Political struggle

< DRAFT++ >

This is an extension to XXX🔗whatistobedone.
The moduses, actors, means of accomplishing system change.

    201908xx stub around "be the change you want to be"
    201909xx expanding around "community fetishism"
    20190923 overview
    20201021 ping
    20211018 ping

Table of Contents
1.1   Full ("Revolution")
1.2   Partial / Localised ("Insurgency")
2 ELECTORAL REVOLUTION | Seizing a systemic opportunity to bring democratic change
3 GRADUAL IMPROVEMENT | Power rebalance/brokering
3.1     * unions & strike actions
3.2     * mass civil disobedience
3.3     * protest culture, direct action, mass/civil movements
3.4     * electoral: small party politics & coalitions
3.5     * advocacy: NGOs, lobbying, causes, etc
3.6     * progressive journalism
4 SUBSTITUTION / DEMONSTRATION | "Building new in shell of the old"
4.1     * micro-Communisms & mutualism
4.2     * cooperatives
4.3     * educating & "raising a new generation"
4.4     * new theory, imaginaria, utopias, vanguard art
5.1     * Indigenous
5.2     * Radical Degrowth
5.3     * Anarcho-primitivism
6.1.1     "It's important you yourself are a good person"
6.1.2     "Carbon footprint" & Micro Consumerism
6.1.3     "Be the change you want to see"
6.1.4      "Ethical Consumption"
6.1.5     (countering)
6.2.1     * Clericalism & Theologies
6.2.2     * Corporate-level (Marketing & Sales)
6.2.3     * State-level (Propaganda)
6.2.4     * Pop Culture
7.1 (——) Foreign manipulation
8 *** PAD
8.1 (——) Violent overtake : Hitler & fascism in general
8.2 (——) Violent overtake: European imperialism vs the Indigenous ("America", etc)
8.3 (-?) wtf is up with "Frankfurt School" ??? (critical but UNFINISHED DYNAMIC vs practical WORK)
8.3.1     wtf is "social change realised by way of rational social institutions." ???
8.3.2     How do you struggle? What are the results?
8.4 (+) Transvestment and Venture Communes
8.5 (?) (how did capitalism "start"? or "takevover"?)
8.6 (—) "we live in/under capitalism"
8.7 (—) countering "the left does not have a grasp on reality"
8.8 [s!!**] ( comments <lies )
8.9 (RESTRUCTURING) primary & secondary struggles
8.10 (RESTRUCTURING) parallel work & different struggles
8.11 (+) municipalism
8.12 (+) court / legal struggles
8.13 (+) organizing inftastructure / logistics
8.14 (——) fascist mob violence
8.15 (?) military coup / putsch
8.16 (+) anti-imperialism , anti-colonialism
8.17 * wa state - autonomous one-party socialist state
8.18 (+) international politics (UN, UNESCO, ...)
8.19 (+) christiania ???
8.20 (?) unstable liberal + left minority governments
8.21 "interesting!"
8.22 (?) political assasination
8.23 (?) technology: "internet"
8.24 (——) Nazi Germany / Hitler's rise to power
8.25 (—) destabilization
8.26 "mechanisms to support their activities that are parasitic to capitalism"
8.27 (new ideas <ts(?) tomerge)
8.28 [?] "Just wars"
8.29 Electorate failed, what now? post-bernie
8.30 (—) 2020/06 | Boomers are condemning looting
8.31 [!!] HISTORIC: American Indigenous uprisings
8.32 [!!] More Historic Uprisings, violence, and looting !
8.33 HISTORIC: peasant uprisings (~13-early 18 century)
8.34 HISTORIC: Boston tea party (~1773)
8.35 (+) HISTORIC: French revolution (~1789 ... 1792 storming pallace)
8.36 (+) HISTORIC— Anti-apartheid: communism, organised violence, sabotage
8.38 (+) CONTEMPORARY: BLM , ally.wiki, etc
8.40 (+) In-industry  callouts to pariah / outcast tactics
8.41 (+) VIOLENT PROTESTS & "Full-spectrum resistance" (Mandela)
8.42 (—) surfers & meditators
8.43 (—) spiritualism, theosophy, and "anti-materialism"
8.44 (+) Yank Levy & guerilla warfare
8.45 asymmetric warfare
8.46 (+) MLK (and how he was smeared)
8.47 (?) "GO AND VOTE"
8.48 (+) "FUCK PEOPLE" (Tar & Feathers)
8.49 (+) The experience of YU partisans
8.50 (+) Richard Spencer loses face
8.51 (+) pies and so on
8.52 (?!) getting absentee votes recognized
8.53 more: document goals
8.54 (+) squatting
8.55 (?) "support your local scene" & "partying for a cause"
8.56 (?) sandinistas @ nicaragua
8.57 (+) breaking up monopoly companies
8.58 (+) fining monopoly companies
8.59 (+) leaks & whistleblowers
8.60 (~) better capitalism >< greenwashing
8.61 (?) constitutional / court takeovers
8.62 (+) explain struggling (and revolutions) as essential and neccessary
8.63 (+) non-aligned movement
8.64 (+) cybernetics governance
8.65 (+) dual power (Lenin)
8.66 (~) effective altruism
8.67 (~+) debating/arguing on the internet
8.68 (X) weather underground / domestic terrorism cells
8.69 * san marino 1945-1956 drama
8.70 * CHAZ @Seattle (2020)
8.71 (+) Graz Communist party (Austria)
8.72 (+) international / transnational connecting on party level
8.73 (+) POLICIES— banning investors from hoods
8.74 (——) color revolutions and "nonviolent struggle"
8.75 (—) libertarianist  "I do not trust any electoral politician, because they fucked up the system (and keep lying)"
8.76 (—) libertarianist Community Fetishism
8.77 (——) "beyond left and right", or, "i am against labels"
8.78 (-) "doing nothing" and white privilege active nihilism
8.79 (+) advanced memetic coordination
8.80 (—) CIA art & colour revolutions (regime change)
8.81 (——) USA anticommunism & "Jakarta method"
8.82 (+) Quit your rent, quit your job
8.83 (+) yippie / situationist (and "street-style" autonomism, etc)
8.84 (+) labour coordination & supervisor trolling
8.85 (+) Freeway Revolts
8.86 * Wochenklausuhr ("artistic social interventions")
8.87 "culture jamming"
8.88 the rent is too damn high
8.89 (+) salting (infiltration)
8.90 (+) Uncloaking
8.91 "factionalism"
8.92 critiques of libertarianism
8.93 (+) identifying, naming, pre-empting progressive legislation from comparable domains
8.94 stop erosion of worker right via SP (sole propreitorships) self-precarization
8.95 List of acts of international resistance to US imperialism/hegemony
8.96 Communitarianism
8.97 Cooperative economics
8.98 Ritual / constructed religions / spiritual cultures: Kwanzaa
8.99 ### Operation Condor
8.100 RS— putting (proletarian-relevant) economic data in perspective beyond deception
8.101 (—) Imperialist list-making
8.102 (——) EU & CIA: may 1947, operation gladio, etc
8.103 Communists banned in Germany
8.104 Trying to assasinate Hitler
8.105 Aldo Moro assasination by Red Brigades
8.106 "Trucker protests"
8.107 Scaling up protest: ("imperfect") movements? causes? organizations? individuals? (and of what kind)
8.107.1     Example 1: BLM
8.107.2     Example 2: Slovenia bike protests (2020/2021) 
8.107.3     Example 3: Slovenia 2010 faculty of arts occupation
8.108 Ground-up sanctions (like BDS- boycott, divest, sanctions)
8.109 Inter-national sanctions & blockades
8.110 Simple analysis of topologies of interaction within UN councils
8.111 (—pattern) BOURGEOIS DEMOCRACY— Diversion
8.112 (—pattern) IMPERIALISM— Replacing "free trade" with "protectionism" when feeling like it
8.113 Case of SCCA Ljubljana, and culture-funds mediated regime change
8.114 (——) Gwangju (South Korea)
8.115 (+) Antiwar activism within empire: Code Pink (USA)
8.116 Illegal funding streams (rare-earth mining, narcotics)
8.117 Hostage-taking
8.118 IWW: "Nothing too good for the working class"
8.119 (——) Street-strong far-right, transforming Blue→Teal
8.120 [!!*↓] Rich allies
8.121 Transnational / platform capitalism & unions
8.122 Synthetic left / Embedded left / Pseudo-left
8.123 World systems theory: core/semi-periphery/periphery
8.124 ANTIUSA— Salvadoran civil war
8.125 Foco/Foquismo (and Che Guevara)
8.126 ANARCHY— Nestro Makhno and anarchists (1917-1923)
8.127 ANARCHY— "Tierra y libertad"
8.128 INDIGENOUS/WAR— Cochise
8.129 Double movement
8.130 "Real utopian sociology" (Erik Olin Wright)
8.131 PREFIGURATION— CIC integral cooperative
8.132 MARXISM— "Sharpening the contradictions": accelerationism?
8.133 2023/03— Defending Sandinistas and Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua
8.134 Legal @ Cuba
8.135 Antipop: Mumford & Sons
8.136 Antipop/Antizoomers: new age <> libertarianism
8.137 Gonzaloism / The Shining Path (Peru)
8.138 (+) american civil war
8.139 (—?) Cambodian revolution
8.140 (—) bizarre colonial backdoors: case of Gough Whitlam (Australian PM 1972-1975)
8.141 (+) human shields
8.142 (—) exclusive clubs, capitalist conspiracies
8.143 (——) violent responses to protest within "democratic" west
8.144 (+?) Red Bologna (Italy), ~1970s
8.145 Tupamaros (Uruguay, 1967-1972)
8.146 (+) Montgomery Bus Boycott
8.147 (—) 1980 Moscow olympic games boycott
8.148 [!!*] WOKE/CLASSES— 1985 Philadelphia police airstrake on MOVE black liberation organization 
8.149 [!!**] WOKE/CLASSES— Rainbow coalition → Fred Hampton murder by USA government (1969)
8.150 (——) USA Red scare (First, second), "McCarthyism" or better "Hooverism"
8.151 (—) NATO formation
8.152 (—) CIA— Assasination of Patrice Lumumba


Redefinition of actors / assumption of new default.
Taking control & redistributing. "US vs THEM".

  Full ("Revolution")
    ___________________ current (?)
    ( see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_socialist_states )
        * China
        * Cuba
        * Laos
        * Vietnam
        * Mozambique
        * Nepal
        * [...]
    ___________________ past
    * Tito's partisans vs nazis (Yugoslavia WW2)
    * French revolution: joining with police, killing the king
    * Soviet revolution (Bolshevik against the monarchy)
    * Chinese communist revolution, mao, "the vanguard" and party line, ...
    ___________________ even
    * American Revolution
    * English revolution (?)
    * [...]

  Partial / Localised ("Insurgency")

as in https://communemag.com/how-to-seize-the-means/ :
    "During the Mexican Revolution, Emiliano Zapata’s guerrilla army, arrayed under the banner of “Land and Liberty,” proposed one such answer—seizing land, timber, and water, then distributing it to the pueblos and citizens of Mexico. In the 1960s, the Black Panther Party declared in their Ten-Point Program that “the means of production should be taken from the businessmen and placed in the community” in order to achieve self-organized full employment for Black people, brought to fruition by armed self-defense and mass organization. Recent movements around the world are animated by the same spirit, from Cooperation Jackson in the US South to the communes of Venezuela and Rojava."

