

< DRAFT+ >

How to act inside CHT. Half general common sense (though not universal🤡); half context-specific.
All must be carefully respected!

    20200116 start
    20200308 overview +L
    20200312 overview
    20200317 still here
    20200607 quick touch
    20200621 big overview
    20201006 overview try
    20210427 ping
    20210614 overview&extraction D+L
    20211031 ping D

Table of Contents
1 *** BASICS
1.1 (all instructions come from a lived experience of fuckups)
1.2 (#postserious)
1.3 (do: self-document the anti-patterns)
1.4 (also see / ties to ...)
2.1.1   (-) Idiot-proofing
2.1.2   () Common sense
2.1.3   (+) Specific to complex environments
2.1.4   (++) Specific to CHT
2.1.5   (~) Particular to CHT
2.2.1   (T) Talking
2.2.2   (W) Writing
2.2.3   (XXX) Receive Corrections
2.2.4   (WT) Working Together
2.2.5   (LT) Living Together
2.2.6   (M) Motorics
2.2.7   (TRU) In Trucko (the van)
2.2.8   (TECH) Technology
2.2.9   (H) Hygiene !
2.2.10   (ENV) Environment
2.2.11   (CHEF) Kitchen
2.2.12   (OUT) Contain general outside image
2.2.13   (POL) Dealing with police
2.3.1   🗣️%$#!$ = MAGIC WORD
2.3.2   🤜 = VIOLENCE
2.3.3   🤜🤜 = HEAVY VIOLENCE!
3.1 (T) If spoken to, 🗣️ACKNOWLEDGE
3.2 (T) 🤜  Asked to 🗣️ REPEAT ? Speak up & move there!
3.3 (T) Speak to be understood !
3.4 (T) Don't talk to yourself
3.5 (T+) Don't sing, whistle, hum, "groove", and shit like that
3.6 (W+) Triple-check your writing for basic problems
3.7 (W+) Don't assume people know abbreviatons or referents
3.8 (W++) Somebody is saying lots of things - they need to be written
3.9 (W++) Respect ethering conventions !
3.10 (W++) Maintain current indexes
3.11 (W++) Acknowledge & credit internal research
3.12 (XXX) 🤜 Talk directly - make eye contact!
3.13 (XXX+) Don't ASSUME somebody ASSUMED something
3.14 (XXX+) 🤜 Don't take the last word & leave an argument/place
3.15 (XXX+) 🤜 You messed up, You apologize
3.16 (XXX+) 🤜 You messed up, You bicker, You apologize twice
3.17 (XXX++) 🤜 Don't reply with "deflections" and "justifications"
3.18 (XXX++) 🤜 Write down novel corrections immediately
3.19 (XXX++) Don't waste my time by 🗣️PARROTING
3.20 (WT+) Keep a high pulse !
3.21 (CUE/WT++) "TIGHT" system
3.22 (CUE/WT++) "INITIATIVE" system
3.23 (CUE/WT++) "PUSH" system
3.24 (WT+) Upkeep your personal TODO list
3.25 (WT+) If you want something from a BUSY somebody, put it on their TODO list
3.26 (WT++)  Pre-estimate and communicate work duration
3.27 (M+) Learn the basic cues !
3.28 (M++) Passing something? Put it down (to the nearest surface)
3.29 (TRU-) 🤜 Learn how to close and open doors
3.30 (TRU-) Don't put anything hard in front of the windshield
3.31 (TECH-) Don't touch my computer / phone without asking
3.32 (TECH+) Get laptops low-power ready
3.33 (TECH+) When showing somebody something on your computer ...
3.34 (TECH++) Don't do strange things on other people's networks
3.35 (H/CHEF) 🤜 Don't fuck up hygiene with mixing domains / stations
3.36 (H) Wash your hands with soap thoroughly every time you piss (etc)
3.37 (H-) 🤜 Don't touch glasses/drinking bottles/etc on drinking TOP
3.38 (H-) Don't  touch water bottles on top
3.39 (H-) Brush your teeth daily
4.1 (CHEF+) 🤜 No access to kitchen spaces unless granted
4.2 (CHEF+) 🤜🤜 ... definitely NOT to pans and knives
4.3 (CHEF-) Ready the eating situation BEFORE food is served
4.4 (OUT+) Keep camp perimeter contained
4.5 (OUT++) Don't "casually" expose lifestyle. Not camouflaging is tactically unsound
4.6 (POL+) Dealing with random other people
4.7 (POL+) 🤜 Be prudent (=respectful) with the police
4.8 (WT)🤜 No wild gesticulations in front of screens
4.9 (T/XXX) UHUH vs OK vs SORRY
4.10 (CHEF/ENV) Don't dispose oil with water
4.11 (WT) In multi-person: call people by their name
4.12 (CHEF) Stay away from / respect chef tools
4.13 (W/WT+) Help with idea dictation
4.14 (ENV-) Maintain space clean
4.15 (ENV+) 🤜 Maintain space functional & predictable
4.16 (ENV+) Check "inventive" change ideas with camp master
4.17 (ENV/WT+) 🤜 Don't fuck up the technical parts of the equipment & core infrastructure
4.18 (WT+) Task queue & prioretization: Handling multiple instructions
4.19 (ENV-) Clean kitchen counter! Don't keep it wet.
4.20 (WT) 🤜 To help, first LOOK AROUND for work, only then ASK
4.21 (T) 🤜 Don't defer responsibility by "asking questions"
4.22 (ENV) WATCH and LEARN!
4.23 (ENV-) Use sink without splashing
4.24 (H/CHEF-) 🤜 Don't mess up hygiene domains
4.25 (ENV~) 🤜🤜 Don't use gas while others are in van
4.26 (WT) Confirm receive of instruction
4.27 (ENV-) Close windows on rain or strong winds
4.28 (OUT) Protect perimeter from X people
4.29 (T/WT+) When coordinating, speak terse — clearly & directly
4.30 (W+) Don't leave your writing in a shit state
4.31 (T/H) 🤜 Don't say stupid religious shit
4.32 (WT+) Delegate tasks further
4.33 (ENV+) 🤜🤜 Don't leave any stuff that might spill
4.34 (WT+) 🤜 Don't break my workspace
4.35 (XXX+) 🤜 Don't transgress over repeated corrections


