Canarias Nature


To understand the flora & fauna around us, including for renaturing, etc.

    201812xx start <pau
    20181214 checkup @ overview2
    20210826 recent import from CHTv1; D+L review
    20210902 D work →PD+
    ________ as "canarias-bio"
    20210817 stub
    ________ as merged
    20210903 D merge in "canarias-bio" →PD++
    20221214 adding a bit via visor/grafcan

Ties to:
    ______ somewhat
    _________ ???
    🔗hacking-ecology by #HACC
    🔗lies-climatewhirl a #CFP proposal
    ______ somewhat, maybe

Table of Contents
1 (graph)
2.1 (renaturing/greening/counter-desertification)
2.2 Goats
3 *** FAUNA
3.1 % : endemic/endangered
3.2 ————————
3.3 * Geckos @ Lanzarote
3.3.1     Species @ Lanzarote
3.3.2     East Canary Gecko (Tarentola angustimentalis)
3.3.3     (Gallotia)
3.3.4     Skink (Chalcides simonyi)
3.4 * Disappeared reptiles @Lanzarote
3.5 * Spirula Spirula (SEA SHELL)
3.5.1     BASICS
3.5.2     What is this ?
3.5.3     (first encounter)
3.5.4     Links
3.5.5     Buoyancy organ
3.5.6     Photophore
3.5.7     Location
3.6 * (Reptiles)
3.7 * (Insects)
3.8 * Canary big-eared bat [%]
3.9 * Madeira Pipistrelle (A BAT) [%]
3.10 * Canary Shrew (SMALL MOUSE) [%]
3.11 * Hubara (bustard)
3.12 [%] Squatina squatina (angel shark / "angelito")
4 *** FLORA
4.1 (resources)
4.2 * primary / ancient forests
4.3 * Erica scoparia
4.4 [E]* Mesembryanthemum crystallinum ("ice plant" or "ice sallad")
4.5 [E]* Carpobrotus edulis (also "ice plant")
4.6 * Phoenix canariensis
4.7 * (new forests / reforestation)
4.8 * "papas crias"
4.9 * Acacia catechu
4.10 * Kleinia neriifolia
4.11 * Euphorbia canariensis
4.12 * Tetraena fontanesii ("uva del mar")
4.13 * (halophiles)
4.14 * Euphorbia regis jubae
4.15 [E]* Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (salt salad / "ice plant")
4.16 * Prosopis glandulosa
4.17 [E] Terfeziaceae ("desert truffles" or "papas crias")
4.18 Frankenio ericifoliae
4.19 _______ (also recognized)
5.1 * volcanic rocks lichen
5.2 * olivin minerals
5.3 * clay
5.4 * limestone
7 *** PAD
7.1 [!!*] merge-in subseason fragments
7.2 [!!!**] are we leaking links? check graph
7.3 [!] Similar geographies
7.4 [!!] (MERGING)
7.5 agriculture— North Ronaldsay Sheep are halophytes & eat seaweed
7.6 Plant to grow: Purslane
7.6.1     [!!→] (misidentification frag)
7.7 [!] ANTIPEST/RABBITS— myxomatosis
7.8 (L:) "Wilde plants gathering in Canary Islands"
7.9 Sweet tabaiba
7.10 "Castillo de Lara - a Pine Forest in Fuerteventura"


