Buying more cars


We want to expand the base to enable more people for longer periods living there!

    20201217 start
    20210112 ping L
    20210202 chance: VW LT #2
    20210219 reorder
    20221210 ping <L

Ties to:
    * 🔗van-EU
    * XXX🔗caravan
    * 🔗hackbase-type4 — general patterns
    * 🔗future — is one of the strategies
    * 🔗trucko, 🔗trucko-mobile, etc — car #1
    * [...]

Table of Contents
2 *** Interesting cars
2.1 (how about just campers?)
2.2 → Infra to (re)order:
2.3 → Draft plan for future occupation options:
2.5 VW LT mk1
2.5.1     (some ads)
2.6 Citroen C15D
2.7 Mercedes 4xx / 5xx / 6xx
2.8 Citroen Berlingo
2.9 Opel Combo
2.10 C15 VS Berlingo
2.11 RENAULT KANGOO (2004)
3 *** [P] BUYING A CAR
3.1 (FOTR)
3.2 (IGOR)
3.2.1     about engine test = cold start
3.2.2     drive test: suspension / drivetrain / gears noises
3.2.3     glow plugs test (engine start: compression test)
3.2.4     oil consumption?
3.2.5     (oil leaks & gaskets)
3.3.1     * check steering rack
3.3.2     * check engine
3.3.3     * state of body:
3.3.4     * how many km ?
3.3.5     * ownership histoy
3.3.6     * pay a deposit
3.3.7     * do a legal transfer
4.1 (2019/xx) Broken down VW T3 Dokka @ Tinajo
4.2 (2018/10) pau hunts for LT in Europe
4.3 (2019/07) david+igor find LT 35 with a crane @
4.4 (2020/12) Citroen C15D @ Puerto Rosario
4.5 (2021/02) VW LT 28 1980, WHITE+BROWN LINE
4.5.1     NEXT / NOW !!!
4.5.2     (L:) MONEY TRANSFER SPECIFICS ....... DONE (now - 20210206) .................. CAR SPECIFIC !:
4.5.3     [!→] (L:) Finding the correct documents needed to have a car on your name
4.6 (2021/02-03) VW LT 40 CREAM (Tenerife)
4.7 (2021/02) MERCEDES MB100D
4.8 (2021/08) IVECO EUROCARGO (Yellow/DHL)
5 *** [!→] (GENERAL CAR TIPS)
5.1 Buying in Canaries / Spain
5.2 Cross-country (EU) car import/export
5.3 [!!] conversion documents, can it be changed
6.1 #1: CHT-style economics
6.2 #2: "shared ownership" (alex)
7 *** PAD
7.1 [!M] General car tips
7.2 [!→] (L:) Money transfer options
7.2.1     (bank-to-bank)
7.2.2     cash pick up: WESTERN UNION
7.2.3     ,,, * MONEY GRAM
7.2.4     ... * REMIT
7.2.5     "STEP BY STEP": bank machine transaction multiples
7.3 Understanding Caravanas (trailers)



1) "it's the 2 of us now, then we'll grow cause we CAN have more ppl"

2) "also, we will rent"

*** Interesting cars

(how about just campers?)

(L:) Yes, 20221210 this is getting there

Considering how to buy a caravana with money on Extra Body card, options:
    →→ A) NO VZW
        * D buys, on his name
        * with money "earned" for volunteer work
        → so he can take cash and there's no need for any accountability on side of vzw
        this is probably the easiest in legal terms
        volunteer contract will be in Lies' name, D already had full amount for 2022
        * D buys on his name
        * but paid by transfer (or cash) with money from the vzw
        → we need to check if a purchase like this is possible on D's name while being payed with vzw money
        * Buying on vzw name
        * paying however suits
        → this will be impossible as the vzw has no address in Spain

