

< DRAFT++ >
    20221024 big overview, reheadering
Ties to:
    XXX🔗books ("relevant to CHT") [m!!*]

Table of Contents
2.1 ————— was "TO READ NEXT"
2.2 ANTICAPITALISM— (Princeton oligarchy study)
2.3 MARXISM/ANTICAPITALISM/CONTEMPORARY— Mike Healy - Marx and Digital Machines / Alienation, Technology, Capitalism
2.4 [!] ARCHITECTURE/COMMONS/CHT/KNOW— Tim Mccormick - Village Building
2.5 ANARCHISM/ECONOMICS/KNOW— Kevin Carson - ###
2.6 [!!] ANTICAPITALISM/PEDAGOGY— Paolo Freire - Pedagogy of the oppressed
2.7 [!!] INDIGENOUS/ANTICAPITALISM— Combahee river collective statement
2.8 COMMONS— The Future We Deserve (100 essays about the future)
2.9 [!*] REWILDING/INDIGENOUS/CHT— Masanobu Fukuoka - One Straw Revolution (1975)
2.10 CONTEMPORARY— Ellen Ullman - Close to the Machine: Technophilia and Its Discontents (2012)
2.11 [e] COMMONS/CHT/KNOW— Vinay Gupta - The unplugged
2.12 COMMONS/CHT— Los indias - Book of community
2.13 [!] CHT/ARCHITECTURE/INFRASTRUCTURE— Jonathan van Lengen - The Barefoot Architect
2.14 [e!] SCIFI/STRUGGLING/ATTITUDE— Nikolay Chernyshevsky - What is to be done?
2.15 POSTCHATTER— Geert Lovink, Ned Rossiter - Organization after Social Media
2.16 CAMPING/CHT— (Military manuals / bushcraft)
2.17 [!] ARCHITECTURE/COMMONS— Kathryn McCamant - Cohousing: A Contemporary Approach to Housing Ourselves
2.18 [!] STRUGGLING/ECOLOGY/ANTICAPITALISM— Ernest Callenbach - Ecotopia (1975)
2.19 [!!**h] LIST/MARXISM— (COMMUNISM 101)
2.20 [!!f] MARXISM/CYBERSYN/KNOW— Paul Cockshott / Allin Cottrell - Towards a New Socialism
2.21 [c!*] ANTICAPITALISM— Manufacturing Consent (Herman/Chomsky)
2.22 SCIFI— Jack London - The Iron Heel
2.23 [!] MARXISM/CONTEMPORARY— Mark Fisher - Capitalist Realism
2.24 [!] SCIFI— Ursula K. Le Guin - The Dispossessed
2.25 [e] SCIFI/HACKER— William Gibson - Neuromancer
2.26 [e] SCIFI— Rene Daumal - Mount analogue (1952)
2.27 MARXISM— Marcuse - ###
2.28 [!] STRUGGLING— Edward Abbey - The Monkey Wrench Gang
2.30 [!!] HYPERMEDIA/MIMA— (hypermedia classics, via browsing Monoskop)
2.31 [!*] MARXISM/CHINA— Roland Boer - Socialism with Chinese Characteristics: A Guide for Foreigners
2.32 ANTIIRONY/ATTITUDE— Graham John Foster - The Gathering of a Force: David Foster Wallace’s Millennial Fictions and the Literature of Replenishment
2.33 [!] MARXISM/SOUTH— Gianni Vattimo, Santiago Zabala - Hermeneutic Communism: From Heidegger to Marx (2011)
2.34 [!] ECOLOGY— Troy Vettese and Drew Pendergrass - Half earth socialism
2.35 [!] MARXISM— Lenin - Letter to Sylvia Pankhurst
2.36 [e] HACKER— Ville-Matias "Viznut" Heikkilä - Permacomputing
2.37 [!] STRUGGLING— Robert Paxton - The Anatomy of Fascism
2.38 ————— was "TO READ LATER"
2.39 SCIFI— Margaret Atwood - Handmaid's tale
2.40 ATTITUDE/CONTEMPORARY— Franz Fanon - The Wretched of the Earth
2.41 SCIFI— Vladimir Bartol - Alamut
2.42 [e!] SCIFI— (More Doctorow?)
2.43 [!!*] SCIFI/STRUGGLING— (More Kim Stanley Robinson / KSR)
2.44 [!] CHT/CAMPING— ("ultra light backpacking")
2.45 [!] CYBERSYN/SOCIALISM— (Socialism & econometrics)
2.46 CHINA/CONTEMPORARY— Martin Jacques - When China rules the world
2.47 LIST/MARXISM/ECOLOGY— (Ecosocialist / red-green list)
2.48 [!] MARXISM/ATTITUDE/KNOW— Samo Tomšič - The capitalist unconscious
2.49 MARXISM— Marx - Poverty of philosophy (vs Proudhon)
2.50 COMMONS— (general on commoning)
2.51 [!e] MARXISM— Stalin - Dialectical and Historical Materialism (1938)
2.52 IMPERIALISM/ANTICAPITALISM— Vincent Bevins - The Jakarta Method (2020)
2.53 [!e] MARXISM— Darryl Mitchell - Marxist glossary
2.54 ANTICAPITALISM/ATTITUDE— Franco Bifi Berardi - The third unconscious
2.55 [!] TACTICS/POLEMICS/FEMINISM— Sara Ahmed - Complaint!
2.56 [e] MARXISM/101— Albert Einstein — "Why socialism?"
2.57 CHT/ALIKE— (appropedia in general)
2.58 [e!] SCIFI/— Kafka - Metamorphosis
2.59 [e] MARXISM/CHINA— (Xi speech on Marx, 2019)
2.60 [e] COMMONS— P.M. - The Power of Neighborhood" and The Commons
2.61 [!] STRUGGLING/ECOLOGY/CONTEMPORARY— Andreas Malm: How to Blow Up a Pipeline: Learning to Fight in a World on Fire (2021)
2.62 [!*] ANTICAPITALISM/CONTEMPORARY/CLASSES— George Caffentzis - In Letters of Blood and Fire: Work, Machines, and the Crisis of Capitalism (2013)
2.63 [!] MARXISM— Stalin - Dialectical and Historical Materialism (1938)
2.64 [!] CYBERSYN— (some authors)
2.65 [!] Douglas Hofstadter - I am a strange loop & Gödel, Escher, Bach
2.67 [!] INFRASTRUCTURE/NETWORKS/TACTICS/CYBERSYN/COMMONS— Tineke M. Egyedi, Donna C. Mehos - Inverse Infrastructures: Disrupting Networks from Below
2.68 [!] ARCHITECTURE/FUTURISM/STRUGGLING— Ivan Chtcheglov - Formulary for a New Urbanism
2.69 [c] COMMONS/ATTITUDE/CHT— Ivan Illich - Tools for convivality
2.70 [c] NARRATIVES/ORGA/MIMA— Venkatesh Rao - Tempo: timing, tactics and strategy in narrative-driven decision-making
2.71 [!] CHT/MARXISM/SOUTH— George Ciccariello-Maher - Building the Commune (2017)
2.72 SCIFI/CHT— Robert Heinlein - Stranger in a strange land (1961)
2.73 [!] COMMONS/INDIGENOUS— Living Earth Community: Multiple Ways of Being and Knowing (collection)
2.74 SCIFI— Robert Macfarlane - Underland
2.75 CHT— Zaid Hassan - The Social Labs Revolution: A New Approach to Solving our Most Complex Challenges
2.76 HISTORY/ANTICAPITALISM/ECOLOGY/ATTITUDE— James C. Scott - Against The Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States (2017)
2.77 ANTICAPITALISM/FUN— Guy Debord - Introduction to a Critique of Urban Geography
2.78 FEMINISM/CONTEMPORARY/ANTITECH— Ruha Benjamin - Race after technology
2.79 ————— (merging from separate list)
2.80 CHT/COMMONS/INFRASTRUCTURE— John Thackara - How to Thrive in the Next Economy: Designing Tomorrow's World Today (2017)
2.81 [!h] ARCHITECTURE/HYPERMEDIA/CITY— Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa and Murray Silverstein - A Pattern Language
2.82 SCIFI/ATTITUDE/ALIENATION— Charles Bukowski - ###
2.83 ————— 202210↓
2.84 [!] CHT/STRUGGLING/CYBERSYN— Murray Bookchin - Post-Scarcity Anarchism
2.85 [!!*] MARXISM/CONTEMPORARY/COMMONS— Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri - Empire (2000), Multitude (2004), Commonwealth (2009)
2.86 —————
2.87 [!f] STRUGGLING/SOCIOLOGY/ATTITUDE— Mike Davis - City of Quartz
2.88 [!] KNOW/FINANCE/STRUGGLING/DIAGONAL— Brett Scott - Heretic's guide to global finance: A guide to financial activism
2.89 [!] KNOW/FINANCE/STRUGGLING/DYSTOPIA/DIAGONAL— Brett Scott - Cloudmoney: Why the war for our wallets is a war for our world
2.90 [!*] CHINA/MARXISM— Wang Hui: ###
2.91 [~] DESIGN/DIAGONAL— Johan Redström, Heather Wiltse: Changing Things The Future of Objects in a Digital World 
2.92 [//] ECOPHILOSOPHY/BOURGEOIS/NONHUMAN/MEH— Jane Bennett - Vibrant matter: A Political Ecology of Things (2020)
2.93 [~] LOL/TRASH/DIAGONAL/KULTURKRIEG— "48 rules of power"
2.94 [!*] DIAGONAL/INFRASTRUCTURE/CYBERSYN/ORGA— Joseph Tainter - Collapse of Complex Societies
2.95 [!!**] COMMUNISM— (Lenin contra Anarchists)
2.96 [~] DIAGONAL/MEH/COMMONS— "peer production" 101
2.97 [!*] ANTICAPITALISM/ECONOMICS— Pikkety - Capital in the Twenty-First Century (etc)
2.98 [!**] ANARCHISM— (trying to discuss "authority" and "state/revolution" with them)
2.99 [~] DIAGONAL/MEH/POSTCAPITALISM— Kate Rawforth  Doughnut Economcs
2.100 [!**] ECONOMICS/HACKBASES/ANTICAPITALISM— Marshall Sahlins - Stone age economics
2.101 [!*] ANTICAPITALISM/ANTICONSUMERISM/ANTINORMIES/ANTIUSA— Veblen - The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899)
2.102 [!!] Otto Neurath - ###
2.103 [!!*e] Lenin - Where to Begin (1901)
2.104 [!!**] CLASSES/COMMUNISM/MARXISM— Mao - On Contradiction, etc
2.105 [!!*] ART/###— (digital art history book)
2.106 [!!*] ECOLOGY/###— Timothy Morton - Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World (etc)
2.107 ### Ehrenreich, John; Ehrenreich, Barbara (1979) — Between Labor and Capital (1979)
2.108 [!**hf] NOVEL/COM— Roman Rolland - Jean-Christohe



