
Food @ CHT


< DRAFT++ >

    20170331 overview
    20200331 merge + overview
    20200412 big overview
    20200421 rfc overview
    20200614 shop! (bolds)
    20200821 shop!
    20200925 approx cht7c shop #1
    20201013 cht7c shop #2
    20210105 cht7c shop #x
    20210302 cht7c (d only) shop bolds
    20210514 cht7d (d small shopping) bolds <L>
    20210624  cht7d (L on thinkpad keyboard)
    20211213 cht8a scan supplies
    20220517 scan @huje
    20220719 <L
    20230724 <L @huje
    20230814 <L @huje
    20230826 <L @bxl
    20230921 <D ping @huje (post-sick)
    20231006 <L @bxl
    20231117 <L @CHT10a, pre second Mercadona expedition
    20231209 <L @BXL
    20240102 <L+D @BXL
    20240122 <L+D @BXL
    20240207 <D+L @BXL
    20240219 <L @BXL
    20240305 <L @BXL
    20240325 <L @BXL for small shopping
    20240404 <L @Bxl solo
    20240506 <L @BXL solo
    20240523 <L @BXL solo
    20240729 <D @huje solo

Also see:
    * 🔗david-restauran — the food David cooks
    * 🔗resources (under Food)
    * 🔗nootropics — "brain food", longevity, etc
    * 🔗lies-food — lies recipes
    * 🔗wild-food — foraging and recipes
    * 🔗dairy
    * [...]

Table of Contents
1.1 Start-off
1.2 On foot: ALWAYS BRING !!
1.4 (Unsorted! New!)
1.5 Chef's checklist !
1.6 Non-food !
3.1 [P] Shopping in pandemic
3.2 [P] After shopping
4.1 2020/03/19 Superdino 200€
4.2 2020/04/02 Santi ("small fresh")
4.3 2020/04/04 Fran y Chemi ("big fresh")
4.4 2020/04/13 CARMUR [Not yet]
4.5 2020/04/16 Fran y Chemi #2
4.6 2020/04/23 Fran y Chemi #3
4.7 2020/04/23 HIPERDINO.ES ONLINE [Doing]
4.7.1     (meta)
4.7.2     (articles)
4.7.3     [!→] LIM0 -- (more meta)
4.7.4     [!!] (meta: FEARS/TODOs)
4.8 2020/04/24 Santi ("Urgent")
4.9 2020-10-27 Fran y chemi (CHT7C #1)
4.10 [M!!] 2020/11/05 @Corralejo (GENERAL MULTI-STORE SUPPLY TRIP)
4.11 (L:) Fran y Chemi 20210519 @7D
4.12 (L:) Fran y Chemi 20210605 @7D
4.13.1     20210606 payed 50€
4.13.2     20210613 (+18.5 / +17€)
4.13.3     20210620 (+14€ / +12.5€)
4.13.4     20210627 (+9.5€ / +8€)
4.13.5     20210704 (+5€ / +3.5€)
4.13.6     20210710 (+0.5 / -1€)
4.13.7     20210718 (-4 / -5.5€)
4.13.8     202107225 (-8.5 / -10€)
4.13.9     20210801 (-13 / -14.5€)
4.13.10     20210808 (-17.5 / 19€)
4.13.11     20210815 (20.5 / 21 € they say it is now -28€???)
4.14 (L:) Fran y Chemi 20210624 @7D
4.15 Verduras Y frutas Locales— 22€ box
4.16 (L:) Fran y Chemi 20210719 @7D
4.17 ________ 20210727
4.18 (L:) Fran y Chemi 20210817 @7D
4.19 (L:) Fran y Chemi 20210817 @7D
5.1 No-Fridge
5.2 Salting fish
5.3 Pickling (vegetables, fish, ...)
5.4 Hardtack
5.5 Fruits & vegetables
5.5.1     * Salting:
5.5.2     * Fermenting with salt:
5.5.3     * Sun-drying:
5.5.4     * Canning:
5.5.5     * Freezing
5.5.6     * Ashing
5.6 Storing vegetables & fruit
6.2 ___________________
6.3 * DIY "Club Mate"
6.4 * kimchi
6.5 * kombucha:
6.6 * Tarkhuna: Tarragon drink from Kazakh region
6.7 * water + cucumber + dill
6.8 * spanish sauces with white wine
6.9 * baba ghanoush
7.3 [!!] "Foods of the future"
7.4 [!] Q: peanut butter good or bad?
7.5 [!] Q: food before bed? ... and general FOOD TIMING (example: fruits)!
7.6 [!] Q: food combinations
7.7 [~] Eat more fiber?
7.8 [!!*] Via cronometer
7.9 [!] TOXIC -- What is "metabisulfito" in all spanish pickles?
7.10 BODY TEMPERATURE -- food that cools down the body
8 *** TOOLS
8.1 Cronometer (nutrient tracking)
8.2 [!] DEV -- Try + Redo: Shopping list script !
8.3 Food styling / #photography
9.1 [!] more #numerics, like nutrition calculation
9.2 [!→] relate to food growing / regrowing
9.3 [!] better develop connections to local markets:
11 *** PAD
11.1 Communique (ESP) - help me with the ride
11.2 Related !
11.3 Hoshigaki persimons
11.4 ———— 20240715↓
11.5 [tt!!*] DIETETICS— China study (~animal proteins create cancer)
11.6 (ETC)


Check for these basics and resupply.

Reference quantities: ~5 days, ~4-6 people
### check this :)


RULES @ 2020821

(B) == NEED :
    * get from Mercadona (Puerto del Rosario)
        (open MON - SAT, from 0900 - 2130)
    * could also get from Fran&Chemi ..... OR not urgent
    _____________________________ ARCHIVE
    * not resupplied by Fran y Chemi !
    * do not have in stock & minimum
    ==> DESIRED : get in next order / go by bus / etc

(B+I) == NEED A LOT :
    * could NOT get from F&C ..... AND urgent
    _____________________________ ARCHIVE
    "fucked without this"
    ==> KIND OF URGENT : ask others to bring / get from local shop



    * alcohol ethanol 96% 1.2€
        <L: different scents (rosemary!) [m↓]
    * sea salt, coarse
    * black pepper, grinder:
        (make sure it can unscrew to be re-filled)
        ### get proper shakers #ordering
    * olive oil, extra-virgin, 0.7L 4€:
         (buy not worst! plastic bottles are OK)
    * sunflower / rapeseed oil, 1L 1.5€
    * [...]

