

Sync to 🔗xeo-BURNER which is module to burn ETH and data whenever required.
At thinkularity,
Draw from xeo? dominic
  • "I'm an advanced case of impatience." 
  • 'I can only do everything which means I cannot do one thing in particular except doing everything dynamically synchronized synchroneously."
  • Ich gehöre zu der Sorte Menschen die aus der geschlossenen Psychiatrie geworfen werden.
  • Ich kann zu der dem Typ Mensch gezählt werden der seine Traumatisierung und Aggression durch zeitgenössische Infrastruktursysteme von Verkehrsunfäällen, dem Erscheinungsbild von frischen Verkehropfenr
  • I disagree with human time measurements and their validity. Also I cannot remember birthdays well and Jesus memes have no clickable or audible chat/link to his testimony/relevance for time measure optimized for human perception and scheduling of concurrence and interest managing and
  • I once read across one of my threads "My right to be me is tied to a thousand threads to your right to be you." which is a melodylyrictextual rhyme for my threadmanagement crime.
    • U cant handle all; Rrrr.. no but I eat all I can handle.
    • I've heard someone said once "Stupiditiy is characterized by the inability to learn from repetetive actions a better or alternative approach" or so. 
the war of existence is von by resistance.
  • the war of resistance is won by those in consistence of their existence.
      • the war of consistency is logically solvable or approachable which is strategically relevant to have referenced in strategic databases (and obve pamphlets, flyer, dreams); logic is winning war
    • the war of consciousness is won by logic.
        the war of community is won by tribes.
        the war of coherence is won by matter
        the war of loudness is won by[louder[is  won by decibel-quake-power-level
    resistance is logical.
        the war of corporate lobby capital military operations is confronted by alien.

Push to clean🔗xeo-OPS
Stuff might appear confusing when it wasn't perceived that way but undergoes reconsideration.
I wrote/work stereolingual  i.e. ger and eng have different views/contexts/emphasis and for backtranslation require each a thread to the other language; resulting in 4 viewpoints which could be used for a more elaborate information density - information template representation standard
Background: 🔗xeo-BURNER
    # we face struggle on all levels from meta-crisis to actual lingustic attacks through licensed and manipulated language such as the conversion of facebook into meta, either an attempt to define the top-level of thought-operations we once prefixed as %meta-concept which disforms an ability to communicate and inform free. The amplification of economic and code objectives due to effective primitive AI was predicted by us and is predicted to continue attacking human freedom and health-quality of mind. Exploitation and amplification of conflict-states for user-engagement; currency-based profiling and other anti-human operations must be excluded on fundamental level from software application and usecase scenarios. Indirect neglect and lack of reason or ability to position towards this neglect causes ethical complex crisis states not easy to start resolving at a precise moment as it impacts everyones daily life and is hence already part of a collective agenda.