(all instructions come from a lived experience of fuckups)
### øøø lots of fucks in docu ... clean up

All instructions are written here because somebody at some point messed them up, probably repeatedly.

If they look counter-intuitive ("Why do you write this?"), keep that in mind.


Protocols don't need to be taken at face value. Lots of interactions might, will or maybe must "feel weird". That does not ultimately disqualify them, for a number of possible reasons.

So, in short, these are co-directed "acting" instructions. The crew agrees to go with this, continously updating them, and see how it plays out.

(do: self-document the anti-patterns)


(also see / ties to ...)

    * 🔗newcomers and 🔗idiots-guide:
        basic instructions

    * 🔗reference-days:
        several typical day variants

    * 🔗roles and 🔗crew-labour:
        work coordination, reproductive work sharing, etc

    * 🔗engineering:
        general guidelines on how to behave in a R&D context

    * 🔗cues:
        a set of co-labour gestures and cues
    * 🔗intersub / #interpersonal

    * XXX🔗specificity:
        CHT as HyperDickens

    * XXX🔗psycho:
        →(microprotocol) CORRECTIONS
        →(game) MARK + STRIKES
        →(game) POINTS SYSTEMS

    * XXX🔗editorial:
        #ethering corrections


    * 🔗in-nature
    * #behaviour, #direction
    * #re-enactment
    * #protocols
    * #subflow
    * #violence
øøø? ###L: AWK, needs context
    * [...]



  (-) Idiot-proofing
### (A1)

🤡 🤡 🤡

  () Common sense
### (A2)

Generally accepted defaults that should be obvious?

  (+) Specific to complex environments
### (B1)

(Fluid crew, close quarters, limited resources, technical equipment, ...)
Common solutions in such environments.

  (++) Specific to CHT
### (B2/C1)

Specific situation (mostly out of fluidity and politics).

(knives, pans, etc)
(cht7c rope on doors)
    * ###

  (~) Particular to CHT
### ALSO MARK AS ~~~
### (C2)
    not generally relevant

Cultural traditions & folklore, conventions, core equipment specificity, precarious hacks only found here.
"super high specificity to current environment"
→ precarious hacks

    * where boxes go
    * kitchen specifics
### !!! analyze - there is a good chance this ties to XXX🔗specificity or #PRECARITY -- is only temporary

-------- MORE ----------
p.a. = fighting PASSIVE AGGRESSION


  (T) Talking

  (W) Writing

  (XXX) Receive Corrections

  (WT) Working Together

  (LT) Living Together

  (M) Motorics

  (TRU) In Trucko (the van)

  (TECH) Technology

  (H) Hygiene !