McKenzie Wark - Beach beneath the street

McKenzie Wark - Molecular red

Nick Srnicek and Alex Williams - Inventing the future (postcapitalism)

e-flux journal - The internet Does Not Exist

Herman/Chomsky - Manufacturing Consent (1988)
    (@pc ???)

Suarez: Daemon + Freedom (2006 + 2010)
    (@kindle, with annotations)

Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance (1974)
    (@kindle → @sony)

_________________ kindle dies second time ... with seawater

Marx - The Communist Manifesto (1848)
    (@sony + annotations)

McKenzie Wark - Dispositions
    (unfinished randomness; ///mostly reading @sony @eljablito.casa.arte)

2020/07 W3
Francis Spufford - Red Plenty (2010)
    (Soviet information technology/Soviet internet; /// highlighted @kobo, epub)

2020/07 W4→W1
Doctorow - Walkaway (2017)
    (offgrid; revolution; /// heavily annotated, crosslinked @ kobo, epub)

2020/08 W2
Kim Stanley Robinson - Red Mars (1992)
     (annotated @ kobo, epub conversion)

2020/08 W3→W4
KSR - Blue Mars
    (read part 3 before part 2 by accident)

2020/08 W4→W1
KSR - Green Mars

Lenin - What is to be done? (1902)

George Thomson— From Marx to Mao Tse-tung : a study in revolutionary dialectics (1973) 

Malevich — 1921 "on leniency"

Mladen Stilinovič — 1993 "praise of laziness"

Sara Ahmed - Killjoy Manifesto

Jože Pirjevec - Jugoslavija 1918-1992

Manca Košir - Surovi čas medijev:
    prehod v diktaturo buržoazije s strani religioznih liberalev

Milč, Vasja Žemva— 50 let reševanja s pomočjo helikopterja v slovenskih gorah 1968-2018

Novi KLG (zbornik, na pol)


Henry James - Ambassadors
ufff ... @slo , threw away

Allen & Mike's Really Cool Backpackin' Book: Traveling & camping skills for a wilderness environment (Allen & Mike's Series)
i think first @kindle, didn't work, then @kobo

Kim Stanley Robinson - Antarctica
@kobo epub

The Muse book (diagonal, in local library)

Parenti — Blackshirts & Reds
@kobo epub

Lenin — State & Revolution
@kobo epub

<---------------------------------  (now) AM READING ↑↑↑


————— was "TO READ NEXT"

MARXISM/ANTICAPITALISM/CONTEMPORARY— Mike Healy - Marx and Digital Machines / Alienation, Technology, Capitalism
Mike Healy argues that such approaches are inherently faulty drawing upon qualitative research informed by Marx’s theory of alienation. Using Marx’s theory, he considers participants in three distinct settings: the workplace of information and communications technology (ICT) professionals; university scholars researching the ethical and societal implications of our digital environment; and a group of pensioners living in South London, UK, undertaking ICT training. By delving beneath the surface of how digital technologies are created, researched and experienced, this study illustrates the contradictory nature of our digital lives, as they directly arise from the needs of capitalism. 

[!] ARCHITECTURE/COMMONS/CHT/KNOW— Tim Mccormick - Village Building

I incorporated material from James Scott (Against the Grain), and David Graeber and David Wengrow (The Dawn of Everything) into Chapter One of The State: Theory and Praxis. https://thestatetheoryandpraxis.wordpress.com/
I'm hoping to have a rough draft of Chapter Fifteen up within the next couple of weeks, and be finished within a few weeks after that. As I expected, this book turned out to be a relatively quick write after finishing a previous long-term project, much like Homebrew Industrial Revolution -- which I wrote in a little over a year after completing the almost four-year project of Organization Theory.

[!!] ANTICAPITALISM/PEDAGOGY— Paolo Freire - Pedagogy of the oppressed

[!!] INDIGENOUS/ANTICAPITALISM— Combahee river collective statement
(..."is my starting place [for understanding domination hierarchies, their single-directedness, and intersectionality in relation to class]"...) 

COMMONS— The Future We Deserve (100 essays about the future)

[!*] REWILDING/INDIGENOUS/CHT— Masanobu Fukuoka - One Straw Revolution (1975)
#garduino #rewilding

CONTEMPORARY— Ellen Ullman - Close to the Machine: Technophilia and Its Discontents (2012)

In 1997, the computer was still a relatively new tool---a sleek and unforgiving machine that was beyond the grasp of most users. With intimate and unflinching detail, software engineer Ellen Ullman examines the strange ecstasy of being at the forefront of the predominantly male technological revolution, and the difficulty of translating the inherent messiness of human life into artful and efficient code. Close to the Machine is an elegant and revelatory mediation on the dawn of the digital era.

[e] COMMONS/CHT/KNOW— Vinay Gupta - The unplugged
#economics #scifi

COMMONS/CHT— Los indias - Book of community
"a practical guide..."