On foot: ALWAYS BRING !!

(Resupply every 2 days)
    * bread 4x 0.5kg 1€:
        Mercadona: bag of ~6 tiny breads for ~1€
    * water 20L (8L ~ 1.2€)
    * 1L fruit juice (100%) 1.5€
    * 20 eggs, 2.5€
    * lemon or LIME, piece 2x 0.2€ (or bag)
    * glassed cooked legumes (chickpeas, beans, lentils) 2-3x 0.8€
    * onion ++
    * garlic
    * carrots
    * apples ++
        golden (cheap) — take the GREENER/firm, not the yellowish/soft ones!
        sweet-sour, like:
            reinette / cox / boskop (bit more expensive)
    * bananas
    * tomatoes
    * oranges
        5 kg @Mercadona (==good quality!)
        (from vegetable packing)
        (from bread packing)



Use this is a guideline, and multiply by number of people, and number of days.
Buying the listed quantities should give you enough food for ~2 people for ~5 days.
Calculate water separately !

veg, fruit:
    * something green, e.g. parsley (not 80cent ripoffs) 0.2€
    * garlic 3 bulbs 1.5€
    * onions 1kg 1€ ++
    * bananas 1kg 1.2€
    * random fruit - pear, oranges, kiwi, etc, 1.5€ / kg, 1€
    * random vegs - carrots, red cabbage, etc, 3€
    * bell peppers (red, green), 2 or 3, 2€ / kg, 1€
    * salad 200g 1€:
        uncut keeps worse, since it's not washed
        (but you can try to regrow if not rotten before...)
        cut + bagged + pre-washed keeps ~3 days ←
    * avocado 1€
    * limes 2.5€/kg
    * (soup vegetables)


    __________ deli
    * cheese ~500g:
        queso curado = cured, sheep/OVEJA is best... ~10€/kg ++
        queso gouda = cheap ... 4€/kg
    * sausage:
        fuet (~1€ for 150g)
        OR salchichon (Argal is good, ask to try!) ~8€/kg
    * jamon cocido (Campo Frio is good ... ask to try) ~8€/kg:
        @slo: poli

    __________ fridge
    * cottage cheese, 35% fat ~2€ / 0.5kg
    * yogurt (500g cup / 1L liquid) 1€
    * sour cream (20%) ... <SLO>"kisla smetana"

    __________ etc
    * MEAT: pork / chicken← / whatever 0.5kg ~7€/kg
    * FISH: fresh fish 5€/kg
    * fish sticks / fish fingers

cans, dry, etc:
    * peanuts 0.5kg max 3€ (with or without shells)
    * nuts, seeds & pits 0.5kg max 5€ ++:
        without kernels & non-salted !
        (almonds, wallnuts, pecans, brazil, sunflower, pumkin←) 
        * sesame seed
        * flax seed
    * chorizo picante / fuet in a piece, ~250g 2€ ++
    * canned fish ++:
        * 1€ small sardines ++2
        * 1x 1.5€ large tuna
        * mackarel ("caballa") 1€
        __________ mega fish
        * mega tuna ~6€
        * mega mackarel
    * cream for cooking UHT (no refrigeration) 1€:
        (Mercadona 3-pack)
    * milk:
        (ESP: package must say "LECHE"!!)
        A) UHT ++2 0.8€
        B) fresh milk! (you'll find it in the fridge, still good for ~5 days)
    * vegetable "milks" ~1.2€:
        ("bebida avena", "bebida almendras", "bebida de soja", ...)
    _______ dry breakfast
    * muesli, 1kg 2€:
        @Mercadona ~1kg
        best: <10g sugar
    * cereals ("copos de maiz" / "espelta") ++
        best: without added vitamins
    * granola ("crunchy muesli") with nuts! :
        @Mercadona : white+green package ("Crunchy muesli frutos secos")
    * porridge, kg: 2€
    * dark chocolate 70%+ 100g 1€
        or the small 80% ones @Mercadona
    * chocolate with nuts 100g 0.5€ ++:
        @Mercadona: fake twix !!!
    * "semola" (SLO: "zdrob") 500g 0.5€:
        not "fina" ("mas gruesa?")
    _____ canned/glassed/frozen vegetables
    * small can, tomato 0.5€
    * big can, tomato 1€:
        tomate entero
        tomate troceado
    * frozen spinach ++
    * green can/glass:
        peas ++
        green beans ("judias")
        sauerkraut ("chucrut")
            buy German! ;-)
    * corn
    * pickled:
        ///without bisulfates, etc! only vinegar, water, spices! ///
        pickled cornichons (<SLO>kumarice)
        pickled pfefferoni
    * cedevita (instant lemon/orange + vitamin powder, anti-hangover)
    * sugar:
        * white
        * cane

    * packaged bread:
        (2 weeks until expiration)
    * dry packaged bread ("crackers"):
    * potatoes, tiny ~0.8€/kg
    * pasta 0.5kg 1€:
        (buy better quality)
        * spaghetti 3
        * linguini ("tallarin")
        * "fidea 1"
        * random
    * gnocchi
    * rice ("arroz") 1kg 1€
    * couscous 1kg 2.5€

(needs oven):
    * pizza (just base)
    * pizza (refrigerated) 6€/kg

(Unsorted! New!)


