venture communism, etc.
A license that says "You cannot use this in a for-profit driven enterprise."
This goes against free software licenses, which specifically propagates full freedom of anyone to use the work in full capacity.
¶ Abbie Hoffman — Steal this book
A practice-minded attitude alignment & inspiration. Yippies (and Situationists in general) were an even more concrete practical-political attempt back in the 1970s. Make your own cornflakes and yoghurt, don't pay rent but squat buildings, etc.
A practice-minded attitude alignment & inspiration. Yippies (and Situationists in general) were an even more concrete practical-political attempt back in the 1970s. Make your own cornflakes and yoghurt, don't pay rent but squat buildings, etc.
¶ Monochrom — "Hacking the Spaces"
Brilliant essay on hacker ethics that sets terrain for hackerspace + coliving = hackbase.
Brilliant essay on hacker ethics that sets terrain for hackerspace + coliving = hackbase.
¶ Bruce Sterling — Maneki Neko
Life in a world with Maneki Neko, a society running on an organising tool similar to middlemachine - the workflow agent developed and used at CHT. A shine of non-dystopic elements in Quantified self + Internet of things + Cybernetics + Smart ideation/execution agents.
Life in a world with Maneki Neko, a society running on an organising tool similar to middlemachine - the workflow agent developed and used at CHT. A shine of non-dystopic elements in Quantified self + Internet of things + Cybernetics + Smart ideation/execution agents.
¶ Lion Kimbro — How to make a complete map of every thought you think
A mess of a book and the author fully acknowledges that, but it couldn't be any other way. The problem with "social activism" is capturing the complex totality of ideas, and finding a clear executive action narrative, personal and inter-personal. In the individual sense, not in this currently trendy sense of "communities".
A mess of a book and the author fully acknowledges that, but it couldn't be any other way. The problem with "social activism" is capturing the complex totality of ideas, and finding a clear executive action narrative, personal and inter-personal. In the individual sense, not in this currently trendy sense of "communities".
¶ Ted Nelson — "I don't buy in"
... plus everything else from him. Introduced the terms "Hypertext", "Hypermedia", "Transclusion", "Intertwingularity", "Teledildonics", etc. Also see Vannevar Bush and Douglas Engelbart.
... plus everything else from him. Introduced the terms "Hypertext", "Hypermedia", "Transclusion", "Intertwingularity", "Teledildonics", etc. Also see Vannevar Bush and Douglas Engelbart.
¶ Project Cybersyn (Stafford Beer, et al)
->>> Wiki🔗Project_Cybersyn
An idea of a data-driven governance model / society.
Cybernetic totalism in 1970's socialist Chile.
->>> Wiki🔗Project_Cybersyn
An idea of a data-driven governance model / society.
Cybernetic totalism in 1970's socialist Chile.
¶ Cognitive Dissonance Theory (Leon Festinger)
->>> Wiki🔗Cognitive_dissonance
Violent protection of one's own idiosyncrasies when faced with self-conflict.
->>> Wiki🔗Cognitive_dissonance
Violent protection of one's own idiosyncrasies when faced with self-conflict.
¶ CHT / Hackbase manual
->>> 🔗manual
CHT is a coliving infrastructure, not a community.
Community-based systems are reproduced through people explaining things to each other (over and over again). Infrastructural systems are formed and reproduced through defining processes.
### add:
by Jo Freeman aka Joreen
->>> 🔗manual
CHT is a coliving infrastructure, not a community.
Community-based systems are reproduced through people explaining things to each other (over and over again). Infrastructural systems are formed and reproduced through defining processes.
¶ Donella Meadows et al — The Limits to Growth
Overshoot / systems thinking in numbers / totalism ("trying to capture the totality of a system and base ethical decision on top of that"). One of the necessary foundations for anthropocenic thought.
Overshoot / systems thinking in numbers / totalism ("trying to capture the totality of a system and base ethical decision on top of that"). One of the necessary foundations for anthropocenic thought.
¶ McKenzie Wark — Molecular Red : Theory for the Anthropocene
Bogdanov's early 20th century vision of a (communist) science of organisation (Tektology), one of the foundations of Wiki🔗systems theory.
"In Molecular Red, McKenzie Wark creates philosophical tools for the Anthropocene, our new planetary epoch, in which human and natural forces are so entwined that the future of one determines that of the other."
