Communist Conspiracy

< EXT >
"Postmarket" / "Postbourgeois" / "Strategic Absolute Mutualism"
##Definition of Strategic Absolute Mutualism" would be nice

##thats just words; Preimage (anti-afterimage) of frontland

"We are comrades when we face the same dangers." (Platonov)
α: "We are Life." (Life)
β: "We are community when we share a dream."

Reading helper:
    🔗postmarket-trail !

I really love the trail, a small image of it in the left menu section would be cool, if possible with new tab opening as this might distract beings and they might loose [goalspace].postmarket but surf through the system instead (at least a subject known to us did so)
#side-note, when scrolling into a pad, the zoom on all tabs of totalism pads changes, not sure if data management - decision or intentional, feature to set/config local zoom would be sweet

Basic Illustration

START->Comrades note their property situation (holdings, dues) Comrades note their property situation (holdings, dues)->Defuse all to protocolised common provisioning Comrades note their property situation (holdings, dues)->Defuse all to protocolised common provisioning Comrades note their property situation (holdings, dues)->Defuse all to protocolised common provisioning Comrades note their property situation (holdings, dues)->Defuse all to protocolised common provisioning Comrades note their property situation (holdings, dues)->Defuse all to protocolised common provisioning Comrades note their property situation (holdings, dues)->Defuse all to protocolised common provisioning Shared struggle is empowered->VICTORY Defuse all to protocolised common provisioning->Shared struggle is empowered Defuse all to protocolised common provisioning->All get supplied what is needed START START Comrades note their property situation (holdings, dues) Comrades note their property situation (holdings, dues) Shared struggle is empowered Shared struggle is empowered VICTORY VICTORY Defuse all to protocolised common provisioning Defuse all to protocolised common provisioning All get supplied what is needed All get supplied what is needed

The wording 'All get supplied what is needed' could appear bold right at the beginning; proposal of a terminus like 'Unconditional basic supply' or the like (not UBI)
(>would link to a discussion/theory on post-industrial / computive-intelligence/-automation systems; root compromise in capital system is looseable-competition&disclusion)


    * Necessity of absolute redistribution

Recognizing somebody is contributing to the shared struggle, makes it shared interest for them to have the resources to subsist and be effective.

Resources in capitalist economies are acquired via a history of expropriation and exploitation (in the forms of either heritage, profits, wage labour, etc.), flowed based on individual whim (shaped by systemic coercion by marketing and pop culture, resulting in arbitrary "consumer choices"), and then finally, become "personal property".

This all is deemed completely illegitimate. Thus optimally, all resources between comrades need to be redistributed on new grounds, by new mechanisms.
> the term 'new grounds' is not re-referenced on this page

##Yes I completely agree. There are so many words that can be said about the reasons and backgrounds why previous system regulation schemes (economy) degenerate into harmful structures. Though I would propose for the first read a short overview/graph of the main topics and the inferences which are drawn. But thats just due to me needing visual overviews (sketching it on the fly). To the history of expropriation and exploitation I'd suggest to split the paragraph into 2 or 3 sentences, as it is about the 'work' concept, the inequality of school/law and econ due to lack of specifity and the problems of long-term possession and ownership of tech (service, guarantee..) and implicitly connects to licensing and patents and their incompatibility to community formation

  • Struggle
  • Mechanisms
    • Recognition: Alignment () • Merit • Common sense democracy*
Resource provision and management
    • Personal resource (holdings, expenses, priorities, I/O- transactions)
  • Expense Priorities
//definition of common wealth as quantifiable / open system-capacity
//Notion for common strategy-design and decision making/hive or collective intelligence*
//*and evolution of our words and concepts for them

    * The shared struggle

Capitalism kills natures and cultures.

Stop ecocide - the anthropogenic destruction of nature.

Stop culturocide - the reproduction of wars, chauvinism, racism, sexism, economic exploitation and artificial scarcity, global inequality, deprivation of freedoms, plutocratic media and attention domineering, bullshit incentivization and norms, etc.