  (ENV) Environment
The living and working environment.

  (CHEF) Kitchen

  (OUT) Contain general outside image
You represent (and can endanger) the whole crew/project.

  (POL) Dealing with police
### and other people in general

### deprecated, unmaintained, kept for style
    (T) Talking
    (W) Writing
    (XXX) Receive Corrections
    (WT) Working Together
    (M) Motorics
    (TRU) In Trucko (van)
    (TECH) Technology
    (H) Hygiene !
    (ENV) Environment
    (CHEF) Kitchen
    (OUT) Contain general outside image:
            You represent (and can endanger) the whole crew/project.
    (POL) Dealing with police
### and other people in general


📈 = commonly problematic
### mark these !!!!!!

  🗣️%$#!$ = MAGIC WORD
Marking specific instructions.

Transgressing these instructions is considered especially violent towards others.

    → 🗣️WARNING before returning fire

In a sensible period of time, a sensible amount of warnings are issued.

Transgressing these instructions is considered heavily violence towards others.

    → 🗣️FIRING without warning



(T) If spoken to, 🗣️ACKNOWLEDGE
( I think this evasive behaviour is common with "I" brigs-myers people ??? )

Never skip acknowledge when crew speaks to you
Never ignore a question

Minimum ack:
    * OK
    * right/yup/on it
    * sure/fine/uhum/aha = [SI]pokroviteljsko
    * ###
 - at least with "uhum" !
No ack?
    A) You didn't hear
    B) You heard something was said, but are not in position to respond, so you expect it to be said again
    C) You are ignoring it = not OK 🤜

(T) 🤜  Asked to 🗣️ REPEAT ? Speak up & move there!

If somebody needs to say something 3 times, they will be pissed off.
### you did not hear = COME CLOSER
### i did not hear = SPEAK UP
###L: confusing what happens when - for what reason?

(T) Speak to be understood !

(T) Don't talk to yourself

(T+) Don't sing, whistle, hum, "groove", and shit like that

(W+) Triple-check your writing for basic problems
    * Broken links ?
    * Bad indentation
    * Spelling mistakes ?
    * Illogical TOC ?
    * [...]

(W+) Don't assume people know abbreviatons or referents

Explain against obscurantism.
### write them to a document !!! [→→] #vocab

(W++) Somebody is saying lots of things - they need to be written

    A) write it down ?
    B) pass the computer to them, if you're ok with that
    C) get them a pen and paper
    D) ask to record, transcribe later

(W++) Respect ethering conventions !


(W++) Maintain current indexes

Link all the pages you are working on immediately in the "main pad" (subseason index).

(W++) Acknowledge & credit internal research

When writing a new page, first bind it to all somewhat related pages !

(XXX) 🤜 Talk directly - make eye contact!

(XXX+) Don't ASSUME somebody ASSUMED something
(and then be insulted by it ... that is ASSUMING they ASSUMED and is insulting in itself. APOLOGIZE !)
###L: AWK -- this is too much, too vague for non experiences cht ppl

(XXX+) 🤜 Don't take the last word & leave an argument/place
###L: AWK -- this is too much, too vague for non experiences ppl
Unilateral exit from a conversation, without consent of others, traps them in an unresolved situation.
Make sure all other options are explored.

(XXX+) 🤜 You messed up, You apologize
Receive Corrections properly!

        → "Sorry"

(XXX+) 🤜 You messed up, You bicker, You apologize twice
    B) (You messed up, then talked back, demanding extended explanations?):
        (Beyond just fucking up, you were also annoying in handling the correction)

        → "Sorry and sorry for the attitude"
### redo how this document forms
🗣️FAIL ?
    → open + show specific instruction + note down fail (sign+date)

(XXX++) 🤜 Don't reply with "deflections" and "justifications"
    → VOCAB

    * "But I thought that ..."
    * "But you told me to ..."

( Rather, repeat this "underlying cause" in your head and figure out how to prevent it from influencing you in the future. In any case, nothing is gained by clearing this up.)