[!→] More resources about purchase legal frame:
    Niettegenstaande het wettelijk niet verplicht is bij een tweedehandse verkoop tussen particulieren een factuur of verkoopovereenkomst op te stellen, raden wij de kandidaat kopers aan dit toch te doen. Een modelcontract kan je hier downloaden.
    Beroepsmatig gebruik aantonen. Uw collega had het natuurlijk wel zeer bont gemaakt door een peperdure camper in zijn kosten te steken waarvan hij het beroepsmatig gebruik op geen enkele manier kon aantonen. Indien u evenwel aan uw controleur een ‘vuile’ mobilhome met de nodige blutsen en beschadigingen opgelopen op een werf en met de nodige aanpassingen zoals een trekhaak voor het vervoer van materialen kunt tonen, krijgt u al meteen een heel ander verhaal. 
    Bijkomende bewijsstukken. U moet zelf het beroepsmatig karakter van uw kosten aantonen. Maak daarom regelmatig een foto van uw camper op een werf en voeg die bij de factuur, het contract of de offerte waarop het adres waar de werken uitgevoerd werden staat. Ook o.m. restaurantbonnetjes, winkeltickets en tankbonnetjes afkomstig uit de buurt van uw verre werven zijn zeker nuttig om bij te houden. U kunt ook een rittenadministratie bijhouden die bewijst dat u met die camper enkel naar werven gereden bent. Ook een verzekering voor beroepsmatig gebruik onderbouwt stevig uw dossier. 
    Tip. Gebruikt u die camper ook om op vakantie te gaan, breng dan eventueel maar een deel van de kosten in en recupereer maar een deel van de btw. Heeft u een vennootschap, laat u dan eventueel spontaan privé op een (beperkt) voordeel belasten voor het privégebruik. Dat zal nog altijd goedkoper zijn dan de hele camper privé te bekostigen. 

→ Buying process in legal terms: which documents do I need?

* Documents you need "when traveling":
    * "Car papers"
    * Insurance
    * Registration Certificate and ITV Inspection
    * Green card
    * Valid European health insurance

* Documents for lighter then 750kg
    * Registration certificate
    * ITV / MOT
    * NO extra endorsement
    * NO additional insurance
    * "it is sufficient to show the number plate of the car to which the caravan is attached, in the right place, and visible."

→ Infra to (re)order:

[!!!] Fridge (electrical vs gas vs 3 fuel)
    TLDR: in super hot weather conditions, gas is not going to suffice

[!!!] Solar panels
    fully documented via → 🔗ordering
    redo after D / L re-arrive in Fuerte

[!!] Outside kitchen
    inside seems small; easy to build something basic outside
    also as a central point for during bigger camp times


→ Draft plan for future occupation options:
    * cht camps
    * art residencies
        A) CHT alike:
            organizing specific camp like residencies
        B) AIRBNB alike:
            renting out caravana + basic studio equipment
    * airbnb
    * ###

<DAVID ~20221214

————— 101 !!! ——————————
We need a FICHA TECNICA !!
aka "papel verde!
Also take a photo of the green technical sheet of the caravan. This document is essential even if the caravan weighs less than 750 kg.
------------------ For making the contract!
El contrato debe incluir todos los datos de la caravana: marca, modelo y lo más importante, numero de bastidor.
Para circular con una caravana, es obligatorio que esta disponga de FICHA TÉCNICA, no importa si pesa menos de 750 Kg o más, es obligatorio. Si no tienes está documentación, en este artículo te explicamos cómo legalizar una caravana y conseguir su FICHA TÉCNICA. 
Si has comprado una caravana y el vendedor te ha dicho, pesa menos de 750 Kg, NO necesita papeles, o te da una FICHA REDUCIDA o una de las antiguas AUTORIZACIÓN DE CONJUNTO TRACTOR-REMOLQUE, que sepas que te ha engañado, y que no puedes circular con ella, ya que esa documentación (o carencia de ella) con la legislación actual no es válida.
De este tema se ha hablado aqui muchisimo y el resumen es que te digan lo que te digan la ficha tecnica es obligatoria...
however :D LOL
I had the 440 and also without papers I was talking to the moncayo in Zaragoza apparently there was a fire in the company and they could not fix anything for me because the files had been burned, in the end and after many turns I entered the website of the civil guard and I found an article that said that caravans or trailers that do not weigh more than 750 kg and were a certain age (I do not remember how many) did not need a technical sheet or circulation permit, so I spent about 9 years touring Spain and Portugal.
 El conductor de un vehículo queda obligado a estar en posesión y llevar consigo, así como a exhibir ante los agentes de la autoridad que se lo soliciten, los siguientes documentos:
 • El permiso de circulación
 • La tarjeta de inspección técnica
 • En los conjuntos de vehículos formados por automóvil que arrastran remolques o semirremolques cuya masa máxima autorizada sea inferior o igual a 750 kilogramos, llevará la tarjeta ITV del automóvil en cuyo reverso figurará que lleva instalado un sistema de acoplamiento compatible con el del remolque y además llevará la ficha de inspección técnica del remolque ligero.
 • El permiso de conducción que habilite a conducir estos vehículos
– For combinations of vehicle-trailer or semi-trailer up to 750 kgs MMA, the driver must carry the ITV certificate of the towing vehicle, where on the backside will be confirmed that the vehicle is equipped with a towbar that is compatible with the trailer as well as the ITV certificate of the light trailer itself. To add, the towbar must be fitted by an accredited workshop.

