

"Communism is the doctrine of the conditions of the liberation of the proletariat. "

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Table of Contents
1 Document purpose
4 *** TOPICS
4.1 Streamlining "the transition" (to include more people)
4.2 The Calculation Debate
4.3 Communism and Centralization
4.4 Anti-communism = Racist
4.5 "Fourth" Political Theory (Dugin, etc)
4.6 Communization
4.7 Main Marxist currents: ML, Maoism, Juche, Titoism; Tankies, Trots, etc
4.8 Reciprocity: "To each according to ..."
4.9 Resist propaganda — Believe & empower international comrades — Identify and seek respectful step-in-step with local vanguard
4.10 "Tendency for the rate of profit to fall" & Crisis Theory
4.11 Lenin's NEP / China's "Dengism"
4.12 [!!!*] LA— Third Worldism
4.13 [m!!] MAO— Social Imperialism
4.14 [m!!*] "Labor aristocracy"
4.15 Petite bourgeoisie
4.16 Figures
4.17 Parties in Post-Soviet space
4.18 Chinese Democracy
4.19 Writeup: #antianticommunism (for Solarpunk group) ... ANTICOMMUNISM IS CHAUVINISM; DOTP BASICS
4.20 Quantity → Quality
4.21 communism = no state? and "Withering away of the state"
4.22 Class Traitors
4.23 "You are ignoring racism/patriarchy, because you speak of class"
4.24 Authority, "authoritarian" and, contra-anti "tankies"
4.25 "Verbal delict" in Yugoslavia and DOTP
4.26 "Thought Reform" @China
4.27 Role of party (create conditions for revolution!)
4.28 Trangressive "how about" response to bullshitters
4.29 On Reformism
4.30 The successes of China's rail
4.31 Understanding DDR
4.32 Why we need capitalism first before socialism
4.33 To be or not to be "Woke"?
4.34 Zimmerwald
4.35 Bordiga / Bordigism
4.36 Red/multipolarinterventions (+DK)
4.37 Comecon (comunist inter-state economic coordination & collaboration)
4.38 Post-red/hegemony/multipolar sentiment
4.39 [!!**] "How to become communist"
4.40 Planned economy / Command economy (and signals)
4.41 Local, people driven revolutionary-defense groups
4.42 [!!] Global coordination: Meetings, Events, Trans/Inter- party politics
4.43 [!!!*] Slovenian Communist Party
4.44 Eurocommunism
4.45 ECONOMICS/DOTP/TACTICS— Titoism: "We Shall Not Take Foreigner's, and Not Give Ours"
4.46 [!**i] DOTP/PROPAGANDA— 21 conditions
4.47 [!**] ECON/NUMERICS/RF/PRC— State-ownership of core industries
5 *** PAD
5.1 Aijaz Ahmad 1941-2022
5.2 Contemporary "Communist International"-style transnational alliances
5.4 [!!*] "Open marxism" ???
5.5 "The communists can't organize, that's why they lost the Spanish Civil War - the infighting, so people went to the Fascist side"
5.6 [!!→] INTERNATIONALISM/SYSTEMATIS?— New Fedaralism: after Comintern, BRICS, B&R, CIIE, etc?
5.7 [!!fo] TOREAD— (Asked chatgpt about "top 30" developments after Lenin)
5.8 [!!] POLEMICS— The idea that "capitalism is work, work, work!" ... That you can work yourself to the point of being a capitalist
5.9 The triple character of "communism"
5.10 [!!**] Q/POLEMICS— "If USSR was a good/working model, then why did it fail?"

Document purpose

### ties to @@padwork : "justifying a page"

    * I don't want another shabby intro to communism

    * I want our own way of doing it, dealing with it
    * I want to relate it specificaly to CHT material, and tactical concerns shaped by our knowledge and "lived experience"
    * ... ask specific questions
    * so -- focus is more on WORKFLOW and TOTALITY - integrating, interacting different approaches
    * [...]


