Replicating 🔗hackbase-type2 (mobile hackbases) in mainland Europe
Start your own fully mobile hackbase!
CHT can assemble + deliver it for ~2000€ euros.

(Example: 🔗season4-C packed up)
2016-03-17 stub
2017-09-20 merged most content to 🔗hackbase-type2
2011-11-26 moved over + ping
Ties to:
🔗hackbase-type2 - organisational pattern
🔗stuff and 🔗ordering - needed equipment
🔗alike - other EU actors
Looks like a good year to do something about it.
Read 🔗hackbase-type2, and 🔗contact to get involved.
Looks like a good year to do something about it.
Read 🔗hackbase-type2, and 🔗contact to get involved.
¶April 2016 @ Berlin/DE (FAILED)
Where is this organised?:
#squatconf and #hackbases channels on Freenode
mail for private questions
To make this happen:
* need 35 people-nights (PN's) committed for 10€
* (meaning, like 6 people staying 5 days)
* ... by morning of April 28th <------------- Deadline
* Won't be as nice as Airbnb, but *will be Squatting*
People + contributions:
* david/dcht00: on-site all april + full experience to organise one: 5 PN
* yangwao (coming on 25th from Hamburg, staying till 2/5, idk how I can help for now, may cash)
* hairyfotr: can contribute cash
* readevalprint: cash, various tools
* <-------------- add yourself here (EDIT BUTTON ON BOTTOM)
* Deployment:
Berlin, APRIL 11 - MAY 5th 2016:
(shopping + packing before this)
* Covered events:
* Anthropocene Campus (apr 14-23)
* Squatconf (apr 29,30)
* re:publica (may 2,3)
* Weather:
* not so cold anymore! can be outside!
* can heat tents. wear warm clothes.
* Location:
* camp would be either:
* squatting nature near Berlin (30min s-bahn)
* OR squatting a building for a week
* both options are adventurous but possible
* we think we won't get beaten up or taken to prison
* all the contributions are invested into infrastructure
* the stuff (tents, power infrastructure, etc) stays stored for future re-use!
* hopefully to serve a lot of self-organised people later!
* [...]
* financials: pretty much covered if there's 30 nights minimum
* driver!! somebody with a car: got it
* storage post-event: probably won't be a problem
* [...]
* finalize a list of parts
* buy all the equipment
Where is this organised?:
#squatconf and #hackbases channels on Freenode
mail for private questions
To make this happen:
* need 35 people-nights (PN's) committed for 10€
* (meaning, like 6 people staying 5 days)
* ... by morning of April 28th <------------- Deadline
* Won't be as nice as Airbnb, but *will be Squatting*
People + contributions:
* david/dcht00: on-site all april + full experience to organise one: 5 PN
* yangwao (coming on 25th from Hamburg, staying till 2/5, idk how I can help for now, may cash)
* hairyfotr: can contribute cash
* readevalprint: cash, various tools
* <-------------- add yourself here (EDIT BUTTON ON BOTTOM)
* Deployment:
Berlin, APRIL 11 - MAY 5th 2016:
(shopping + packing before this)
* Covered events:
* Anthropocene Campus (apr 14-23)
* Squatconf (apr 29,30)
* re:publica (may 2,3)
* Weather:
* not so cold anymore! can be outside!
* can heat tents. wear warm clothes.
* Location:
* camp would be either:
* squatting nature near Berlin (30min s-bahn)
* OR squatting a building for a week
* both options are adventurous but possible
* we think we won't get beaten up or taken to prison
* all the contributions are invested into infrastructure
* the stuff (tents, power infrastructure, etc) stays stored for future re-use!
* hopefully to serve a lot of self-organised people later!
* [...]
* financials: pretty much covered if there's 30 nights minimum
* driver!! somebody with a car: got it
* storage post-event: probably won't be a problem
* [...]
* finalize a list of parts
* buy all the equipment