... references an older version of this:
This information from the DGT about the necessity of an ITV certificate for trailers is confirmed by the ITV Manual that mentions a specific category ´light trailers´ as category O1 with the relevant tests to be carried out. To my knowledge there is no obligation as yet to take the trailer periodically for ITV testing, like there is for motorised vehicles.
but cannot find info much specific here
"¿Qué documentación necesitan las caravanas?"
Para las caravanas con una MMA inferior o igual a 750 kilos la norma dice lo siguiente: «las caravanas y remolques ligeros estarán dotados de una tarjeta de inspección técnica», y se recoge además que: «en los conjuntos de vehículos formados por automóviles que arrastren remolques o semirremolques cuya masa máxima autorizada sea inferior o igual a 750 kilogramos, figurará en el reverso de la tarjeta de la inspección técnica del automóvil que lleva instalado un sistema de acoplamiento compatible con el del remolque, de acuerdo con la legislación vigente».

————— found in david@ mail (2) <> 

Entre en la pagina de la dgt y encontrará los requisitos necesarios para 
hacer el cambio de titularidad.

Un saludo

> ---
> El CCN informa de que, a raíz del Covid19, se están produciendo campañas de ciberataques a través del correo electrónico. Pueden encontrar recomendaciones e instrucciones en los siguientes documentos:
> <>
> <>
> Les recordamos que, si reciben un correo sospechoso, no deben pinchar en sus enlaces ni descargar los ficheros adjuntos.  Además, si recibe un correo sospechoso, por favor, repórtelo abriendo una incidencia en EasyVista

————— found in david@ mail (2)

La caravana aunque sea menor de 750 Kg debe tener una tarjeta ITV ya que con ella acredita que su masa es menor de 750 Kg. Con el contrato de compraventa y el resto de condiciones que imponga la Agencia Tributaria podrá acreditar que es de su propiedad pero si un agente de autoridad le para en la carretera debe mostrarle la tarjeta ITV para acreditar que la masa es menor de 750 Kg.


Oficina Local de Tráfico de Fuerteventura

————— also
general info
(sent them mails)
[!!→] get the info about it/owner when you buy a specific car!
(L:) About changes in the spanish legislation, then mentioning this
(Just a note, caravans and trailers below 750Kg maximum carrying capacity do not get registered, but are still required to pass a one-off ITV inspection, so the special inspection etc, applies here too)

For caravans (closed, non-self-propelled trailers that include basic furniture inside), the periodicity depends on its MMA. If a caravan has an MMA of less than 750kg, it shall be exempt from this inspection. If the caravan exceeds 750kg, you will have to pass the first spanish MOT at 6 years of your first registration. Then, the periodicity is every 2 years.

Current best answer to L's Q in "camping in Spain facebook channel"
A caravan under 750kg does not require an ITV (Mot) but still requires the Spanish version of a log book. Which you should carry at all times, the log book and caravan must be registered to your Spanish address. If the log book is lost then only the previous or last registered owner can apply for a new one and the cost is 60€, I hope this helps as I have had to do this many times.
You need to go to your local trafico office here in Spain. Mine is in Murcia but all provinces have their own trafico office.

<------------------------$$$$(new)caravana 2022

VW LT mk1

as → 🔗trucko

    (some ads)

(all links deprecated, leaving for price references)
### [!] probably just archive this part

    * [...]

