20170806 reorg
20210226 re-import (in review!)
20220520 ping (aquafaba)
Ties to:
* 🔗food
* 🔗david-restauran (see: green marks)
* 🔗markets
* 🔗resources
Table of Contents
¶First: Never buy branded items
"You don't need to buy branded stuff, like from Veganz and similar companies, who are exploiting the popularity of veganism! I never ever bought something from them and the like ... I prefer products, which don't even mention the word "vega", because that automatically makes them more expensive."
"Ni potrebno kupovati od Veganz in podobnih podjetij, ki pač izkoriščajo popularnost veganstva. Jaz še ničesar nisem kupil od Veganz in podobnih... Najraje imam izdelke, ki besede "vegan" sploh ne omenjajo, ker so skoraj avtomatično dražji."
### attribute
——dani (SI)
"You don't need to buy branded stuff, like from Veganz and similar companies, who are exploiting the popularity of veganism! I never ever bought something from them and the like ... I prefer products, which don't even mention the word "vega", because that automatically makes them more expensive."
——dani (SI)
¶* Tofu ~5€/kg
Can be found as long-shelf life ~6€/kg.
TOFU kupi v merkatorju 200g = 1 €:
Long shelf life @DM ~6€/kg.
Can be found as long-shelf life ~6€/kg.
¶* Soy 6-8€/kg
SOJINI MEDALJONI (suhi - torej iz ene vrečke pride ogromno hrane): 100g = 0,8 €
SOJINI KOSMIČI recimo za testenine bolognese (tudi suhi) 100g 0,6 €
Ti izdeliki so na nek način kot surovo meso - da postanejo okusni se jim doda začimbe, sol... - lahko enake začimbe kot za meso, jaz dosti uporabljam rožmarin, ki ga naberem na morju, suhi česen v prahu, ki da močan (umami) okus in je poceni:
Mislim da so v Sparu te zadeve še mal ceneje.
Sojini izdeliki imajo že sami po sebi umami okus, lahko ga pa pojačaš s kako sojino omako, prehranskim kvasom, praženjem ipd...
SOJINI MEDALJONI (suhi - torej iz ene vrečke pride ogromno hrane): 100g = 0,8 €
SOJINI KOSMIČI recimo za testenine bolognese (tudi suhi) 100g 0,6 €
Ti izdeliki so na nek način kot surovo meso - da postanejo okusni se jim doda začimbe, sol... - lahko enake začimbe kot za meso, jaz dosti uporabljam rožmarin, ki ga naberem na morju, suhi česen v prahu, ki da močan (umami) okus in je poceni:
Mislim da so v Sparu te zadeve še mal ceneje.
Sojini izdeliki imajo že sami po sebi umami okus, lahko ga pa pojačaš s kako sojino omako, prehranskim kvasom, praženjem ipd...
¶* Legumes/pulses: beans, peas, checkpeas, lentils, etc
"""Well-known legumes include alfalfa, clover, beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils, lupins, mesquite, carob, soybeans, peanuts, and tamarind. Legumes produce a botanically unique type of fruit – a simple dry fruit that develops from a simple carpel and usually dehisces (opens along a seam) on two sides."""
### FIŽOL kupim v konzervi v hofru ali evrospinu mislim da pride okoli 0,35 € n kos.
"""Well-known legumes include alfalfa, clover, beans, peas, chickpeas, lentils, lupins, mesquite, carob, soybeans, peanuts, and tamarind. Legumes produce a botanically unique type of fruit – a simple dry fruit that develops from a simple carpel and usually dehisces (opens along a seam) on two sides."""
¶* Seitan
"SEITAN ne kupujem in je verjetno dražji, itak imam raje tofu..."
Morda je sejtan kje cenejši - ne vem.
¶* Mushrooms — shiitaake, oyster mushroom, champinones
* shiitakee are more expensive (and tastiest)
* oyster mushrooms are cheaper, also great, and very healthy
cenejši so ostrigarji ki so tudi super - in zdravi, ponavadi jih majo v Sparu
* even cheaper are champinones
še cenejši so šampinjoni te imajo tudi v hofru, lidlu.
* shiitakee are more expensive (and tastiest)
* oyster mushrooms are cheaper, also great, and very healthy
* even cheaper are champinones
¶* Umami / Taste / Savouriness
"Še članek ki se strinja s tvojo trditvijo o pomembnosti umami okusa v jedlinku:"
"Še članek ki se strinja s tvojo trditvijo o pomembnosti umami okusa v jedlinku:"
¶* Soy as hormone disruptor?
* "Endocrine disruptor"
* "soy reduces sperm count"
* "But too much of a good thing has the potential to take its toll on your hormones and your health. “For healthy adults, I think about soy the way I think about things like sugar, alcohol and caffeine,” says Patisaul. “Moderation is key.”"
* ???
* [...]
* "Endocrine disruptor"
* "soy reduces sperm count"
* "But too much of a good thing has the potential to take its toll on your hormones and your health. “For healthy adults, I think about soy the way I think about things like sugar, alcohol and caffeine,” says Patisaul. “Moderation is key.”"
* ???
* [...]
¶* How long does it take to beat brain fog?
Many that have approached eating less animal-based food, have reported brain fog, etc.
A) phased transition
B) ###
Many that have approached eating less animal-based food, have reported brain fog, etc.
A) phased transition
B) ###
¶[!] as a resource (SI)
Na smo nekoč imeli tabelo izdelkov za tanke denarnice - koliko stanejo in kje, pa je bila odstranjena, ker naj bi jo nadomestila skupina na FB (čeprav je ni) - tabela je bila super zadeva, bi bilo kul če bi jo spet postavili.
V mailing dodajam še Katjušo. Ona je nekoč upravljala s tabelo in ve več o izdelkih."
Na smo nekoč imeli tabelo izdelkov za tanke denarnice - koliko stanejo in kje, pa je bila odstranjena, ker naj bi jo nadomestila skupina na FB (čeprav je ni) - tabela je bila super zadeva, bi bilo kul če bi jo spet postavili.
¶(more SLO DIY mushrooms)
¶[!] Aquafaba as egg replacement in cooking (and how it was only discovered recently)
<------------------- ((new))
by metaldays orga :)
<------------------- ((new))
by metaldays orga :)