    * Rojava & Kurds !:
        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rojava ("Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria (November 2013 – present)")
    * Zapatistas (Chiapas/Mexico):
        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rebel_Zapatista_Autonomous_Municipalities (MAREZ)
        https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zapatista_Army_of_National_Liberation (EZLN)
    * Black Panthers (USA)
    * RAF ? (Germany)
    * Arab militants ?!
    * [...]

<L>: see also this "list of left-wing militant groups around the world. These groups seek change through armed conflict or violent protest in opposition to an established government."  → https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_left-wing_militant_groups

ELECTORAL REVOLUTION | Seizing a systemic opportunity to bring democratic change

    * see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_socialist_states
    * Chavez (Venezuela, 1997-):
    * Uruguay (2004-):
    * Moralez
    * [...]

    * see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_former_communist_states_and_socialist_states
    * Salvador Allende (Chile, 1970s)
    * Clement Atlee (1945-1955) & UK's post-war period (NHS, etc)
    * (also see...):
        * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Former_ruling_Communist_parties
        * [...]
    * [...] !!!

GRADUAL IMPROVEMENT | Power rebalance/brokering

Actors stay the same!
It is "US vs THEM, taking away from THEM"

    * unions & strike actions

historic worker rights:
    * 8-hour work week (ended 16 hour work days)
    * ended child labour
    * increasing pay & minimal wage
    * [...]

still scoring victories:
    * (keep securing eroding rights worldwide)
    * IG metall - metalworkers in Germany (2019)
    * 2021 Kellogs, ###
    * [...]

    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labour_movement
    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trade_union
    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_bargaining
    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Picketing ( vs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Strikebreaker )
    * [...]

    * mass civil disobedience
    * Gandhi & India vs English occupation
    * """Henry David Thoreau popularized the term in the US with his essay Civil Disobedience""":
    * MLK and the Civil Rights Movement
    * mass boycott
    * consciouss objectors / draft dodgers
    * Enric Duran and "financial disobedience"
    * [...]

    * protest culture, direct action, mass/civil movements
    * Occupy (2011)
    * XR / Extinction Rebellion (2019)
    * Gotof je (Slovenia 2011)
    * BLM - Black Lives Matter (2013)
    * Arab spring ?!
    * Hong Kong ?! (2019)
    * Suffragetes / Feminist struggles
    * Antiwar (USA vs Vietnam War, etc.)
    * G-20 (Hamburg/DE, 2017)
    * G-8 (Genova/ITA, 2001)
    * UK Uncut
    * [...]

Aka: demonstrations, rallies, ...

    * electoral: small party politics & coalitions

Setting policies & trying to get wide approval for them.


    * passing them inside coalitions, or minority governments:
        * Slovenian Left ~2019
        * [...]

    * even if failing - exposing the electorate to new perspectives & "expanding overton window", thus exerting pressure on others:
        * Bernie 2016 (USA) !!
        * Gravel 2020 (USA) ;)
        * [...]

    * [...]

    * https://www.politico.eu/europe-poll-of-polls/

    * advocacy: NGOs, lobbying, causes, etc

"We won't vote for you, if you..."


"""Advocacy is an activity by an individual or group that aims to influence decisions within political, economic, and social systems and institutions. Advocacy includes activities and publications to influence public policy, laws and budgets by using facts, their relationships, the media, and messaging to educate government officials and the public. Advocacy can include many activities that a person or organization undertakes including media campaigns, public speaking, commissioning and publishing research"""

    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moral_entrepreneur
    * [...]

    * progressive journalism


SUBSTITUTION / DEMONSTRATION | "Building new in shell of the old"

    * micro-Communisms & mutualism

    * Paris Commune
    * Diggers
    * [...]

    * anarchist social housing & communes
    * Marinaleda
    * Totalist CoCo: 🔗postmarket
    * hackerspaces & 🔗hackbases
    * [...]

    * cooperatives

    * platform cooperatives
    * OP Finland
    * Mondragon
    * [...]

also see:
    * 🔗non-shitty
    * 🔗coop-alike
    * [...]

    * educating & "raising a new generation"


    * new theory, imaginaria, utopias, vanguard art

Considered struggling insofar as either directly actionable, or raising people to other modes.

    * Situationist International
    * Fully Automated Luxury Communism
    * Degrowth
    * Proletkult
    * [...]


    * Indigenous


    * Radical Degrowth

    * Uncivilisation Manifesto by Dark Mountain Project from 2009]
    * [...]

    * Anarcho-primitivism




"Change inside first!"
"Your change will lead!"

    "It's important you yourself are a good person"

The problem of *spontaneity* and *vulgar/naive individualism* is that it eschews coordination at larger scales.

It starts of by conflating two understandings of "individualism":
    A) being "autonomous", independent, acting solo:
        A*) (rather than coordinating)
    B) acting to pursue own gain:
        B*) (rather than pursuing common gain)

With A, you lose the ability to do B*!
But actually, since you are embedded, not doing A* will result in bad results for B itself!


    "Carbon footprint" & Micro Consumerism

Instead of focusing on ‘micro consumerist bollocks’ like ditching our plastic coffee cups, we must challenge the pursuit of wealth and level down, not up


comment by "Resistance Garden"
It occurred to me just recently that not everyone realizes how much bullshit the idea of individual carbon footprint is, nevermind that it's literally a piece of oil industry propaganda. But aside from the recognition that, say, 100 industries account for most of the greenhouse gas emissions and that the US military is the single biggest emitter that doesn't need to fully report their emissions and pollution, we also need to understand that relationships to ecology are more complicated than mechanistic mathematical calculations. 
We should think harder and deeper about how we impact our ecologies, beyond both reductionist and individualist oversimplifications.

    "Be the change you want to see"


Useless in a class struggle, when identities and issues are not shared.
... at least if perceived as being a sufficient change actor, not just a "warmup"

You have nothing to "change in yourself"!, as:
    * ... you are not a capitalist expropriating
    * ... you are not an inflictor of racial/sexist/... abuse
    * ... you are not the richest industry in the world, willing to spend everything they have to save themselves
    * [...]

Also sounds like Peterson's "start small, clean your room".
"Responsibility essentialism" ...

[!?] UNLESS perceived as:
        = change comes from leading (and somehow giving example to others):
            A) as end-state (will fail at principality!)
            B) as establishing revolutionary conditions (...but then it falls under a different category)

    (Second Debate ~20190816)
"drugače ne moreš naredit spremembe če ti tega ne verjameš"
"ne moreš ti drugih prepričat, če ti tega ne verjameš"

"če ti [ne daješ občutka da] nečesa ne verjameš, in se tega ne držiš, ne moreš prepričat drugih, da bi verjeli enako kot ti"

"spremembe se vedno začnejo s spreminanjem prepričevanja posameznikov"
"če hočeš prepričanje nekoga spremenit ga moraš z nečim prepričat"

[!] include the "B" from newyorck poem/illustration ! >d
    UPDATE: not  sure what I mean here

     "Ethical Consumption"
    * greenwashing (as just another marketing strategy in favor of consumerism)
    * one issue "activists" (militant vegans, recyclers, "plastic straws", ...)
    * [...]


[!→] #polemics #case

Easiest to defuse by:
    1) enumerating historic struggles that worked
    2) iterating the real tactics, juxtaposing
    3) explaining "zero sum game" of activist attention
    4) explaining Theory of contradiction (Mao), and primary/secondary principles


    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Persuasion !!!!!! :
        * "Systematic persuasion is the process through which attitudes or beliefs are leveraged by appeals to logic and reason. Heuristic persuasion on the other hand is the process through which attitudes or beliefs are leveraged by appeals to habit or emotion"
        * [...]
    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manufacturing_Consent !!! #toread (Chomsky)
    * [...]

    * Clericalism & Theologies
    * USA, Poland, ...
    * Sharia law states
    * [...]

    * Corporate-level (Marketing & Sales)

* "Every Covid-19 Commercial is Exactly the Same"

* [...]

    * State-level (Propaganda)


    * Pop Culture

    * $ pop
    * https://www.youtube.com/feed/trending
    * trap
    * Kanye west
    * [...]


Pacifying & active counter-activism;
status quo.
(... until the ultra-right gets emboldened by crisis and finds their moment)

What's up with... :
    * "green jobs" ?
    * "klimapaket" ?

... and other counter-activism?

[...] !!!


[!!] ADD MORE → [...]


List of lists:
    * https://wiki.techinc.nl/Hackers_tribes#Protests_.26_Revolutions_.26_Resistance
    * [...] ###

    → 🔗commonground
    → 🔗reads

    → 🔗networks

    * NonCompete:
        https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p7YZUWEu-x0 #representation.systems
    * [...] ###

News, Blogs, Magazines, etc:
    → 🔗:left-media
    * https://reformandrevolution.org/
    * [...] ###

(——) Foreign manipulation


* financiering media, art, "NGOs", etc

* "public opinon polls"

* often, election "validation"

* "nobel prizes"
The Soviet authorities felt somewhat constrained in what they could do to Solzhenitsyn, who had been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1970 and was an international celebrity

* ###



<----------------- (new) RESOURCES ↑↑↑


*** PAD

(——) Violent overtake : Hitler & fascism in general

    * electoral success (32%)
    * violence on the streets ("grassroots support")
    * business support
    * [...]

also see:
    * eichmann and "banality of evil"
    * [...] ?

(——) Violent overtake: European imperialism vs the Indigenous ("America", etc)


(-?) wtf is up with "Frankfurt School" ??? (critical but UNFINISHED DYNAMIC vs practical WORK)

Like Karl Marx, the Frankfurt School concerned themselves with the conditions (political, economic, societal) that allow for social change realised by way of rational social institutions.

    * https://www.versobooks.com/blogs/2844-the-frankfurt-school-a-timeline
    * [...]

    wtf is "social change realised by way of rational social institutions." ???

It's straight in there in the definition, however you google for it and nothing turns up? WTF?

So you do this realization, but where do you end up and how do you struggle?
It's a process that should be done in X time an lead to something else?
It's very individualistic, sounds kind of libertarian?

    How do you struggle? What are the results?

>gal ???!!!

(+) Transvestment and Venture Communes

ask >telekommunisten !!!

    * https://wiki.p2pfoundation.net/Venture_Commune
    * [...]

(?) (how did capitalism "start"? or "takevover"?)

    * emergent compounding change?
    * non-event, parasitic on failure of another dynamic ?
    * [...]

(—) "we live in/under capitalism"

(I think via David Graeber).
We don't "live under capitalism".
A part, a large part of our (economic???) interactions are capitalist.
But not all, not even a majority.
We wouldn't consider finding our partners and the exchanges there capitalist.
"When your plumber acoomplice asks you for a wrench, you don't say, OH YEAH WHAT'S IN IT FOR ME?"