"Common sense has it that the Cold War is over, that the Soviet Union lost and the United States won. While some would wish to hibernate in some “psychic soviet,” the dominant mood is that regnant American-style capitalism won a global victory. The historic arc of Molecular Red is different. In this version, the collapse of the Soviet system merely prefigures the collapse of the American one. While the ruins of the first are real and poignant, the ruins of the latter have not quite been apprehended for what they are."
Bogdanov's early 20th century vision of a (communist) science of organisation (Tektology), one of the foundations of Wiki🔗systems theory.
"In Molecular Red, McKenzie Wark creates philosophical tools for the Anthropocene, our new planetary epoch, in which human and natural forces are so entwined that the future of one determines that of the other."
"Common sense has it that the Cold War is over, that the Soviet Union lost and the United States won. While some would wish to hibernate in some “psychic soviet,” the dominant mood is that regnant American-style capitalism won a global victory. The historic arc of Molecular Red is different. In this version, the collapse of the Soviet system merely prefigures the collapse of the American one. While the ruins of the first are real and poignant, the ruins of the latter have not quite been apprehended for what they are."
¶ New Babylon (Constant Nieuwenhuys)

Wiki🔗New_Babylon_(Constant_Nieuwenhuys): "... is an anti-capitalist city, perceived and designed in 1959-74 as a future potentiality by visual artist Constant Nieuwenhuys."
For best explication, see McKenzie Wark's The Beach Beneath the Street, The Everyday Life and Glorious Times of the Situationist International (Chapter 11).

Wiki🔗New_Babylon_(Constant_Nieuwenhuys): "... is an anti-capitalist city, perceived and designed in 1959-74 as a future potentiality by visual artist Constant Nieuwenhuys."
For best explication, see McKenzie Wark's The Beach Beneath the Street, The Everyday Life and Glorious Times of the Situationist International (Chapter 11).
¶ General
* (Hackbases central site)
* , especially:
[...] ###
* (by Maxigas)
* (Hackbases central site)
* , especially:
* (by Maxigas)
¶ On CHT
* 🔗web - Project's main website
* July 2017 article on the hackbase, its wider political context, and possible implications by @manisha_bot.
* May 2013 DeskMag article on CHT and other similar spaces (report from OuiShare Fest #1 panel). Probably what popularised the co-occurrence of "coliving+coworking"?
* 🔗project-hss - The CHT HACKER|SPACE|SHIP is a concept developed in April 2013: one random possibility what could be done (or thought) with this hackbase
* ###
* 🔗web - Project's main website
* July 2017 article on the hackbase, its wider political context, and possible implications by @manisha_bot.
* May 2013 DeskMag article on CHT and other similar spaces (report from OuiShare Fest #1 panel). Probably what popularised the co-occurrence of "coliving+coworking"?
* 🔗project-hss - The CHT HACKER|SPACE|SHIP is a concept developed in April 2013: one random possibility what could be done (or thought) with this hackbase
¶ Other spaces
* 🔗alike - worldwide list of spaces (infrastructure) and typologies
* 🔗calendar - calendar of hacker/theory/art events in Europe
* 🔗maps - downloadable free geo-maps
* 🔗alike - worldwide list of spaces (infrastructure) and typologies
* 🔗calendar - calendar of hacker/theory/art events in Europe
* 🔗maps - downloadable free geo-maps
¶ Resources / Wikis
* Appropedia Wiki (basic infrastructure technology)
* P2P Foundation wiki is still a quality resource, though since 2018 at least, it has been compromised
* ### 2021/02 down :(
* OpenSource Ecology Wiki (basic machinery)
* N55 manuals !!
* (Water)
* (Interesting)
* Appropedia Wiki (basic infrastructure technology)
* P2P Foundation wiki is still a quality resource, though since 2018 at least, it has been compromised
* OpenSource Ecology Wiki (basic machinery)
* N55 manuals !!
* (Water)
* (Interesting)
¶Other reading lists
* ("Reading lists for hackers")
* ("Theory" mailing list, inactive)
* 🔗d-reads
* art influences ###
* [...] ###
* ("Reading lists for hackers")
* ("Theory" mailing list, inactive)
* [...] ###