(XXX++) 🤜 Write down novel corrections immediately

(Here in this document, if not → paper/phone → transcribe at first opportunity).
Repeating? Sign your fuckup with a Date & Time.
You fucked something up in a novel way.
Somebody needed to take the time to explain it to you.
Write it down for posterity and maybe everyone can try minding to not repeat it.
### Overview regularly with keeper ! → I need to ask for this ... [!→R] todos

(XXX++) Don't waste my time by 🗣️PARROTING
###L:  AWK - NP

    * "Go get some water". -- "...OK, I will go get some water."
    * Rhetoric ticks (--"Did you?" responses)

(WT+) Keep a high pulse !

Move faster !

(CUE/WT++) "TIGHT" system
    #1: Do something!
    #2: Ask for more ("OK What's next?")

(CUE/WT++) "INITIATIVE" system

    #1: Do something!
    #2: Suggest what you could do!

(CUE/WT++) "PUSH" system
You will be asked:
    "What's next for you?"

(WT+) Upkeep your personal TODO list

(in your PREP PAD, if not elsewhere)
    * Routine tasks !
    * Tasks
    ( Needs a protocol - how to verify, process, etc. !!! )

(WT+) If you want something from a BUSY somebody, put it on their TODO list

Find time with them to help them prioretize it, and do that, and other things.

(WT++)  Pre-estimate and communicate work duration

Do NOT work ridiculously longer without re-consulting.
( Example: You are writing about essential oils for 2 weeks already. Others expected it will be a 3-hour research draft. This is not good.)

(M+) Learn the basic cues !

### maybe @@newcomers

(M++) Passing something? Put it down (to the nearest surface)

Do NOT "try to put it in hand".

(TRU-) 🤜 Learn how to close and open doors
#~~~ ?

Do NOT let them be taken by the wind, always hold them
Do NOT smash them - just push them in

(TRU-) Don't put anything hard in front of the windshield

Like drinks glasses.
It breaks, you pay for it.

(TECH-) Don't touch my computer / phone without asking
###L: AWK - NP
(If not explicitly pre-consented)

(TECH+) Get laptops low-power ready
→→ ### documentation :
    * set Power Savings settings:
        (both to minimum time = 15 min on ubuntu)
        * pn battery
        * when plugged in
    * $ powertop
    * install "tlp" package:
    * [...]

(TECH+) When showing somebody something on your computer ...

Max brightness!
Enlarge fonts!

(TECH++) Don't do strange things on other people's networks

Don't connect to my hotspot, then run TOR or a bot network or etc
Without checking first!

(H/CHEF) 🤜 Don't fuck up hygiene with mixing domains / stations
###[m!!?]with other "hygiene" below
Don't mix these things up.

Trash can != Kitchen Counter
Floor broom != Kitchen counter

Salad washing station
Meat station
Vegetable chopping station
Raw fish station
Eating table

(H) Wash your hands with soap thoroughly every time you piss (etc)

(H-) 🤜 Don't touch glasses/drinking bottles/etc on drinking TOP

That is for my mouth, not your hands.

(H-) Don't  touch water bottles on top

(H-) Brush your teeth daily

In extreme collapse, use a gum.
Use clorohexadine semi-regularly.



(CHEF+) 🤜 No access to kitchen spaces unless granted
(CHEF) Don't use the kitchen without asking Chef

If not on role / specificaly instructed.

Includes food storage, boxes, knives.

(CHEF+) 🤜🤜 ... definitely NOT to pans and knives

If not SPECIFICALLY instructed.

If you are cooking or cleaning, DEFINITELY do not:
    * Fuck up teflon pans:
        ("cleaning them with a glass sponge")
    * Fuck up knives:
        ("i'm cutting this on a ceramic plate")

Do NOT destroy the pans by burning them, then leaving them to dry up.
### huh ???
###L: add something like "without cleaning them"

You either:
    A) Keep the final oil in the pan, for later usage
    B) Clean the pan instantly after frying
        (Scrub carefully but intense with plastic spatulla)
    C) Leave on fire with some water in
        Scrub with spatula
    D) Let soak with fresh water over night

(CHEF-) Ready the eating situation BEFORE food is served

Place to sit, a table, pladders, cutlery, plates, paper.
###L: [→] ROLES

(OUT+) Keep camp perimeter contained
    Keep camp like it was.
    Don't expand it ("adding new stuff on display"). 🤜
    Don't "invent new solutions" with consulting +Camp.Master
    Take control of EVERY SINGLE ITEM.
    Keep covered stuff covered.