“We live in capitalism. Its power seems inescapable. So did the divine right of kings. Any human power can be resisted and changed by human beings. Resistance and change often begin in art, and very often in our art, the art of words.”
 ―  Ursula K. Le Guin  

Sounds kind of good, but sceptical in light of this frag.


(—) countering "the left does not have a grasp on reality"

See 🔗graph-postcapitalism !!!

[s!!**] ( comments <lies )
!!! integrate >d


* 'Moduses' seem to tie  the debate on strategic diff between the historic 'revolution or reformation' debate:

    a) Reformation: 
        "The general idea of reform is of such moderate and peaceful changes as will sufficiently modify the existing order in conformity with changing circumstances as to increase its stability and ensure its continuance."

    b) Revolution:
        "Revolutionists, on the other hand, accept the theory of evolution in its entirety. For them there is no finality. The Social Revolution is merely the outcome of social and economic development, and sudden, violent, cataclysmic changes are but natural incidents in evolution. To them there is no contradiction or antithesis between evolution and revolution."
        from ???


* Marxist critique on 'degrowth' :
    "Marxists distinguish between two types of growth: that which is useful to mankind, and that which simply exists to increase profits for companies. Marxists consider that it is the nature and control of production that is the determinant, and not the quantity. They believe that control and a strategy for growth are the pillars that enable social and economic development. According to Jean Zin, while the justification for degrowth is valid, it is not a solution to the problem. However, other Marxist writers have adopted positions close to the de-growth perspective. (...)"
    from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Degrowth#Marxist_critique
    others are: 
        * John Bellamy Foster ('Marx's Ecology - materialism and nature', etc)
        * [...]

(RESTRUCTURING) primary & secondary struggles

Is this true ???

    * taking the state
    * [...]

    * frankfurter "critical theory" (... to do WHAT?)
    * "educating" (...towards WHAT?)
    * [...]

(RESTRUCTURING) parallel work & different struggles

Some struggles mutual exclude, some naturally complement, most do not exclude others.

For example: "I do teaching" should not be an excuse to not unionize, not support progressive electoral work, to join protests, etc.
This holds especially for Secondary Struggles ( = that do not have direct systemic consequence ).

(+) municipalism

A) "as insurgency":
    could there be ever be a "non-insurgent" municipalism

B) localitarianism / conservative municipalism:
    like recent Tunisian example
    "suspending parliament and setting people's assemblies" ???


C1) "Preston model"

C2) Spanish model: city municipalism + national/international platform:
    "confluence model"


Overall, a constant source of frustration for municipalist governments was the media blackout of their transformative agenda and the difficulty of communicating with the public over the noise of such manufactured controversies.
... is why DOTP is needed

For their critics, these attempts to replicate the municipalist project at higher levels absorbed a huge amount of political energy that would have been better directed at reinforcing the municipalist network. For their advocates, they were a necessary bulwark against political opponents operating at multiple levels and an opportunity to influence politics at regional level, where important decisions on housing, health, education and other strategic issues are taken.
localism creates confusion at how to delineate political issue jurisdiction, and that in itself becomes contentious

(+) court / legal struggles

from anti-prorogation to impeachments ...

... but it goes both ways (political improsonments, dilma rousseff, etc)

(+) organizing inftastructure / logistics

a grassroots-enabling way of support ...
example +juli !

(——) fascist mob violence

* night of Long Knives
* burning of Slovene National Hall @Trieste
* [...]

(?) military coup / putsch

    * (—) many bad ones
    * (?) Egypt ~1952:
    * (+) Burkina Faso ~1983-1987:
        Thomas Sankara
        pan-africanism, anti-imperialism, education, healthcare, ...
    * [...]

(+) anti-imperialism , anti-colonialism

You'll never be as cool as Ethiopian resistance fighters liberating their country from fascist Italy

* wa state - autonomous one-party socialist state

Wa State (Wa: Meung Vax; Chinese: 佤邦; pinyin: Wǎ Bāng; Burmese: ဝပြည်နယ်) is an autonomous region within Myanmar (Burma). It is de facto independent from the rest of the country,[5] and is governed by the United Wa State Party as a one-party socialist state.[1] However, Wa State recognises Myanmar's sovereignty over all of its territory,[6] and has, in return, been granted a high level of autonomy by the central government.[7] Under the 2008 Constitution of Myanmar the area is designated as the Wa Self-Administered Division of Shan State.[8] The administrative capital is Pangkham, formerly known as Panghsang. The name Wa is derived from the Wa ethnic group, who speak an Austroasiatic language. 

(+) international politics (UN, UNESCO, ...)

    * https://www.un.org/sustainabledevelopment/sustainable-development-goals/
    * [...]

(+) christiania ???

    mutualism ?
    After bitter negotiations that temporarily resulted in the area being sealed off to the public, in June 2011, the residents of Christiania agreed to collectively set up a fund to formally purchase the land at below market prices.[14] The community made its first payment in July 2012, officially becoming legal landowners.[15]

(?) unstable liberal + left minority governments

* slovenia 2019:
    →→ (ended in disaster, as "center" broke election promise, broke off to reform government with far-right)
* portugal: left gov? https://www.politico.eu/europe-poll-of-polls/portugal/
* [...]

(?) political assasination

    Luis Carrero Blanco (Franco fascist dictator succesor - Spain)
    french revolution (killing kings)
    english revolution (same)
    richard spencer

    anarchists killing franz ferdinand (→ ww1)




(?) technology: "internet"

i think it's just a technology

h: "what is powerful is the social norms"


(——) Nazi Germany / Hitler's rise to power



aka "Machtergreifung"



SS vs SA

Although some of the conflicts between the SS and SA were based on personal rivalries of leaders, the mass of members had key socio-economic differences and related conflicts. SS members generally came from the middle class, while the SA had its base among the unemployed and working class. Politically speaking, the SA was more radical than the SS, with its leaders arguing the Nazi revolution had not ended when Hitler achieved power, but rather needed to implement socialism in Germany (see Strasserism).

Changing constitution

Hitler then obtained the necessary supermajority by persuading the Catholic Centre Party to vote with him with regard to the Reichskonkordat. The bill was passed on 23 March with 444 votes for and 94 against. Only the Social Democrats led by Otto Wels opposed the measure, which came into effect on 27 March. As it turned out, the atmosphere of that session was so intimidating that the measure would have still passed even if all Communist and Social Democratic deputies had been present and voting. The provisions of the bill turned the Hitler government into a de facto legal dictatorship. 

(—) destabilization

    * https://www.jstor.org/stable/421552?seq=1
    * [...]

"mechanisms to support their activities that are parasitic to capitalism"

* "escobar rerouted cocaine money to the normal people"

* the danish bank robbers
was a group of about a dozen communist political activists who during the 1970s and 80s committed a number of highly professional robberies in Denmark and sent the money to the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.  The gang's claims to fame were the professionalism of their heists, and the 1989 discovery of a large cache of weapons and explosives in a hideout flat on Blekingegade ("Blekinge Street") giving the gang its press name
His "leech state theory" theorized that the rich countries make so much money by exploiting 3rd world countries that even their "poorest" citizens are so rich they are effectively "bribed" into being part of the Capitalist bourgeoisie and unlikely to participate in any Communist revolution until this source of wealth dries out due to liberation of the 3rd world.  Accordingly, western communists who really want a communist ideal state must first help liberate the 3rd world countries from western exploitation.  This theory will be the basis of all future activities in both the party and the gang.  The theory is later published as a book.

* robin hood (and redistribution)

* bogdanov and expropriating

* [...]

(new ideas <ts(?) tomerge)

anti-tech 350.org permaculture heidegger

thebrilliant.org -> ep 59, 60, 61, 62 on tech

hegel's dialect: why stop at the moralistic negation of tech

[?] "Just wars"

* bernie sanders supported war in Yugoslavia:
    the apparatus definitely made a thing out of it

* and UN ones?

* "just wars" must def not be "excluding by not including"

* [...]

Electorate failed, what now? post-bernie


Socialism of the 21st century (Spanish: socialismo del siglo XXI) is an interpretation of socialist principles first advocated by German sociologist and political analyst Heinz Dieterich and taken up by a number of Latin American leaders. Dieterich argued in 1996 that both free-market industrial capitalism and 20th-century socialism have failed to solve urgent problems of humanity like poverty, hunger, exploitation, economic oppression, sexism, racism, the destruction of natural resources and the absence of a truly participative democracy.[1] Socialism of the 21st century has democratic socialist elements, but it primarily resembles Marxist revisionism.[2]
Leaders who have advocated for this form of socialism include Hugo Chávez of Venezuela, Néstor Kirchner of Argentina, Rafael Correa of Ecuador, Evo Morales of Bolivia and Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva of Brazil.[3] Because of the local unique historical conditions, socialism of the 21st century is often contrasted with previous applications of socialism in other countries, with a major difference being the effort towards a more decentralised and participatory planning process.[2]

(—) 2020/06 | Boomers are condemning looting

white boomers are condemning the looting.
what to tell them?

    This "armchair general" is a bunch of HISTORICALLY UNINFORMED smartassing.
    See "HISTORIC" examples below !



    1) you don't have the right to smartass about tactics of opressed peoples' far away:
        ... ESPECIALLY if there is a racial component
        ... ESPECIALLY if you never did anything to correct it before yourself

    2) being an armchair general is retarded generally:
        ESPECIALLY because you get news through the media, which you will easily (right?) recognize in complicit with upkeeping the previous status quo for those peoples. Yes?

    3) All wars are dirty:
        so "sorry about your burnt car"

    4) ... additionally, this is asymmetric conflict:
        make your own calculation about ownership structure, and relative LOSS vs INFLICT damage

    5) Destroying shit makes the cost of uprisings high. It is like a union strike:
        but that is the whole point

    6) violence also has a MEDIA CAPACITY:
        you didn't care before, you didn't see it
        now you see it - that's good right?
        it didn't work before, so you get it, yes?

[!!] More Historic Uprisings, violence, and looting !

historic lessons of (struggling tactics used in)......

... add more !!!

HISTORIC: peasant uprisings (~13-early 18 century)

_____________ ( unsorted, review! )

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peasants%27_Revolt (1381)"""
The rebels sought a reduction in taxation, an end to the system of unfree labour known as serfdom, and the removal of the King's senior officials and law courts. [...] On 13 June, the rebels entered London and, joined by many local townsfolk, attacked the gaols, destroyed the Savoy Palace, set fire to law books and buildings in the Temple, and killed anyone associated with the royal government. The following day, Richard met the rebels at Mile End and acceded to most of their demands, including the abolition of serfdom. Meanwhile, rebels entered the Tower of London, killing the Lord Chancellor and the Lord High Treasurer, whom they found inside"""




Peasant Revolts in the German Empire in the Late Middle Ages 



_____________ open q's
    * g: "peasant uprising tactics"
    * g: "kmečki upori požgali"
    * did they burn down farms, etc ("their own property") or not?
    * did they try to destroy down castles? anything else?
    * ... or did they rather try to "reform" them?
    * OK, that was also held in place by bishops etc
    * [...]