"Anti-communist myths debunked"
wow - common bs / FAQ...
    (from before, CAN EXPORT; 168 pages)
    (found 2021/09, looks like same/similar document, EXPORT DISABLED, 218 pages)
    by ""

<-------------------- (new) RESOURCES ↑


* → 🔗d-reads

* great list
    • Albert Einstein - Why Socialism?
    • Friedrich Engels - The Principles of Communism
    • Emma Goldman - Anarchism: What It Really Stands For
    • Vladimir Lenin - The Three Sources and Three Component Parts of Marxism
    • Rosa Luxemburg - Reform or Revolution
points out more:
    * :
        <----------- great #ttarchive #case !!!!!!

* via wikihow ;-)
    * The Principles of Communism by Engels,:
    * The State and Revolution by Lenin, or:
    * The Communist Manifesto by Engels and Marx.
    * [...]

* nice one, in order, via reddit
I recommend starting out with (in this order)
1.Principles of communism
2. Critique of the Gotha programme
3.Socialism: Utopian and Scientific
4.Wage-Labour and Capital/Value Price and Profit (two books but they're both very short and go best together)
5.State and revolution
6.Imperialism The highest stage of capitalism
7.What is to be done?
"Asst Prof of New Media and Digital Culture @UvA_Amsterdam ... Also teach @followSandberg ... edit @ViewpointMag"

<-------------------------- (new) READING LISTS ↑


Streamlining "the transition" (to include more people)

also #commie.curious +telekommunisten

try different strategies.

designate how much time it takes. streamline "the transition" for more people

Communism and Centralization

Is communism "centralized"?

1) What would specific communisms, or paths to communism, say?

2) Isn't the idea of "centrality" selective anyway:
    * representative democracy also centers power, but via a common-will
    * so does any consensus based liquid democracy
    * isn't that the whole point? the "centering"?
    so, what do we really want?:
        i guess just a legitimate centering, that...:
            * does not leave people out
            * takes into account that every model ("form of centering") will influence if not even pre-determine the outcomes:
                ... but how to thwart that?
            * [...]


Examples in P2P group ~2020/08:
Penelope Whitworth:
This is great, because it has some of the good aspects of communism without one of its biggest pitfalls -- centralization.  Only thing is that it doesn't really address problems of the commons.  Then again, maybe that would be best done as a bottom-up process that can emerge when these community ecosystems have become a healthy social biome.
The thing is that the Commons means something very different from Communism. To manage certain resources collectively is by no means the same as a political system in which everything is managed through a structure , the party,that leaves no room for community. Communism does not need to be rebranded. There was not much Peer to Peer in it. Plenty of centralising, yes.

Anti-communism = Racist

<D> during 7C
(this conv/reasoning & facts should be documented!)

some good materials:
    We already know how anti-communism was used to sow division in the Civil Rights Movement. But anti-communism was also levied against the peoples of Africa and Asia to sabotage their freedom struggles against colonialism as well as their newly formed governments. 
    * [...]

"Fourth" Political Theory (Dugin, etc)