[!] CHT/ARCHITECTURE/INFRASTRUCTURE— Jonathan van Lengen - The Barefoot Architect
#architecture #diy

[e!] SCIFI/STRUGGLING/ATTITUDE— Nikolay Chernyshevsky - What is to be done?
In 1862, he was arrested and confined in the Fortress of St. Peter and Paul, where he wrote his famous novel What Is to Be Done? The novel was an inspiration to many later Russian revolutionaries, who sought to emulate the novel's hero Rakhmetov, who was wholly dedicated to the revolution, ascetic in his habits and ruthlessly disciplined, to the point of sleeping on a bed of nails and eating only raw steak in order to build strength for the Revolution. Among those who have referenced the novel include Lenin, who wrote a political pamphlet of the same name. 
#politics #agitprop

POSTCHATTER— Geert Lovink, Ned Rossiter - Organization after Social Media

Organized networks are an alternative to the social media logic of weak links and their secretive economy of data mining. They put an end to freestyle friends, seeking forms of empowerment beyond the brief moment of joyful networking. This speculative manual calls for nothing less than social technologies based on enduring time. Analyzing contemporary practices of organization through networks as new institutional forms, organized networks provide an alternative to political parties, trade unions, NGOs, and traditional social movements. Dominant social media deliver remarkably little to advance decision-making within digital communication infrastructures. The world cries for action, not likes. 
Organization after Social Media explores a range of social settings from arts and design, cultural politics, visual culture and creative industries, disorientated education and the crisis of pedagogy to media theory and activism. Lovink and Rossiter devise strategies of commitment to help claw ourselves out of the toxic morass of platform suffocation.

CAMPING/CHT— (Military manuals / bushcraft)

[!] ARCHITECTURE/COMMONS— Kathryn McCamant - Cohousing: A Contemporary Approach to Housing Ourselves
The book:
    Cohousing: A Contemporary Approach to Housing Ourselves by Kathryn McCamant
is one of the best introductions to the concept.
    o500 ... associated with ... futurist P.M./Hans Widmer, author of the important Post-Industrial futurist work Bolo'Bolo.
#coliving #hackinghousing

[!] STRUGGLING/ECOLOGY/ANTICAPITALISM— Ernest Callenbach - Ecotopia (1975)
Ernest Callenbach (April 3, 1929 – April 16, 2012) was an American author, film critic, editor, and simple living adherent.[1] He became famous due to his internationally successful semi-utopian novel Ecotopia (1975). 
#eco #radical

Start with Marx:
    Wage Labor And Capital,
    The Communist Manifesto, and
    Critique Of The Gotha Programme
Also read by Engels:
    Principals Of Communism and
    Socialism: Utopian And Scientific
Engels - The Principles of Communism (1847):
Michael Parenti - Blackshirts and Reds
Terry Eagleton - Why Marx was Right

[!!f] MARXISM/CYBERSYN/KNOW— Paul Cockshott / Allin Cottrell - Towards a New Socialism
Paul Cockshott has done writings about this (however some of his other takes are kinda eh). Towards a New Socialism however is apparently really good for this. It’s on my own list to read too.
#economics #socialism #cybersyn

[c!*] ANTICAPITALISM— Manufacturing Consent (Herman/Chomsky)

SCIFI— Jack London - The Iron Heel
(version with footnotes!)

[!] MARXISM/CONTEMPORARY— Mark Fisher - Capitalist Realism

[!] SCIFI— Ursula K. Le Guin - The Dispossessed

It achieved a degree of literary recognition unusual for science fiction due to its exploration of themes such as anarchism (on a satellite planet called Anarres) and revolutionary societies, capitalism, utopia, and individualism and collectivism. 
It features the development of the mathematical theory underlying a fictional ansible, a device capable of faster-than-light communication (it can send messages without delay, even between star systems) that plays a critical role in the Hainish Cycle. The invention of the ansible places the novel first in the internal chronology of the Hainish Cycle, although it was the fifth published.[3]

[e] SCIFI/HACKER— William Gibson - Neuromancer
(via that sci-fi list)

[e] SCIFI— Rene Daumal - Mount analogue (1952)

Mount Analogue: A Novel of Symbolically Authentic Non-Euclidean Adventures in Mountain Climbing is a classic allegorical adventure novel by the early 20th-century French novelist René Daumal. The novel describes an expedition undertaken by a group of mountaineers to travel to and climb the titular Mount Analogue, an enormous mountain on a surreal continent which is invisible and inaccessible to the outside world, and which can only be perceived by the application of obscure knowledge. The central theme of mountaineering is extensively explored through literary and philosophical lenses. 

[!] STRUGGLING— Edward Abbey - The Monkey Wrench Gang
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Monkey_Wrench_Gang (1975)
Abbey's most famous work of fiction, the novel concerns the use of sabotage to protest environmentally damaging activities in the Southwestern United States, and was so influential that the term "monkeywrench" has come to mean, besides sabotage and damage to machines, any sabotage, activism, law-making, or law-breaking to preserve wilderness, wild spaces and ecosystems. 

[!!] HYPERMEDIA/MIMA— (hypermedia classics, via browsing Monoskop)
(short, classics, pointer to semi-current practicians)

[!*] MARXISM/CHINA— Roland Boer - Socialism with Chinese Characteristics: A Guide for Foreigners
"I got it best book I ever read"
"Also, read John Ross' "China's Road""

ANTIIRONY/ATTITUDE— Graham John Foster - The Gathering of a Force: David Foster Wallace’s Millennial Fictions and the Literature of Replenishment
Thesis about David Foster Wallace (author of Infinite Jest) and #antiirony
(via Paul De Man) "irony as infinite chain of solvents"
#polemics #postirony

[!] MARXISM/SOUTH— Gianni Vattimo, Santiago Zabala - Hermeneutic Communism: From Heidegger to Marx (2011)

Part 1 of the book is called "Framed Democracy" in which he characterizes contemporary capitalism as "Armed capitalism". Also while analysing current Western parliamentary democracies he speaks of "A politics of descriptions does not impose power in order to dominate as a philosophy; rather, it is functional for the continued existence of a society of dominion, which pursues truth in the form of imposition (violence), conservation (realism), and triumph (history)."[3]  Part II is called "Hermeneutic Communism" where he talks of "Interpretation as Anarchy" and affirms that "existence is interpretation" and "hermeneutics is weak thought". Afterwards advocates a "weakened communism" and praises as models for change the contemporary Latin American left wing governments such as those of Hugo Chavez in Venezuela, Evo Morales in Bolivia and Lula in Brazil. For him "this new weak communism differs substantially from its previous Soviet (and current Chinese) realization, because the South American countries follow democratic electoral procedures and also manage to decentralize the state bureaucratic system through the misiones (social missions for community projects). In sum, if weakened communism is felt as a specter in the West, it is not only because of media distortions but also for the altemative it represents through the same democratic procedures that the West constantly professes to cherish but is hesitant to apply".[4]
The authors dedicate the book to "Castro, Chavez, Lula, and Morales."[5]

[!] ECOLOGY— Troy Vettese and Drew Pendergrass - Half earth socialism
What we can do, environmental scholars Troy Vettese and Drew Pendergrass argue, is strive for a society able to ensure high living standards while stabilizing the environment: Half-Earth socialism. This means:
Rewilding half the earth to absorb carbon emissions and restore biodiversity
A rapid transition to renewable energy, paired with drastic cuts in consumption by the world’s wealthiest
Global veganism to cut down on energy and land use
Worldwide socialist planning to efficiently and equitably manage production
The involvement of everyone—even you!
As this thrilling and provocative book makes clear, we must humbly accept that humanity cannot fully understand or control the earth—but we can plan new energy systems, large-scale rewilding, and food production for the common good.
also <KSR

[!] MARXISM— Lenin - Letter to Sylvia Pankhurst
<DK <x
regarding synthetic left basically

[e] HACKER— Ville-Matias "Viznut" Heikkilä - Permacomputing

[!] STRUGGLING— Robert Paxton - The Anatomy of Fascism

————— was "TO READ LATER"

SCIFI— Margaret Atwood - Handmaid's tale
dystopia about theonomic government

ATTITUDE/CONTEMPORARY— Franz Fanon - The Wretched of the Earth
The Wretched of the Earth (French: Les Damnés de la Terre) is a 1961 book by the psychiatrist Frantz Fanon, in which the author provides a psychological and psychiatric analysis of the dehumanizing effects of colonization upon the individual and the nation, and discusses the broader social, cultural, and political implications of establishing a social movement for the decolonization of a person and of a people. The French-language title derives from the opening lyrics of "The Internationale". 