(OUT++) Don't "casually" expose lifestyle. Not camouflaging is tactically unsound
    * Transporting 8L water bottles
    * walking around with tents, IKEA bags, etc:
        It will be obvious you are a camper / hippie, and this is both illegal and often not approved.
    * looking like a hippie
    * [...]

(POL+) Dealing with random other people

Don't let them come within 2m in a pandemic, and indicate that clearly but not hysterically.
Don't discuss "which van is ours".
Don't discuss "how long we're staying"
[...] ###

not with "friendly people"
not with "suspicious neighbours"
not with "random guy walking around"
not with "hippie woman you met somewhere"

    Nod, mutter, shrug like you don't understand, make a general gesture, change the subjects.
    Do it 3 times if they ask again.
    They will not force it, (and if they do, that's even more weird).

(POL+) 🤜 Be prudent (=respectful) with the police

* Try to understand, they are probably asking for something reasonable:
    (within the general consensus of the territory)

* Know what you want:
    If you want to leave, work on achieving that.
    Signal it when you get the idea that they want that, don't just "give it" because maybe they want something less, or something different
    ... and now you might need to do something more then they initially intended to ask from you

* If you don't understand, just look witout acknowledging, they'll try repeat it for you

(WT)🤜 No wild gesticulations in front of screens

During computer work, do NOT support your brainstorming with hand rhetorics.
Do NOT point rapidly at the screen.
Your gesticulation will make somebody, eyes focused at the screen, get dizzy, and feel ill.

$$$$ IN OVERVIEW ↓↓↓


"UHUH" Is for mid coversation.
"OK" is for acknowledging a non-mistake.
"SORRY" is for acknowledging a mistake.
XXX🔗psycho learn to use SORRY right

(CHEF/ENV) Don't dispose oil with water

Minimize harm of the nature where we're disposing the water.
Clean oil (from pan) with paper. Throw in normal trash

(WT) In multi-person: call people by their name

More than 2 people around? Don't create noise burden for others !

(CHEF) Stay away from / respect chef tools
    * Never clean kitchen knife with seawater.
    ###L: however, since 7BF/C we do this all the time
    * Never touch teflon pans at all:
        Do not try to stack them, do not try to clean them, do not try to use them.
    * [...]

(W/WT+) Help with idea dictation

When you finish writing, say “finished writing”, and report
Especially for critical fragments, including corrections

(ENV-) Maintain space clean

Taking out the trash? Set it up as it was before.
You took tools out? Put them back to the same place immediately.

(ENV+) 🤜 Maintain space functional & predictable

Maintain the environment stable, change nothing.
Put things back where they are supposed to be.

Don't randomly "inventing" any core environment changes.
The environment is "FEATURE FREEZE", meaning any smart new ideas need to be discussed.

If you make a change, this means it's a permanent proposal.
There is no "temporary".


(ENV+) Check "inventive" change ideas with camp master
#postpersonal space ...... #interrior

find a problem → make a plan → propose → implement → test → fix
Never move around things without checking up.
    * Don't put my box outside (... even though you think "it was there before")
    * Don't hang something where it wasn't before

(ENV/WT+) 🤜 Don't fuck up the technical parts of the equipment & core infrastructure

    * Don't unplug the internet phone
    * Double check battery polarity before connecting anything
    * Don't get water on stuff

(WT+) Task queue & prioretization: Handling multiple instructions
### ties to @@QUEUE , also @@protocol-planning

What to do when you're already doing something, and you get more instructions?

A) STRONG FIFO ("First in, First out"):
    Finish before first. Remember the others, and do them sequentialy.

B) STRONG FILO ("First in, Last out"):
    Implied that if I told you to do something later, it means I want you to switch to doing that.

###AWK ...... C) Don't be a moron:
    Understand that it's usually FILO, but don't leave stuff to break.
        * "Do not leave another person working to wait."
        * "It's difficult to know with these maintenance tasks, which one is more urgent."
        * "Get out" also means "Take the trash out on the way"
        * [...] !!!


How to react when given a task, when you're already working?
    * Ack ("OK a moment!" if queued - can be overriden: "Now!")
    * Obviously: Do NOT repeat
    * [...]

(ENV-) Clean kitchen counter! Don't keep it wet.