natural-resources->:XXX:deserts natural-resources->solar natural-resources->essential-oils natural-resources->water natural-resources->postcats natural-resources->ecology natural-resources->renaturing natural-resources->canarias-nature natural-resources->materials-textile natural-resources->:XXX:specificity natural-resources->canarias natural-resources->resources natural-resources->nootropics natural-resources->eating-rocks natural-resources->fisculture natural-resources->:XXX:roles-washing natural-resources->fishing natural-resources->vaults natural-resources->food natural-resources->:CHT:ecology ecology->renaturing ecology->farming ecology->climate ecology->struggling ecology->hacc-index ecology->vegan ecology->real-hacks ecology->doomsday ecology-> ecology->farming-notes ecology->antipest ecology->intersub ecology->middlemachine ecology->lim0 ecology->XR ecology->nuclear ecology->projects ecology->non-shitty ecology->numerics ecology->hacc-directory ecology->alike renaturing->natural-resources renaturing->ecology renaturing->canarias-nature renaturing->land-attributes renaturing->:XXX:renaturing renaturing->ArcologyBuilders renaturing->wild-food renaturing->farming renaturing->hacking-geology canarias-nature->natural-resources canarias-nature->ecology canarias-nature->renaturing canarias-nature->canarias canarias-nature->fishing canarias-nature->trees canarias-nature->hacking-ecology canarias-nature->farming canarias-nature->hacking-geology canarias-nature->bio-fashion canarias-nature->bio-textiles canarias-nature->lies-hypernature canarias-nature->eco-budgeting canarias-nature->antipest canarias-nature->lies-climatewhirl canarias-nature->kranj-bio canarias->tfc17 canarias->mapping canarias->:XXX:guanches canarias->channel canarias->pr canarias->season4-B canarias->lanzarote canarias->fuerteventura trees->ecology hacking-ecology->hacking-ecology hacking-ecology->hacc hacking-ecology->Hacking_Ecology__First_Project farming->farming-notes hacking-geology->hacking-housing bio-fashion->hypertextile bio-fashion->pau-draft bio-textiles->materials-textile bio-textiles->hypertextile lies-hypernature->natural-resources lies-hypernature->solar lies-hypernature->ecology lies-hypernature->renaturing lies-hypernature->canarias-nature lies-hypernature->land-attributes lies-hypernature->wild-food lies-hypernature->farming lies-hypernature->hacking-geology lies-hypernature->degrowth lies-hypernature->tech-tree lies-hypernature->documentarianism lies-hypernature->climate lies-hypernature->general-climate-change lies-hypernature->struggling lies-hypernature->hacc-index lies-hypernature->vegan lies-hypernature->in-nature lies-hypernature->goals lies-hypernature->:XXX:doomsday lies-hypernature->real-hacks eco-budgeting->solar eco-budgeting->ecology eco-budgeting->struggling eco-budgeting->metrics eco-budgeting->civ-index eco-budgeting->doomsday eco-budgeting->reparations eco-budgeting-> eco-budgeting->prescriptions eco-budgeting->:XXX:anticrypto antipest->postcats antipest->pandemic antipest->toxoplasmosis antipest->medical antipest->antiticks natural-resources natural-resources :XXX:deserts :XXX:deserts solar solar essential-oils essential-oils water water postcats postcats ecology ecology renaturing renaturing canarias-nature canarias-nature materials-textile materials-textile :XXX:specificity :XXX:specificity canarias canarias resources resources nootropics nootropics eating-rocks eating-rocks fisculture fisculture :XXX:roles-washing :XXX:roles-washing fishing fishing vaults vaults food food :CHT:ecology :CHT:ecology tfc17 tfc17 mapping mapping :XXX:guanches :XXX:guanches channel channel pr pr season4-B season4-B lanzarote lanzarote fuerteventura fuerteventura trees trees hacking-ecology hacking-ecology hacc hacc Hacking_Ecology__First_Project Hacking_Ecology__First_Project land-attributes land-attributes :XXX:renaturing :XXX:renaturing ArcologyBuilders ArcologyBuilders wild-food wild-food farming farming hacking-geology hacking-geology bio-fashion bio-fashion hypertextile hypertextile pau-draft pau-draft bio-textiles bio-textiles lies-hypernature lies-hypernature degrowth degrowth tech-tree tech-tree documentarianism documentarianism climate climate general-climate-change general-climate-change struggling struggling hacc-index hacc-index vegan vegan in-nature in-nature goals goals :XXX:doomsday :XXX:doomsday real-hacks real-hacks eco-budgeting eco-budgeting metrics metrics civ-index civ-index doomsday doomsday reparations reparations prescriptions prescriptions :XXX:anticrypto :XXX:anticrypto farming-notes farming-notes hacking-housing hacking-housing antipest antipest pandemic pandemic toxoplasmosis toxoplasmosis medical medical antiticks antiticks lies-climatewhirl lies-climatewhirl kranj-bio kranj-bio intersub intersub middlemachine middlemachine lim0 lim0 XR XR nuclear nuclear projects projects non-shitty non-shitty numerics numerics hacc-directory hacc-directory alike alike




keeping / herding goats #husbandry

ties to @MB1, +pau
[!] document +kos

    * where do you buy little goats? price? costs to maintain?
    * why don't you have more goats?
    * they live inside the volcano craters:
        what do they do there?
        do they need upkeep?
        how to get there?
        whose are they?
        can I put my goat there?
    * [...]

<----------------------(new) TODO ↑


% : endemic/endangered

"Many of Europe's most endangered animals are species restricted to islands, notably the Canary Islands."