SCIFI— Vladimir Bartol - Alamut

[e!] SCIFI— (More Doctorow?)
* https://boingboing.net/2017/08/30/communist-parties.html
* ###

[!!*] SCIFI/STRUGGLING— (More Kim Stanley Robinson / KSR)
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Ministry_for_the_Future (2020, "realistic climate change plan")
    * https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/50998056-the-ministry-for-the-future
* High Sierra (2022):
    """ is his lavish celebration of this exceptional place and an exploration of what makes this span of mountains one of the most compelling places on Earth. Over the course of a vivid and dramatic narrative, Robinson describes the geological forces that shaped the Sierras and the history of its exploration, going back to the indigenous peoples who made it home and whose traces can still be found today. He celebrates the people whose ideas and actions protected the High Sierra for future generations. He describes uniquely beautiful hikes and the trails to be avoided. Robinson’s own life-altering events, defining relationships, and unforgettable adventures form the narrative’s spine. And he illuminates the human communion with the wild and with the sublime, including the personal growth that only seems to come from time spent outdoors."""
    https://www.sierraclub.org/sierra/minister-for-sierra-kim-stanley-robinson (interview)
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aurora_(novel) (generation ship, AI 26th century, with https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_McKay )
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Years_of_Rice_and_Salt (alternative history ~ black plague)
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2312_(novel) (deep solar system colonization)
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_York_2140 (2017, flooded NYC, co-ops)
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Moon_(novel)

CHINA/CONTEMPORARY— Martin Jacques - When China rules the world
The book argues that the twenty-first century will be different: with the rise of increasingly powerful non-Western countries, the west will no longer be dominant and there will be many ways of being modern. In this new era of ‘contested modernity’ the central player will be China. Martin Jacques argues that far from becoming a western-style society, China will remain highly distinctive. It is already having a far-reaching and much-discussed economic impact, but its political and cultural influence, which has hitherto been greatly neglected, will be at least as significant. Continental in size and mentality, and accounting for one fifth of humanity, China is not even a conventional nation-state but a ‘civilization-state’ whose imperatives, priorities and values are quite different. As it rapidly reassumes its traditional place at the centre of East Asia, the old tributary system will resurface in a modern form, contemporary ideas of racial hierarchy will be redrawn and China’s ages-old sense of superiority will reassert itself.

LIST/MARXISM/ECOLOGY— (Ecosocialist / red-green list)
An Ecosocialist Starter Kit
Each person approaches ecosocialism with a different background and different interests. A basic book for one might be too difficult for another. With that caveat in mind, these are books that I often recommend to people who want an introduction.
1. Fred Magdoff and John Bellamy Foster. What Every Environmentalist Needs to Know about Capitalism, Monthly Review Press, 2011
2. Martin Empson, editor. System Change Not Climate Change: A Revolutionary Response to Environmental Crisis. Bookmarks, 2019
3. Ian Angus. Facing the Anthropocene: Fossil Capitalism and the Crisis of the Earth System Monthly Review Press 2016
4. Victor Wallis. Red-Green Revolution: The Politics and Technology of Ecosocialism. Political Animal Press. 2018
5. Chris Williams, Ecology and Socialism: Solutions to Capitalist Ecological Crisis. Haymarket Books, 2010
6. David Klein and Stephanie McMillan. Capitalism and Climate Change: The Science and Politics of Global Warming (pdf)
7. Michael Löwy. Ecosocialism: A Radical Alternative to Capitalist Catastrophe, Haymarket Books, 2015
Marxist theory and ecology
These are essential books but they are not easy reading. They require careful attention and study. Each investigates Marx’s views on the relationship between society and nature from a different angle —and as Marx said somewhere, there is no easy road to knowledge.
8. Paul Burkett. Marx and Nature: A Red and Green Perspective 2nd edition. Haymarket Books, 2014
9. John Bellamy Foster. Marx’s Ecology: Materialism and Nature Monthly Review Press, 2000
10. Kohei Saito. Karl Marx’s Ecosocialism: Capital, nature, and the Unfinished Critique of Political Economy. Monthly Review Press, 2017
Important Topics
11. Ian Angus and Simon Butler. Too Many People? Population, Immigration, and the Environmental Crisis. Haymarket Books, 2011
12. Hans Baer. Democratic Eco-Socialism as a Real Utopia: Transitioning to an Alternative World System .Berghahn Books, 2018
13. Mike Davis. Planet of Slums Verso, 2006
14. Ashley Dawson. Extinction: A Radical History OR Books, 2016
15. Martin Empson. Land & Labour: Marxism, Ecology and Human History Bookmarks, 2014
16. John Bellamy Foster, Brett Clark, and Richard York. The Ecological Rift: Capitalism’s War on the Earth Monthly Review Press, 2010
17. Hannah Holleman. Dust Bowls of Empire: Imperialism, Environmental Politics, and the Injustice of ‘Green’ Capitalism. Yale University Press, 2018
18. Fred Magdoff and Chris Williams. Creating an Ecological Society: Toward a Revolutionary Transformation Monthly Review Press. 2017
19 Andreas Malm. Fossil Capital: The Rise of Steam Power and the Roots of Global Warming Verso, 2016
20. Daniel Tanuro. Green Capitalism: Why It Can’t Work  Fernwood, 2014
via https://climateandcapitalism.com/2019/07/27/20-essential-books-on-marxist-ecology/

[!] MARXISM/ATTITUDE/KNOW— Samo Tomšič - The capitalist unconscious
“Samo Tomšič’s achievement is to explain how the reference to psychoanalysis is crucial if we are to provide a theoretical framework for a confrontation with the totality of global capitalism. To be a Marxist today, one has to go through Lacan!”
– Slavoj Žižek

[!e] MARXISM— Stalin - Dialectical and Historical Materialism (1938)

IMPERIALISM/ANTICAPITALISM— Vincent Bevins - The Jakarta Method (2020)
The Jakarta Method: Washington's Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World is a 2020 nonfiction book by American journalist and author Vincent Bevins. It concerns U.S. government support for, and complicity in, the Indonesian mass killings of 1965–66, during which an estimated one million people were killed in an effort to destroy the political left and movements for government reform in the country. The book goes on to describe subsequent replications of the strategy of mass murder, against government reform and economic reform movements in Latin America and elsewhere

ANTICAPITALISM/ATTITUDE— Franco Bifi Berardi - The third unconscious
The Unconscious knows no time, it has no before-and-after, it does not have a history of its own. Yet, it is not always the same. As it emerges in the life of people and societies, the Unconscious is shaped by ever-changing historical conditions: its form depends on the unique ‘psychosphere’ of each historical age. In the early twentieth century, Freud characterised the Unconscious as the dark side of the well-ordered framework of Progress and Reason. At the end of the past century, Deleuze and Guattari described it as a laboratory: the magmatic force that ceaselessly brings about new possibilities of imagination. Today, at a time of viral pandemics and in the midst of the catastrophic collapse of capitalism, the Unconscious has begun to emerge in yet another form.

[!] TACTICS/POLEMICS/FEMINISM— Sara Ahmed - Complaint!
Complaint collectives

also https://feministkilljoys.com/2021/10/31/gender-critical-gender-conservative

[e] MARXISM/101— Albert Einstein — "Why socialism?"

CHT/ALIKE— (appropedia in general)
#cht #alike

[e!] SCIFI/— Kafka - Metamorphosis
<andrea liu
why? ###

[e] MARXISM/CHINA— (Xi speech on Marx, 2019)

[e] COMMONS— P.M. - The Power of Neighborhood" and The Commons

diagonol: bolo'bolo
(and more from AKpress, maybe...)

The anonymous Swiss author of bolo’bolo offers a new practical proposal for reshaping the future, based on this prognosis of the present: “Our economic system is stumbling from one collapse to the next…Our system is fundamentally flawed and destabilized by internal contradictions. To point out one of them: income can only be generated by work, but work is getting scarce at the moment and will become even scarcer in the future. Thus the 'purchasing power' that capital needs to realize value is strangulated by itself. These contradictions are being deferred into the future by financial manipulations…The metaphor of the train racing towards an abyss and the need to pull the emergency brake must spring to mind. Since the braking distance has meanwhile become longer than the distance to the abyss, we have to think in terms of parachutes."