(+) HISTORIC: French revolution (~1789 ... 1792 storming pallace)

        """Pamphlets by liberal nobles and clergy became widespread after the lifting of press censorship.[47] The Abbé Sieyès, a theorist and Catholic clergyman, argued the paramount importance of the Third Estate in the pamphlet Qu'est-ce que le tiers état? (What is the Third Estate?) published in January 1789. He asserted: "What is the Third Estate? Everything. What has it been until now in the political order? Nothing. What does it want to be? Something."[48]"""

It'll be fine

Ah! It'll be fine, It'll be fine, It'll be fine
aristocrats to the lamp-post
Ah! It'll be fine, It'll be fine, It'll be fine
the aristocrats, we'll hang them!

If we don't hang them
We'll break them
If we don't break them
We'll burn them
Ah! It'll be fine, It'll be fine, It'll be fine
aristocrats to the lamp-post
Ah! It'll be fine, It'll be fine, It'll be fine
the aristocrats, we'll hang them!

(+) HISTORIC— Anti-apartheid: communism, organised violence, sabotage

By 1985, it had become the ANC's aim to make Black townships "ungovernable" (a term later replaced by "people's power") by means of rent boycotts and other militant action. Numerous township councils were overthrown or collapsed, to be replaced by unofficial popular organisations, often led by militant youth. People's courts were set up, and residents accused of being government agents were dealt extreme and occasionally lethal punishments. Black town councillors and policemen, and sometimes their families, were attacked with petrol bombs, beaten, and murdered by necklacing, where a burning tyre was placed around the victim's neck, after they were restrained by wrapping their wrists with barbed wire. This signature act of torture and murder was embraced by the ANC and its leaders. 


Inspired by the actions of Fidel Castro's 26th of July Movement in the Cuban Revolution, in 1961 Mandela, Sisulu, and Slovo co-founded Umkhonto we Sizwe ("Spear of the Nation", abbreviated MK). Becoming chairman of the militant group, Mandela gained ideas from literature on guerrilla warfare by Marxist militants Mao and Che Guevara as well as from the military theorist Carl von Clausewitz.[116] Although initially declared officially separate from the ANC so as not to taint the latter's reputation, MK was later widely recognised as the party's armed wing.[117] Most early MK members were white communists who were able to conceal Mandela in their homes; after hiding in communist Wolfie Kodesh's flat in Berea, Mandela moved to the communist-owned Liliesleaf Farm in Rivonia, there joined by Raymond Mhlaba, Slovo, and Bernstein, who put together the MK constitution.[118] Although in later life Mandela denied, for political reasons, ever being a member of the Communist Party, historical research published in 2011 strongly suggested that he had joined in the late 1950s or early 1960s.[119] This was confirmed by both the SACP and the ANC after Mandela's death. According to the SACP, he was not only a member of the party, but also served on its Central Committee.[120][121]

We of Umkhonto have always sought to achieve liberation without bloodshed and civil clash. We hope, even at this late hour, that our first actions will awaken everyone to a realization of the dangerous situation to which Nationalist policy is leading. We hope that we will bring the Government and its supporters to their senses before it is too late, so that both government and its policies can be changed before matters reach the desperate stage of civil war.
—Statement released by MK to announce the start of their sabotage campaign[122]

Operating through a cell structure, MK planned to carry out acts of sabotage that would exert maximum pressure on the government with minimum casualties; they sought to bomb military installations, power plants, telephone lines, and transport links at night, when civilians were not present. Mandela stated that they chose sabotage because it was the least harmful action, did not involve killing, and offered the best hope for racial reconciliation afterwards; he nevertheless acknowledged that should this have failed then guerrilla warfare might have been necessary.[123] Soon after ANC leader Luthuli was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, MK publicly announced its existence with 57 bombings on Dingane's Day (16 December) 1961, followed by further attacks on New Year's Eve.[124]



Making South Africa Ungovernable ANC Strategy for the '80s
* does it include  iolence?
* is it "universalist" 
the anti-apartheid movement was very largely socialist-universalist (with strong links to the CP-SA) and they used violence against a extremely un-democratic and violent racialist regime; however, during the transition, and probably motivated by the desire to avoid a racial civil war,they made compromises with neoliberalism


    #TOREAD https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_revolutions_and_rebellions !!!

(+) CONTEMPORARY: BLM , ally.wiki, etc

https://ally.wiki ???
#e2h #case

points to https://docs.google.com/document/d/e/2PACX-1vSrT26HMWX-_hlLfiyy9s95erjkOZVJdroXYkU-miaHRk58duAnJIUWKxImRkTITsYhwaFkghS8sfIF/pub


class redistribution is very hard, because the better-off will resist, they will misleed and those will resist as well, and thus the situation will be made horrible, and that will feed resistance as well

privileged class resistance >< extrodinary measures:
    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_communism
    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ural-Siberian_method
    * https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/New_Economic_Policy
    * [...]

Nationalization, or nationalisation, is the process of transforming private assets into public assets by bringing them under the public ownership of a national government or state
* "Nikolai Bukharin had criticised the term 'nationalisation', preferring the term 'statisation' instead.[14]"


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eminent_domain !!!
is the power of a state, provincial, or national government to take private property for public use. It does not include the power to take and transfer ownership of private property from one property owner to another private property owner without a valid public purpose.[3] However, this power can be legislatively delegated by the state to municipalities, government subdivisions, or even to private persons or corporations, when they are authorized by the legislature to exercise the functions of public character.[4]

Socialization is conceived as a process that transforms the economic processes and, by extension, the social relations within an economy. As such, it is distinct from the process of "nationalization" which does not necessarily imply a transformation of the organizational structure of organizations or the transformation of the economic framework under which economic organizations operate. 

(+) In-industry  callouts to pariah / outcast tactics

The point of blocking spy pixels isn't just about Hey. It's Basecamp's opportunity to change the industry by making spy pixels unacceptable in polite company. "If you successfully brand shit like spy pixels as a pariah tactic, you can get it dropped across the board," Heinemeier Hansson said. (The tactic works: Selling facial-recognition tech to law enforcement is currently becoming a pariah tactic, forcing big companies that want to be seen as upstanding to stop or pause doing so.)

(+) VIOLENT PROTESTS & "Full-spectrum resistance" (Mandela)


In his book, Full Spectrum Resistance activist Aric McBay reveals the lesser-known figures who were willing to utilize more radical acts of resistance to contribute to movements that are often thought of as exclusively nonviolent
again, nelson mandela: """Mandela was imprisoned for his leadership in the radical flank of the anti-apartheid struggle known as uMkhonto we Sizwe (meaning “tip of the spear”) which engaged in acts of sabotage and property destruction; and his autobiography recounts a lengthy process of authorities trying to pressure him into categorically denouncing violence in exchange for his freedom, which he refused to do."""

!!! imply this in the antiboomer polemics questionnaire !!!

The evidence reviewed here provides consistent support for the view that the urban riots of the mid to late 1960s did help to stimulate a reactive pattern of favorable federal action across a wide range of policy areas of interest to blacks (2). [...] while “violence is the most powerful force for social change” may be an overstatement from this data, it certainly shows that violent protest is at least sometimes effective.

"""Perhaps riots are more than just “the language of the unheard,” as Dr. King once asserted. Perhaps they are the stotting of an infuriated, oppressed people signaling back to powers that terrorize them that they too are powerful."""

The force of resistance is determined by the severity of the oppression. It’s as John F. Kennedy once said: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”

(—) surfers & meditators

fuck your hakuna matata

(—) spiritualism, theosophy, and "anti-materialism"

Jiddu Krishnamurti (/ˈdʒɪduːkrɪʃnəˈmuːrti/; 11 May 1895 – 17 February 1986) was an Indian philosopher, speaker and writer. In his early life he was groomed to be the new World Teacher but later rejected this mantle and withdrew from the Theosophy organization behind it.[1] His interests included psychological revolution, the nature of mind, meditation, inquiry, human relationships, and bringing about radical change in society. He stressed the need for a revolution in the psyche of every human being and emphasised that such revolution cannot be brought about by any external entity, be it religious, political, or social. 

(+) Yank Levy & guerilla warfare


Anyone who thinks his country will be invaded – which includes anyone now alive – would do well to read "Yank" Levi's Guerrilla Warfare for instruction on to harass invaders.[9][24]
They believed that well-trained irregulars could undermine tanks and the Blitzkrieg.

And guerrilla warfare is a method of fighting – a useful method, that will, I believe, in future campaigns become absolutely essential to success—that can be achieved and developed by democracies and by socialist societies, but cannot be developed by Fascism, particularly in the areas where Fascism rules by force against the will of the population. Successful guerrilla fighting needs the self-confidence and initiative of millions of free men, the support at risk and at heavy sacrifice of almost all the population, and a feeling of close comradeship and solidarity between the guerrilla troops and any regular army and air force supporting them. The Nazis cannot get these qualities at their service, in any of the occupied countries of Europe, even in Italy. We can. And therefore we should not think of guerrilla warfare only in terms of the present heroism of the Soviet Union, or a possible future resistance to invasion in this country. We should think of it also in terms of our own invasion of the Continent

asymmetric warfare

The United States Department of Defense (DOD) defines it as this: "An organized movement aimed at the overthrow of a constituted government through use of subversion and armed conflict."[14]


During the Cold War, conducting free war was to some degree a part of the military training curriculum in Sweden, where the purpose was to enable every conscript soldier to conduct free war in the case of enemy occupation of Sweden.[1]
In free war, battles should primarily be conducted through ambushes and raids on enemy logistics and commands in order to disrupt enemy operations, which ties down more enemy combatants behind the front line, thus making frontline operations easier. 



elector-political participation, its reach, and its limits
ties to:
    * XXX🔗neli and #extremeleft
    * XXX🔗policies

(+) "FUCK PEOPLE" (Tar & Feathers)

radical no-association policy:
    * "free association" is a hyper-liberal motive !
    * ... in line with "don't punch a nazi"
    * though it sounds a bit cultish
ties to #postfamily and #postfriends
aka also #12monkeys

(+) The experience of YU partisans

it wasn't "fun"
it wasn't "comfortable"
it wasn't "do what feels right"
it was something completely different
it was beyond choice
(closer to "duty" if anything)
    as it was,
    you might as well build a whole new idea of humanity around
    it to kind of encompass all of the above
comrades > friends
#postchoice #meaningful?

(+) Richard Spencer loses face


(+) pies and so on

Milkshake vs Ngo

Egging the australian senator

Shoeing Bush

Pies for all ...

(?!) getting absentee votes recognized


"One of my "agenda" is to have the blank vote recognize as legitimate, to show how our government is not representative at all"
"like, if you want to write "fuck you all" on your paper ? it does not count"
"Well IMO a president should not be legitimate when blank votes + abstentions is so big"

Does this tie-in, in any way, to ML rejection of elections as petty bourgeois?

more: document goals

* to try documenting & deciphering various "objections" to methods:
    (attempts to support formation of consequential political argumentation)

* to support combinations of political struggles - a "full spectrum" activism

* [...]