> Stop egocide - the anthropogenic self-destruction through dissociation and supression of awareness, self-profiling, self-objectification and tolerance of loss-rich competition, isolative- and ideologic - bruteforce paradigms.
> Stop futurocide, the public suppression and depriorization of global industrial backgrowth, AI algorithm regulation, lack of civilizatory self-image and hence ineffective drives towards unconditional living conditions and their sustenance

>Just some ideas, Capitalism annihilates freedom and your words grasp that sufficiently

Before explaining the mechanism I'd propose some abstract viewpoint on the 'new grounds'. I understand them as an architecture of a specific and novel kind (maybe foot-notes to self-organizing systems etc.)

##I made a thing
    ##And I omitted the I/O-router between the influx and expense (triangles) but wanted to prevent too many layers from jumping in

    * The Architecture (Common Grounds):

Open Access Research hub acts as a dynamic Knowledge Base.
The Base has fixed origin and runtime for transparent trace of its progression/development, association and positioning towards itself and other systems.
##maybe notion of a Common Goalspace of global clean high efficiency long-term sustenance infrastructure, as it might be introduced as skeletal arch. Elaboration of channels/flow in the architecture: water, energy, nutrition, education, health and implexof.(collective civilizatory infrastructure architecturization). From the physical resource system the step towards interaction protocols might be smoother

#Side-track to ultralism, optimal regeneration of natural environment is large-scale retreat of culture to 3-dimensional sub- and superterranian network nodes (maybe called 'hives'). Not necesarrily to promote them, but to mention the awareness in a fashion of ''btw. if we would actually want to heal earth in the fastest way possible, this is the optimal strategy to do so..''.

    * The mechanisms:

        * Recognition of other comrades

Based on:

    * Stated alignment: Observe clear pronouncement of shared struggle, and determination to pursue it.

    * Merit: Historic, present and planned congruence of contributions with the shared struggle. Doing work that checks off actual parts of an increasingly explicated scheme, moving towards goals.

    * Common-sense democracy: Actually, it's quite easy to recognize comrades!

As a fully protocolised infrastructure, the conspiracy does not need to be a "tight-knit group", and has little to no organisational necessity for comrades to "get along" or to "trust eachother". (Dissimilar to communities, and more similar to the current social welfare system).

>This binds to what I understand/describe as cluster-communism, distributed systems build from a common (synchronizing) neutral gauge which allows arbitrary hub/collective association and dissociation and maintains compatibility / on shared struggle and dream as common ground (via language/symbolic root)

> I proposed the paragraph architecture/common ground/new ground to make visible/clear the connection to the ressources from the conceptual mechanism

        * General list of basic resources

In practice, this settles the definition of the basics, and the current common ability to provide for specific and occasional needs.

See 🔗resources.

Also see the "Universal Base Outcome" essay - last paragraph here.

        * A way of provisioning resources
    * All regularly maintain personal resource sheets, consisting of:
        * a list of (+) holdings
        * a list of (-) expenses, with assigned priorities
        * a set of suggested incoming & outgoing Conspiracy transactions

    * The monthly council:
        * consists of all willing to participate
        * has basically no specifically virtuos or deliberative work to do - basically, bureocracy
        * (increasingly automatic) iterates all expenses, and acts to confirm priorities
        * asks for clarifications and reporting to guide development, and examines previous responses
        * (increasingly automatic) collates, sums, and prepares a final list of transactions to & from parties

            Expense priorities

Less basic things follow as common wealth increases.
All outbound expenses are listed, and categorized.