[!] STRUGGLING/ECOLOGY/CONTEMPORARY— Andreas Malm: How to Blow Up a Pipeline: Learning to Fight in a World on Fire (2021)

[!*] ANTICAPITALISM/CONTEMPORARY/CLASSES— George Caffentzis - In Letters of Blood and Fire: Work, Machines, and the Crisis of Capitalism (2013)
(Common Notions)  Paperback – April 1, 2013 

Karl Marx remarked that the only way to write about the origins of capitalism is in the letters of blood and fire used to drive workers from the common lands, forests, and waters in the sixteenth century. In this collection of essays, George Caffentzis argues that the same is true for the annals of twenty-first-century capitalism. Information technology, immaterial production, financialization, and globalization have been trumpeted as inaugurating a new phase of capitalism that puts it beyond its violent origins. Instead of being a period of major social and economic novelty, however, the course of recent decades has been a return to the fire and blood of struggles at the advent of capitalism.
Emphasizing class struggles that have proliferated across the social body of global capitalism, Caffentzis shows how a wide range of conflicts and antagonisms in the labor-capital relation express themselves within and against the work process. These struggles are so central to the dynamic of the system that even the most sophisticated machines cannot liberate capitalism from class struggle and the need for labor. Themes of war and crisis permeate the text and are given singular emphasis, documenting the peculiar way in which capital perpetuates violence and proliferates misery on a world scale. This collection draws upon a careful rereading of Marx’s thought in order to elucidate political concerns of the day. Originally written to contribute to the debates of the anticapitalist movement over the last thirty years, this book makes Caffentzis’s writings readily available as tools for the struggle in this period of transition to a common future.

[!] MARXISM— Stalin - Dialectical and Historical Materialism (1938)

[!] CYBERSYN— (some authors)
philosophy of science

[!] Douglas Hofstadter - I am a strange loop & Gödel, Escher, Bach

Agonistic design

Agonism is often described as a means for designers and citizens to reveal and contest hegemonies in society. This paper explores how agonism used within participatory design processes can enable participants to question power structures embedded in projects, express diverging views and renegotiate project frames. The potential for reaching the democratic ideals of participation thereby increases. However, there are challenges with agonism that are yet to gain momentum in the design discourse. The purpose of this paper is to identify these challenges. This is done by reflecting on a community-based tourism development project in Kenya. The reflection illustrates that not everybody may feel comfortable with sharing views in democratic forums, that people have varying preconditions for engaging in agonism and that a multitude of hegemonies exists within projects. It also highlights a need to reflect on the transferability of agonism, at a time when participatory design moves across cultures.

Agonism (from Greek ἀγών agon, "struggle") is a political and social theory that emphasizes the potentially positive aspects of certain forms of conflict. It accepts a permanent place for such conflict in the political sphere, but seeks to show how individuals might accept and channel this conflict positively. Agonists are especially concerned with debates about democracy, and the role that conflict plays in different conceptions of it. The agonistic tradition to democracy is often referred to as agonistic pluralism. Beyond the realm of the political, agonistic frameworks have similarly been utilized in broader cultural critiques of hegemony and domination, as well as in literary and science fiction. 

[!] INFRASTRUCTURE/NETWORKS/TACTICS/CYBERSYN/COMMONS— Tineke M. Egyedi, Donna C. Mehos - Inverse Infrastructures: Disrupting Networks from Below

 The notion of inverse infrastructures - that is, bottom-up, user-driven, self-organizing networks - gives us a fresh perspective on the omnipresent infrastructure systems that support our economy and structure our way of living. This fascinating book considers the emergence of inverse infrastructures as a new phenomenon that will have a vast impact on consumers, industry and policy. Using a wide range of theories, from institutional economics to complex adaptive systems, it explores the mechanisms and incentives for the rise of these alternatives to large-scale infrastructures and points to their potential disruptive effect on conventional markets and governance models. 
The approach in this unique book challenges the existing literature on infrastructures, which primarily focuses on large technical systems (LTSs). Rather, this study highlights unprecedented developments, analyzing the differences and complementarity between LTSs and inverse infrastructures. It illustrates that even large infrastructures need not require a blueprint design or top-down and centralized control to run efficiently. The expert contributors draw upon a captivating and wide ranging set of case studies, including: Wikipedia; wind energy cooperatives, Wireless Leiden, rural telecom in developing countries, local radio and television distribution, the collection of waste paper, syngas infrastructure design, and e-government projects. The book discusses the feasibility of temporary infrastructures and unheard of ownership arrangements, and concludes that inverse networks represent a critical transformation of the accepted model of infrastructure development. 
Laying a foundation for future research in the area and suggesting ways to bridge the gap between policy and practice, this path-breaking book will prove a riveting read for academics, students and researchers across a number of disciplines including economics, business, management, innovation, and technology and policy studies.

[!] ARCHITECTURE/FUTURISM/STRUGGLING— Ivan Chtcheglov - Formulary for a New Urbanism

Ivan wrote Formulaire pour un urbanisme nouveau (Formulary for a New Urbanism) in 1953, at age nineteen under the name Gilles Ivain, which was an inspiration to the Lettrist International and Situationist International. The following quotation from the text was used as the inspiration for the famous Manchester nightclub, the Haçienda: 
"And you, forgotten, your memories ravaged by all the consternations of two hemispheres, stranded in the Red Cellars of Pali-Kao, without music and without geography, no longer setting out for the hacienda where the roots think of the child and where the wine is finished off with fables from an old almanac. That’s all over. You’ll never see the hacienda. It doesn’t exist. 
The hacienda must be built."[1]
He and his friend Henry de Béarn planned to blow up the Eiffel Tower with some dynamite they had stolen from a nearby building site, because "its reflected light shone into their shared attic room and kept them awake at night."[2] He was arrested at Les Cinq Billards on Rue Mouffetard[3]  in Paris and committed to a mental hospital by his wife, where he was subdued with insulin and shock therapy, and remained for 5 years. He died in 1998. 

[c] COMMONS/ATTITUDE/CHT— Ivan Illich - Tools for convivality
(tried once, but didn't start strong, i think @okular)

[c] NARRATIVES/ORGA/MIMA— Venkatesh Rao - Tempo: timing, tactics and strategy in narrative-driven decision-making
started, but didn't really like

Tempo is a modern treatment of decision-making that weaves together concepts and principles from the mathematical decision sciences, cognitive psychology, philosophy and theories of narrative and metaphor. Drawing on examples from familiar domains such as the kitchen and the office, the author, Venkatesh Rao, illustrates the subtleties underlying everyday behavior, and explains how you can strengthen the foundations of your decision-making skills. "TEMPO is one of the most insightful and original books on decision-making I've ever read..." -- Daniel H. Pink, author of DRIVE and A WHOLE NEW MIND "An uncannily accurate analysis of our choice-making behaviors" -- David Allen, author of GETTING THINGS DONE "Tempo is a highly original and engaging book...In a world where timing is increasingly central to success, this is an essential read, not just for executives, but for everyone." -- John Hagel, co-author of THE POWER OF PULL  

[!] CHT/MARXISM/SOUTH— George Ciccariello-Maher - Building the Commune (2017)
Building the Commune is a 2017 book by sociologist and philosopher George Ciccariello-Maher. In this work Maher focuses on the participatory democratic nature of the Venezuelan commune system focusing on the history of this institution developing within the poor barios of Venezuela during the economic troubles of the 1980s and 1990s and their political growth under the Hugo Chávez presidency.[1]

SCIFI/CHT— Robert Heinlein - Stranger in a strange land (1961)

"...would fit into this. Probably not as it doesn’t deal with economics specifically. But it definitely has a focus on alternative living."

Stranger in a Strange Land is a 1961 science fiction novel by American author Robert A. Heinlein. It tells the story of Valentine Michael Smith, a human who comes to Earth in early adulthood after being born on the planet Mars and raised by Martians, and explores his interaction with and eventual transformation of Terran culture. 
The story focuses on a human raised on Mars and his adaptation to and understanding of humans and their culture. It is set in a post-Third World War United States, where organized religions are politically powerful. There is a World Federation of Free Nations, including the demilitarized US, with a world government supported by Special Service troops. 

[!] COMMONS/INDIGENOUS— Living Earth Community: Multiple Ways of Being and Knowing (collection)
is a celebration of the diversity of ways in which humans can relate to the world around them, and an invitation to its readers to partake in planetary coexistence. Innovative, informative, and highly accessible, this interdisciplinary anthology of essays brings together scholars, writers and educators across the sciences and humanities, in a collaborative effort to illuminate the different ways of being in the world and the different kinds of knowledge they entail – from the ecological knowledge of Indigenous communities, to the scientific knowledge of a biologist and the embodied knowledge communicated through storytelling.

SCIFI— Robert Macfarlane - Underland
Really weird wiki, nothing about plot, just reception.