(+) squatting


(?) "support your local scene" & "partying for a cause"

no matter how well you choose your parties, only drinking & dancing at benefits is insufficient support for causes

(?) sandinistas @ nicaragua

from the right, shitting on nicaragua/sandinistas

The Sandinista National Liberation Front (Spanish: Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional, FSLN) is a socialist political party in Nicaragua. Its members are called Sandinistas [sandiˈnistas] in both English and Spanish. The party is named after Augusto César Sandino, who led the Nicaraguan resistance against the United States occupation of Nicaragua in the 1930s.[6]

what happened?
* https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sandinista_National_Liberation_Front
* [...]

They instituted a policy of mass literacy, devoted significant resources to health care, and promoted gender equality[9]
but came under international criticism for human rights abuses, mass execution and oppression of indigenous peoples
that's a totally inconclusive statement "REPORTING ON REPORTING" - what of this really happened?


2020: daniel ortega
In the 2006 Nicaraguan general election, former FSLN President Daniel Ortega was reelected President of Nicaragua with 38.7% of the vote to 29% for his leading rival, bringing in the country's second Sandinista government after 17 years of other parties winning elections. Ortega and the FSLN were reelected in the presidential elections of 2011 and of 2016. 

(+) fining monopoly companies


(+) leaks & whistleblowers

U.S. civic activist Ralph Nader is said to have coined the phrase, but he in fact put a positive spin on the term[6] in the early 1970s to avoid the negative connotations found in other words such as "informer" and "snitch".[7] However, the origins of the word date back to the 19th century. 


    * Snowden (USA global surveillance)
    * Assange / Wikileaks (USA war machine, etc)
    * Chelsea Manning

* offering bounties for leaks! :
    "lifetime rent of 10.000€" offered by (loony) "Ops" org in Slovenia

(~) better capitalism >< greenwashing

This "we got it" idea, very 90s, strong typographies and sharp design. Very #cat1
Corporate saviorusim
"We need a better capitalism"

Mariana Mazzucato


https://twitter.com/SmallBrigitte (followed)

"We bring together people, cultures and ideas to develop responsible leaders who transform business and society. #INSEADforGood"

"We are the RSA. The royal society for arts, manufactures and commerce. We unite people and ideas to resolve the challenges of our time."

"Saving the planet is in the hands of company boards and the time to act is right now."

(?) constitutional / court takeovers


(+) explain struggling (and revolutions) as essential and neccessary

... component of any state, including the current one

for better ... or for worse (which ones would you revert?)

to conservatives:
    to hate any of these forms of political participation per se
    is denying the validity of what you are claiming to defend


(+) non-aligned movement

The Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) is a forum of 120 developing world states that are not formally aligned with or against any major power bloc. After the United Nations, it is the largest grouping of states worldwide.[2][5]
Drawing on the principles agreed at the Bandung Conference in 1955, the Non-Aligned Movement was established in 1961 in Belgrade, SR Serbia, Yugoslavia through an initiative of the Indian Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, Ghanaian President Kwame Nkrumah, Indonesian President Sukarno, Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser and Yugoslav President Josip Broz Tito.[6][7] This led to the first Conference of Heads of State or Governments of Non-Aligned Countries.[8] The term non-aligned movement first appears in the fifth conference in 1976, where participating countries are denoted as "members of the movement". 
The purpose of the organization was enumerated by Fidel Castro in his Havana Declaration of 1979 as to ensure "the national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of non-aligned countries" in their "struggle against imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, and all forms of foreign aggression, occupation, domination, interference or hegemony as well as against great power and bloc politics."[9][10] The countries of the Non-Aligned Movement represent nearly two-thirds of the United Nations' members and contain 55% of the world population. Membership is particularly concentrated in countries considered to be developing or part of the Third World, though the Non-Aligned Movement also has a number of developed nations. 

(+) cybernetics governance

cybersyn, etc.


(+) dual power (Lenin)

As the ideological monopoly of dominant institutions is broken and people increasingly rely on Alternative Institutions (AIs), those who benefited from existing arrangements may seek to dismantle their upstart competitors. At the same time, those who seek fundamental changes in society or who find the alternative ways of organizing it valuable may seek to enlarge and strengthen the alternative infrastructure. Counter institutions (XIs) are created both to defend the AIs and to promote their growth. These work to challenge and attack the status quo while creating, defending, and securing space for opposition and alternative institutions. They do this with everything from political protests, to direct appropriation (of plantations, government buildings, factories, etc.) for the use of alternative institutions, to civil disobedience or armed resistance. The line between AIs and XIs is seldom entirely clear as many alternative institutions are also self-promoting or defending. Together the AIs and XIs form an alternative source of power in society which is "necessarily autonomous from, and competitive with, the dominant system, seeking to encroach upon the latter's domain, and, eventually, to replace it."[26]
During the process of building the alternative institutions and the ideology that supports them, the advantage of dual power is the creation of real, and not merely political, momentum towards the revolutionary transformation of society.
Actual changes are ongoing, rather than postponed to a revolutionary moment, so needs unmet by the pre-existing order are being met during the struggle and no sector of society is told that its concerns can only be dealt with after victory is achieved

(~) effective altruism

seem there's different understandings of it
go "in there" and ...
A) earn money, then spend it on "good causes"
B) spread "ideas"
C) perform sabotage (?)
D) take positions, so "worse people" don't
they will get conflated, of course, defensively/ironically

(~+) debating/arguing on the internet

    * inform fellow travellers, spread arguments
(tho in primitive form compared to 🔗polemics)
    * delineate, see who is who
    * waste your time
    * radicalize people further away, according to some?
    * ###

(X) weather underground / domestic terrorism cells

People talk about polarization now, but just look at the early 1970s where literally thousands of bombs were set off per year. The important thing is just to realize that there are some similarities, but these are very different periods in time and each period of time is unique.

* san marino 1945-1956 drama
weird turn of events
constitutional crisis etc

(+) Graz Communist party (Austria)

The collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991 triggered an existential crisis for the KPÖ. In response, the party’s Vienna-based leadership spent the next decade following a modernization strategy that involved officially repudiating Marxism-Leninism. This also eventually meant dropping its opposition to the European Union, previously grounded in a view of this institution as a tool for promoting economic deregulation and the privatization of public sector goods and services. But for the KPÖ’s state-level organization in Styria, this attempt to “keep up with the times” represented a betrayal of principles. While the party managed to avoid a split, the Styrian branch ended up pursuing a course autonomous from the national party.
The Communist Party of Austria. (KPÖ Weinviertel / Facebook)Doctrinal differences aside, the success of the Styrian KPÖ’s course speaks for itself. Not only has it built a stronghold in Graz, but it has also won around five percent of the vote in every state election since 2005, making the Styrian Landtag the only Austrian state parliament in which the KPÖ is represented.

https://radiostudent.si/politika/steker/stekas-vzpon-avstrijskih-komunistov# <SLO>
Skrivnost uspeha avstrijskih komunistov je torej v tem, da vsaj za zdaj ostajajo zavezani delovanju na lokalnem nivoju, kar je v očitnem kontrastu z nemško Die Linke in slovensko Levico, ki politike onkraj parlamentarnega kupčkanja ne poznata več.
== The point is working on the local political level, not national

(+) international / transnational connecting on party level

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_Alliance :
    strong overview! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_Alliance#Participants

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_International :
    strong overview https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Socialist_International#Full_members

20210905 via case of coup vs https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rally_of_the_Guinean_People , member of both above

of course also NAM:

[!!*] check validity, protocols, etc of all ......... and connection to (reporting from) left-media !!!

(+) POLICIES— banning investors from hoods


... could also be a way for localitarianism

(——) color revolutions and "nonviolent struggle"

... sponsored by USAID/NED/CIA/###

Blueprint for Revolution: How to Use Rice Pudding, Lego Men, and Other Nonviolent Techniques to Galvanize Communities, Overthrow Dictators, or Simply Change the World is a book written by Srdja Popovic, the founder of the Centre for Applied Nonviolent Action and Strategies (CANVAS). The book is described on its back cover as "a handbook for anyone who wants to effectively (and peacefully) improve your neighborhood, make a difference in your community, or change the world."[1]

Funding for Sharp's research at this time came from the DARPA project of the US Department of Defense.[17]
Sharp was appointed a professor of political science at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth in 1972. He held research appointments at Harvard University's Center for International Affairs from 1965.[2]  In 1983 he founded Harvard's Program on Nonviolent Sanctions in Conflict and Defense (PNS), which "continued in the spirit of its founder"[18] and in 1995 was merged with another Harvard organization. In 1983 Sharp also founded the Albert Einstein Institution, a non-profit organization devoted to studies and promotion of the use of nonviolent action in conflicts worldwide.[19] The Albert Einstein Institution has received funding from the Ford Foundation, the International Republican Institute and the National Endowment for Democracy, while some former directors have come from the RAND Corporation and the Ford Foundation.[20] In 2004, the Albert Einstein Institution lost much of its funding (with income dropping from more than $1m a year to as little as $160,000), and from then on was run out of Sharp's home in East Boston, near Logan Airport.[21]



(—) libertarianist  "I do not trust any electoral politician, because they fucked up the system (and keep lying)"

... How to deal with this?:

    1) Politicians in western democracies, when concrete, actually mostly do what they say (??):
        On example of Obama:
            * He just said shit in the first place.
            * He tried, but is not a sole actor - modern democracies are multi-component systems (lower/higher parilaiments, constitutional courts, lobbyist networks etc)

    2) Even if Bernie (et al) won't be able to pull it off -- and he says he needs popular support! -- these steps lead in the right direction:
        * you get exposure and open the debate
        * they have to make compromises. this "iterative change" has been the staple of left all 20th century.
        * example: everything. NHS. etc.

    3) Worryingly, ofc, this kind of shite politics is impossible without Community Fetishism.

    You should fight whoever gets elected.
    You should fight the candidate you voted for.
    But *you get to choose* that candidate !
    Do you want to fight right-wing neo-nazis with the power of police, military, and all state resources?
    Or would you rather fight "moderate neoliberals" or "center-left"?
    That is what this avenue gives you !!

(—) libertarianist Community Fetishism

This is a death sentance for all standout people in "communities" which simply don't & realistically won't organize for their interests.

It always seems to come from places like Oakland, who should know better. They are both:
    * the most active in "community organization", to a totally disproportional level
    * STILL broken and powerless, with "victories" few and inbetween

What do they expect?:
    * That all would become like Oakland in community orga level?
    * That it would suddenly start working, and "we" will just depose the government and organize between eachother?
    * ???

It's a kind of "lifestyle (libertarian) anarchism", harbouring in personal clique privilege. It tragically seems most spread around groups of highly capable people, who for this reason themselves are "doing fine".

... Making it narcissist?