Endemism is the ecological state of a species being unique to a defined geographic location, such as an island, nation, country or other defined zone, or habitat type; organisms that are indigenous to a place are not endemic to it if they are also found elsewhere.


* Geckos @ Lanzarote

    * geckos traditionally live in houses
    * are probably good against local pests (flies, etc)
    * are threatened by cats, lack of old-style materials (wood, plants shade):
        If we can study them and their living conditions we should be able to create wall spaces for them to live in any house
    * ###

    Species @ Lanzarote

* super list !!!

* "Island gigantism" due to:
    * lack of predators (small to escape)
    * survival when lack of food ( bigger, stronger)

    East Canary Gecko (Tarentola angustimentalis)

Status: not endangered / least concerned !


    * @tenerife
    * bigger lizard
    * eats fruits (seasons):
    * [...]

    Skink (Chalcides simonyi)

* Disappeared reptiles @Lanzarote

Various species of giant lizards were considered extinct but still subsist:
    @El Hierro
        * rediscovered in 1974
        * partly reintroduced to extend its territory
    @La Palma
    @La Gomera
        * rediscovered in 1999
        * discovered for the first time in 1996

also called "living fossiles"

* Spirula Spirula (SEA SHELL)

    This is a an awesome living fossil
    That has a completely different organ system
    Makes its own light

    What is this ?

* <david thinks "it's a sea snail" (inner shell)

* is a sort of a fossil deep water squid !
    * cephalopod
    * a living fossil ?
    * Spirula is likely the closest living relative of the extinct belemnites and aulacocerids.
    * These three groups as a unit are closely related to the cuttlefish, as well as to the true squids. 

    (first encounter)
    * <pau @beach Caleton blanco 10.Dec

    * found a sort of shell on the beach
        * in the middle of dead crabs
        * piling up lines of dead sea stuff

    * it doesn't look like any usual shell
        * horn shell
        * coils not in contact with each other

    Buoyancy organ
    * for the animal to float !
    * endogastric coil = under the animal
        *  by opposition to exogastrical:
            * the shell coils over the back of the animal
            * like in ammonites
    * calcareous
"The posterior position of the shell within the body causes the animal to generally orient vertically with the head downward."

<pau Master thesis!
    * light emission
    * located at the end of mantle


    * tropical Atlantic and tropical IndoWest Pacific Oceans:
        * distributed mostly over the slopes of continents or islands
        * where the bottom depth is between 1000 and 2000 m
        * The most numerous captures came from the vicinity of oceanic islands.
        *  (Bruun, 1943)

    * Indeed, this animal was the most abundant midwater cephalopod collected in the region of the Canary Islands by Clark (1969).
        * viz:

* Canary big-eared bat [%]

(Plecotus teneriffae)

    * !!! <- great website

    * "vulnerable to the risk of extinction" as evaluated by the IUCN (in the red list)

Criteria for this designation:
    * its estimated area of occurrence is less than 20,000 km2 (7,700 sq mi)
    * it is found in fewer than five locations
    * its population is declining
    * it is threatened by habitat loss due to:
        * deforestation
        * use of pesticides near forest habitat
        * loss of roosting sites due to building renovation

    * remaining population is estimated ~500-2000
    * only two breeding colonies:
        * one on La Palma (in the Cuevas de los Murciélagos) : natural cave
        * one on Tenerife, are known
    * the larger colony @La Palma is estimated to have declined by 80% in recent years
    * it is a protected species under Spanish law and international conventions (the Bonn Convention and Berne Convention)

More infos:
    * the Canary Big-eared Bat (Plecotus teneriffae) is highly associated with woodland habitats (coniferous and mixed)
    * occasionally forages in more open and arid areas. Its diet consists primarily of moths
    * recorded roost sites include volcanic tubes, caves, and crevices in abandoned buildings (Trujillo 2002)
    * tree holes and bat or bird boxes are never used (Benzal and Fajardo 1999)

* Madeira Pipistrelle (A BAT) [%]
Pipistrellus maderensis

another bat !!!

* Canary Shrew (SMALL MOUSE) [%]
Crocidura canariensis

    * It's not known how many Canary shrews exist or whether their numbers have changed over the years.
    * Rapid development on the islands is fragmenting and destroying the shrews' habitat.