        weissbier (or Ale) is best without fridge
            (In Spain):
                GREAT: Mahou
                OKAY: (super cheap) shop brand, Estrella, Dorada (Limon), ...
                BAD: San Miguel
                (reccomended) Turia Märzen (Valencia) 25ml
            (In Belgium):
                GREAT: Stella
                OKAY: Cara pils (super cheap)
        white 2€
        wine, crianza ~2.5€
    high-grade booze (45%)
        e.g.: diy schnapps (600gr plums for 1L vodka)
    ultra-grade booze (60%)

mustard, whole grain
mustard, fine

green tea:
    @mercadona: green+red+white
black tea
infusion: linden ("tila")
infusion: camomille ("manzanilla")
    @mercadona: "fuerte"
coffee as a gift
yerba mate 6€/kg (kg package)
(small condiments):
    small mayos
    small mustards
    small ketchups
    ### mayonaisse keeps 8 hours max outside of fridge !

if fridge:
        ### also keeps okay outside of fridge <25°C

if freezer OR same/second day:
    * frozen pizza
    * frozen spinach
    * [...]

junk food:
    * cookies: cheap (tostado)
    * cookies: gran cereale
    * cookies: random/a bit better/to try:
        @Mercadona : jenjibre
        @BE: Waffles
    * plastic-packed croissant pack
    * crackers:
        (best = non salt & olive oil)

    * toilet paper
    * kitchen paper roll:
        == "tissues"
        Mercadona ~2.5€ for SINGLE MEGA ROLL ("NON-ABSORBANT" / "CELLULOSE")
    * tooth-brushes
    * tooth paste
    * mouthwash
    * floss (not thin!)
        (L:) ... or the softer "floss sticks"
    * shaving razor
    * shaving cream
    * aftershave
    * aftersun / body milk
    * hair shampoo
    * hair conditioner
    * shower gel
    * hard soap for clothes (Lagarto)
    * hard hand soap
    * liquid/hand soap:
        make sure it works with SEA WATER:
            YES natural smells (cedar, vanilla, etc)
            NOT "creamy"
            NOT crazy smells ("baby", "candy", etc)
    * tampax
    * sanitary pads (menstrual pads)
    * cotton wool pads
    * face cleaner / make-up remover:
        * rose water + almond oil
        * premade
    * deo

basic but rare:
    * peanut butter:
        ~12€/kg (BUT very high kcal!):
        (no flavours! not hydrogenated! high % peanuts, not oil!)
    * "tortilla de trigo":
        (like "fajita" style, not chips!)
    * tofu:
        (ideally: packaged + smoked + shelf-stable, so no refrigeration needed)
    * toasted sesame oil:
        500ml 5€ (@chinese shop)

(... rare / bourgie):
    * sunflower seed butter
    * seitan
    * (other vegan stuff ~8€/kg)
    * tahini ("sesame butter"), even healthier:
        300g @ 5€ could work !
    * thyme tea
    * artichokes in oil
    * mushrooms: (dried?) shitake, yuba ?€
    * avocado oil (500ml 5€)
    * [...]

    * seeds to plant: pumpkin (semilla de callabas)
    * small metal bowl (~1L / 2L)
      * [...]

    * plastic boxes / "tupperware"
    * vinegar:
        apple cider vinegar (manzana)
        wine vinegar (vino): red/white
    * raisins ("pasas") ++
    * tutti frutti dried fruit mix
    * dried figs ++
        big weird looking bag @Mercadona (0.5kg ~3€)
    * pate 1€ ~200g:
        "con pimiento"
        "pata" (duck)
    * olives (various):
        Mercadona: plastic 3x pack of smaller plastic packs 
    * tiny onions in vinegar
    * capers (alcaparras)
    * triangular cheese (no-fridge!) 6€/kg
    * tuna pate
    * jam/marmelade:
        min 60% fruit! no additives other than pectin!
    * (other sweet stuff for on bread):
    * frankfurter sausage
    * gofio:
        yellow "La Pina" (non-toasted) de maiz is good
    * chewing gum
    * hard mint candy / throat candy


    * cotton swabs / q tips / bastoncillos
    * cotton pads (for cosmetics etc)
    * contact lens liquid:
        hiperdino 360ml = 4€
    * mineral water
    * guarana powder
    * aluminium paper (wider?)
    * baking paper ("papel horno")
    * limon exprimido (backup! 300ml ~ 1.5€)
    * cola:
        slo: cockta
        eu: pepsi :D
    * sparkling water:
        slo: tempel

    * ginger
    * lemon
    * honey
    * infusions
    * packaged (chicken) soup:
        "better than nothing"
    * yoghurt
    * potatoes
    * vitamin C stuff (cranberries, lemons, kiwi)
    * ###

<----------------------- (new)+ SHOP#1: MAIN UNSORTED

Chef's checklist !

If available - buy bags, not glass!
    *T* = "TURKISH SHOP"

Herbs and spices:
    * fine sea salt
    * black pepper
    *T* cumin / Kreuzkümmel (DE) / "oriental cumin" = "comino" (ESP)
    * sweet paprika (dulce)
    * paprika picante
    *T* smoked paprika ("ahumado") /RARE/
    * cayenne pepper
    * chili pepper
    * cinnamon
    * nutmeg ("nues moscado")
    * coriander seeds ("cilantro") /RARE/
    *T* cloves ("clavos de olor")
    * turmeric / curcuma
    * proper curry powders (hot madras!)
    * bay leaves / laurel leaves
    * rosemary
    * oregano
    * thyme
    * mojo verde mix
    * mojo rojo mix
    *T* peppercorns (in bag):
        * black 
        * green
    * dill ("eneldo")

Rare herbs:
    * pimenton ahumado de la vera
    * tarragon
    * merken
    * amchoor
    *T* "piment" / "jamaican pepper" / "allspice"
    *T* sumac
    * vanilla
    * cinnamon


Kitchen comfort:
    * thick kitchen paper roll:
        @Fran y chemi: 6x big for 10€
    * napkins
    * [...]


ETC... :
    * 5kg Salt (for brining, etc)
    * food thermometer
    * chewing gums (green/peppermint)
    * lighter (feuerzeug)
    * candles
    * [...]

<---------------------------- (new) SHOP #2: CHEF'S

Non-food !