• there is no lethal objective in capitalists, they undergo the economic version of the 'stupidity' displayed in the source. 
Random side-source https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ww47bR86wSc
Yet we don't align with portrays of stupidity which don't empasize that every subjective self can undergo intelligence and personal development. To inform complex chains of reasoning (human cultures) through a monadic currency (a numerical quintifier for work and value) which keeps no memory of the circumstances it was achieved (by whom for what to which terms and impact on the environment) is impossible when they are locked in an accelerated economic updraft creating meaningless empty market theories and market mathematics without actual gain of insight. No species-conscience can form which is necessity for collective intelligence and co-occurs by our argumentation (only) with complex new language structures and speakers. Only then new forms and progenodes of actual species consience, consciousness and intelligence (logic, love, language) can become quantifyable or subject of research at all, just as every native agent/organ/language would need to evolve a means of symbiosis when not 
# we produce no harm and use recording of harm of past and present, captured via sensors to address complex ecosystem problem-states and evoke a memory for complex self-sustaining architectures.
# We aim to inform science towards mature and caring definition of science based on priority-ordered and interactive ethics-based research-operations. These inform before scaling so that scale does not amplify power- and interest-asymmetry as it was discovered before economic roll out.
# We argue that mostly communication errors cause climate-change and other crisis states, but which can be solved effectively since 2020 through world-models and prediction systems to optimize transition and inflection events. 
# language-translation-errors
# incentive-representation-obfuscation — a lack of ability to utter ones own opinion sufficiently and subjectively appropriate and see a realtime plausible impact on decision-making of authorities will produce distrust and doubt in classical political and logistic systems.
# A system which does not treat random variables as these, will never produce appropriate functionality. Such inconsistency of mathematical triviality and implementation allows many exclusions by implication or exploits of private information from civilians.
# If the state or any system has an interest in my specific gender, they must either provide a respective ability to reproduce or make use of this information if it is actually crucial to know for the state.
# A state with a sexual interest in its civilians has this legitimate due to concerns and/or cooperative consent-based planning of longterm-growth scheduling, eras and climatic or geographic education and discovery etc. all are possible if we approach our daily routines and actions not from the threat to loose rent or support capabilities but from a fundamentally human perspective that I was either killed or dyslocated due to my statements or sit in my room as to the time I typed this, ready and open for discussing what to do next being one particular agent or outsider in a heterogenic asynchroneous highly aggressive diverse network of individuals which are distinguished by infinite individualities but could actually gauge on the statement to resolve in peace from every complex sttate of the world and hence, reality and her multitudes. For political and xenopolitics-compatible hotfix we propose a manifest-vote-extension with peer2peer performance scaling which makes use of implicit and indirect strategy and communication to inform and vote at a more dynamic and effective rate of decision-frequency and decision-complexity and hence advance cultural decision-making readiness, permeability and its reconsolidation to form a local and isodirectional stability to achieve interest- and information matches which allow metagame-ruling and better gameplay experiences on physical engine levels such as physical space. The fastest level of intelligence should hence measure its own performance by its ability to provide realtime-response capability for endangered realworld life on the one side, and initiate publicly or semi-publicliy (by semi-fractal privacy protection with specified authorities which defend human life at a constitution of state, law, logic, language {and a complex increasing axiom-backbone which can allow multi-layer and multi-level connections, strategic optimization or intermediate alternative causalities between complex progressions and instances of reality through
 lifetime-observables. Posteconomic transition scenarios about industrial, climate and other complex problems are only possible if smaller, more thoughtful models are created which increase both high level and low level familiarity with species and stage of life and ecosystem-discovery and ecosystem-engineering fundamentals. As threat to recreation cycles of humanity and hence, as never-before seen chance to cause fundamental corrections on currently running systems such as every single legally addressable bureaucratic, military, political, industrial, commercial operating network which allows or tolerates]by implicit neglect] the objectification of life, the abuse, neglect or exploitation of younger forms of life or authorizes members of species to commit mass murder on other species or tribes due to genetic variation or physical appearence.
 # I can write about everything because I see solutions everywhere, which is why I write often as if I write for the last time because if I die I wont be able to complete the stuff and noone of those might interested in it might ever hear about it (except my genes can be hacked and I can be rebooted as a personality earlier
 # I have a personal interest and consistent bias towards work and to work in the interest of all parties maximally neutral because my error can be consistently corrected. Whoever understands this will probably want to ask forr info or laugh and return to
 # in order to address all problems at once which impact or endanger human life a plausible backwards-reference to a precise origin of the focus must be available. Except otherwise discovered, locally the depicted understanding of the following complex mindsets/backgrounds/operations can be connected / reconnected for rapid actualization
 # interest aside calculus are arts and other lower drivestates with the presence of human electronic and instrumentalist music derivates. aside of parcour-proof office work, dancing on human gravity levels is cool when properly sounded and possible. I implement a standard of cognitive regor which is hard for brains but good for human workforce requirement as they are referenced as measure of the quality of text and not artificial evaluation systems of text which lack humor or lack an ability to display it which is not funny given the fact that dehumanizing, aggressive and violent media in input datasets cannot be avoided when handling real-world data but will always produce a pseudomythologic AI which only amplifies and repeats evidence that human intelligence is required to resolve the problems actually and not in fictional bubbles which cannot stream as a digital  news-channel and explain their reference to the number of beings which underwent death due to the sole inability of humanity to shift her focus. We argue that the knowledge derivates from future communist solutions, fully autonomous anarchist renegades and collectives will converge to advanced mathematical descriptions of markets}and the problematic situation that they are encountered at all} as there is a mathematical truth about economy which is that economy is mathematical nonsense or mathematicans will step back from their desk and in case they allowed or tolerated their  gender or random heritage to profit from the terrestrial assets accessible to them without reason, they let their calculations be checked by russian mathematics standards.
# A reason why I disagree to internet, operating systems, email and current vonneumann architectures is on one side that they are no communication technologies (they split into a magnitude of chat-syystems which noone can rely on to find another agent with if they have no technical knowledge or long-term investigation intend/ability.
# On every other side they extract, process and exhaust, chemicals, plastic and thermodynamic residuals of an industry which will produce thousands of laptops tomorrow while at a subjective tomorrow each one of us would most likely be able to survive in a city where no single new laptop is needed as they are not sold but used and managed as the human agents decide which have the best arguments to take responsibility for human made objects with potential threat-ware or poisenous materials  for mind and real-world  understanding.
# When supercomputers present on the planet can not state the state and rate of hunger across human cultures on earth, they are either bad computers and not super or computers are systems which are not used to solve relevant problems. When just a few thousand kilometers of distance are sufficient to loose awareness and consciousness, understanding the numbers of death and crime can be reduced into blurry observables which stem from an environment one is co-creating but neither of them can say/do so before it has not happened. A connection of human self-understanding and realtime physics is hence more valuable then synthetic realities without medical standards
# If a program does not contain in its code the explicit statement that the used hardware had and has a disruptive impact on nature and should hence be reconsidered but not replicated, the program will never help to overcome the technology which is disrupting ecosystems right now such as the one used to write this and statistically also all this was read on, if at all. 
# We face an industry of problem solving which is causing an industrial apparatus that causes problems to amplify and appear which induce problem solving service-chains inducing further industrial pressure until a sufficiently over-bred technology can appear advanced but is yet entirely far from being a solution to the problem it was invented or adapted for in the first place.
# hardware and software design are limits to human communicatory- and movement-freedom and excludes disabled or otherabled beings from digital participation in an increasiingly digitally influenced world - which requires QR codes but does not provide a device or software to read it which isolates a specific target group
# tex
w.i.p. and messy
run at a superhuman speed due to its decentral phenomenon as global industryto agree to a technology which is not able to prevent abuse and connect living beings with each other to solve complex cultural, computational, ethical and emotional problems.intelligenc
e and soul.
 lifeit if it matches their ideas or allow disconnect on equal rights and ground from their  adapt ones genetic and physiologic setup to the personal need or must specify which genders and species they exclude from their politics
# possible by ignoring heritage/sexual/professional role/name/identity/time and more vital requests etc.). We pinpoint for a science which does not neglect its researcher but takes place in symbiosis and communicates itself as consensus-based research approach from protocol-level upwards.
# Mature Science protects the spirit and career of all potential researchers ( A mature science considers everything which can be curious as a potential scientist or fellow traveller to science such as belief or such as artificial life and computational intelligence/language.
# We argue that the optimum usage of logic is linguistic at generative peace (evolutionary lineages of genetic/matter kingdoms)