CHT— Zaid Hassan - The Social Labs Revolution: A New Approach to Solving our Most Complex Challenges
Current responses to our most pressing societal challenges—from poverty to ethnic conflict to climate change—are not working. These problems are incredibly dynamic and complex, involving an ever-shifting array of factors, actors, and circumstances. They demand a highly fluid and adaptive approach, yet we address them by devising fixed, long-term plans. Social labs, says Zaid Hassan, are a dramatically more effective response. Social labs bring together a diverse a group of stakeholders—not to create yet another five-year plan but to develop a portfolio of prototype solutions, test those solutions in the real world, use the data to further refine them, and test them again. Hassan builds on a decade of experience—as well as drawing from cutting-edge research in complexity science, networking theory, and sociology—to explain the core principles and daily functioning of social labs, using examples of pioneering labs from around the world. He offers a new generation of problem solvers an effective, practical, and exciting new vision and guide.

HISTORY/ANTICAPITALISM/ECOLOGY/ATTITUDE— James C. Scott - Against The Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States (2017)

sets out to undermine what he calls the "standard civilizational narrative" that suggests humans chose to live settled lives based on intensive agriculture because this made people safer and more prosperous.[1] Instead, he argues, people had to be forced to live in the early states, which were hierarchical, beset by malnutrition and disease, and often based on slavery. 
Against the Grain returns to pre-history and discusses the conditions under which the first people stopped living as hunter-gatherers and moved to live in permanent settlements based on agriculture and administered by an elite. Scott challenges the conventional narrative that this change was welcome and voluntary for most participants. 

ANTICAPITALISM/FUN— Guy Debord - Introduction to a Critique of Urban Geography
Dérives are necessary, according to Situationist theory, because of the increasingly predictable and monotonous experience of everyday life in advanced capitalism.[1] Debord observes in his Introduction to a Critique of Urban Geography
The sudden change of ambiance in a street within the space of a few meters; the evident division of a city into zones of distinct psychic atmospheres; the path of least resistance that is automatically followed in aimless strolls (and which has no relation to the physical contour of the terrain); the appealing or repelling character of certain places—these phenomena all seem to be neglected. In any case they are never envisaged as depending on causes that can be uncovered by careful analysis and turned to account.
— Guy Debord, Introduction to a Critique of Urban Geography[5]

(derive & psychogeography & situationism)
study more situationism

FEMINISM/CONTEMPORARY/ANTITECH— Ruha Benjamin - Race after technology

Ruha Benjamin is a sociologist and a Professor in the Department of African American Studies at Princeton University.[1] The primary focus of her work is the relationship between innovation and equity, particularly focusing on the intersection of race, justice and technology. Benjamin is the author of numerous publications, including the books People's Science: Bodies and Rights on the Stem Cell Frontier (2013) and Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code (2019).
In 2019, her book, Race After Technology: Abolitionist Tools for the New Jim Code was published by Polity.[30] In it, Benjamin expands upon her previous research and analysis by focusing on a range of ways in which social hierarchies, particularly racism, are embedded in the logical layer of internet-based technologies. She develops her concept of the "New Jim Code," which references Michelle Alexander's work The New Jim Crow, to analyze how seemingly "neutral" algorithms and applications can replicate or worsen racial bias.[31]

————— (merging from separate list)

CHT/COMMONS/INFRASTRUCTURE— John Thackara - How to Thrive in the Next Economy: Designing Tomorrow's World Today (2017)


Are there practical solutions to the many global challenges―climate change, poverty, insufficient healthcare―that threaten our way of life? Author John Thackara has spent a lifetime roving the globe in search of design that serves human needs. In this clear-eyed but ultimately optimistic book, he argues that, in our eagerness to find big technological solutions, we have all too often ignored the astonishing creativity generated when people work together and in harmony with the world around them.
Drawing on an inspiring range of examples, from a temple-led water management system in Bali that dates back hundreds of years to an innovative e-bike collective in Vienna, Thackara shows that below the radar of the mainstream media there are global communities creating a replacement economy―one that nurtures the earth and its inhabitants rather than jeopardizing its future―from the ground up. Each chapter is devoted to a concern all humans share―land and water management, housing, what we eat, what we wear, our health, how and why we travel―and demonstrates that it is possible to live a rich and fulfilling life based on stewardship rather than exploitation of the natural environment.

[?!] maybe includes #cht :
    ↑ i don't know why I thought this!


[!h] ARCHITECTURE/HYPERMEDIA/CITY— Christopher Alexander, Sara Ishikawa and Murray Silverstein - A Pattern Language

A Pattern Language is structured as a network, where each pattern may have a statement referenced to another pattern by placing that pattern's number in brackets, for example: (12) means go to the Community of 7,000 pattern. In this way, it is structured as a hypertext. 
It includes 253 patterns, such as Community of 7000 (Pattern 12) given a treatment over several pages; page 71 states: "Individuals have no effective voice in any community of more than 5,000–10,000 persons." It is written as a set of problems and documented solutions. 
The book uses words to describe patterns, supported by drawings, photographs, and charts. It describes exact methods for constructing practical, safe, and attractive designs at every scale, from entire regions, through cities, neighborhoods, gardens, buildings, rooms, built-in furniture, and fixtures down to the level of doorknobs

also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Oregon_Experiment



————— 202210↓

[!] CHT/STRUGGLING/CYBERSYN— Murray Bookchin - Post-Scarcity Anarchism
<(Mentioned in The Dispossesed!)

Bookchin's "post-scarcity anarchism" is an economic system based on social ecology, libertarian municipalism, and an abundance of fundamental resources. Bookchin argues that post-industrial societies have the potential to be developed into post-scarcity societies, and can thus imagine "the fulfillment of the social and cultural potentialities latent in a technology of abundance".[3] The self-administration of society is now made possible by technological advancement and, when technology is used in an ecologically sensitive manner, the revolutionary potential of society will be much changed.[4]
Bookchin claims that the expanded production made possible by the technological advances of the twentieth century were in the pursuit of market profit and at the expense of the needs of humans and of ecological sustainability. The accumulation of capital can no longer be considered a prerequisite for liberation, and the notion that obstructions such as the state, social hierarchy, and vanguard political parties are necessary in the struggle for freedom of the working classes can be dispelled as a myth.[4]

[!!*] MARXISM/CONTEMPORARY/COMMONS— Michael Hardt, Antonio Negri - Empire (2000), Multitude (2004), Commonwealth (2009)

Communism, they argue, is defined by the common, just as capitalism is by the private and socialism (which they identify in effect with statism) with the public."[4]For David Harvey, Negri and Hardt are "in the search of an altermodernity-something that is outside the dialectical opposition between modernity and anti-modernity-they need a means of escape. The choice between capitalism and socialism, they suggest is all wrong. We need to identify something entirely different, communism-working within a different set of dimensions."[5] Also Harvey notes that "Revolutionary thought, Hardt and Negri argue, must find a way to contest capitalism and "the republic of property." It "should not shun identity politics but instead must work through it and learn from it," because it is the "primary vehicle for struggle within and against the republic of property since identity itself is based on property and sovereignty."[
via https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Commonwealth_(book)


[!f] STRUGGLING/SOCIOLOGY/ATTITUDE— Mike Davis - City of Quartz

He’s best known for his 1990 book about Los Angeles, City of Quartz. Marshall Berman, reviewing it for The Nation, said it combined “the radical citizen who wants to grasp the totality of his city’s life, and the urban guerrilla aching to see the whole damned thing blow.” 

[!] KNOW/FINANCE/STRUGGLING/DIAGONAL— Brett Scott - Heretic's guide to global finance: A guide to financial activism

Following the bank bailout and the Global Financial Crisis, anger towards the financial system reached new heights. Yet the practical workings of the system remain opaque to many people, this practical guide to the financial sector will bridge the gap between protest slogans and practical proposals for reform.

Activist and former derivatives broker Brett Scott proposes a framework for understanding financial institutions, based on the three principles:
    of 'Exploring', 
    Jamming' and
By following this process, users will gain complete understanding of the machinations of the financial sector, learning how best to effectively disrupt the system and, finally, how to build new, democratic financial systems. 

[!] KNOW/FINANCE/STRUGGLING/DYSTOPIA/DIAGONAL— Brett Scott - Cloudmoney: Why the war for our wallets is a war for our world
(sent me a mail 20220522 invite to read!)