... but also in supermarkets...

    * kitchen pan (26cm ~20€)
    * kitchen towels
    * paper tissues (handkerchiefs)
    * big plastic box (like, Ikea):
        dino: 55L 15€
    * big plastic bag (like, for clothes):
    * cooling box
    * sponches & kitchen rags
    * WD40
    * Bike stuff
         (ferreteria, @Fuerte next to Mercadona)
    * tape
    * shoe glue
    * fresh water sponge
        @Fuerte, to keep away from saline water

    * something against ants? (#antipest)
    * anti-rodents:
        mouse trap
        rat trap
    * cutting surface
    * anti-mosquito:
        spray / creme (also post-bites)
    * ###

        AA batt
        AAA batt
        9V batt
    * black ffp2 masks
    * lightbulb

    * hairmask (coconut, ...)
    * hair color (blonde)
    * hair clip
    * clay for art (chinese shop)

    * hair scissor
    * nail clippers
    * thermometer
    * earplugs
        cheap wax ones in Mercadona

<---------------------------- (new) SHOP #3: NON-FOOD ↑


MAIN → 🔗ordering


    * Garlic (lots)
    * Lemon
    * Ginger
    * Parsley
    * Apples
    * apple cider vinegar
    * anti-oxidants
    * [...] ### !!!

zinc-rich food:
    * red meat & poultry
    * beans
    * some fruits

    * Chlorhexidine mouth-wash (like "Perio-aid")
    * floss line
    * [...]


healthy diet resources

nice basics <WHO

“If governments are serious about preventing both avoidable death on a massive scale and better preparing the world for future pandemics, then they have to invest in the health of their citizens and promote healthy environments by tackling common risk factors – alcohol, tobacco, lack of physical activity, unhealthy diets and air pollution – and ensuring everyone who needs it has access to essential and lifesaving diagnosis, treatment and care.”

Why? ###

    * corn flakes, granola
    * crackers
    * bread
    * ricecrackers
    * cookies
    * muesli
    * flour
    _______________ sweets
    * jam
    * dried fruit
    * [...]


"everything that is harder"

    * apples
    * melon
    * citruses

    * pumpkins
    * carrots
    * onions, garlic
    * cabbage
    * leek (puerro)

    * baking soda ++ (can use this for basically everything)
    * Lemon
    * Hand sanitiser
    * Natural soap
    * seawater soap ("marine soap")
    * Kitchen paper
    * Toothpaste
    * gloves
    * [...] 

    * Period aid (mouth wash, can also be something else/selfmade)
    * chewing gums with XYLITOL
    * [...]


[P] Shopping in pandemic

#tomerge !!!

* USE SHOPPING CART (as personal distance keeping device, he he)

[P] After shopping

    * do not keep anything in sunglight !

    * put stuff that needs to be cooled into fridge

    * put all vegetables out of plastic !

    * do bill overview


2020/03/19 Superdino 200€

Note down !!!
Improve !!!

2-weeks in: 🔗food_

2020/04/02 Santi ("small fresh")

Hola Santi, gracias si tienes tiempo para recoger esto. :) buscamos una opcion de repartir que funciona.

20 huevos
1kg bolsa de manzana
1kg bolsa de zanahorias
1kg cebolla
1 x col
2 x pimiento verde
1 x copos de maiz, o muesli

2020/04/04 Fran y Chemi ("big fresh")



___ FRUTAS ___
1kg x limones
2kg x manzanas ("golden")
1kg x manzanas rojo
1kg x peras
2kg x mandarinas
1kg x kiwi
2kg x bananas (mejor que verdes)

___ VERDURAS ___
2 x col (~3kg)
1 x ensalada (~300g)
1kg x cebolla roja
1kg x cebolla blanca
1kg x pimientos verdes
1 x pimentos de padron (~0.25kg)
1 x perejil
3kg x zanahorias

___ (si lo tienes) ___
* ~30 huevos (M / L)
* 4 x agua 8L
* cornflakes
* 2kg sal
* [...]

2020/04/16 Fran y Chemi #2


* Weighed: 11kg both fruit & vegetable basket (=22kg for 30€)
* Also got water (1.80€), milk (1€) etc. Expensive but cool.
* No bill, or price overview, they sent us pricelist later on whatsapp.
* Split 3-ways
* [...]

2020/04/23 Fran y Chemi #3


2020/04/23 HIPERDINO.ES ONLINE [Doing]

$$$$ 20210607 REDO THIS ORDER


password +david !

* slow but ~ same time you'd spend doing a mega-order by driving & arranging it yourself
* "Dinitos" are a fascinating view unto advanced capitalism and profit margins
* [...]


    * beer

re-research, and add:
    * "Tatay caja multiusos 4,5 lt " :
        3€ 5L sealable tupperware
    * "Fackelmann nirosta tijera cocina inox. multiusos " :
        10€ scissors
    * "Cucal trampa doble cebo caja 6 uds.":
        (roach trap 3€)
    * "Luminarc multiusos carine noir 12 cm":
        (cornflakes bowls 1€)
    * [...]


natural vs ecological vs etc for soaps
        "WHAT IS NATURAL"?

    * "natural shampoo":
        Herbal detox champú refrescante 400 ml"
        had: https://herbalessences.co.uk/en-gb/hair-products/shampoo/daily-detox-clean-shampoo
    * "Lagarto detergente jabón 2 x 150 gr " :
        "it says 100% natural"
    * "Bifemme jabón algas 100 gr ":
        might have claim "ecological"

* Los productos de toda la vida, “Originalmente naturales”
* Nuevo Licor del Polo BIO, con certificación ecológica

    [!→] LIM0 -- (more meta)

    * if no certification, they can usually say pretty much anything, so it means pretty much nothing (or if you want, "brand trust" fabrication)
    * DO:
        * look for certifications / standards ("green frog", etc)
        * find top brands, also foreign, and "query expand" these certifications:
            "ALVERDE" from DM
        * find certification sites, who investigate these products
        * find what is, and what is not, in them, etc
        * [...]