* Hubara (bustard)
The subspecies fuertaventurae of the Canary Islands is highly restricted and endangered. A 1997 survey found a total population of about 500 birds.[14]
(<100 in 2021)




David Bramwell and Zoë Bramwell. Wild Flowers of the Canary Islands. Editorial Rueda, Madrid, España. 2001. ISBN 84-7207-129-4

Catálogo de Especies Amenazadas de Canarias

* primary / ancient forests

### 's ship logs, detailing Lanzarote's North coast

* Erica scoparia

Erica scoparia is a perennial evergreen shrub with small yellowish white to red-brown bell-shaped drooping flowers borne in  clusters at the ends of its shoots.[2]

[E]* Mesembryanthemum crystallinum ("ice plant" or "ice sallad")
also "rabbit ears" ........

[E]* Carpobrotus edulis (also "ice plant")

* (new forests / reforestation)
<david research

    * notes written from first colonisers: >david
        * description of a green forest all over the island

    * the presence of Canary Big-eared Bat:
        * associates with woodland habitats (coniferous and mixed)
        * currently not @Lanza:
            * was it ever here ?

* "papas crias"

truffles (fake and real?)


* Acacia catechu

### barranco tree, i think!

* Kleinia neriifolia
ESP verode or berode

Kleinia neriifolia es una especie del género Kleinia endémica de las islas Canarias cuyo aspecto general recuerda a un pequeño drago.

Mini Tabaiba ###

* Euphorbia canariensis
ESP cardon

(pseudo cactus, poisonous, weird fruits)
### @santi has one, we had two in CHT1 I think

* Tetraena fontanesii ("uva del mar")
aka Zygophylletum fontanesii

near ocean!
Tetraena fontanesii o Zygophyllum fontanesii, también llamada Uva de mar, Uvilla, Babosa o Salado baboso es una especie de arbusto suculento autóctono de ciertos archipiélagos de la Macaronesia y del Noroeste de África.  Su distribución incluye el Noroeste de África, Islas Salvajes, Cabo Verde y Canarias. Está presente en todas las islas Canarias excepto La Palma. 

has a use!
    "La especie ha sido explotada en el pasado para la obtención de sosa cáustica, junto con la barrilla."
    (NaOH) == Sodium hydroxide
[!!→] could be a project?
Sodium hydroxide is used in many industries: in the manufacture of pulp and paper, textiles, drinking water, soaps and detergents, and as a drain cleaner. Worldwide production in 2004 was approximately 60 million tons, while demand was 51 million tons.[13]

* Euphorbia regis jubae
"In Spanish, it is known as tabaiba morisca"

[E]* Mesembryanthemum crystallinum (salt salad / "ice plant")

Mesembryanthemum crystallinum is covered with enlarged epidermal cells, called "bladder cells". The main function of these bladder cells is to reserve water.[2]


Can be eaten!
In Japan, the plant has become a common vegetable sold in supermarkets around the country after Saga University has succeeded in hydroponic cultivation of a commercial quantity in 2009. The plant is commonly called iceplant(アイスプラント), salt leaf(ソルトリーフ) and barafu(バラフ) in Japanese.[5]
Effects of increased seawater salinity irrigation on growth and quality of the edible halophyte Mesembryanthemum crystallinum L. under field conditions
Irrigation up to EC 35 dS m−1 did not damage the growth of M. crystallinum (the ‘ice plant’).
  TDS (mg/L or ppm) = EC (dS/m) x 800 (EC > 5 dS/m)
  via :
      So 35g/L = 35.000mg/L = 55 dS/m = 5500mS/m
"Irrigation up to EC 35 dS m−1 did not damage the growth of M. crystallinum (the ‘ice plant’)."
converting that to gram/liter ..........
....... seawater at 35g/L is about 55dS


La planta se usó para la obtención de sosa caústica y sus semillas fueron utilizadas por los aborígenes canarios para la elaboración de gofio.2​ 
but no mention of it as salad?

ESP nombre comun
Castellano:"ANÉMONA DE TIERRA" escarcha, escarchada, escarchosa, flor de la plata, hierba de la plata, hierba escarchada, lengua de vaca, plateada, rocío, yerba de la plata, yerba del rocío, yerba escarcha, yerba escarchada, yerba plata, yerba plateada.4​


with the highest concentration stored in epidermal bladder cells. The salt is released by leaching once the plant dies. This results in a detrimental osmotic environment preventing the growth of other, non-salt-tolerant species while allowing M. crystallinum seeds to germinate

Due to its salt accumulation, M. crystallinum may be useful for bio-remediation.[2]
so i guess if you collect it before it dies, it can be salt negative !