(——) "beyond left and right", or, "i am against labels"

millenial and zoomer know-it-alls seem to love this

(-) "doing nothing" and white privilege active nihilism

### find Nietzsche passage?

(—) CIA art & colour revolutions (regime change)

Afghanistan, arming the Talibans against sociaalists & Soviets

“My people need Europe, my people need Europe to point out the abuser,” Yotuel, a Spain-based Cuban rapper, proclaimed in an EU parliament event convened by right-wing legislators before handing the mic over to Venezuelan coup leader Juan Guaidó. Days later, Yotuel held a Zoom call with State Department officials to discuss “Patria y Vida,” the anti-communist rap anthem he helped author.
As the dust clears from a day of protests across Cuban cities, the Wall Street Journal has dubbed “Patria y Vida” the “common rallying cry” of opponents of Cuba’s government, while Rolling Stone touted it as “the anthem of Cuba’s protests.”
Over the past decade, the US government has spent millions of dollars to cultivate anti-government Cuban rappers, rock musicians, artists, and journalists in an explicit bid to weaponize “desocialized and marginalized youth.” The strategy implemented by the US in Cuba is a real life version of the fantasies anti-Trump Democrats entertained when they fretted that Russia was covertly sponsoring Black Lives Matter and Antifa to spread chaos through North American society.
As this investigation will reveal, leading members of the San Isidro Movement have raked in funding from regime change outfits like the National Endowment for Democracy and US Agency for International Development while meeting with State Department officials, US embassy staff in Havana, right-wing European parliamentarians and Latin American coup leaders from Venezuela’s Guaidó to OAS Secretary General Luis Almagro.
Put forward in direct response to the recruitment of rap artists and other cultural figures by US intelligence, Decree 349 explicitly forbade the dissemination of audiovisual materials containing “sexist, vulgar or obscene language.” Though the law would never be enforced on a formal basis, the provision was viewed by Cuba’s opposition as a direct attack on the subculture of reggaeton seeping into the country’s urban landscape.
Almost overnight, a collective of artists and musicians mobilized to protest the decree. Named for the hardscrabble San Isidro neighborhood in Old Havana where several of its members lived, the new movement appealed directly to cultural influencers in the Global North, marketing itself as a diverse collection of visual creators and independent rappers struggling for nothing more than artistic freedom.
For perhaps the first time, Cuba’s right-wing opposition had a vehicle for making inroads into progressive circles abroad.


(——) USA anticommunism & "Jakarta method"

The Jakarta Method: Washington's Anticommunist Crusade and the Mass Murder Program that Shaped Our World is a 2020 nonfiction book by American journalist and author Vincent Bevins. It concerns U.S. government support for, and complicity in, the Indonesian mass killings of 1965–66, during which an estimated one million people were killed in an effort to destroy the political left and movements for government reform in the country. The book goes on to describe subsequent replications of the strategy of mass murder, against government reform and economic reform movements in Latin America and elsewhere.[1][2] The killings in Indonesia by the American-backed Indonesian forces were so successful in culling communism that the term "Jakarta" was later used to refer to the genocidal aspects of similar, later plans implemented by other authoritarian capitalist regimes with the assistance of the United States.[3][4]

(+) yippie / situationist (and "street-style" autonomism, etc)

see "Steal this book", via 🔗commonground

(+) labour coordination & supervisor trolling

#unions #coordination #protounions


(+) Freeway Revolts
"meant to go ahead regarding of the opinions of the communities they were meant to destroyed"

effective freeway revolts rely on techniques like:
* blocking bulldozers
* occupying ocndemned housee
* protesting / blocking council meetings regarding the proposed freeway
* mass demonstrations
* "starting a fist fight in a city council chamber is a more effective protest than saying no to a plan":

* mass arests
* press: "they're irresponsible"

* Wochenklausuhr ("artistic social interventions")
<danielle, 20211004
[!→] @@khg-cast

Since 1993 the artist group WochenKlausur develops concrete proposals aimed at effective improvements to socio-political deficiencies. Proceeding even further and translating these proposals into action artistic creativity is no longer seen as a formal act but as an intervention into society.
The association was founded 1993 by Wolfgang Zinggl
Its all about a teamwork. The core team of WochenKlausur consists of 8 artists who have all participated in multiple projects. According to the intervention the team is going to be extended by other artists. There are approximately two projects realised on average per year. The prerequisite for every intervention is the invitation of an art institution, which provides WochenKlausur with an infrastructural framework and cultural capital. The exhibition space itself serves as a studio from which the intervention is conducted.
The name WochenKlausur could be translated as “weeks of closure”. The German word “Klausur” is related to the English words enclosure, seclusion and cloister. The group’s projects are collective efforts that take place in the concentrated atmosphere of a closed-session working situation. A strictly limited timeframe gives rise to an unusual concentration of the participants’ allowing the planned interventions to be realized very quickly. The issue to be addressed is usually established before the project begins. It is up to the group to inform themselves about local political circumstances and corresponding interventions before the project’s start. After extensive research, the group makes a final decision concerning what is in fact to be accomplished.

"culture jamming"

Culture jamming (sometimes guerrilla communication)[1][2] is a protest used by many anti-consumerist social movements[3] to disrupt or subvert media culture and its mainstream cultural institutions, including corporate advertising. It attempts to "expose the methods of domination" of a mass society.[4]
Culture jamming employs a technique originally associated with Letterist International, and later Situationist International, known as détournement. It uses the language and rhetoric of the mainstream paradigm or culture to subversively critique that paradigm or culture. Tactics include editing logos to critique the company, product or concept they represent, or wearing fashion statements that criticize the current fashion trends by deliberately clashing with them.[5]  Culture jamming often entails using mass media to produce ironic or satirical commentary about itself, commonly using the original medium's communication method. Culture jamming is also a form of subvertising.[6] Culture jamming is intended to expose questionable political assumptions behind commercial culture. 
Culture jamming is a reaction against social conformity. Prominent examples of culture jamming include the adulteration of billboard advertising by the Billboard Liberation Front and contemporary artists such as Ron English. Culture jamming may involve street parties and protests. While culture jamming usually focuses on subverting or critiquing political and advertising messages, some proponents focus on a different form which brings together artists, designers, scholars, and activists[7] to create works that transcend the status quo rather than merely criticize it.[8][9]


(+) salting (infiltration)

Salting is a labor union tactic involving the act of getting a job at a specific workplace with the intent of organizing a union.[1] A person so employed is called a "salt".

(+) Uncloaking
#twotiming #antigrifters

the taboo of:
    * "what do you earn?"
    * "who do you vote for?"
    * "who do your friends vote for?"

any hesitation is an immediate liberal identification, 
there is absolutely no reason to cloak and the outcomes are only empowering the status quo.


huh, what is this
Many would-be radicals mistake throwing the baby out with the bath water for radical inquiry. “Abolish X thing” has been a useful frame for the moral immediatism we espouse. If it is cruel and unjust, our goal must be its abolition. However, after identifying X thing as Bad, we may, in our haste, obscure the complexities behind, within, or surrounding the thing.
ties to #consequential but meh

(+) identifying, naming, pre-empting progressive legislation from comparable domains

As of 2021:
    * at least France and Portugal ban work outside work hours
    * Portugal decriminalized hard drugs
    * Spain decrim mushrooms
    * [...]

[!!] portal listing these 

stop erosion of worker right via SP (sole propreitorships) self-precarization

(rampant in Slovenia):
    what started as a "legal hack"
    became more and more accessible, normalized and at some point in demand by both sides

self precarization (per class analysis) is inherent to neoliberalism
worker protections are eroded with "creative accounting"


1) design common sense legal challenges to protect workers from draw into "SP":
    investigate, what they were initially established for
    if you're serving a single client, you're not a SP, it's just tax evasion

2) spread awareness of reality of their status:
    some were sold the idea of identifying (serving right-wing rhetoric "pro-businesses" rhetoric) as "having a company"
    in must cases, it is just an erosion of worker rights

List of acts of international resistance to US imperialism/hegemony

* https://www.reddit.com/r/socialism/comments/gljz4k/list_of_acts_of_international_resistance_to_us/

  • 1944: Guatemalans overthrow US-backed Ubico dictatorship
  • 1955: Japanese farmers protest land seizure for US air force base construction
  • 1959: Cuban revolution ousts US-backed military dictatorship and creates a socialist government
  • 1963: Vietnam begins kicking the USAs ass
  • 1966: Brazilian socialists begin armed resistance to US-backed military dictatorship
  • 1973: Chilean socialists begin armed resistance to Pinochet
  • 1974: Portuguese soldiers overthrow US-backed fascist dictatorship
  • 1979: Iranians overthrow US-backed Shah dictatorship
  • 1979: Nicaraguans overthrow US-backed Somoza dictatorship
  • 1984: Uruguayan workers overthrow US-backed dictatorship
  • 1985: Brazilians overthrow US-backed dictatorship
  • 1987: South Koreans overthrow the US-backed military dictatorship
  • 1992: Malawians overthrow the US-backed military dictatorships
  • 2005: South Koreans protest land seizures for US military base expansion
  • 2014: Burkinabé overthrow US and French-backed dictator

Cooperative economics


More broadly, ujamaa may mean "cooperative economics", in the sense of "local people cooperating with each other to provide for the essentials of living", or "to build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses and to profit from them together".[2]

Ritual / constructed religions / spiritual cultures: Kwanzaa

For Karenga, a major figure in the Black Power movement of the 1960s and 1970s, the creation of such holidays also underscored the essential premise that "you must have a cultural revolution before the violent revolution. The cultural revolution gives identity, purpose, and direction."[6]

### Operation Condor

RS— putting (proletarian-relevant) economic data in perspective beyond deception


(—) Imperialist list-making

PROFUNC, an acronym for "PROminent FUNCtionaries of the communist party", was a top secret Government of Canada project to identify and observe suspected Canadian communists and crypto-communists during the height of the Cold War.[1] In operation from 1950 to 1983, the goal of the program was to allow for quick internment of known and suspected communist sympathizers in the event of war with the Soviet Union or its allies.[2][3]

COINTELPRO (syllabic abbreviation derived from Counter Intelligence Program) (1956–1971) was a series of covert and illegal[1][2] projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic American political organizations.[3][4] FBI records show COINTELPRO resources targeted groups and individuals the FBI deemed subversive,[5] including feminist organizations,[6] the Communist Party USA,[7] anti–Vietnam War organizers, activists of the civil rights movement and Black Power movement (e.g. Martin Luther King Jr., the Nation of Islam, and the Black Panther Party), environmentalist and animal rights organizations, the American Indian Movement (AIM), independence movements (including Puerto Rican independence groups such as the Young Lords and the Puerto Rican Socialist Party), a variety of organizations that were part of the broader New Left, and right-wing groups such as the Ku Klux Klan[8] and the National States' Rights Party.[9]

(——) EU & CIA: may 1947, operation gladio, etc


Communist ministers were dismissed from several other European governments in 1947[17] and in all cases the move was dictated by a desire to comply with the wishes of the United States.[18] These maneuvers led the Soviets to harden their approach to foreign policy, establishing the Cominform.[19]

Trying to assasinate Hitler

The obvious "good" assasination ...
... however since it / they didn't work
... they were a bad idea?

#antirelease also — "delaying until perfected, otherwise inverse effects possible"...

"Trucker protests"

Trucks et al, the "distributed" heavy machinery (and sound weapons)...

Track record...
* 197x, Chile (reactionary, imperialist-supported)
* 1991, Slovenia territorial defense convoys (liberal/consensus)
* RIP "profoundly frustrated muffler repair man"
* 201x, EU terrorist strikes on civilians
* 2022, Canada (antivax, reactionary):
    * blocked border with USA
* [...]

