¶*** BIKES
Updated 2022/03.
Coordinated by david@totalism.org
Very probably:
* Fuerteventura (ESP/Canarias) → mountain bike x2
* Kranj (SI)
* Ljubljana (SI) → bike-sharing card
* Berlin (DE)
* Antwerp (BE) → bike card x2
* Gent (BE) → bike x2
* London (UK)
* Paris (FR)
* Rotterdam (NL)
(@wherever we left them???)
* Hamburg (DE) :
Talk to David (needs to be fixed),
also need 7€ bike-sharing keychain <-------- #TODO +lorenz
also MS Stubnitz has bikes
Maybe also:
* Brussels (BE): ??? (access to Velo bike-sharing)
Priority / need:
* Brussels (BE) → Velo bike card!
* Madrid (ES)
Updated 2022/03.
Coordinated by david@totalism.org
Very probably:
* Fuerteventura (ESP/Canarias) → mountain bike x2
* Kranj (SI)
* Ljubljana (SI) → bike-sharing card
* Berlin (DE)
* Antwerp (BE) → bike card x2
* Gent (BE) → bike x2
* London (UK)
* Paris (FR)
Priority / need:
* Brussels (BE) → Velo bike card!
* Madrid (ES)