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A page about trees, their history, living conditions, sociology, ...

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*** Favs

macesen / larch
* "It only grows on well-drained soils, avoiding waterlogged ground and is not shade tolerant"
* "Because of its fast juvenile growth and its pioneer character, larch has found numerous applications in forestry and agroforestry. It is used as a ‘preparatory species’ to afforest open land, abandoned farmland or disturbed land and as a ‘nurse species’ prior to the introduction of more demanding species.[12]"
* can be a bonsai! #iwantone
"needs sun"
pest: larch sawfly
"Plant the tree where it can get at least six hours of sunlight per day."
great wood

    shade problems
* "Pri izbiri mesta za sajenje macesna je treba pristopiti z vso odgovornostjo, saj drevo kategorično zavrača rast v senci. Nujno je, da izbere sončni kotiček."
* "Skoraj drevo se ukorenini na slaba in peščena tla."
* "Drevesu hitro in uspešno prevladovalo, ga je treba zasajiti v dobro izsušena tla, bogata s humusom."
* "Če ste načrt za sajenje sadik, potem je treba storiti v jeseni, po padcu listov ali zgodaj spomladi, ko se zemlja nekoliko ogreti. Semena sejamo spomladi v dobro ogreti zemlji, ko že ima travo."
* "Približna poraba vode - 20 litrov na odraslega drevesa enkrat ali dvakrat na teden."

*** Invasive


* AMBROZIJA / RAGWEEDD !!!!!!!!!!!!

* [...]

*** Treework

(L:)[!!] Architecture, politics & trees: green in urban zones

Can we determine a political programme by tracing which trees are planted in urban environments?
What are the aesthetical preferences of different political programmes?

(L:)[!!] Nomad trees

Crosslinking and historically mapping of "Etnobotany" & "Phytosociology"
How do plants travel? Alone, as social unit, ###

Ethnobotany is the study of a region's plants and their practical uses through the traditional knowledge of a local culture and people.[1] An ethnobotanist thus strives to document the local customs involving the practical uses of local flora  for many aspects of life, such as plants as medicines, foods, intoxicants and clothing.

Phytosociology, also known as phytocoenology or simply plant sociology, is the study of groups of species of plant that are usually found together. Phytosociology aims to empirically describe the vegetative environment of a given territory. A specific community of plants is considered a social unit, the product of definite conditions, present and past, and can exist only when such conditions are met.

*** PAD



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