    * "ecological farming", as in, stuff came from "bio" sources
    * "natural" as in ?:
        * "has some natural things in it"
        * not chemically processed, just mechanicaly?
        * [...]
    * "biodegradable" - important for us !:
        ... but also in seawater?
    * "certified organic agriculture" (Alverde)
    * "from natural essential oils" (Alverde)
    * "natural cosmetics brand" (A)
    * "eco pack" = we sell you a bigger packaging by volume / less hard plastic
    * "hypoallergenic"
    * "100% natural de glicerina ... sin sulfatos, sin parabenes" (Lida crema de mano)
    * "sin detergentes sinteticos" (Lida)
    * says, never use this:
        * "According to the EPA, an ounce of biodegradable soap needs to be diluted in 20,000 ounces of water to be safe for fish"
        * [...]
That means no phosphate, surfactants, triclosan, or any “anti-bacterial” ingredients. The first two spike algal growth resulting in mucky, sluggish rivers. Conversely, triclosan, found in hand sanitizers and most hand soaps, is extremely toxic to aquatic life.
    * check:
        * [...]
    * [...]

    [!!] (meta: FEARS/TODOs)

fears / !!!:
    * repeat the same order
    * distribute these "baskets"
    * change phone number
    * santi fucks up phonecall
    * we need to pick it up (at some weird hour) from parque
    * [...]

2020/04/24 Santi ("Urgent")

12€ - Gas x 1
4€ - Olive oil x 1 
3€ -  Corn Oil x 1
8€ - 10L water x 2
_______________ 20€ 

2020-10-27 Fran y chemi (CHT7C #1)

Hola Fran y chemi 

Nos gustaría hacer el siguiente pedido:

Nos gustaría hacer el siguiente pedido:

* 1 × lote frutas y verduras
Nos gustaron mucho las hierbas frescas.:
* 1 x lote naranjas zumo 5kg
* 60 huevos
* 3kg de cebolla
* 3kg platanos
* 3kg manzana golden
* 2 x garaffa de agua barata

Somos aparacado en un viejo VW blanco furgoneta, en El Jablito, 200m a la derecha del pueblo.

Telefono 0038640554854

Muchas gracias

David y Liz

[M!!] 2020/11/05 @Corralejo (GENERAL MULTI-STORE SUPPLY TRIP)

L→D on telegram
### develop as separate pattern

1. clear + lined/caro paper
2. a black xxx-pen
3. labels for Dymo 450 turbo laberl printer (?)
    just check if they have it...)
@Tagoror (papelleria)
Calle Gral. García Escámez, 24

4. eco washing detergent (ecovert)
5. calendula cream
6. essential oils?
@Yema de Yerba
Calle Lepanto 9

7. cable for solar panel
8. battery research
9. water filter research (?)
10. wd 40
@Ferretería la Bisagra shop
Calle Bajo Linares 0 S/N

11. fishing gear
12. swimming gear (glasses, fins, snorckles)
@china shop?

13. bread (?) 
14. cotton earbuds

All shops in this list are on 🔗markets!

(L:) Fran y Chemi 20210519 @7D

Hola Fran y chemi 

Nos gustaría hacer el siguiente pedido:

* 5 x 8L de agua (el tipo barata)
* 6x leche (entero)
* 60 huevos (2x lote de 30, o similar)
* 5 kg de naranjas
* 5 kg de plátanos
* 5 kg de cebollas
* 3 kg de peras
* 2 kg de puerro
* 1 kg de pimientos rojo
* 1 kg de pimientos verde
* mezcla de hierbas verdes (perejil, cilantro, menta , ...)

Somos aparacado en un viejo VW blanco furgoneta, en El Jablito, 200m a la derecha del pueblo.

Telefono 0038640554854

Muchas gracias

David y Lis

(L:) Fran y Chemi 20210605 @7D

Hola Fran y chemi 

Nos gustaría hacer el siguiente pedido:

* 30 huevos (1 lote)
* 5 kg de naranjas
* 2 kg manzana rojo (barato)
* 2 kg manzana verde (barato)
* 2 kg de peras
* 3 kg de plátanos
* 2 kg limones
* 1 kg zanahorias
* 2 kg tomatos
* 1 kg pepinos
* 2x hierbas verdes (perejil, cilantro, menta)
* otra vez apuntas 1kg pimientos verdes, pero olvidas repartir :)

Somos aparacado en un viejo VW blanco furgoneta, en El Jablito, 100m a la derecha del pueblo.

Telefono 0038640554854

Muchas gracias

David y Lis


    20210606 payed 50€
* SAT 1
* SUN 3
    (ordered 2, but they had one spare the gave to us)
→ payed 50€
    * 30€ debt = 20 breads
        (20210411 - 20210606,  full 7D bread purchases)
    * 20€ for coming "13.3" breads

    20210613 (+18.5 / +17€)
* SAT 0
* SUN 2 (ordered 1!)
________ 3€

    20210620 (+14€ / +12.5€)

* SAT 1
* SUN 2
________ 4.5€

    20210627 (+9.5€ / +8€)

* SAT 1
* SUN 2
________ 4.5€

    20210704 (+5€ / +3.5€)

* SAT 1
* SUN 2
________ 4.5€

    20210710 (+0.5 / -1€)

* SAT 1
* SUN 2
________ 4.5€

    20210718 (-4 / -5.5€)

* SAT 1
* SUN 2
________ 4.5€

    202107225 (-8.5 / -10€)

* SAT 1
* SUN 2
________ 4.5€

    20210801 (-13 / -14.5€)

* SAT 1
* SUN 2
________ 4.5€

    20210808 (-17.5 / 19€)

* SAT 1
* SUN 2
________ 4.5€

    20210815 (20.5 / 21 € they say it is now -28€???)

