




Applied case detailed at XXX🔗pau-ecology-project.
    20191021 <pau +d based on past fragments
    20200907 ping
    20200929 overview

Ties to:

    * Be an active visitor.
        Enter with an attitude of giving something back to the place.

    * Engage both with locals, and tourists/visitors.
        Share practices, raise awareness, question habits.

    * Observe, research, rethink, and reconstruct a nature-culture logic:
        While there will always be some inconsistent interactions, aim to curate them.

    * In direct contact, revert things that should not be here
        Like: Non-biodegradable waste, shitty land art, ...
            "I will throw away this trash for you"
            -- NO, it is valuable research data ;-)

    * Consider the provenance of things
        Trace to understand their origins.

    * Leave some non-contaminant markers
        Something for the archaeologists of the future!
        Though, there should be ample already buried / non-reachable traces for them to dig out.

    * Go beyond civility
        Breed a conscious, intentional and artistic attitude.

    * Go beyond the visible
        Measure constantly.
        Run sensors.
        Take samples and analyze (water, soil, air, etc).
        == citizen science facilities / collaboration with local and international biology institutes

    * Make something of the collected
        Inter-relate the information from different domains.
        A document, an exhibition, a point of conversation, ...

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