Survey: What is to be done?
< RFC+ >
A survey of your personal situation, towards configuring prescriptive actions.
Ties to:
* 🔗what
* 🔗why-how-what
* 🔗goals
* 🔗prescriptions
Table of Contents
* Start a new document on :
Name it "survey-yourname".
You can also use hidden name, if you wish to keep somewhat more anonymous.
The documents are not made public (unless we decide for it later).
* Copy all of the queries (questions) from here, into that document:
There, remove the Bold style: Select all (Ctrl+A) and Ctrl+B once or twice.
Also, clear authorship colors (Ctrl+Shift+C).
* The queries sometimes contain links to other documents:
Look at them for reference, but skip them if you get lost or if you feel you don't understand them.
* The queries sometimes contain subqueries:
They're meant to help shape the responses. You don't need to respond to them independently.
* At survey end, contact David for a common overview & conversation.
* Thanks for participating:
The survey might take you approximately 30 minutes, and another 30 minutes for the common overview.
* Start a new document on :
Name it "survey-yourname".
You can also use hidden name, if you wish to keep somewhat more anonymous.
The documents are not made public (unless we decide for it later).
* Copy all of the queries (questions) from here, into that document:
There, remove the Bold style: Select all (Ctrl+A) and Ctrl+B once or twice.
Also, clear authorship colors (Ctrl+Shift+C).
* The queries sometimes contain links to other documents:
Look at them for reference, but skip them if you get lost or if you feel you don't understand them.
* The queries sometimes contain subqueries:
They're meant to help shape the responses. You don't need to respond to them independently.
* At survey end, contact David for a common overview & conversation.
* Thanks for participating:
The survey might take you approximately 30 minutes, and another 30 minutes for the common overview.
¶We suppose we share an understanding, both intuitive and rational, that something needs to be done, correct?
→ 🔗goals
→ 🔗why-how-what
→ 🔗what
→ 🔗goals
→ 🔗why-how-what
→ 🔗what
¶What are your capacities?
→ 🔗fields
? What did you study
? Everyday skills ("driving, cooking, ...")
? Use of tools ("computers, video shooting and montage, ...")
? Specifically, what do you think you do best
? CV, if you have one
→ 🔗fields
? What did you study
? Everyday skills ("driving, cooking, ...")
? Use of tools ("computers, video shooting and montage, ...")
? Specifically, what do you think you do best
? CV, if you have one
¶What have you done and been working on? How might it have had impact?
? How did that come to happen
? Did it work / is it working well
? Is it reasonably reproducible (access/privilege as condition)
? How did that come to happen
? Did it work / is it working well
? Is it reasonably reproducible (access/privilege as condition)
¶What are your political goals, or, desires for the world?
→ 🔗goals !
? How do you see trends — in which direction are things seemingly moving
→ 🔗goals !
? How do you see trends — in which direction are things seemingly moving
¶What are your current privileges?
? Where do they come from
? Do you feel it important to also discuss disprivileges
? Where do they come from
? Do you feel it important to also discuss disprivileges
¶What are you prepared to do?
? How long would you be prepared to go?
? Are you ready to...:
be arrested, or risk going to prison —— like Extinction Rebellion;
give up your current privileges (to what extent?) —— like when switch to less-paid work, or moving abroad;
perform violent acts; —— like fighting in a war against fascists;
? How long would you be prepared to go?
? Are you ready to...:
be arrested, or risk going to prison —— like Extinction Rebellion;
give up your current privileges (to what extent?) —— like when switch to less-paid work, or moving abroad;
perform violent acts; —— like fighting in a war against fascists;
¶A lot of people will need to change their life.
? Do you recognize:
periphery is gaining independence from imperialists;
climate change;
resource depletion;
rise of the neo-reactionaries within the imperial core;
end of work; ...
? Do you see other factors which might critically shape the developments?
? Do you recognize:
periphery is gaining independence from imperialists;
climate change;
resource depletion;
rise of the neo-reactionaries within the imperial core;
end of work; ...
? Do you see other factors which might critically shape the developments?
¶"Having a job" is mostly cooption of ones time & expropriation
Capitalists & their hired goons instructing you what to do, that you wouldn't do outside of wage labour.
Capitalists & their hired goons instructing you what to do, that you wouldn't do outside of wage labour.
¶"Renting a place" is always expropriation
Other people are transforming your work time to profit accumulation, then convert it to the benefit their enjoyment, political beliefs & offspring.
Other people are transforming your work time to profit accumulation, then convert it to the benefit their enjoyment, political beliefs & offspring.
¶Privileges bring capacity; capacities not put to effective use, are a loss of potential
An individual, even with the "best intentions", cannot efficiently marshall their capacities and resources.
This implies that a sense for an integrated common struggle - collective coordination - needs to be developed, to deal with privileges.
An individual, even with the "best intentions", cannot efficiently marshall their capacities and resources.
This implies that a sense for an integrated common struggle - collective coordination - needs to be developed, to deal with privileges.
¶Some say there is no clear plan.
? Do you agree with that
? What (concretely, exactly) seems clear or unclear to you
? Biggest problem is:
A) lack of plan;
B) discovery of existing plans;
C) co-ordination of plans;
D) something else
? Do you agree with that
? What (concretely, exactly) seems clear or unclear to you
? Biggest problem is:
A) lack of plan;
B) discovery of existing plans;
C) co-ordination of plans;
D) something else
¶To perform any plan, one needs — or many need — to do work.
? The current situation requires specific "change work", or will it resolve "by itself" via business as usual
? The current situation requires specific "change work", or will it resolve "by itself" via business as usual
¶For people to perform (change-)work, work means are needed (subsistence resources, knowledge & tools).
? Do these seem available to you, and to your comrades
? Do these seem available to you, and to your comrades
¶There is a lack of a system or institution, that could share work means to largeer numbers of transition-focused people
? Would you participate in this system
? What do you think is most missing from what is available
? Would you participate in this system
? What do you think is most missing from what is available
¶Bases could work for you.
→ 🔗puzzles
→ 🔗hackbases
? Do you see (hack)bases fulfill, or could fulfill, this function of providing work means
? What seems unclear; do you have other questions
? What seems missing for you
? If these questions were answered in a satisfying way, are you willing to sincerely try out operating within hackbases
→ 🔗puzzles
→ 🔗hackbases
? Do you see (hack)bases fulfill, or could fulfill, this function of providing work means
? What seems unclear; do you have other questions
? What seems missing for you
? If these questions were answered in a satisfying way, are you willing to sincerely try out operating within hackbases
¶"When there is no completely clear plan, one needs to participate in the most well developed one they know"
¶Do you know other similar schemes — in the sense of extent & level of development of goals — to CHT?
¶Do you have any preliminary ideas on how to position yourself and your work within such a project?
→ 🔗todos
→ 🔗projects
? How do you see yourself currently best able to contribute
? Do you feel you need, or would like, to develop in specific directions (which ones)
? Do you sense you might need to "start from zero"; how do you feel about that
→ 🔗todos
→ 🔗projects
? How do you see yourself currently best able to contribute
? Do you feel you need, or would like, to develop in specific directions (which ones)
? Do you sense you might need to "start from zero"; how do you feel about that