* SAT /
* SUN 2
________ 3€

<----------------------------------------- (new) BREAD LOG ↑↑↑

(L:) Fran y Chemi 20210624 @7D


Hola Fran y Chemi 

Nos gustaría hacer el siguiente pedido:

* 4 x 8L de agua (el tipo barata)
* 30 huevos (1 lote)
* 5 kg de naranjas
* 2 kg manzana verde (barato)
* 1 kg de manzana Reineta
* 1 kg kiwi
* 0.5 kg fresa
* 0.5 kg Uva Negra o blanca
* 0.5 kg albaricoque
* 1kg Pomelo Rojo
* 1kg pomelo blanco
* 1 kg Mandarina
* 1 kg de peras Ercolini (si tienes)
* 3 kg de plátanos
* 1 kg zanahorias
* 1x Coliflor
* 1x Col Roja
* 2 kg tomatos
* 1 kg pepinos
* 1 kg de puerro
* 0.5 kg P. Padrón 
* 1kg lechuga (batavia?)
* 2kg cebolla
* 2kg papas por arrugar
* 1kg de aguacates
* 1 x corazon hinojo
* 4x perejil, 4x cilantro, 1x menta
* si tienes, otras yerbas frescas (eneldo?)

Somos aparacado en un viejo VW blanco furgoneta, en El Jablito, 100m a la derecha del pueblo.

Telefono 0038640554854

Muchas gracias

David y Lis

Verduras Y frutas Locales— 22€ box

ordered via whatsapp ~20210708
no response till 20210712
delivered 20210713 ~1430

Boxes contain:
    * Kale
    * rubarb
    * salad
    * 1x perehil
    * 1x mint
    * 1x coriander
    * ~2kg eggplant
    * ~2-3kg zuchini
    * ~1kg tomato's 
    * ~2 oranges
    * ~2 apples
    *  ~2lemons
    * ~250g pimento de padron
    * 1x red cabage
    * 1kg platanos
    * 1 kg papas (no arrugar, some red skinned ones)
    * big pepino
    * 2 small (grapefruit-size) melons (yellow)
    * 1 big(ger) green (water?) melon
    * 1 leek
    * ~500g carrots
    * 3 paprika

(L:) Fran y Chemi 20210719 @7D


Hola Fran y Chemi 

Nos gustaría hacer el siguiente pedido:

* 7 x 8L de agua (el tipo barata)
* 60 huevos (2 lote)
* papel de cocina (el grande paquet de 6)

* 3 kg de naranjas
* 2 kg manzana verde (golden)
* 1 kg kiwi
* 0.5 kg Uva Negra o blanca
* 1 kg albaricoque
* 1 kg pomelo blanco
* 1 kg de peras Ercolini (si tienes, si no, otro tipo también es bueno)
* 3 kg de plátanos

* 1 kg zanahorias
* 1x Col Roja
* 2 kg tomatos
* 1 kg pepinos
* 1 kg de puerro
* 0.5 kg P. Padrón
* 1 kg lechuga (iceberg?)
* 2 kg cebolla
* 1 kg papas por arrugar
* 1 kg de aguacates
* 1x corazon hinojo
* 3x perejil, 2x cilantro, 1x eneldo, 3x albahaca

Somos aparacado en un viejo VW blanco furgoneta, en El Jablito, 100m a la derecha del pueblo.

Telefono 0038640554854

Muchas gracias

David y Lis

________ 20210727

* sugar 1kg
* black pepper
* mermelada  cabello de ángel 230 gr → DIY
* sasame
* latex gloves:
    latex VS vinilo VS goma vs ###
 Latex gloves have superior resistance to tear, puncture and are also more waterproof because it is easier to control the level of microholes, therefore safer for risk jobs  eg with biological material.
Vinyl gloves, being devoid of natural proteins, can also be used by people allergic to latex proteins. They are also less expensive, but can  ensure a level of safety if the thickness of the product is adequate.
    (?) nitrile gloves
    is this different?
* tooth floss
* sausage

(L:) Fran y Chemi 20210817 @7D

Hola Fran y Chemi 

Nos gustaría hacer el siguiente pedido:

* 4 x 8L de agua (el tipo barata)
* 60 huevos (2 lote)

* 3 kg de naranjas
* 2 kg manzana verde (barato)
* 1 kg kiwi
* 0.5 kg Uva Negra o blanca
* 1 kg albaricoque
* 1 kg pomelo blanco
* 1 kg Mandarina
* 1 kg de peras Ercolini (si tienes)
* 3 kg de plátanos

* 1 kg zanahorias
* 1x Coliflor
* 1x Col Roja
* 2 kg tomatos
* 1 kg pepinos
* 1 kg de puerro
* 0.5 kg P. Padrón 
* 1 kg lechuga (batavia?)
* 2 kg cebolla
* 1 kg papas por arrugar
* 1 x corazon hinojo

* 3x perejil, 2x cilantro, 1x eneldo, 3x albahaca
* si tienes, otras yerbas frescas (eneldo?)

Somos aparacado en un viejo VW blanco furgoneta, en El Jablito, 100m a la derecha del pueblo.

Telefono 0038640554854

Muchas gracias

David y Lis

(L:) Fran y Chemi 20210817 @7D

Hola Fran y Chemi 

Nos gustaría hacer el siguiente pedido:

* 30 huevos

* 1 kg de naranjas
* 2 kg manzana verde (barato)
* 1 kg kiwi
* 1 kg paraguaya
* 1 kg pomelo blanco
* 2 kg de plátanos
* 1kg limón

* 1 kg zanahorias
* 1x Coliflor
* 1 kg tomatos
* 1 kg pepinos
* 0.5 kg P. Padrón 
* 1 kg lechuga (batavia?)
* 2 kg cebolla

* 3x perejil, 2x cilantro, 3x albahac, minimum eneldo

Somos aparacado en un viejo VW blanco furgoneta, en El Jablito, 100m a la derecha del pueblo.

Telefono 0038640554854

Muchas gracias

David y Lis

<----------------------------- (new)(now) ORDERS: LOG↑↓ PREPARING


* cleanup first order
* recover password
* check if first order can be repeated

* can we reject delivered items on spot (trying the "replace stuff you don't have" mode)
* are we sure they're fine with calling us?



everything in the shop outside of the fridge!
including: triangle cheese, [...]