I suppose via


To the Fourth Political Theory
by Alexander Dugin
At this point we could raise a really important question: what kind of ideology should we use in our opposition to the globalization and its liberal democratic capitalist and Modernist (Post-Modernist) principles? I think that all anti-liberal ideologies (the communism, socialism as well as fascism) are not anymore relevant. They tried to fight the liberal-capitalism and they failed. Partly because in the end of time it is evil that prevails; partly because of their inner contradictions and limitations. So it is time to make the accomplish deep revision of the antiliberal ideologies of the past. What is their positive side? - The very fact that they were anti-capitalist and anti-liberal, as well as also anti-cosmopolite and anti-individualist. So these features should be accepted and integrated in the future ideology. But the communism doctrine is Modern, atheist, materialist and cosmopolite. That should be thrown out. On the contrary, the social solidarity, social justice, the socialism and general holistic attitude to the society are good in themselves. So we need to separate the materialist and Modernist aspect and reject them.
On the other hand in the theories of Third way (dear up to certain point to some traditionalists as Julius Evola) there were some unacceptable elements – first of all racism, xenophobia and chauvinism. That is not only moral failures but also theoretically and anthropologically inconsistent attitudes. The difference between the ethnos doesn't mean superiority or inferiority. The difference should be accepted and affirmed without any racist appreciation. There is not common measure dealing with the different ethnic groups. When one society tries to judge the other it applies its own criteria and so commits the intellectual violence. The same attitude is precisely the crime of the globalization and Westernization, as well as the American imperialism.
If we free the socialism from its materialist, atheist and Modernist features and if we reject the racist and narrow nationalist aspects of the Third way doctrines we arrive at a completely new kind of the political ideology. We call it Fourth Political Theory (first being the liberalism, that we essentially challenge, the second the classical form of communism, the third the national-socialism and the fascism). Its elaboration starts from the point of intersection between different antiliberal political theories of the past (the communism and the Third way theories). So we arrive to the national-bolshevism that represents the socialism without materialism, atheism, progressism and Modernism and the Third way theories without racism and nationalism. But that is only first step. The mechanical addition of deeply revised versions of the antiliberal ideologies of the past doesn’t give us the final result. It is only first approximation, preliminary approach. We should go further and make appeal to the Tradition and to Pre-Modern sources of inspiration. There we have Platonic ideal State, the medieval hierarchic society and theological vision of the normative social and political system (Christian, Islamic, Buddhist, Jewish or Hindu) . This Pre-Modern source is very important development of the national-bolshevism synthesis. So we need to find a new name for this kind of ideology and “Fourth Political Theory” is quite appropriate for this. It doesn't tell us what  this Theory is, but rather what it isn't. So it is a kind of invitation and appeal rather than the dogma.
Politically we have here the interesting basis for conscious cooperation of the left-wingers and the right-wingers as well as with the religious or other anti-modern movements (the ecologists for example). The only thing that we insist on in creating such cooperation is to put aside anti-communist as well as antifascist prejudices. These prejudices are the instruments in the hands of liberals and globalists with which they keep their enemies divided. So we should strongly reject anticommunism as well as antifascism. Both of them are counter-revolutionary tools in the hands of the global liberal elite. At the same time we should strongly oppose any kind of the confrontation between the religions – Muslims against Christians, the Jews against Muslims, the Muslims against the Hindus and so on. The interconfessional wars and hatred work for the cause of the kingdom of Antichrist who tries to divide all the traditional religions in order to impose its own pseudo-religion, the eschatological parody.
So we need to unite the right, the left and the religions in the common struggle against common enemy. The social justice, the national sovereignty and the Traditional values are three principles of such ideology. It is not easy to put all this together. But we should try if we want to overcome the foe.
We could go further and try to define the subject, the actor of the Forth Political Theory. In the case of the communism in the centre there was the class. In the case of the Third way movements in the centre was the race or the nation. In the case of religions – it is the community of the faithful. How the Fourth Political Theory could deal with this diversity and the divergence of subjects? We propose, as a suggestion, that the The subject of the Fourth Political Theory can be found in the Heideggerian concept of Dasein (being-t/here). It is a concrete but extremely profound instance that could be the common denominator for the further ontological development. What is crucial here – that is the authenticity or non-authenticity of the existence of the Dasein. Fourth Political Theory insists on the authenticity of the existence. So it is the antithesis to any kind of alienation – social, economic, national, religious or metaphysical. 
But the Dasein is a concrete instance. Any man and any culture possess their own Dasein. They differ between each other but they are present always. 
Accepting that we should progress to the elaboration of the common strategy in the process of the creation of the future that should fit to our demands and our visions. So such values as social justice, national sovereignty and traditional spirituality can serve us as the clue.
I sincerely believe that the Fourth Political Theory, the national-bolshevism and eurasianism can be of the great use for our peoples, our countries and our civilizations. The key word is “multipolatity” in all senses – geopolitical, cultural, axiological, economical and so on.
The important vision of Nous (Intellect) of Greek philosopher Plotinus that correspond to our ideal. The Intellect is one and the multiple at the same time, because it has all kinds of the differences in itself – not uniform or mixed, but taken as such with all their particularities. The future world should be noetic in some way – the multiplicity, diversity should be taken as the richness and the treasure and not as the reason of inevitable conflict: many civilizations, many poles, many centres, many sets of values on one planet in one humanity.
But there are some who think otherwise. Who are against such a project? Those who want to impose the uniformity, the unique thought, the one (American) way of life, One World. And they are doing it by force and by persuasion. They are against the multipolarity. So they are against us.