Proposal to elaborate / display connections between termini common wealth <> new grounds <> architecture < capacity

Tertiary->Quaternary Tertiary->STRATEGIC INVESTMENT (To increase capacity) Quaternary->EXTENDED SECURITY & DEBAUCHERY Secondary->Tertiary Secondary->REGULAR & BASIC         (Monthly rebalance) Primary->Secondary Primary->ACUTE & CRITICAL        (By immediate execution) Tertiary Tertiary Quaternary Quaternary Secondary Secondary Primary Primary STRATEGIC INVESTMENT (To increase capacity) STRATEGIC INVESTMENT (To increase capacity) REGULAR & BASIC         (Monthly rebalance) REGULAR & BASIC         (Monthly rebalance) EXTENDED SECURITY & DEBAUCHERY EXTENDED SECURITY & DEBAUCHERY ACUTE & CRITICAL        (By immediate execution) ACUTE & CRITICAL        (By immediate execution)

Some of it in practice:
    * everyone gets "bailed out" of urgent matters when associating (initial disclosure of Primary needs)
    * effectively, net financial contributors will have less available cash
    * ... but that does not mean they have less access to goods or services, because of the synergistic effects of the conspiracy (sharing holdings, optimizing supply chains, etc)
    * all have access to strategic investment capital
    * Primary expenses include a "golden parachute" - 2 months of personal costs, to warrant against the case of catastrophic infrastructural collapse
    * [...]
#TODO : more actual practice !!!

> Point 2 is not absolutely clear to me, net=netto? net=network unlikely but explicity might help
>>A notion/reference to balancing systems and trace/history/merit might fit

>The family of practices binds into collective strategy and execution (devops), might profit from an overarching concept (e.g. introduction of terminus strategy)

            Transaction execution
    * To save an additional step, and also defuse the need for trust in an intermediary, internal transactions (Equilibrating Transfers) go directly between parties - as opposed to if there was a central account that would first receive, and then redistribute funds.
    * (The council only prepares an instruction set of these financial transactions, that is then executed by net contributors).
    * In addition, this means net contributors keep a de-facto final control over actually executing each individual transaction.

>Think this is a very good solution, might profit from a hint to some sort of vote-casting ability in case of problems/reconsiderations/confirmation

Making transactions:

{{2}}->Spending {{1}}->Transfer (Internal transaction) Spending Spending Transfer (Internal transaction) Transfer (Internal transaction)

web bank (equilibrating transfer)->LOCALISED (must be done by specific individual) LOCALISED (must be done by specific individual)->cash payment LOCALISED (must be done by specific individual)->web bank (payment) LOCALISED (must be done by specific individual)->credit card payment (POS - Point Of Sale) NON-LOCALISED (can be made by anyone)->web bank (equilibrating transfer) NON-LOCALISED (can be made by anyone)->credit card payment NON-LOCALISED (can be made by anyone)->web bank payment Transactions->LOCALISED (must be done by specific individual) Transactions->NON-LOCALISED (can be made by anyone) web bank (equilibrating transfer) web bank (equilibrating transfer) LOCALISED (must be done by specific individual) LOCALISED (must be done by specific individual) cash payment cash payment web bank (payment) web bank (payment) credit card payment (POS - Point Of Sale) credit card payment (POS - Point Of Sale) NON-LOCALISED (can be made by anyone) NON-LOCALISED (can be made by anyone) credit card payment credit card payment web bank payment web bank payment Transactions Transactions

    ( Confused? )
Individual's non-recognition of, or eschewing participation in this scheme, means either:
    A) lack of understanding for either the criticality of the situation, or need of strategic solidarity
    B) a short-sighted and miscalculating individualism
    C) ???

>Referencing the architecture, a maximum inflow (growth control) is an important aspect to prevent over-funding and capital-aspect-weight overhead in strategy development and devops

DO !

Defuse "own property", to mutual resources.
This is where you actually start. If needed, ask for examples.
General run-through of the mutualization process.
(In more details below, and in other documents)
Ties to XXX🔗whatistobedone !

    * Announce your implementation

Mail → .
Best to put results into a new pad with any name, and

??? ingression ? application ? 
Missing !!!!!!:
    * Where to actually "apply"
    * Process of "getting accepted"

>Where to see other comrades/entries? Hint/notion of interal sphere, otherwise this step appears obfuscated without official announcement

    * Quit personal finance !
(**Except the general & mandated Secondary personal reserves).
aka "Finanzamt"

>Notion of secondary personal reserves? Where was this reference leading to; or just a hint to disrupt contemplation of 'but what about..' and such? Maybe case-specific explanation/positioning about legal amnesty/processing

Dissolve all personal dealing with money, by writing down ...