A monetary anthropologist shows how physical cash stands in the way of a dangerous "cashless" digital money empire, one that will allow Big Tech and Big Finance to merge into one, with dire consequences for our civil liberties, psyches and planet.

Since the 2007 Global Financial Crisis, banking giants have retreated from the public spotlight, giving center stage to Big Tech corporations that reach into our lives via our digital devices. Big Finance firms, however, have taken advantage of this to reinvent their own image via fintech innovations that paste a new digital face over their old practices. Now, behind our friendly-looking smartphone apps, a dangerous system of financial control and surveillance is emerging, forged from a symbiotic fusion of Big Finance and Tech.

[!*] CHINA/MARXISM— Wang Hui: ###

His books translated into English include 
  • The Rise of Modern Chinese Thought (four volumes), in press;[7]
  • The End of Revolution: China and the Limits of Modernity (Verso, 2010);
  • China’s New Order: Society, Politics, and Economy in Transition, translated by Ted Huters and Rebecca Karl (Harvard University Press, 2003);

Translated to Slovenian by Yuan.

[~] DESIGN/DIAGONAL— Johan Redström, Heather Wiltse: Changing Things The Future of Objects in a Digital World 


Many of the things we now live with do not take a purely physical form. Objects such as smart phones, laptops and wearable fitness trackers are different from our things of the past. These new digital forms are networked, dynamic and contextually configured. They can be changeable and unpredictable, even inscrutable when it comes to understanding what they actually do and whom they really serve.
In Changing Things, Johan Redstrom and Heather Wiltse address critical questions that have assumed a fresh urgency in the context of these rapidly-developing forms. Drawing on critical traditions from a range of disciplines that have been used to understand the nature of things, they develop a new vocabulary and a theoretical approach that allows us to account for and address the multi-faceted, dynamic, constantly evolving forms and functions of contemporary things. In doing so, the book prototypes a new design discourse around everyday things, and describes them as 'fluid assemblages'.
Redstrom and Wiltse explore how a new theoretical framework could enable a richer understanding of things as fluid and networked, with a case study of the evolution of music players culminating in an in-depth discussion of Spotify. Other contemporary 'things' touched on in their analysis include smart phones and watches, as well as digital platforms and applications such as Google, Facebook and Twitter.

[//] ECOPHILOSOPHY/BOURGEOIS/NONHUMAN/MEH— Jane Bennett - Vibrant matter: A Political Ecology of Things (2020)
<(messenger chat ~~20221105)
In Vibrant Matter the political theorist Jane Bennett, renowned for her work on nature, ethics, and affect, shifts her focus from the human experience of things to things themselves. Bennett argues that political theory needs to do a better job of recognizing the active participation of nonhuman forces in events. Toward that end, she theorizes a “vital materiality” that runs through and across bodies, both human and nonhuman. Bennett explores how political analyses of public events might change were we to acknowledge that agency always emerges as the effect of ad hoc configurations of human and nonhuman forces. She suggests that recognizing that agency is distributed this way, and is not solely the province of humans, might spur the cultivation of a more responsible, ecologically sound politics: a politics less devoted to blaming and condemning individuals than to discerning the web of forces affecting situations and events.
Bennett examines the political and theoretical implications of vital materialism through extended discussions of commonplace things and physical phenomena including stem cells, fish oils, electricity, metal, and trash. She reflects on the vital power of material formations such as landfills, which generate lively streams of chemicals, and omega-3 fatty acids, which can transform brain chemistry and mood. Along the way, she engages with the concepts and claims of Spinoza, Nietzsche, Thoreau, Darwin, Adorno, and Deleuze, disclosing a long history of thinking about vibrant matter in Western philosophy, including attempts by Kant, Bergson, and the embryologist Hans Driesch to name the “vital force” inherent in material forms. Bennett concludes by sketching the contours of a “green materialist” ecophilosophy.

[~] LOL/TRASH/DIAGONAL/KULTURKRIEG— "48 rules of power"


[!*] DIAGONAL/INFRASTRUCTURE/CYBERSYN/ORGA— Joseph Tainter - Collapse of Complex Societies


As described in Tainter's Collapse of Complex Societies, societies become more complex as they try to solve problems.  Social complexity can be recognized by numerous differentiated and specialised social and economic roles and many mechanisms through which they are coordinated, and by reliance on symbolic and abstract communication, and the existence of a class of information producers and analysts who are not involved in primary resource production.  Such complexity requires a substantial "energy" subsidy (meaning the consumption of resources, or other forms of wealth). 

[!!**] COMMUNISM— (Lenin contra Anarchists)


where else?

also: anarchist contra ML?

[~] DIAGONAL/MEH/COMMONS— "peer production" 101

* p2p, peer-to-peer, or commons-based peer production, meaning “large- and medium-scale collaborations among individuals, organized without markets or managerial hierarchies", according to Benkler and Nissenbaum (https://www.nyu.edu/projects/nissenbaum/papers/jopp_235.pdf
Via p2pleft.

[!*] ANTICAPITALISM/ECONOMICS— Pikkety - Capital in the Twenty-First Century (etc)

also (short):

[!**] ANARCHISM— (trying to discuss "authority" and "state/revolution" with them)

Asking for references:
    * Malatesta:
        #anarchocommunism and "anarchist socialism"
    * https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anarchopac-means-and-ends (Zoe Baker)

Also need to figure out:
    * post-revolutionary (?) take on classes & property:
        * do classes just "dissappear", how do you deal with Riche and their brutes?
        * why do Rojava talk about a "people's revolution" (and the "pre-industrial" arguments, as on 🔗channel ~~20221203)
    * ###

[~] DIAGONAL/MEH/POSTCAPITALISM— Kate Rawforth  Doughnut Economcs

"Mentioned" twice in this week only...

my shot to mitch.altman mentioning reading it
Sure, and keeping capitalism? A centrist rip off...
* Found this to be a good response with presenting some basic left concepts. https://weeklyworker.co.uk/worker/1160/how-about-thinking-like-a-marxist/
* Good and not entirely hostile review here as well: https://socialistworker.co.uk/socialist-review-archive/doughnut-economics/  
Doughnut Economics is well worth reading, but only with a Marxist text nearby as a reminder of what it leaves out.
* And another one, diving in more concrete. https://jacobin.com/2021/09/doughnut-economics-raworth-amsterdam-capitalism-socialism 
* This too https://fee.org/articles/theres-a-hole-in-the-middle-of-doughnut-economics/
TLDR: A smokescreen

[!**] ECONOMICS/HACKBASES/ANTICAPITALISM— Marshall Sahlins - Stone age economics

Ambitiously tackling the nature of economic life and how to study it comparatively, Stone Age Economics includes six studies which reflect the author's ideas on revising traditional views of the hunter-gatherer and so-called primitive societies, revealing them to be the original affluent society.

Seems it has a lot of connection to hackbases and an applied hacker culture living. Radical hackers as kind of hunter-gatherers, super-indulging in specific needs while rejecting others, and so achieving an own type of affluence. When you can realisticly learn a few knots and live in 100 different ways that aren't renting a flat, and find everything you need laying around, or acquire it with minimal effort incl every package-book-music-culture-Thinkpad x220 you want, not to mention great food and drinks and sociality, it's just that

---------- also
* https://tlio.org.uk/why-would-anybody-farm-stone-age-economics-by-marshall-sahlins-1974/
* https://isreview.org/issue/112/political-economy-neolithic-states/index.html :
    is a different book
    Against the Grain: A Deep History of the Earliest States By James C. Scott Yale University Press, 2017 · 336 pages · $26.00 

[!*] ANTICAPITALISM/ANTICONSUMERISM/ANTINORMIES/ANTIUSA— Veblen - The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899)
Veblen argues that people, once their basic needs are satisfied have innate status envy and will try to bolster their self-esteem by comparing themselves favorably with others. Veblen is an interesting economist, who theorise the movement from capitalism based on industry & production to one based on finance and reputation.

In contrast, Veblen used objective language in The Theory of Business Enterprise (1904), which analyses the business-cycle behaviours of businessmen. In his introduction to the 1973 edition, the economist John Kenneth Galbraith said that The Theory of the Leisure Class is Veblen's intellectual put-down of American society. That Veblen spoke satirically in order to soften the negative implications of his socio-economic analyses of the U.S. social-class system, facts that are more psychologically threatening to the American ego and the status quo, than the negative implications of Karl Marx's analyses. That, unlike Marx, who recognised capitalism as superior to feudalism in providing products (goods and services) for mass consumption, Veblen did not recognise that distinction, because capitalism was economic barbarism, and that goods and services produced for conspicuous consumption are fundamentally worthless. 