___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___  ___
1989 yellow/white
1996 black, amazing !!!!!
1987 olive green + flowers
1980 LT45 cream + top !!!
1987 red
1982 white + nice white/red interior
1986 white&olive + ext tent
50€/day rent
1982 blue :D + ~interior
1985 cyan "smooth edges"
1982 white
german documents!
~1985 peach
13.900€ Sven Hedin Westfalia
"Verkaufe ein sehr gut gepflegtes Oldtimer Wohnmobil inclusive Markise mit passendem Vorzelt. Das Fahrzeug wurde vor ca. 5 Jahren professionell komplett vom Rost befreit. Ein paar kleine Stellen gibt es wieder. Das Fahrzeug hat eine Diesel-Standheizung."
Prices in UK are lowest for sure
Bid right now at 2000€, but might go way up?
Damn, this one looks much better than ours :|
perfect white 1983 westfalia
nice top + back racks!
LT35, 1983 blue

Citroen C15D
some nice bodywork cutting, welding + big tires haha

Check whether it has front wheel arch liners too. 

I think you get what you pay for regarding the bodywork, but good for high mileage.
Do you really want that struggle with the rust though?  
I looked at them and didnt want to go back to that era of corrosion protection, although the price is tempting. 
underbody rust
more rust!
The rust will be an ongoing task.
The doors, 
the cills,
 the engine bay bulkhead,
  the inner front wings,
   the area around where the hand brake cables enter the cab under floor,
    the rear chassis legs,
     rear cross member and 
     the outer ends of the central cross member.

Mercedes 4xx / 5xx / 6xx

The 1980s ones ...

C15 VS Berlingo

"""using both at my workplace I think the reliability is better on the Berlingo. the 150,000 km c15 diesel that we have has no problem with the engine on the other hand, everything else fails. As for the berlingo in 1.1l petrol, no major problem to report in 120,000km."""
    (translate from french...)


2004 Renault Kangoo via marketplace
    * ITV till 28 December 2021
    * "bought the car here and made a minivan out of it"
    * has problems with the bomb "since i bought It (4 months ago), in contact with the mechanic to change It." 
    * possible to put out the bed and the ground."
    * back seat is inclusive
    * 1870 cilindrada en cm3

what to look for / keep in mind:
    * ... check that this workhorse of a car hasn't been worked too hard.
    * Clutches are also known to be a weakness. 
    * Check for a smooth, even travel on the pedal and make sure all gears engage easily.
    * Another weak point are the timing belts on diesel models, which can slip and damage the engine. 
    * Ideally, find a model with a full service history.
    * The Kangoo has been the subject of several recalls:
            (so check that any of the following work, where appropriate, has been carried out on any car you're interested in.)
        * February 2000 to check the possibility of loss of brake servo assistance
        * again later that year because of tyres experiencing a rapid loss of pressure.


    * VW Transport T3, T4, T5
    * VW LT28, LT35
    * Nissan vanette
    * Ford transit
    * Peugeot J5
    * Citroen c25
    * Nissan trade (1987-2001, made in Spain)
    * Mercedes 307 +  ... + sprinter
    * [...]

    * UAZ 452 here, wiki
    * Gurgel G-15
    * [...]

also thought of:
    * Renault Express
    * Citroen C10 ??? (protoype! lol)
    * Citroen C15 produced 1984-2005
    * Citroen Berlingo : "also possible <1000€"
    * Nissan Vanette : 400,1000
    * Toyota Hiace : ?
    * Renault Kangoo: 700 ?
    * Kia Preguio : 650 ?
    * Renault Traffic : "it's possible to get it for 800€" wow!
    * Seat Inca 400,600
    * SSANGYONG - MUSSO 1995, 500€
    * Daihatsu Feroza 800€ 1991
    * Opel Astra Caravan
    * Opel Combo



* open engine:
    "must be normally used"

* check oil (on flat ground)

* check suspension

* check engine sound

* check all gears

* hand break check

* cold start

* check heating

* check steering

* service documentation


* zobati jermen (correo de distribution)