        * Holdings (+)

    * Inflow:
        * regular, and average irregular pay (by what work? status, plans?)
        * regular received support (average)

    * Balances:
        * cash
        * bank account(s) and savings
        * overdraft and credit possibility (on account, credit cards, ...)
        * crypto currencies
        * other financial instruments (stocks, bonds, etc.)
        * outstanding loans

    * Equity:
        * entity ownership (equity/stock/shares - controlling? voting/non-voting?)
        * less-structured project financial participation

    * Material property:
        * real-estate (land, housing, etc.)
        * stuff (tools, equipment, vehicles, etc.) - also called "personal property" or "moveable property"
        * potential future inheritance

    * Intellectual and intangible property:
        (non-transferred results of artistic, creative, innovation work; copyrights, patents, TMs, utility models, ...)

#TODO: ask for more details with plans ... prob separate item, also with "re-orientation"

Yep, will take a while due to (2-dimensional) documentophobia/bureaucratophobia :•)

        * Existing dues (-)

    * Current life costs (ties to 🔗subfinance):
        * rents
        * utilities & basic services
        * insurances
        * lifestyle costs (food, culture, etc)
        * [...]

    * Property related costs:
        * taxes
        * maintenance
        * [...]

    * Outstanding debts, with clear categorization (priority, ...)

    * Dependent persons (children, elders, ...)

    * Pets

How about a section on physiology? Not tags (like gender etc.) but referring to special needs, psychologic sensitivity, allergies, addictions, <explicit section for 'about you';how to be adressed/named etc. 
<There could also be a statement about/request for skillset, talents, interests, difficulties, qualifications etc.

    * Quit rent !

Reconsider your living situation.
Reorganize access to & use of all real estate (land, house, flat, etc).

QUIT or SHARE all rents!
    → QUIT !
        Join an existing mutualized location, or, become fully nomadic, using a network of mutualized spaces.
    → SHARE !
        Re-organize your current rented space to mutualize it. See 🔗hackbases!

SHARE or DISSOLVE owned real estate!
    → SHARE !
        Mutualize all spaces. This includes guardianship, labour and financial investment, etc.
    → DISSOLVE !
        Sell. Put liquid capital to common use. Move to an existing location.

    * Commonize all material stuff !

The concrete mechanics of commonization (= mutualization, redistribution, etc) are described in more details elsewhere.
But have to be understood only as formality, that does not influence the overall validity of the call to mutualization.
!!! include more details here

This relates to 🔗stuff (example mutualized stock), 🔗vaults (a new practice of sharing space and dissolving ownership), etc.

    * Quit your job!
    * Rethink labour-market participation

> What about disabled comrades who are incapacitate for classical work?
> What about freelancer, artists and individuals with a funding or scholarship?
  • (not exactly 'work' by common understanding)

>What about social welfare / rent scenarios? (not in respect to their long-term transformation but in short- and mid-term conception/view from collective towards aspirant)
(maybe a section D? Also for children or complex animals. Proposing seperate section as numerically, injured or traumatized comrades might be < 0 PPPM)

How do you currently work for money? Think about work in the future, as a conspirator.

Either QUIT or KEEP your job:

    A) Well-paid job in current system [ > 5 PPPM ]:
        A net financial contributor.
        Wage subverter, an expropriator of expropriators.

    B) Job in aligned organisations**:
        B1) Better paid [ > 3 PPPM ]
        B2) Worse paid & more aligned [ < 2 PPPM ]

    C) Work without financial compensation [ < 0.5 PPPM ]:
        You are recognised to contribute full-time & high impact.
        You are broke.

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  

** Some aligned organsations:
    → 🔗non-shitty
    → 🔗coop

    * Augment ! Support !


    Take advantage of access to new common infrastructure.
    An international set of living and work spaces, institutions, tools and methods are available to all.


I do my very best to become valuable comrade! We still feel obtrusive integrating at high struggle state. We are not rooted on human ideology but on α-quote 'WE ARE LIFE'