[!!*] we should grow it where we discard water!
### goal: "never use salt" in kitchen

also see:

* Prosopis glandulosa
growing @barranco, common in Canarias

mentioned also here
Honey mesquite (prosopis glandulosa) is a super drought tolerant and easy to grow/thrive native plant in that area that would be a great choice. Others on this thread are correct that this would be hard work, but if you focus on native plants that already grow in the region, you will be much more successful.


The indigenous peoples of California and southwestern North America used parts of Prosopis glandulosa as a medicinal plant, food source, building and tools material, and fuel.[12] The Cahuilla ate the blossoms and pods, which were ground into meal for cake.[13][14] The thorns of the plant were used as tattoo needles, and the ashes for tattoos, by the Cahuilla and Serrano Indians of Southern California.[3] Its dense and durable wood is prized for making tools and arrow points,[3] and for the unique flavor it lends to foods cooked over it. The deep taproots, often larger than the trunks, are dug up for firewood. 

[E] Terfeziaceae ("desert truffles" or "papas crias")

Frankenio ericifoliae

via grafcan/visor:
Hábitat Unión Europea (1):
    1250 Acantilados con vegetación endémica de las costas macaronésicas
Sintaxon (1):
    Frankenio ericifoliae-Zygophylletum fontanesii
Nombre común (1):
    Comunidad de Tomillo marino y Uva de mar
El tomillo marino, o brezo de mar

<-------------------- (new)+ FLORA ↑


Ties to → 🔗hacking-geology

* volcanic rocks lichen

phoenicians collecting ... moss something for colour ???
#textiles #materials

* olivin minerals

* clay

* limestone

    * (new 2022)

#database #fossils

<-------------------------- (new) RESOURCES ↑

*** PAD

[!!*] merge-in subseason fragments

(from main pads)

[!!!**] are we leaking links? check graph

[!] Similar geographies

proposed agriculture:
Agave orchard? Opuntia orchard?

[!!] (MERGING)

* David research about forests

(a frag in cht6a-nature) ... so ... "there is maybe more somewhere"
* find and merge previous stuff
* publish select?

agriculture— North Ronaldsay Sheep are halophytes & eat seaweed

[!] would be cool to have them here

(also these)

Plant to grow: Purslane


    [!!→] (misidentification frag)

maybe even @kranj
    * it is so inconspicous, seems "easy to misidentify"
    * without idea of its taste ...
    * ... problematic
    → solution →:
        2) IDENTIFY, for all like these, CLOSEST MIS-MATCHES (for any place) and LIKELYHOOD (in either nature or cultural appearance)
        3) give idea of its CONTEXT DEPENDANCE #totag:
            will it be taking in chemicals, metals, whatever from where it grows? something that can't be washed off or cooked out?
            would you know?
            can you, should you test?


<arlojamesbarnes (FHB 20210903)
Portulaca oleracea (common purslane, also known as duckweed, little hogweed, or pursley)[1] is an annual succulent in the family Portulacaceae, which may reach 40 cm (16 in) in height. Approximately forty cultivars are currently grown.[2]

"Una flor poco común de esta planta.Contiene más ácido graso omega-3 que cualquier otro vegetal de verdura"

"Cvetovi so majhni, rumenkasti, zvezdaste oblike in odprti samo v sončnih dopoldnevih. Razvijajo se od julija do oktobra. "
Navadni tolščak izvira s Kitajske in Indije, kje se uporablja kot začimba in zelenjava. Danes ga najdemo v vseh delih sveta. V Sloveniji povečini raste kot samonikla rastlina na sončnih mestih ob hišah in poteh, kakor plevel po vrtovih, njivah in vinogradih, predvsem po plodni peščeni zemlji. Uspeva le do 800 metrov nadmorske višine.
Kot zdravilno rastlino so ga uporabljali že v stari Grčiji. Pomaga pri povišanem krvnem tlaku, podobno kot adrenalin. Ima največjo vsebnost omega 3 maščobnih kislin izmed vseh rastlin.

[!] ANTIPEST/RABBITS— myxomatosis

crazy story
"a mortal virus affected the rabbit population. In 1951, the artificial use of this virus became popular in order to control de rabbit population. The illness produced by the virus was called Myxomatosis. It provided relief in those parts with sufficient water and thus insect vectors necessary for the spread of the disease. However, Myxomatosis was introduced in Europe and spread readily, provoking the death of thousands of rabbits"

(L:) "Wilde plants gathering in Canary Islands"

Sweet tabaiba

"Castillo de Lara - a Pine Forest in Fuerteventura"

<--------------------------------------------- ((new))