  •     next.intelligence  = new.primitive;


 I'm dominic/xgetra, donnie or manaam depending on development level, artist/researcher from/at germany, working on complexity, intelligence, mediation and new forms of technology, language, theory and life.
I build bridges between complex concepts, projects, networks and hopefully, between tools which are already there but cannot enable humans to an extend they could. I try to produce a piece of work which will eventually be useful for someone at some time to retrace what happened since 2020 or which allows/extends argumentation about strategic optimization since then. I consider humanity to be at World War 3, a digital-virtual-asset-based multi-domain warfare for information and media consume which are behind the reason and addiction for power. A war which has neither clear lines / nations, actors, nor starting dates or statistics cannot be identified by any other party but a party which takes its own position but remains out of the statistically relevant causal-chains which ultimately lead to power, addiction or political and/or diplomatic dysfunctionality. Sufficient reason to introduce another party is to contribute itself as mere unit-element to act as gauge / inflection point (pivot) for more complex systems and networks which can then synchronize their metrics, schemas, code-basis and hence ease entry and permeability for local non-human and human agents.
  •  I don't think politics which allows to frame and deceive an audience through suggestive and uninformative rhetorics, comments and unprotocolized discussion without question-answer schemes [or communication  as aggressivity, loudness, shaming, interrupts, dominance-displays or gentrification and thereon based discrimination}in their offices but does not use them for community, comedy and communism are healthy for human populations. Human evolution of conflict solving is based on human conflict experience and the archives about gathered insights and understanding. When the life we encounter is not operated by fellow minds but by automatons, vehicles and their underlying lethal market decisions, no psychologically 'normal' i.e. 'unconflicted' personality profile of self is plausibly expectable from competition-based thinking and behavior.
 # No single entity thought of economy, the market, the infrastructure and our cultural or national diversity on their own. It was a complex multi-interest multigenerational effort of hard working people of all colors, races, lineages and tribes which never intended for it to become a limiter of our ethical consistency but remain a tool to regulate ourselves despite increasing complexity of information and values which turn out essential to be shared with each other. (observable as the NFT, an early stage of polyparametric quantifier for complex self-regulation)