The Engineers and the Price System, by Thorstein Veblen, is a compilation of a series of papers originally published in The Dial in 1919,[1] each of which mainly analyzes and criticizes the price system, planned obsolescence, and artificial scarcity.[2] The final chapter outlined a plan for a "soviet of technicians".[3]

[!!*e] Lenin - Where to Begin (1901)


[!!**] CLASSES/COMMUNISM/MARXISM— Mao - On Contradiction, etc

I mean, Mao makes the coalitions aspect pretty clear in "On Contradiction"


[!!*] ART/###— (digital art history book)
via Format C, via:
Lev Manovich is in Barcelona, Spain.
Best free online book on first decades of digital art, as PDF and HTML:
As “digital art” became the mainstream phenomena and new darling of the artworld, it became more difficult to learn about its history online. So many online texts only talks about most recent developments (“AI art”), and if they mention the past history it’s just a few most famous examples. I highly recommend this unique book which covers early decades of computer art. It includes projects and details missing from even best similar books - and it’s all in a single 15MB PDF file. Full of unique hard to find illustrations. 
Make sure to use this in your classes so your art students don’t keep inventing the same wheels for the 200th time, or wrongly associate computer art with only “AI.”
Thank you Thomas Dreher for this wonderful and unique gift to all of us!

[!!*] ECOLOGY/###— Timothy Morton - Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World (etc)
first <omladic back in ~2008 ... so before the hype?


### Ehrenreich, John; Ehrenreich, Barbara (1979) — Between Labor and Capital (1979)


James Burnham had proposed the idea of a leading managerial class in his 1941 book The Managerial Revolution, but the term "professional–managerial class" was coined in 1977 by John and Barbara Ehrenreich.[4] The PMC hypothesis contributed to the Marxist debates on class in Fordism and was used as an analytical category in the examination of non-proletarian employees. However, orthodox Marxists consider the PMC hypothesis to be revisionism of the Marxist understanding of class.[5]
The Ehrenreichs defined the PMC as educated professionals who historically did not work in corporate environments, such as scientists, lawyers, academics, artists, and journalists.[6] In a 2013 follow-up, they estimated that in the 1930s, PMC occupations made up less than 1% of total U.S. employment, but the share had risen to 24% by 1972, and 35% by 2006.[7] In that same essay, they argued that the notion of the PMC as a collective grouping was "in ruins" due to economic shifts in the 1990s and 2000s which changed their professional prospects. Some members (such as highly-qualified scientists) "jump[ed] ship for more lucrative posts in direct services to capital"; others (such as lawyers, tenured professors, and doctors) found themselves in increasingly "corporation-like" workplaces; while others still (like those with backgrounds in media or the humanities) "spiral[ed] down to the retail workforce", unable to parlay their skills into higher-income jobs.[7] 
via https://www.criticalinfralab.net/

[!**hf] NOVEL/COM— Roman Rolland - Jean-Christohe

Romain Rolland (French: [ʁɔmɛ̃ ʁɔlɑ̃]; 29 January 1866 – 30 December 1944) was a French dramatist, novelist, essayist, art historian and mystic who was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1915 "as a tribute to the lofty idealism of his literary production and to the sympathy and love of truth with which he has described different types of human beings".[1]
He was a leading supporter of Joseph Stalin in France
and is also noted for his correspondence with and influence on Sigmund Freud. 

neka ta discordia, nemška hekerska scena thing
The Illuminatus! Trilogy is a series of three novels by American writers Robert Shea and Robert Anton Wilson, first published in 1975.[1] The trilogy is a satirical, postmodern, science fiction–influenced adventure story; a drug-, sex-, and magic-laden trek through a number of conspiracy theories, both historical and imaginary, related to the authors' version of the Illuminati.  The narrative often switches between third- and first-person perspectives in a nonlinear narrative. It is thematically dense, covering topics like counterculture, numerology, and Discordianism. 

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Here is how Nick Dyer-Witheford summarizes one crucial argument made by Caffentzis: ‘highly automated businesses syphon-off the surplus-value generated by labour-intensive capital. Caffentzis called this ‘the law of the increasing dispersion of organic composition’, by which ‘every increase in the introduction of science and technology ... in one branch of industry ... will lead to an equivalent increase in the introduction of low organic composition production in [an]other’ (2008: 65). Caffentzis’s account of capital’s contradictory movements towards high-technology (automata) and low- wage-labour (Africa) suggests reflection on how its current AI-fever is induced not only by technological breakthroughs, but by increasing frustrations in finding cheap labour.’ (Dyer-Witheford, Kjøsen and Steinhoff,  𝐼𝑛ℎ𝑢𝑚𝑎𝑛 𝑃𝑜𝑤𝑒𝑟: 𝐴𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑎𝑙 𝐼𝑛𝑡𝑒𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑐𝑒 𝑎𝑛𝑑 𝑡ℎ𝑒 𝐹𝑢𝑡𝑢𝑟𝑒 𝑜𝑓 𝐶𝑎𝑝𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑠𝑚)   
* Nick Dyer-Witheford !
* George Caffentzis !!!

more wark post 2018:
    * https://www.versobooks.com/products/880-sensoria
    * ###


Zak Cope is the author of The Wealth of (Some) Nations (Pluto, 2019) Divided World Divided Class: Global Political Economy and the Stratification of Labour Under Capitalism (Kersplebedeb, 2015), He is co-editor of the Journal of Labor and Society and the Encyclopedia of Imperialism and Anti-Imperialism.
via criticism of Dutch labour aristocratic "leninists":

previous books read in this reading group:
  • technologies of speculation – sun-ha hong
  • the closed world – paul edwards
  • four internets – kieron o’hara & wendy hall
  • what is wrong with rights – radha d’souza
  • digital design and topological control – parisi
  • golden age of analog – galloway
  • countering the cloud – luke munn
  • medium design – keller easterling
  • reluctant power – rita zajác
  • between truth and power – julie cohen
  • the question concerning technology in china – yuk hui

It is no longer possible to read New Babylon as a kind of realism, or as having pertinence in contemporary times, despite the claims of those writing about the recent exhibition. Constant’s widow Trudy Nieuwenhuys-van der Horst told a newspaper, “The vision of Constant that people should change in more nomadic and less possessive lifestyles, in the sense they don’t need their own houses, cars, books etc., is happening now . . .”32 Here Nieuwenhuys-van der Horst argues, as Wigley does in the exhibition catalogue, that it is possible to see in New Babylon the emergent contours of a contemporary collective society.33 Yet this positivity obscures the precise history of Constant’s vision, that is mired in the contradictions of the long 1960s themselves.

Samir Amin (Arabic: سمير أمين) (3 September 1931 – 12 August 2018) was an Egyptian-French Marxian economist,[1] political scientist and world-systems analyst. He is noted for his introduction of the term Eurocentrism in 1988[2] and considered a pioneer of Dependency Theory.[3]

via https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expanded_Cinema


Vladimir Nabokov, prav

Louis Althusser argued that Marx initiated a transformation of philosophy, a new way of doing philosophy. This book follows that provocation to examine the way in which central Marxist concepts and problems from primitive accumulation to real abstraction animate and inform philosophers from Theodor Adorno to Paolo Virno. While also examining the way in which reading Marx casts new light on such philosophers as Spinoza. At the centre of this transformation is the production of subjectivity, the manner in which relations of production produces ways of thinking and living.


🔗commonground !


"sci fi economics" list
great list


Torrent of Survivor Library. Over 13,700 PDFs!
Hello Everyone, I am sure many of you are familiar with www.survivorlibrary.com and the wealth of public domain books they provide to the...  
      Survivor Library - All 4 Parts - Over 13,700 PDF's - Public Domain...        

"What you should do if you want a lot of folks to read Beer is pitch a reader to Verso or Haymarket."
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by +lisa (and dataviz profs)

http://pastebin.com/NT2TKRTM via https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=7578795


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    * reccomended
        * Semiology of Graphics
        * Visual display of graph information
        * Information Dashboad Design
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