(WT) 🤜 To help, first LOOK AROUND for work, only then ASK
Just asking is lazy & violent to the other.

Make yourself useful, don't defer and become a burden.
Do you already *see yourself* anything that need-can be done? :
Yes: go and do that !
No: make yourself useful:
    * Be nearby and ready !
    * Watch and learn !
    * Cue: "What s next" ###

(T) 🤜 Don't defer responsibility by "asking questions"

    * "Should/shall I do xxx?" (←puts the responsibility of decision with the other)
    * "Should we watch a film?" (←you want to, but don't want to select etc?)

    * "I want to do xxx, is that ok?" (←includes your own consideration of the problem, and doesn't passive-agressively defer it, to evade responsibilty).
    * "I think we need to go to a shop. X seems closest and open, but could also go to a Y, what do you think?"
        in dutch we use "shall I " in a more decisive way, while simultaniously keeping space for corrections from the other
        e.g.: "zal ik alvast xxx doen, dan kan jij yyy doen"


You will never be able to adopt processes responsibly, if you will not be around paying attention & watching how they are done.

(ENV-) Use sink without splashing

Especially with salt water, you can ruin someone's laptop with a single drop.

(H/CHEF-) 🤜 Don't mess up hygiene domains

When cooking, use stations to separate different foods (raw meats, salads, etc.)
Respect other people's reasonable expectation of hygiene.

    * Dirty clothes <> clean bags
    * Kitchen counter <> floor broom
    * Trash bag <> Kitchen counter
    * Edge of my glass <> Your fingers
    * [...]

###[!→] lies level
###L: AWK - NP
Case: trash on the kitchen surface:
    Trash is DIRTY
    Kitchen is CLEAN
    == NO FIT
Case: touching my food OR touching my glass at where I drink it:
    Your fingers COULD BE DIRTY
    == NO FIT

(ENV~) 🤜🤜 Don't use gas while others are in van

Using the gas kitchen seems to take up all the oxygen in the van, making people ill.
Don't just do it when other people need the van.
    * ask and get consent
    * do it when others are not around

(WT) Confirm receive of instruction

Don't make it a guess if you heard something or not!

(ENV-) Close windows on rain or strong winds

(OUT) Protect perimeter from X people
###L: Merge with "* PSYCHO -- Proxemics" fragment in X?

(T/WT+) When coordinating, speak terse — clearly & directly
###L: Merge with "(T/WT) Give CLEAR AND DIRECT commands, not chatter." fragment
"Can you please make space so i can sit down here"
→ Make space

"Can you maybe please pass me the uhm the hammer"
→ Hammer

"Can you sit up straight, so I can move this up"
    Can I? Do I want to?
    Move what up?
→ Sit up
(I can think about it parallel while doing it, deciding to waste words, etc.)
(This way, chatter only if needed)
In general & to correct, use cue entries:
    * "right..."
    * "listen, ..."

(W+) Don't leave your writing in a shit state

Fragments, on pad or paper need to be presentable.
Especially on documents that we are discussing and are coming up for overview.
Ties to XXX🔗editorial.

(T/H) 🤜 Don't say stupid religious shit
    * "oh my god"
    * "jesus"
    * "bless you"

(WT+) Delegate tasks further

Keeper -> Crew -> Newcomers

    * Keeper is overburdened
    * Crew MUST pass on simple tasks, develop more responsibility, assume bigger workloads
    * Newcomers MUST assume reproductive work & report their work contributions

In larger crews, this is managed by >Onboarding.

(ENV+) 🤜🤜 Don't leave any stuff that might spill

Undrunk water in a glass on counter ?
Open bottles in the lab ?
Coffee in the front ?

(WT+) 🤜 Don't break my workspace

Do NOT fuck around with personal setups:
    * Do NOT move around chargers, take pens, reorder tools, etc.
    * There might be parts of those setups you don't understand.

... or risk it:
    keep the lab clean
    * put it on a surface
    * put it in a box
    * [...]

(XXX+) 🤜 Don't transgress over repeated corrections

Whistling is annoying; doing it 10 times in one day, when you were told to stop, is violence.
###L: AWK - narrative perspective



<------------------------------- (new) UNREVIEWED DRAMATURGY ↓↓↓
    * Include signed fails: Date & Time
    * Overview regularly with keeper !

### 20210614→BETTER PUT TO INTERNALS !!!

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