About Citroen C15, but general for car buying

    about engine test = cold start
These cars have bulletproof engines but people know that and sometimes they do not take a proper care of it .
Advise : start the engine cold . Listen for knocking noises from the engine . As cold push the gas pedal and look for smoke . Little black is no big deal ...a lot - no good . If smoke is blue or little blue - engine is dead . If black smoke doesn't disappear as the engine warms up (while driving) it's also not good. It should not make more smoke than your LT😉

    drive test: suspension / drivetrain / gears noises
As you drive check for noises for  the suspension and drivetrain ( gearbox/while shifting gears ). Of you hear a difference in sound while standing as you push and realise the couch pedal it's also not very good -means the couch bearing is worn down . Look close if the suspension parts housings…

    glow plugs test (engine start: compression test)
1) "standing test" = smoke test
2) hill in second gear, see the smoke
A) Open the hood before start . Put Lies behind wheel after you start engine and go back to look for smoke . Tell her to rev the engine fee times (floor the gas pedal)
Don't start without warming up the engine with the glow plugs. Warm up twice for 10 s. before this cold start ... If you don't , you will not know if the spark plugs work🙂
If after this procedure the engine will not start smoothly it means the glow plugs are shit or the engine has poor compression
B) start from second ... and floor it, and look at the exhuast

    oil consumption?
100ml / 1000km ... or double
1 L / 10.000km 
"my T3 ... 1/2L for 10.000km"

C) "check how much oil there is ... stand for 30min after you stop the engine"

D) lay under the car, take your time:
    check for the break leaks

    (oil leaks & gaskets)

"if gaskets have been changed ... it's a question which ones"
cylinder head VS cylinder head cover ... cup is sitting on the cylinder head ... but the head itself is on the block
the most important ... failure ... is between the block and the cyclinder head .. not the head and its cover
the cover you can take off in almost any car ...

"if you see no drop hanging ... but it's wet ... and dust/dirt ... it means it's wet but not a problem"
if it's only wet and dirty


General precautions when buying vans

    * check steering rack

[Steuerungszahnstange // crémaillère de direction]:
        * wears off and breaks "after ~20years"
        * was it changed ?
            a) no and is "loose":
                changer les rotules aussi + manoeuvre = >2000€ !!!
                "wenn es Spiel hat..."
            b) yes:
                proof is better : Nachweis

    * check engine

       * cold start, look at fumes!

        * check fuel consumption

        * look at the motor

        * look at injecteurs x4:
    injectors // Einspritzdüse - Einspritzventil
            ask to see
            leaks ? undichte Stelle - lecken

        * joint de culasse... cylinder head gasket - head gasket // Zylinderkopfdichtung
            +lambert +benjo = moteur cassé
            diesel goes into oil and breaks engine
            culasse "fatiguée"

### how does this manifest?

    * state of body:
        (carosserie // body - bodywork // Karosserie)
        * ask more about the fixes and pieces of rust // Rost
        * (when) was it last painted ???
        * take a magnet?
        * [...]

    * how many km ?

you won't be able to get a reliable / real idea about this on old cars.

    * ownership histoy

* what's the documentation with the car?
* how long did last owner keep it?
* what's the story, why are they selling?
* do you have a full service log (bills available?)

    * pay a deposit

Write it down!

    * do a legal transfer

* pay circulation tax - IN SPAIN THERE IS NONE FOR VERY OLD CARS (i think >25 years)


(2019/xx) Broken down VW T3 Dokka @ Tinajo

Found a candidate:
    A white ~1985 Syncro (4x4) Dokka T3. ("Platform Chassis").
Is it worth betting 1000€ (500€ buy + 500€ fix + 2 months work) on the second van?

What would it be?:

    * A containerized tiny-house platform?:

    * A distribution system:
        * food truck ?
        * "drop in" 🔗lim0 store ?
        * [...]