Communization theory (or communisation theory in British English) refers to a tendency on the ultra-left that understands communism as a process that, in a social revolution, immediately begins to replace all capitalist social relations with communist ones.[1] Thus it rejects the role of the dictatorship of the proletariat, which it sees as reproducing capitalism. There exist two broad trends within communization theory: a ‘Marxist’ one (exemplified by Gilles Dauvé, Théorie Communiste, and later, Endnotes) and an ‘anarchist’ one (represented by Tiqqun and The Invisible Committee).[2]  
The term ‘communization’ in this context was coined by Dauvé, following the uprising of May 68, in an attempt to explain its failure. Dauvé’s theory synthesised the council communist emphasis on proletarian self-emancipation and rejection of the party-form with Italian communist Amadeo Bordiga’s critique of what he saw as capitalism in the Soviet Union, which stressed the importance of the content of communism.[3] He was additionally influenced by the Situationists’ rejection of work (at least in words) and focus on the revolutionary transformation of everyday life.[4]

Main Marxist currents: ML, Maoism, Juche, Titoism; Tankies, Trots, etc

* maoists vs "maoists"
* "left communism"
* posadism

Resist propaganda — Believe & empower international comrades — Identify and seek respectful step-in-step with local vanguard

the western hobby revolutionaries need to recognize that even the "working class" (lol) westerners are opressors
that "anarchism" never liberated anyone, anywhere
that china is communist, and that every country has its own progression, that this is known since Lenin at least
that we need to support the struggle of our international, esp global south comrades
and that we need to build effective institutions within our current systems, and oppose co-option
the way to do that is with learning about theory and tactics, because no matter what you wlll hear on TV, it has not changed
and you don't need to read 15 books for that, just a few paragraphs
it is however true, — and this is just my opinion — that some things have mutated. but we need to be quite careful about this, as nobody is immune to propaganda, and especially tech people have limited time to learn about struggle, so as all workers, we need to foremost seek a vanguard and establish a trust relation with them
i personally am in a special place as i studied philosophy and have done the work of politically educating myself, but i always try to establish a respectful, meaning mostly listening and trying to follow up, relation with somebody who has more of a grip with the classics
this for me is just no nonsense, the same fucking relation i have with my nurse, doctor, electrician, airplane pilot, and so on
ok :-)

"Tendency for the rate of profit to fall" & Crisis Theory
Crisis theory, concerning the causes[1] and consequences of the tendency for the rate of profit to fall in a capitalist system, is now generally associated with Marxist economics. 

Ties to #lim0 ???

fb group
suggested 101 reading

[!!!*] LA— Third Worldism

__________ MTW

Maoism–Third Worldism (MTW) is a broad tendency which is mainly concerned with the infusion and synthesis of Marxism—particularly of the Marxist–Leninist–Maoist persuasion—with concepts of non-Marxist Third Worldism, namely dependency theory and world-systems theory. 
There is no general consensus on part of Maoist–Third Worldists as a whole. However, the majority of proponents typically argue for the centrality of anti-imperialism to the victory of global communist revolution as well as against the idea that the working class in the First World is majority-exploited (sometimes arguing that it experiences no exploitation at all) and therefore it is not a part of the international proletariat.
In academic discourse, Maoism–Third Worldism is sometimes synonymous with dependency theory or dependencism. (Guzman → Gonzaloism) :
    founded the organization Communist Party of Peru – Shining Path (PCP-SL) in 1969 and led a rebellion against the Peruvian government until his capture by authorities in 12 September 1992.
    """ :
    also see (Nepal!)