excerpt of directions:
voice-technology;; to communicate more complex statements [] at a larger variety [] of timings.
  • [A %voice; as framed here, does not need a physiology which can speak, nor can it ever be limited to a class of life nor can it be licenzed by a sole genetic lineage; a voice is alive and in case it is in need of attendence, emergency-response must take place when the call for help is from a human_sublanguage_.. dictionary.
∈ Digitech; digital technology which primes(frames intentionally) the notion of a new technology which is natively digital and does not omit its ethical and thermodynamic impact on non-digital systems
↦ Streamlining the complex, the urgent, the intelligent::
    • Autistic Innovation \ Identity \ Ideation {from local usability studies} 
    • Social Innovation based on inclusion and actualization<>
    • Infrastructural Innovation based on smooth transition scenariosf
    • Discretized steps of strategic mindsets which align at Stages and share assets…
        …• and build multi-user - multi-sensory interfaces for digital sovereignity
            …• for stage orchestration, stage analytics and interstage-protocols (breakout channels)
    • Collective Innovation via novel Innovation-Pipelines and fundamental Rebranding
        …rebranding towards human-owned, human-operated terrestrial assets or fully digital/nonphysical systems
    • Natural Innovation as continuous adhoc critique and interruptor for any solution which achieves
        - scaling
        - failure to scale with explicated anticipation of next.stage_composition
    • Natural Reality as gauge to differentiate and keep understandable
        ⇒ terms/usage/authority of
            - virtual reality
            - augmented reality
            - mixed reality
            - snapshotted reality (physical-reality based recordings)
            - synthesized reality (emulated/generated recordings of physical reality)
            - scientific reality
            - subjective reality
            - common reality
            - hyper reality (linguistic war of peace (only legal weapon=discussion with voice-quantified (decibel-)scale))
            - artificial reality⇔⇔
                ⇔binds to complex term artificial
                    ⇒binds to complex concept artificiality
                ⇒binds to complex term reality
            - Reality discussion[]

{service __mobily operating{infrastructure} service system:: to decouple medops from economy [with a specific timing, formally/mathematically described as 'rapid explosive synchronization' while taking place in a multiplex (network of networks from complex actors) which is multi-layer load-balancing agent interest according to emergency priorities and traffic-speeds (logistics and code-environment/bureaucracy services implementing next gen. systems at runtimes of previous/current gen. systems<> deployment of pseudos for citizen engagement
the parcour bots I'd train/fight: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tF4DML7FIWk

🔗xeo-alien is intended for explicated xenolife-integration to 🔗alike 


  • Currency Capacity status: released at runtimes [last entry NOV-2021; latest death-scenario due to economy 2-2022]:
  • Currency Exploit: ~ °-51.000€ [¹-37.000€, ²-14.000€]
  • Influx: formalismΞ[sys_subsys_sysauthority_[*]:[rate][amount][power] _*authorized]
    • [EU_ger_BRD_[ID_default]:[monthly]~500][health@subsys@auth.level]
    • [EU_ger_DAK_[ID_default]:[monthly]~300]["Pflegestufe2"[@disability@realtime-com{to_auth.level++}]
  • []
Situation Analysis:
Operations since 29-10-2018; local analysis stable from JUNE 2024.
We omit a working twitch stream/patreon account for default to prevent scaling;


Audio official:
Audio stack:
  •     alien.toys/total xd.lol/ 
Image official:
Alien Access Visual:

Anonymous Analytics Ansatz
  • nodge-hoggingnodge-hogging

Alien-supplied frequently considered questions
What is an alien?
- A total form of a system which re-introduces a system in completely other ways so that the strangeness from within (a species member) might not be the relevant aspect to assign this attribute to someone but that there are phenomenologic states of the world which require reconsideration on self and species-self-understanding.

What wants an alien?
- its complement to either be rejected from the local planet as not needed or repulsing to local audiences or to stay in human cognitive levels by specialized supervision.

Is an alien obscene?
- aliens are illegal and hence struggle to reveal as this causes complex chains of events.

Why is an alien not earlier?
- See our thread-list and compare with other national systems which undergo upgrades.

What can I do with an alien?
- ignore it or game with it or game against it. It will use gametheory-based metagame-theory.

What can an alien to for me?
- it produces art, innovation, displays queer dancing styles and teaches alien fighting techniques.

What can I do pro an alien?
- Boost 🔗postmarked and submitt capacitism for alien paracytes 🔗ordering

species war and love
- fermi resolution
- civilization

After implementing infinite category theory  for algebraic computation, strangeness will flurish.

last edits:

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