    * A to-distribute a copy of 🔗trucko?:
        aka "sell off" aka 🔗lim0

### salvage different "types" !!!

(2018/10) pau hunts for LT in Europe

in France
    * LT40 4x4 - 01.1990 - 9000€
        no engine (water 5h)
        extensive detailled list of things to work on +mechanic
        <- in contact

    * LT31 - xx.1995 - ~1000€ to discuss
        CT until june, not possible after ???
        <- contacted

in Germany
    * LT28 - 07.1993 - 2990€
        <- just looking

    * LT45 (3,5T) - xx.1981 - 2900€
        front axle and wheels to change
        <- just looking

in Austria
    * LT45 - 10.1995 - 2400€
        <- just looking

(2019/07) david+igor find LT 35 with a crane @
3000€ LT35
has a serviced crane !
beaten-up visual condition

(2020/12) Citroen C15D @ Puerto Rosario

Wallapop 2020-12-17.
We saw a 500€ for a 2005 (final production year!) C15D

(2021/02) VW LT 28 1980, WHITE+BROWN LINE
our offer:
    5000€ w/o blinds and water system

We paid a 250€ deposit on it ...
as CHT+partner ...
then didn't take it because our partner changed his mind...

    NEXT / NOW !!!

~20200203 — pre second view
* underbody pics
* check under windshield rubber for signs of paint
* what's the history?
* check document (to see km noted down)
* historic ITV slips possible?

20200206 — post, paid reserva
* call dushan, figure out how we did it last time
* ... no gastor?
* how much will i pay for this shit (rene says up to 150€, he pays if more)
* i didn't need other than my green paper, which says i have residence there
* call my old house?:
    A) no, because it can make me problems
    B) yes, maybe they will be friendly, have some mail for me

* is it illegal for me to not have a place of residence there? :
    A) nobody cares: 
    B) says you have to do it:
        """The blog by Bankia reminds us that, for example, after changing address,
        1) you have to update your Spanish ID card and change your GP, as well as cancelling all the bills from the old house and registering at the new one.
        2) It’s also necessary to inform the bank and the Directorate General of Traffic (the Spanish equivalent of the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency) of your current address."""
        Tax Office: It is important that the Agencia Tributaria, the Tax Agency, has your current address because that’s where they’ll send notifications to you. If you have moved to another Autonomous Community, the change is even more important
    C) looks like it might be tight:
        "A member of staff at the trafico office told me it's not necessary as long as your padrón is up to date. But if you want to change it I guess go to policía nacional, they handle ID."

* find the house contract in the documents:
    (i didn't show it last time, did I?)
    (definitely did not need to show slips and almost for sure no house contract)

* [...]

    (L:) MONEY TRANSFER SPECIFICS ....... DONE (now - 20210206) .................. CAR SPECIFIC !:
    * checked the transfer options
    * made an account with Western Union
    * found a cash pickup point in Puerto
    * can transfer the 4000 all at once
    * ready to have the transfer done "in minutes" 

→ it turns out to be an 80€ fee

A) we pay the 80, because:
    * Alex seemed very much reassured with this scenario
        (less running around)
    * else the 2 of you have to go to villaverde's ATM 4days in a row 
    * ... which cost also time and effort
    * ... and money (2-4€/withdrawal = 15-30€))
    * we are short with time if we do it like this
        ... even if the WU has a delay, 
            it will still for sure be there by the time the payment has to be done!

→ we have until 20210207 to decide cause the banks don't work on sunday anyway

B) No, we transfer to Santi
    * Spanish people can withdraw more cash at once (? or what?)

C) No, Lies calls her bank on monday to see if those regulations can be changed to a higher limit
    C1) if not we can still do the urgent WU transfer

    [!→] (L:) Finding the correct documents needed to have a car on your name

1. NIE should suffice
A foreigner may buy a Spanish-registered car in Spain provided they have one of the following:

    an official residency card (Tarjeta de Residencia) or
    proof that they are a Spanish home owner (by showing title deeds) or
    documentation that proves the holder is a registered member of the local community, the certificado de empadronamiento (available from the Town Hall / Ayuntamiento) issued within the three months prior to the purchase) or
    a rental contract for a duration of minimum one year or
    an NIE/NIF number (Foreigner's Identification Number) in Spain

this page says you need all three of these:
  • Your NIE (número de identidad de extranjero) – your foreigner ID number
  • Proof of permanency in the form of your house deeds or a rental contract for a minimum of one year
  • A proof of residence (certificado de empadronamiento) which is no more than three months old"

2. Alternative options:
    * Katrien, sister of Lies?
        "she might only have a NIE number"
        "they are in the process of having their BE-registered car registered as a Spanish one,
        our question might influence that process?"
        * we might need a letter of authorization that xxx can drive / use the car
    * find out is we use D's NIE number in combination with something on their address?
        "You need an NIE and an address for the fines to be sent to. It could be a friends address in Spain."