Salting fish


Pickling (vegetables, fish, ...)

which vinegar?

* all seem fine in principle?

* """Never use a vinegar with unknown acidity. Check the vinegar label and look for vinegar that contains 5% acetic acid."""

* wine vinegar are more mild, usually:
"""Don't use wine vinegars or other flavored vinegars unless you are sure of their acetic acid content (should be 5 percent)."""

* what is "white vinegar"?
Distilled white vinegar is made by feeding oxygen to a vodka-like grain alcohol, causing bacteria to grow and acetic acid to form

Fruits & vegetables

    * Salting:

    * GENERAL:
        """if you increase the salt to 20% to 25% of the weight of the vegetables, you prevent the growth of all bacteria, desirable or not. Yes, it’s a lot of salt. By the way, 25% salt is a completely saturated brine. If you add more salt, it won’t dissolve. So 25% is the maximum."""

    * DRY:
        """The dry salting technique mixes shredded or finely chopped vegetables with salt, packs them into a container, removes the oxygen (air), and allows the vegetables to ferment (low salt) or cure (high salt)."""

    * Fermenting with salt:

    * GENERAL:
        * Use low salt concentration (2½% to 5% weight of the salt per weight of the food), to promote fermentation. 
        * Sauerkraut and kimchi are perhaps the most well-known examples. But the technique can be applied to almost any vegetable.

    * KIMCHI:
        """In addition to cabbage, almost any other shredded or finely chopped vegetable can be included: beets, carrots, radish, turnip, onion, green beans, kohlrabi, okra, rutabagas, corn kernels, shelled lima beans, and shelled peas. Mixtures of any of these vegetables may also be preserved using the dry salting fermentation technique."""

    * Sun-drying:

    * GENERAL:
        Best for fruit only:
        """fruits are the safest thing to start with and are preferable because of their high sugar and acid content – something that helps prevent spoilage during the drying process."""

        """vegetables should first be blanched in scalding steam to stop the action of enzymes that cause deterioration in storage. Another pretreatment — exposure to the fumes of burning sulfur — is often advised for fruits such as apples, apricots, peaches, and pears, to preserve color and vitamins A and C (which are otherwise destroyed, although most nutrients are well retained)."""

    * Canning:

    * GENERAL:
        * There's two canning methods: 
        * Boiling water–bath (BWB) canning
        * Steam-pressure canning. 

        """ Which method you use depends on whether the food you plan to can is high acid or low acid. High-acid foods include most fruits and fruit products. In addition, low acid vegetables can be canned using tested recipes for pickles, relish, and tomato products, which contain added acid, usually vinegar."""

    * Freezing

Storing vegetables & fruit

Leafy greens:

    * rinse and wrap in paper or tea towel
    * refridgerate in a closed plastic container or bag

* Squash, root vegetables, garlic, onions, (sweet) patatoes, pumpkins, ...:

    """... should be stored in a cool, dark, dry spot outside the fridge like a cupboard or root cellar."""

* Tomato's:

    * room temperature, out of direct sunlight

* Cabbage:

    * fridge 3-4 weeks
    * cellar (cool and hummit place) up to 3 months

* [...]


* meat with "saltpeter"

* [...]

<----------------------------- (new) PRESERVATION ↑





* DIY "Club Mate"
    * 3-4x mate steep + filter
    * green "agua teror" (fizz)
    * guarana
    * little sugar (~5g / litre)
    * optional amchoor (dry green mango), or maybe sumac? :)
    * lemons / limes !

* kimchi


* kombucha:

(why? isn't it just "vanity" to have a "flavoured beverage"?)
    "it is super healthy for the stomach"
    "and refreshing"

* Tarkhuna: Tarragon drink from Kazakh region
Tarragon is used to flavor a popular carbonated soft drink in the countries of Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia (where it originally comes from) and, by extension, Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan. The drink, named Tarkhuna, is made out of sugary tarragon concentrate and colored bright green. 

* water + cucumber + dill

* spanish sauces with white wine


* baba ghanoush

(but, with pimeneton ahumado de la vera)

<--------------------- (new) RECIPES ↑



"BRAIN FOOD", longevity, [...]



[!!] "Foods of the future"


[!] Q: peanut butter good or bad?

    * http://www.livestrong.com/article/337077-is-peanut-butter-bad-for-your-heart/
    * http://www.foods4betterhealth.com/6-reasons-you-should-never-eat-peanut-butter-7037 :
        "contains molds"
        "contains pesticides" <------- HOW TO SELF-TEST FOR PESTICIDES?

[!] Q: food before bed? ... and general FOOD TIMING (example: fruits)!
    * http://www.livestrong.com/article/502304-what-are-the-benefits-of-cottage-cheese-before-bed/

when is it best to eat fruit?
after exercise?
what time?

[!] Q: food combinations


[~] Eat more fiber?

    how much?
    regular or in bursts?


[!!*] Via cronometer

    + green vegetables
    + peas!
    regularity ???

    + eggs


[!] TOXIC -- What is "metabisulfito" in all spanish pickles?

~~ metabisulfito or something

"It is used in some pickles as a preservative."

"""Potassium metabisulfite can irritate skin, eyes, and respiratory tract.[8]"""
explain covid in spain ... ;)

BODY TEMPERATURE -- food that cools down the body
(20210610 - during kalima & illness @7D)

* Avocado
* Bananas
* Milk along with honey:
    ... add a tablespoon of honey in cold milk and it works wonders.
* Vitamin C rich foods
* Mint
* Lime water:
    Lime water is one of the best Body cooling foods you can quickly get. All you need is a lemon, sugar and some cold water. A glass of lime water not only cools your body but also provides many health benefits. A glass of lime water mixed with honey can result in weight loss.
* Watermelon
* Cucumber
* Coconut water
* Onions:
    Raw onions are great to cool the system. Have them as part of a vegetable salad or chutney.
* Mango: 
    Raw mangoes are ideal to prevent sunstrokes and diarrhoea during summer. They are a source of Vitamin C and prevent the loss of excessive salts and iron from the body.
* Spices: 
    ... such as poppy seeds, cardamom, sandalwood, fennel (saunf) and saffron are great cooling agents. 
    A sandalwood drink enhanced with cardamom, saffron, saunf and rock salt is great.
* Celery:
    ... covers a significant part of water along with sodium, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc.

