¶s t a t u s : This event ended. See next.totalism.org !
[ style:panes-1]
CHT/Totalism Base
Lanzarote, Canary Islands, ESP
Season 7 Episode A
< DRAFT++ >
NOV 6 - DEC 23 2019
CHT/Totalism Base
Lanzarote, Canary Islands, ESP
Season 7 Episode A
< DRAFT++ >
Table of Contents

(Photos from CHT6-B).
¶( CHT basics )
The main website:
More details about attending:
Read the 🔗newcomers protocol and maybe the 🔗idiots-guide.
The main website:
More details about attending:
Read the 🔗newcomers protocol and maybe the 🔗idiots-guide.
¶As announced on ...
* Pad: https://totalism.org/cht7a (future proof) or https://next.totalism.org
* Mastodon (2019-11-19)
* Diaspora (2019-11-20)
* 🔗list-20191128 @ The mailing list -> 🔗list
* (more coming soon ... TODO !!!!!!)
* Pad: https://totalism.org/cht7a (future proof) or https://next.totalism.org
* Mastodon (2019-11-19)
* Diaspora (2019-11-20)
* 🔗list-20191128 @ The mailing list -> 🔗list
¶Status Report
Previous camps were all in the island of Lanzarote, Canary Islands, lastly 🔗season6-A (CHT6A+CHT6B: 2018/11-2019/3), and 🔗season6-C (CHT6C: 2019/6-7). For further back, see 🔗camps.
The project is now fully mobile - with 🔗trucko, the 1984 VW LT2.8 "Large Transporter" van, fixed & registered. Canaries first (2019/2020), West Africa later (2021?).
New activities are focusing on expanding our available-to-all infrastructure, developing new strategies for life+work decoupled from the mainstream systems, encouraging spreading and consolidating similar efforts, and expanding the project to other islands of the Canarias.
Previous camps were all in the island of Lanzarote, Canary Islands, lastly 🔗season6-A (CHT6A+CHT6B: 2018/11-2019/3), and 🔗season6-C (CHT6C: 2019/6-7). For further back, see 🔗camps.
The project is now fully mobile - with 🔗trucko, the 1984 VW LT2.8 "Large Transporter" van, fixed & registered. Canaries first (2019/2020), West Africa later (2021?).
New activities are focusing on expanding our available-to-all infrastructure, developing new strategies for life+work decoupled from the mainstream systems, encouraging spreading and consolidating similar efforts, and expanding the project to other islands of the Canarias.
The plan:
* ... November 6 (Landing)
Van needs to be re-registered
This should not be a problem. With some repairs/improvements, this might take a week in Lanzarote.
UPDATE: Waiting for parts & mechanic is taking a bit longer.
* ... December 10/15
Ferry the van to the island of Fuerteventura
Very probably follow to move the van with a ferry to Fuerteventura. This costs ~20€ + 20€ per person.
Once we're in Fuerteventura, everything is possible. Nobody was ever there! Expect lots of exploration, and trying to meet new people: locals (Spanish/Canarian), as well as the international "surfer" crowd there.
We will probably set a few van-supported camps, and organize some public events.
We will definitely go around by bikes, buying some new ones if we need to (currently have 3).
* ... December 25
Teardown & fly to Germany for 🔗36c3
Store van somewhere. Perhaps bring it back to Lanzarote, but probably not.
Residents go home, or catch flights to 🔗36c3 (the 36th Chaos Communication Congress in Leipzig/DE).
( Page map )
zoom zoom ;-)
[ graph]"""
The plan:
* ... November 6 (Landing)
Van needs to be re-registered
This should not be a problem. With some repairs/improvements, this might take a week in Lanzarote.
UPDATE: Waiting for parts & mechanic is taking a bit longer.
* ... December 10/15
Ferry the van to the island of Fuerteventura
Very probably follow to move the van with a ferry to Fuerteventura. This costs ~20€ + 20€ per person.
Once we're in Fuerteventura, everything is possible. Nobody was ever there! Expect lots of exploration, and trying to meet new people: locals (Spanish/Canarian), as well as the international "surfer" crowd there.
We will probably set a few van-supported camps, and organize some public events.
We will definitely go around by bikes, buying some new ones if we need to (currently have 3).
* ... December 25
Teardown & fly to Germany for 🔗36c3
Store van somewhere. Perhaps bring it back to Lanzarote, but probably not.
Residents go home, or catch flights to 🔗36c3 (the 36th Chaos Communication Congress in Leipzig/DE).
¶20191117→1204 : Mechanic works
... changed van spring, changed gasket head seal, ("junta de tapa de valvulas"), front tires
van repairs took longer than expected
squatwork @tinajo library
... changed van spring, changed gasket head seal, ("junta de tapa de valvulas"), front tires
van repairs took longer than expected
squatwork @tinajo library
¶20191209 : Van needs to be re-registered @ITV
... this was not supposed to be a problem, unforunately our brakes fail at the brake test
we go to the nearest mechanic for some urgent reparations
and prepare (also mentaly) for a second round of ITV
This should not be a problem. With some repairs/improvements, this might take a week in Lanzarote.
// UPDATE: Waiting for parts & mechanic took longer, but is
¶20191212 : ITV round 2
... second and shortend attempt is a *SUCCES*
we are now fully mobile, ready for the road and 2020's new subseason!
... second and shortend attempt is a *SUCCES*
we are now fully mobile, ready for the road and 2020's new subseason!