    "If it is still in the name of the previous owner, any person driving may need the written permission of the registered owner to be able to legally drive the car.   That is the law in Spain and not having it may be a problem in UK if stopped and ask to prove you have permission to drive the car."

* general info:
    * how to get a spanish NIE number

* vocab:
    * a gestor" : "or gestoría is person who, in Spain or Mexico, deals with administrative bureaucracy on behalf of a client. In Spain they are not required to be a licensed attorney. In Spain, Gestors are listed in the Páginas Amarillas (the yellow pages) as "gestorias".

(2021/02-03) VW LT 40 CREAM (Tenerife)

#tomerge.......... feel like i've already written this

"Mira algunos arreglos faltan en chapa. Taller me dice 600 euros. Aun no hsbia terminado el baño. Dentro los sillones se hacen 2 camas. Lunes hablamos. Saludos"


I wanted to also ask you, thank you in advance for answers:
    * i see some plugs, does it have panels, or an electric system?
    * the water leak in the toilet wood, is it a roof or window leak? or it's from the bathroom before?
    * does water enter anywhere through the doors or windows?
    * the mechanic you mentioned, it is only cosmetic (i can fix myself, and i'm not very picky), and the paint in front ... or is it something more problematic? when was the body last repaired, did you repair it regular?
    * is the below rusty, or perfect? do you have maybe any photos?
    * does it have any other problems? :)
    * it has ITV?
Thank you very much Gustavo. I am sorry I was not responding before.


(2021/08) IVECO EUROCARGO (Yellow/DHL)
(photos 20210824 2105)

<------------------- (new) PAST CAR HUNTS ↑


Buying in Canaries / Spain


"Broadly speaking, if you’re registered as a resident in Spain you’re entitled to buy a car. However, you need either to own a property or to be renting one for a minimum of one year."

If you are buying a second hand car in Tenerife or any other of the Canary Islands, the most important thing you must realise is that all debts are associated to the car, not the owner (parking fines, outstanding loans, even social security, taxes, etc.) 
Therefore, the first thing you must do when buying a used car in Tenerife or any other of the Canary Islands is go to the Ministerio de Trafico (Ministry of Traffic - the Spanish equivalent of the DVLA). (...) As of June 2014, you need to book an appointment online to visit the offices. You can do that by visiting

You must also pay a transfer tax and an administration fee on the purchase of your second hand car which amounts to 5.5% of the value of the second hand car plus 40 euros for admin. In Spanish, this is called the Impuesto de Transmisiones. 

Buyer  ORIGINALS of:
    * NIF
    * Or if non Spanish: 
        * White NIE in date plus Passport OR EU citizen certificado de registro plus passport. 
        If the address on the buyers residence documentation is not their actual address  
        OR if they only have a white non resident’s NIE document then a CURRENT certificate of empadronamiento is also required.
    * Both parties must sign a Compraventa (Bill of Sale in Spanish – this is generated by the same program as the modelo 620)  
        DO NOT enter a price – you must telephone or use the 620 programme to get the official book price confirmed.
    * Both parties sign the application to transfer and sign the authority documents to act on buyer and seller’s behalf    
    * Modelo 620, Be ready to pay the transfer tax of 5.5 % of the book value of the car or 115 euros minimum (whichever is the greater) which is submitted to the Administración Tributaria Canaria,  plus 54 euros (except mopeds €27) for Trafico fees plus gestor fees if applicable. Note transactions at Trafico are strictly by appointment only.