    * https://www.hindustantimes.com/health-and-fitness/has-the-heat-got-to-you/story-GAAEsfzBcliDniEL4O4crN.html
    * https://www.24mantra.com/blogs/organic-food/10-foods-that-will-help-cool-your-body-this-summer/
    * https://food.ndtv.com/health/how-to-reduce-body-heat-8-super-effective-tips-1676773

To avoid... or not?

Eating very hot and spicy food is a contributing factor that gives rise to heat. (...) Thus nuts must be avoided. (...)
Protein rich foods are a storehouse of heat causing agents. Meat, eggs and cinnamon powder are all prime sources that can cause potential damage, leading to rise in body heat.


"eat chillies:
    Even though eating spicy food can make you feel warm, it can also help to lower your body temperature. That’s because the capsaicin in chilies sends messages to the brain to signal that your body is overheated. This causes you to sweat more than normal and brings on a cooling effect. 



3 basis sugars:

    * glucose

    * fructose
        * fructose is sweeter than glucose or sucrose
        * is a monosaccharide

    * sucrose 
        * = 1 molecule fructose + 1 glucose
        * is a disaccharide


White sugar
    * the final product of the processing and refining of sugarcane or beet
    * During the refining process, moisture, minerals, and compounds that give sugars their color are removed, and white refined sugar is formed. 
    * The byproduct containing the removed compounds during sugar refining is known as molasses.

Raw sugar
    * formed if the final refining process is bypassed.

Brown sugar
    * refined white sugar with varying amounts of molasses added
    * Raw sugar, brown sugar, and molasses are higher in compounds that provide color, 
         from natural sources or byproducts of the breakdown of sugar (caramel) during sugar processing.

    * about 17% water
    * has germ-killing capabilities due to the presence of several naturally-occurring compounds

Syrups ###

Fruit sugars
    * made from the drying and grinding of fruits such as dates
    * sugar produced through this process shares similar nutrient composition with the fruit (such as fiber and minerals)
    * lower in water content


* COMPARING TYPES (which ones are better?)

*  Honey and syrups also a higher water content. So the sugar content is less than the equivalent weight of white sugar. Hence a smaller amount may be needed to achieve similar level of sweetness from white sugar (which

Glycemic Index
"Different types of sugar raise the amount of sugar in our blood at different rates after being consumed. The glycemic index (GI) concept is used to compare the ability of different carbohydrate-containing foods in raising blood sugar levels over two hours."

* Pure glucose is the reference carbohydrate, it has a value of 100
* Higher GI indicates greater ability of a food in raising blood sugar levels
* High GI foods tend to be less filling
* Having high levels of sugar in the blood can lead to disease. 


Breaking down sugars
“Sucrose gets broken down into glucose and fructose before going into the blood stream and raising your blood glucose levels. High levels of blood sugar can damage blood vessels and lead to cavities and gum disease,” says St. Pierre.
Fructose, on the other hand, doesn’t go into the bloodstream like glucose. “It has to go to the liver first to be processed into a useable form so it doesn’t raise blood glucose levels. But if you’re consuming excess calories and fructose that fructose can get converted to triglycerides, which makes it mildly worse than glucose in that regard. It is better at restoring liver glycogen, though, which is an important satiety signal for the brain,” he explains. Another plus: Fructose is less likely to cause cavities.

* How to combine sugar types (with other nutrients, etc)


<---------------------- (new) DIETETICS, HEALTHY, UNHEALTHY ↑


Cronometer (nutrient tracking)


[!] DEV -- Try + Redo: Shopping list script !

See 🔗dev-foodlist !

Food styling / #photography

wow, very nice ... #tolearn for 🔗david-restauran ;)


[!] more #numerics, like nutrition calculation

    * spreadsheets for ingredients 

    * max (white?) sugar
    * min proteins

    * max white flour
    * max olive oil
    * min vitamin c
    * max fructose

unknown, systemic:
    * variability for different metabolisms (people)
    * [...]

[!→] relate to food growing / regrowing
     (also #numerics)

Different vegetables that you can grow in less then 60days!

    * Rábano – 22 días
    * Lechuga – 30 días
    * Nabo – 40 días
    * Pepino – 50 días
    * Mini zanahoria – 50 días
    * Remolacha – 50 días
    * Kale – 50 días
    * Calabacín – 50 días
    * Cilantro – 50 días
    * etc



"""In as little as 5 days you can completely regrow a full scallion (or green onion) from the scraps."""
"""Plant the discarded root end from an onion in a pot or directly in the soil outside to regrow. You can harvest it early and get fresh green onions or wait until the bulb is fully developed."""


[!] better develop connections to local markets:
    ties → 🔗lim0


We are bored of vegetables.

What could be exciting right now?

* red cabbage
* eggplant
* avocado
* broccoli
* cauliflower

* mandarins
* grapes
* grapefruit

<--------------------------- (new) exciting vegetables ↑

*** PAD

Communique (ESP) - help me with the ride

Hola Sanit, que tal. :) Quiero preguntarte, tengo que ir hoy a Puerto por compra mensual en Mercadona. Con muchas cosas la vuelta esta complicada. Estaba pensando si quiza hoy en cualcier tiempo vuelvas de Puerto a Jablito, y podria ir con tigo? Muchas gracias

Related !

[!!] explore + #crosslinking

———— 20240715↓

[tt!!*] DIETETICS— China study (~animal proteins create cancer)

~~ "10% protein is enough, most from bivalves, not from animal origin including dairy"

criticism (by X on the wall)

<------------------------------- ((new))


Jabón de Marsella con mil sabores.