The good news is, these right-wing anti-vaxx idiots are inadvertently giving us a demonstration of how powerful general (or "partial general") strikes by logistic workers can be in the event of something like a right-wing coup on the pattern Trump attempted January 6, a US war of aggression, in tandem with a rent/debt strike against predatory capitalism, etc. 
1) This disruption was all caused by an action backed by a small minority of truckers, in an industry where 90% of drivers are vaccinated and 25% are South Asian. The JIT capitalist logistical system has a lot of extremely weak links.

Scaling up protest: ("imperfect") movements? causes? organizations? individuals? (and of what kind)

    Example 1: BLM
X criticized BLM and put forward items like this:

* How can, or should, self-organized causes, prevent the people with the "lucky tweet" that went forward to "take control" of movement?
* etc
Response to a red-pilled hit-piece, such as:
NYpost is a right-wing tabloid, this article fails (on purpose, as it's a hit piece) to understand & not confuse the complex differences between:
    1) a "ground-up movement" (an idea easily recognized by all, without any formal administration)
    2) a "financial-legal entity" (or a multitude in their own complex inter-relations — which are beneficial to support movements, but will always have imperfect power structures. Criticizing any specific detail of one is misguided, as it misses the stated structural point)
    3) the "initiators" of the movement (and especially their personal character) (they might have designed the logo, sent out the first tweet, made and spread out the first FB event and then sought out the PA... but this is coincidental, has little real significance)
    4) the personal character of any individual involved in the movement (pointing out an individual — especially if they are out of the box portrayed as easy to hate, for example: black+women+queer+wealthy+a bit annoying+outspoken+fat+uncommon image)

    Example 2: Slovenia bike protests (2020/2021) 
Yes, some people had ideas about the logo, made FB events, and started making a name for themselves.
They were also cringe & proved easy targets for hit pieces by both the right & "anticringe" crypto-left.

    Example 3: Slovenia 2010 faculty of arts occupation
Specifically a "no leaders" & only temporary mandates policy was adopted:
    It was to some extent ignored, however.
    It was also doomed from the start, since a single person "announced" the occupation.
    * this was a success, though it was pre-hit peace era
    * a core clique formed, responsible to nobody. a social topology erupted & formed parallel structures that were difficult to rear in.
    * ... some victories were scored but quickly told off as "factions"
    * ... the clique went on to form successful careers on overt left party politics (covering full spectrum of "reformist" and "crypto-revolutionary").

Ground-up sanctions (like BDS- boycott, divest, sanctions)

Inter-national sanctions & blockades

* USA vs "axis of evil":
    (Iran, North Korea, Syria, etc)
* USA, UK, EU etc vs Venezuela (2020 and Guaido bullshit)
* USA peacocking vs Russia & China (Jan 2022)
* China vs Lithuania (Nov 2021)
* China vs Slovenia (Jan 2022):
    or "auto-sanction", it's like a self-suicide

Effective countermeasures:
    * alternative economic integration
    * getting off the dollar standard
    * ###


Simple analysis of topologies of interaction within UN councils

Distribution of votes in favor of holding a UN meeting on Ukraine: 
    For - Albania, Brazil, Ghana, France, Ireland, Mexico, Norway, USA, UK, UAE
    Votes against: China and Russia
    Abstaining: India, Kenya, Gabon
    * imperialists, cat1, lackeys & colonies
    * anti-imperialists powers
    * stuck in the middle

(—pattern) BOURGEOIS DEMOCRACY— Diversion

Boris Johnson said that the British Parliament should focus on countering Russia, not trying to force him to resign.

(—pattern) IMPERIALISM— Replacing "free trade" with "protectionism" when feeling like it

Assets of Russian companies in Britain may be frozen in accordance with the new bill on sanctions - Foreign Minister

Case of SCCA Ljubljana, and culture-funds mediated regime change

A vector for radical centrism

SCCA, Center for Contemporary Arts - Ljubljana was established in 1993 as a Soros Center for Contemporary Arts and is now an independent non-governmental and non-profit organization based in Ljubljana, Slovenia. 
The center aims at providing the public, researchers and students of contemporary art with knowledge, tools and skills necessary for reflected work within the art system, establishing a support system in the cooperation with numerous organisations: SKUC Gallery, Kapelica Gallery, Alkatraz Gallery, The Peace Institute, GAMA (Gateway to Archives of Media Art), AICA Armenia to mention just a few. The center forms a support system for contemporary arts, culture and civil society and divides its activities into three separate fields: artistic and archival projects, educational work and support services for artists and cultural workers. 

(——) Gwangju (South Korea)
The Gwangju Uprising was a popular uprising in the city of Gwangju, South Korea, from May 18 to May 27, 1980, which pitted local, armed citizens against soldiers and police of the Korean Government. The event is sometimes called 5·18 (May 18; Korean: 오일팔; Hanja: 五一八; RR: Oilpal), in reference to the date the movement began. The uprising is also known as the Gwangju Democratization Struggle (Korean: 광주 민주화 항쟁; Hanja: 光州民主化抗爭), the May 18 Democratic Uprising,[2] or the May 18 Gwangju Democratization Movement[3] (Korean: 5·18 광주 민주화 운동; Hanja: 五一八光州民主化運動). 

(+) Antiwar activism within empire: Code Pink (USA)


Illegal funding streams (rare-earth mining, narcotics)

Also in 2009, the Colombian government announced coltan reserves had been found in Colombia's eastern provinces.[24]  Director of the Colombian Police Oscar Naranjo Trujillo stated in October 2011 that the FARC and the Sinaloa Cartel are working together in the unlicensed coltan mining in Colombia. Colombia announced a joint operation with the United States to arrest three suspects who, according to Semana, inherited the illegal business run from their brother, Francisco Cifuentes Villa, alias ‘Pancho Cifuentes,’ who once worked for Pablo Escobar.[25] In 2012 Colombian police seized 17 tons of coltan in Guainía Department. The police said it had been mined on an indigenous reserve and bought for $10 a kilo and sold it for $80 to 100 dollars a kilo, after smuggling it across the border into Brazil, where there are smelters, and sold on through the black market to buyers in Germany, Belgium, Kazakhstan and the United States. Colombia has 5% of global coltan reserves.[26] One of the regions suffering from illegal gold and coltan mining in Colombia is the wetland known as Estrella Fluvial del Inírida (Inírida Fluvial Star), a Ramsar protected wetland.[27][28][29]
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutionary_Armed_Forces_of_Colombia (FARC)


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutionary_Armed_Forces_of_Colombia (FARC)

On 11 January 2008 during the annual State of the Nation in the Venezuelan National Assembly, Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez referred to the FARC as "a real army that occupies territory in Colombia, they're not terrorists ... They have a political goal and we have to recognise that".[133] However, on 13 January 2008, Chávez retracted his previous statement and stated his disapproval of the FARC–EP strategy of armed struggle and kidnapping, saying "I don't agree with kidnapping and I don't agree with armed struggle".[134] President Hugo Chávez repeatedly expressed his disapproval of the practice of kidnapping stating on 14 April: "If I were a guerrilla, I wouldn't have the need to hold a woman, a man who aren't soldiers ... Free the civilians who don't have anything to do with the war. I don't agree with that."[135] On 7 March at the Cumbre de Rio, Chávez stated again that the FARC–EP should lay down their arms "Look at what has happened and is happening in Latin America, reflect on this (FARC-EP), we are done with war ... enough with all this death".[136] On 8 June Chavez repeated his call for a political solution and an end to the war, "The guerrilla war is history ... At this moment in Latin America, an armed guerrilla movement is out of place".[137]

IWW: "Nothing too good for the working class"

#reread [!]

#toread [!!**]

(——) Street-strong far-right, transforming Blue→Teal
Teal = Blue+Brown

After President Volodymyr Zelensky’s election in 2019, the extreme right allegedly threatened him with removal from office, or even death, if he negotiated with separatist leaders from Donbas and followed through on the Minsk Protocol. Zelensky ran for election as a peace candidate, but under threat from the right, he refused to even talk to Donbas representatives, whom he dismissed as terrorists.

    1932/1933 ! (Hitler—Hindenburg)
    ↓ "hitler rise to power"

[!!*↓] Rich allies


Transnational / platform capitalism & unions


Synthetic left / Embedded left / Pseudo-left



World systems theory: core/semi-periphery/periphery



(anarchism & world-systems, interesting (quantitative) study)

ANARCHY— Nestro Makhno and anarchists (1917-1923)

bad look for Bolsheviks

Double movement

In his writings, Polanyi advances the concept of the Double Movement, which refers to the dialectical process of marketization and push for social protection against that marketization.

I guess super important to #subwarfare and #antirelease ... if i understand it correctly as a kind of weird, symbiotic dialectic process

2023/03— Defending Sandinistas and Daniel Ortega in Nicaragua

The seven “presidential hopefuls” plus 30 others were arrested for another reason. Following the 2018 coup attempt, Nicaragua passed two laws that criminalized promoting foreign interference in Nicaragua’s internal affairs, seeking foreign military intervention, organizing acts of terrorism, and promoting coercive economic measures against their country. They were arrested for these illegal activities; activities, it should be noted, that are similarly prohibited by the US’s own FARA Act, after which the Nicaraguan laws were modeled.
“Since 2007 [when the Sandinistas returned to power] poverty has been cut in half, maternal mortality has dropped by 70%, infant mortality by 61% with a 66% reduction in chronic malnutrition in children 6 to 12 years old. With a high percentage of small and medium-scale farmers and much government investment in training and loans, they have achieved 90% food sufficiency.”

Gonzaloism / The Shining Path (Peru)


Maoist guerrilla organization that was founded in the early 1980s with the goal of establishing a communist state in Peru. The group is known for its violent and brutal tactics, including assassinations, bombings, and massacres. It waged a long and bloody insurgency against the Peruvian government.
Guzmán's ideology, often referred to as "Gonzalo Thought," was a variant of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism tailored to the Peruvian context. He believed in the need for a protracted people's war to overthrow the existing government and establish a communist state
In 1989, Guzmán declared that the Shining Path (which he referred to as the "Communist Party of Peru") had progressed from waging a people's war to waging a "war of movements." He further argued that this was a step towards achieving "strategic equilibrium" in the near future, based on Maoist theories of waging people's war. Guzmán claimed that such an equilibrium would manifest itself by ungovernability under the "old order." When that moment arrived, Guzmán believed that Shining Path would be ready to move on to its "strategic offensive".
Tactically, looks a lot like the proto-fascist #patterns of the right, currently

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%BApac_Amaru_Revolutionary_Movement ("The MRTA also aimed to provide an alternative to another militant group, the Shining Path, which placed them in direct competition.")