Cross-country (EU) car import/export

important DE -> FR:

    * immatriculation temporaire: temporary license plate - registration as export // befristete Zulassung

    * VAT ??? DE = 19%, FR = 20%
        no if second hand (>6 months or >6000km)

    * necessary documents:
        * les KFZ Fahrzeugschein et Fahrzeugbrief, qui sont les volets 1 et 2 de l’équivalent de la « carte grise »
        * le contrat de vente (Kaufvertrag) et la facture dans le cas d’un achat à un professionnel (Rechnung)
        * ainsi qu’un certificat de conformité communautaire (EUBetriebserlaubnis ou COC) indispensable pour l’immatriculation en France

    * Importer un véhicule d’Allemagne se déclare aux impôts


[!!] conversion documents, can it be changed



#1: CHT-style economics

aka "venture commune"


"you use it as a CHT resident"

#2: "shared ownership" (alex)

    and budget

"if we are 3 people, we can make better decisions, because it's not 50/50"


    1) what if 2 people want to use it at the same?:
        A) X has priority
        B) [...]

    2) how to use it
        A) using in intervals: "2 months together"
        B) using regular "every weekend"
        C) just using it sometimes, day by day
        D) "partner role":
            * CHT car
            * Partner 1: Lies
            * Partner 2: Alex
            The role of a partner means you reserve 2 months per year:
            * Budget for car is 6000+500/per year ... 3 years .... 8000 in 40 months = 200 per month
        * Partner means you reserve 60 days ...  400€ per year ... 3 years ... 1200€ :
        * [...]

    3) each pays 1/3 and we buy it:
        * D owns owns the car:
            or we complicate ###
        * Next year, the operating costs are 600€
        * What happens, if we cannot reach you OR you don't want to pay?:
            3A) there is a process of "minimum contact", otherwise the ownership gets diluted
            3B) [...]

A: "maybe every 3 months we make a plenum"

If the car is here, how do i get here?

Everybody has the same voice.

*** PAD

[!M] General car tips

* never "wroom wroom" a cold diesel engine

* keep car in gear when standing

* keep it raised, not on tyres, if standing for longer

[!→] (L:) Money transfer options




* "Best way to transfer money from BE → ES/D == SKRILL"
    * 0 fees, "4,000 EUR =  4,000 EUR"
    * Payment happens same day, arrives up to 1 day

    cash pick up: WESTERN UNION
    * 5000€ max
    * 20€/1000€ - transfer fee
    * delivered in minutes

Calle Del Veintitres De Mayo 7
Puerto Del Rosario, Las Palmas, 35600
Agent | Closed • Until Mon 08:00
Phone:  +34-902197197

Calle Toboso 8 Bj A
Puerto Del Rosario, Las Palmas, 35600
Agent | Open • Until 23:30
Phone:  +34-828-903755

    ,,, * MONEY GRAM
    * 3000€ max
    * will be similar to western union
        ... on their websites they say something like "4€ fee" when you make a simulation
        ... but then when I did it with an actual account on WU it appeared to be waaaay more expensive
    * delivered in minutes

Calle Lepanto, 12, 35660 Corralejo, Las Palmas, Spain
open from 8am - 12am
Phone: +34928942215

    ... * REMIT
    *seemingly no max amount (?)
    +3.99€ transfer fee
    mostely delivered in minutes

(hmm seems not in canaries or spain at all???)

    "STEP BY STEP": bank machine transaction multiples

500€ per day !

Understanding Caravanas (trailers)

Two categories:
    A) <750kg :
    B) >750kg ("matricula roja" = red license plate):
        needs ITV & insurance
        has mechanical parts (breaks, etc)
        looks like, it can be cheaper than expected (due to having costs)

See for example:
¡¡¡SE VENDE!!! Se vende caravana Sun Roller Fiesta 49 CP. Caravana de +750Kg (matricula roja) con necesidad de itv y seguro; ahora mismo no tiene la itv al día. Capacidad para 6 personas, compuesta por cama de matrimonio, litera y salón convertible en cama para 1 o 2 personas. Baño químico. Dispone de placa solar, hidro válido para fregadero-lavamanos, batería y tv. A falta de nevera, la cocina tiene 2 fogones y fregadero. La caravana cuenta con zona de almacenaje debajo de la cama principal y debajo de los 2 sillones además de gavetas y un ropero. Las patas de la misma funcionan. Se vende en 4000€ negociables debido a que hay que arreglar el freno mecánico y algún detalle. Mejor ver. Abstenerse curiosos.

<----------------------------- ((new))