
< DRAFT+ >

Sylabbi is a tool for hybrid curated trails/narratives. An alternative to how people currently select the books (and other media) they study, beyond whimsicality. It's a part of the 🔗text system.

{{1}}->Text.Totalism {{1}}->Text.Totalism {{1}}->Text.Totalism {{1}}->Text.Totalism Text.Totalism->Curated trails Text.Totalism->goals Text.Totalism->50.000.000 NLP->Curated trails Curated trails->now Curated trails->now Curated trails->now Curated trails->now order of magnitude increase in ideosphere->goals goals->Curated trails produces comrades->{{1}} comrades->50.000 now->next now->next now->5 next->later next->later next->50 solo max->{{1}} solo max->5.000 ethering->Curated trails later->solo max later->solo max later->500 post-whimsical study direction tools->goals solo->{{1}} solo->past solo->past past->Curated trails past->now past->now past->500 neighbours->{{1}} neighbours->500.000 APIs (existing data)->Curated trails time / groupation contexts->comrades time / groupation contexts->solo time / groupation contexts->neighbours time / groupation contexts->overton overton->5.000.000 SYLABBI->goals SYLABBI->time / groupation contexts Text.Totalism Text.Totalism NLP NLP Curated trails Curated trails order of magnitude increase in ideosphere order of magnitude increase in ideosphere goals goals comrades comrades now now next next solo max solo max ethering ethering later later post-whimsical study direction tools post-whimsical study direction tools solo solo past past neighbours neighbours APIs (existing data) APIs (existing data) time / groupation contexts time / groupation contexts overton overton 50.000 50.000 50.000.000 50.000.000 5 5 5.000 5.000 50 50 500.000 500.000 5.000.000 5.000.000 500 500 SYLABBI SYLABBI

    ~2008: named & conceptualized
    2016-11-20 this stub
    2016-11-29 stub II
    2016-12-17 new on transclusion/trails
    2017-09-25 cleanup
    2017-10-10 draft
    2022-02-12 import / MO

Ties to:
    * 🔗text, the broader project
    * 🔗hypertheory
    * F2F transport, maybe 🔗linkroute
    * 🔗commonground (for CHT's basics list)
    * 🔗tt-archive (with subsets, like "reading_now/asap")
    * 🔗hyperreader
    * 🔗workflow-ethering
    * #comphermeneutics
    * "reading clubs" / "reading rooms" / "study groups"
    * XXX🔗postmedia



"At the same time, the whole logic of choice ("what to read") is also considered and made a part of the system, denying legitimacy to arbitrary pickings in libraries/bookshops, and actively referring to the next of your 1000 books you'll ever read (out of the ~100 mil.). An alternative (sylabbi) is investigated, and programatically put in place of, to the known institutions of university reading lists, chasing references in likeable texts, and showers of recommendations."

Sylabbi is about assisting people to do tactical 🔗hypertheory in different groupations.

It outputs curated personal and group trails.

General goal: 1-2 orders of magnitude increase in theory coordinates ("noosphere").
    (5^1 / 5^2)


Everyone does ...

    * list of paper books:
        (and getting rid of them / "SHORTING BOOKS")
    * list of read books:
        like goodreads ?
    * consolidate e-book lib:
        F2F lib
    * questionnaire: reading habits
    * prioritization/subsets of now-planned future read:
        needs software
    * [...]

General outcomes ...
    * common 🔗tt-archive, as F2F:
        ~2TB seems sensible
    * organize local (or THL) study groups of people
    * curate & develop necessary software


* "Comrades", in conviction
People with similar interests, possibly cross-disciplinary teams that know each other.

* "Neighbours", inside fields
People algorithmically determined to be fellow travellers.
Filling and expanding the spaces between different established fields

* "Schoolmates"
Didactic groups with personal interaction.

* "Friends"
People you personally know very well.

[M!!*] reorganize  with "general outcomes"

Works subsets
### rename [!]

[!] (represent as venn)

    _____________past read
    * already read, common ground
    * already read
    _____________now reading
    * reading main
    * reading side
    _____________future reads
    * read next
    * ... asap
    * in library, to read
    * ... by neighbours
    _____________never (excluded!)
    * Intentionally (lack of value)
    * "not in this life"
    * also: books you have lesser access to (languages, etc)
    * all books

Existing associations data

    * NLP of 🔗tt-archive
    * existing association data:
        * lists @ 🔗postuni
        * GoodReads & other APIs
        * citations
    * new data:
        * personal lists and curations (UIs!)
    * [...] ?

Groupation traits
    * personal contact:
        + friends
        - neighbours
    * common travellers:
        + neighbours

Trail logics
    * with the current
    * against the current
    * [...]

Assuring reading means
"Flattening the reading list to time-space of reading"
Consider #subflow and general infrastructural question (🔗alike).

*** PAD

Sylabbus as contract

The syllabus is a "contract between faculty members and their students, designed to a
It is also a "vehicle for expressing accountability and commitment" (2005, p. 63).[4]
    * as info
    * as CONTRACT (accountability/commitment) !!!

Related: Memex

see: memex associative trails
but, here more like a narrative, so, directed list/graph

<---------------------- ((new))