(+) american civil war

interesting rift, formally, between:
    * north, benefitting from slavery abroad:
        (more developed  | ~superprofits + spoils to workers)
    * south, benefitting from slavery at home:
        (less developed    | ~profits)

* the more developed imposes law
* north turned south into more typical capitalist periphery:
    (as they couldn't compete with slave-powered industry)
        capitalist mode replaces slave-based/feudal economy
* slaves didn't participate as combatants:
    north ~ 1.5m
    south ~ 0.7-1m, but 4m slaves (non-combatants!)
* ###
How could this translate to "communism from outside" strategies:
    * non-imperialist proletariat might mostly abstain (except as nationalists)
    * ... LA might partly abstain (morality)
    * ###

(—?) Cambodian revolution

What happened here?
  • Cambodian nationalism[4]
  • Social conservatism[5]
  • Monarchism[6][7]
Before 1991:
  • Communism[8]
  • Marxism–Leninism[8]
Political position
Big tent

(—) bizarre colonial backdoors: case of Gough Whitlam (Australian PM 1972-1975)

Wanted to close Pine Gap
was sacked via "governer general", who was a CIA asset

(+) human shields

A human shield is a non-combatant (or a group of non-combatants) who either volunteers or is forced to shield a legitimate military target in order to deter the enemy from attacking it.[1]
The concept of human shields as a resistance measure was created by Mahatma Gandhi as a weapon of resistance.[2] Human shields have also been used in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict by the Israeli forces and Palestinian groups.[3][4][5] 

(—) exclusive clubs, capitalist conspiracies


→ potential to account for this in different ways?

(——) violent responses to protest within "democratic" west

The Kent State shootings (also known as the May 4 massacre and the Kent State massacre[3][4][5]) were the killing of four and wounding of nine unarmed college students by the Ohio National Guard on the Kent State University campus. The shootings took place on May 4, 1970, during a rally opposing the expanding involvement of the Vietnam War into Cambodia by United States military forces as well as protesting the National Guard presence on campus and the draft. Twenty-eight National Guard soldiers fired about 67 rounds over 13 seconds, killing four students and wounding nine others, one of whom suffered permanent paralysis. Students

(+?) Red Bologna (Italy), ~1970s

On March 11, 1977, the Communist-led government of Bologna sent the police into the city’s university to quell student protests, breaking a centuries-old protocol that granted autonomy to the ancient institution. Francesco Lorusso, a student and member of the far-left extra-parliamentary group Lotta Continua, was murdered in the ensuing violence, shot in the back by police.
A PCI stronghold since the war, Bologna became the central testing ground of the party’s new approach to socialist political organization. The PCI’s goal was to introduce elements of socialism at the local level, within a country still fundamentally under capitalist rule at the national level. Eschewing top-down rule from party to citizen, the party attempted to directly engage the city’s residents at all levels of decision-making.
Fare-free buses were introduced, traffic was diverted away from public squares, the historic center was protected with strict planning regulations, and an already progressive national law demanding at least eighteen square meters of public space per person was increased to sixty-four.

Attitudes to public health were also completely transformed. Writing at the time, Sil Schmit described a shift from the “hierarchical clinic” to a “therapeutic community.” The Bolognese authorities empowered workers to strike in protest against poor working conditions, paid health care professionals to conduct occupational health analyses in the workplace, and fostered a massive public discussion about health, featuring thousands of pamphlets written by workers themselves. All this was wrapped up in the city health department’s guiding slogan: “prevention is revolutionary.”
#medical #prevention

As Franco “Bifo” Berardi details, “the agenda of the PCI aimed at pitting the workers who have a regular job against the irregular, unemployed, precarious, underpaid young proletarians.”

Mentions Red Brigades:
    (1994 Nation article)
    #toread [!!**]

Tupamaros (Uruguay, 1967-1972)

The National Liberation Movement – Tupamaros (Spanish: Movimiento de Liberación Nacional – Tupamaros, MLN-T) was a Marxist-Leninist urban guerrilla group in Uruguay in the 1960s and 1970s. In 1989 it joined the Movement of Popular Participation (MPP), which was admitted to the Broad Front.[1]
The MLN-T is inextricably linked to its most important leader, Raúl Sendic, and his brand of social politics. José Mujica, who later became President of Uruguay, was also a member. 300 Tupamaros died either in action or in prisons (mostly in 1972), according to officials of the group. About 3,000 Tupamaros were also imprisoned.[2]

(+) Montgomery Bus Boycott

Often mentioned and mythologized is refusal to give space for white passenger, but rarely the actual mechanics of it.

via https://www.instagram.com/p/C9Ec8CRoc60

Sparked by the arrest of Rosa Parks on 1 December 1955, the Montgomery bus boycott was a 13-month mass protest that ended with the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that segregation on public buses is unconstitutional. The Montgomery Improvement Association (MIA) coordinated the boycott, and its president, Martin Luther King, Jr., became a prominent civil rights leader as international attention focused on Montgomery. The bus boycott demonstrated the potential for nonviolent mass protest to successfully challenge racial segregation and served as an example for other southern campaigns that followed. In Stride Toward Freedom, King’s 1958 memoir of the boycott, he declared the real meaning of the Montgomery bus boycott to be the power of a growing self-respect to animate the struggle for civil rights.
A year after the WPC’s meeting with Mayor Gayle, a 15-year-old named Claudette Colvin was arrested for challenging segregation on a Montgomery bus. Seven months later, 18-year-old Mary Louise Smith was arrested for refusing to yield her seat to a white passenger. Neither arrest, however, mobilized Montgomery’s black community like that of Rosa Parks later that year.

(—) 1980 Moscow olympic games boycott


In 1980, the United States led a boycott of the Summer Olympic Games in Moscow to protest the late 1979 Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. In total, 65 nations refused to participate in the games, whereas 80 countries sent athletes to compete. 
When the Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan on December 27, 1979, the international community broadly condemned the action. Advisors to Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev claimed that the intervention would be quick and uncontested and suggested that U.S. President Jimmy Carter was too engrossed in the ongoing hostage crisis in Iran to respond to the situation in Kabul. In reality, the Soviet intervention in Afghanistan led to an extended conflict in Central Asia, and Carter reacted with a series of measures designed to place pressure on the Soviets to withdraw. These measures included the threat of a grain embargo, the withdrawal of the SALT II agreement from Senate consideration, and a possible boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics, scheduled to be hosted by Moscow. 

[!!*] WOKE/CLASSES— 1985 Philadelphia police airstrake on MOVE black liberation organization 

in 1985, Philadelphia police carried out an airstrike against black liberation organization MOVE, destroying an entire residential neighborhood block and killing 11 people.

From a Pennsylvania State Police helicopter, Philadelphia Police Department Lt. Frank Powell proceeded to drop two 1.5-pound (0.75 kg) bombs (which the police referred to as "entry devices"[9]) made of  Tovex, a dynamite substitute, combined with two pounds of FBI-supplied C-4,[14] targeting a fortified, bunker-like cubicle on the roof of the house.[6] The bombs exploded after 45 seconds, igniting the fuel of a gasoline-powered generator and setting the house on fire, which was left to burn.

The city stated the remains had gone unclaimed by the families after the bombing,[34] but in May 2021, the city of Philadelphia's Health Commissioner, Thomas Farley, resigned under pressure after it was revealed that in 2017 he ordered the cremation and disposal of victims' remains without either identifying them or contacting members of the family.[35] A day after Farley's resignation, staff at the Medical Examiner's Office found the box labeled "MOVE" in a refrigerated area of their office containing the un-cremated remains.

[!!**] WOKE/CLASSES— Rainbow coalition → Fred Hampton murder by USA government (1969)



show how process of revolutionary configuration formation goes from IDENTITY, to RADICALIZED IDENTITY, to CONSOLIDATED.

#cooption by +jesse.jackson

Operation Breadbasket was an organization dedicated to improving the economic conditions of black communities across the United States.  Operation Breadbasket was launched on February 11, 1966, under the leadership of Jesse Jackson. Its primary objective was to promote the employment of African Americans by companies operating in black communities and support the growth of black-owned businesses. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. described the core principle of Breadbasket as the belief that African Americans should not support businesses that denied them job opportunities, career advancement, or basic courtesy. To achieve their goals, the activists of Operation Breadbasket adopted a strategy called "selective patronage."
ties to #BDS [ms!!]

Operation PUSH raised public awareness to initiate corporate action and government sponsorship. The National Rainbow Coalition became a prominent political organization that raised public awareness of numerous political issues and consolidated a large voting bloc. The merged entity has undertaken numerous social initiatives. 

__________ and

COINTELPRO (a syllabic abbreviation derived from Counter Intelligence Program) was a series of covert and illegal[1][2] projects conducted between 1956 and 1971 by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting American political organizations that the FBI perceived as subversive. Groups and individuals targeted by the FBI included feminist organizations,[7][8] the Communist Party USA,[9] anti–Vietnam War organizers, activists in the civil rights and Black power movements (e.g., Martin Luther King Jr., the Nation of Islam, and the Black Panther Party), environmentalist and animal rights organizations, the American Indian Movement (AIM), Chicano and Mexican-American groups like the Brown Berets and the United Farm Workers, and independence movements (including Puerto Rican independence groups such as the Young Lords and the Puerto Rican Socialist Party).
[s!!o*] just what they targeted and in what extent, can be shown obviously as to what they analyzed and considered as potent

(——) USA Red scare (First, second), "McCarthyism" or better "Hooverism"

After October revolution, ~1920

McCarthyism, also known as the Second Red Scare, was the political repression and persecution of left-wing individuals and a campaign spreading fear of communist and Soviet influence on American institutions and of Soviet espionage in the United States during the late 1940s through the 1950s.[1] After the mid-1950s, U.S. Senator Joseph McCarthy, who had spearheaded the campaign, gradually lost his public popularity and credibility after several of his accusations were found to be false.[2][3] The U.S. Supreme Court under Chief Justice Earl Warren made a series of rulings on civil and political rights that overturned several key laws and legislative directives, and helped bring an end to the Second Red Scare.[4][5][6] Historians have suggested since the 1980s that as McCarthy's involvement was less central than that of others, a different and more accurate term should be used instead that more accurately conveys the breadth of the phenomenon, and that the term McCarthyism is, in the modern day, outdated. Ellen Schrecker has suggested that Hooverism, after FBI Head J. Edgar Hoover, is more appropriate.[7]
After WW2, mostly ~1950s

(—) NATO formation



Jailed Nazi generals that formed and chaired it

(—) CIA— Assasination of Patrice Lumumba

Shortly after Congolese independence in June 1960, a mutiny broke out in the army, marking the beginning of the Congo Crisis. After a coup, Lumumba attempted to escape to Stanleyville to join his supporters who had established a new anti-Mobutu state called the Free Republic of the Congo. Lumumba was captured en route by state authorities under Joseph-Désiré Mobutu, sent to the State of Katanga and, with the help of Belgian partisans, tortured and executed by the separatist Katangan authorities of Moïse Tshombe. He was  seen as a martyr for the pan-African movement. In 2002, Belgium formally apologised for its role in the execution. 
The ongoing Cold War affected both Belgium and the United States' perception of Lumumba, as they feared he was increasingly subject to communist influence due to his appeals for Soviet aid. However, according to journalist Sean Kelly, who covered the events as a correspondent for the Voice of America, Lumumba did this not because he was a communist, but because he felt that the Soviet Union was the only power which would support his government's effort to defeat Belgian-supported separatists and rid itself of colonial influence.[148] The US was the first country from which Lumumba requested help.[149] Lumumba, for his part, denied being a communist, stating that he found colonialism and communism to be equally deplorable, and publicly professed his personal preference for neutrality between the East and West.[150]


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