_________ Caleb Maupin calls Third-Worldism innacurate
"Third Worldism, Imperialism, Aristocracy of Labor"
8:30 drops a bunch of references:
    ~bill heirs / bernie dorn
    ~(anarchist) ward churchill : labour aristocracy, "average americans are the exploiters"
    settlers & mythology of white proletariat (americans are settlers, bosses)
    zachary cope : divided hope, divided class (nazi workers benefitted from the germany)
he calls this the "ultra left ... young, frustrated people"
he calls this "catastrophizing":
    because of dialectical materialism
    "to be a marxist you have to understand A can never equal A"
    there is constant change, no repeating
    But he says TW fix this, and they miss the point
        "right now we see the demolitoin of LA"
    Don't project your frustration worldwide, don't assume it's permanent
    "LA in the 50s might have a point, but now it's completely missing the point"

[m!!] MAO— Social Imperialism
As a political term, social imperialism is the political ideology of people, parties, or nations that are, according to Soviet leader Vladimir Lenin, "socialist in words, imperialist in deeds".[1] Some academics use this phrase to refer to governments that engage in imperialism meant to preserve the domestic social peace. 

[m!!*] "Labor aristocracy"
also see @@classes

important on:
    * western labour craft unions and "labour aristocracy"
    * ... vs IWW / "one big union"
    * "am i capitalist or proletarian?"
    * has criticism of "third worldism"
    * [...]

In Marxist theory, those workers (proletarians) in the developed countries who benefit from the superprofits extracted from the impoverished workers of developing countries form an "aristocracy of labor". The phrase was popularized by Karl Kautsky in 1901 and theorized by Vladimir Lenin in his treatise on Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism. According to Lenin, companies in the developed world exploit workers in the developing world where wages are much lower. The increased profits enable these companies to pay higher wages to their employees "at home" (that is, in the developed world), thus creating a working class satisfied with their standard of living and not inclined to proletarian revolution. It is a form of exporting poverty, creating an "exclave" of lower social class. Lenin contended that imperialism had prevented increasing class polarization in the developed world and argued that a workers' revolution could only begin in one of the developing countries, such as Imperial Russia.
Criticism of unions of elite workers
The term was originally coined by Mikhail Bakunin in 1872 as a criticism of the notion that organized workers are the most radical. Bakunin wrote: "To me the flower of the proletariat is not, as it is to the Marxists, the upper layer, the aristocracy of labor, those who are the most cultured, who earn more and live more comfortably than all the other workers". 

Petite bourgeoisie
(with defense by Scott at end)
He points out the petite bourgeoisie has existed for most of civilized history and that even those who are not part of the class have to some degree desired to become small property owners due to the conferred autonomy and social standing. He continues that:
    1) the desire to keep, restore land has been the leitmotif of most radically egalitarian mass movements. He argues that the petite bourgeoisie have an indispensable economic role in terms of invention and innovation, citing as an example software startups that develop ideas which are then usually bought by larger firms. He also points out that
    2) small shopkeepers provide several "unpaid" social services such as: "... informal social work, public safety, the aesthetic pleasures of an animated and interesting streetscape, a large variety of social experiences and personalized services, acquaintance networks, informal neighborhood news and gossip, a building block of social solidarity and public action, and (in the case of the smallholding peasantry) good steward-ship of the land"
Wright’s best-known early contribution to class analysis—his model of “contradictory class locations”—is preoccupied with theorising the class character of “the middle class” within a Marxist framework. The context here is the seeming tension between modern historical developments and the classical Marxist idea of capitalist society as increasingly composed of two hostile camps (capitalists and proletarians) with any third class (the “petit-bourgeoisie”) as “transitional” in nature (on its way to being squeezed out by the other two). That claim about a pervasive tendency towards class polarisation would appear to conflict with the huge growth of professional, managerial, technical, and bureaucratic positions, in both modern corporations and modern states (Wright 1985: 7–9). The resulting “problem of the middle class” raises issues, not only about the accuracy of received Marxist accounts of class structure, but also about the sociological plausibility of their associated accounts of class formation, class consciousness, and class struggle (since these newer groups do not obviously share the interests and attitudes of traditional proletarians).

with (Mozambique)
(Central African Republic, active in Guinea)
During her life, her activism rose concerns in the Western world: the Eisenhower administration and the Belgian authorities worried about her supposed Communist links and the New York Times called her an “advocate of extreme African nationalism.”[5] However, she described herself as a socialist who was committed to African nationalism. 
Amílcar Lopes da Costa Cabral (Portuguese: [ɐˈmilkaɾ ˈlɔpɨʃ kɐˈbɾal]; 12 September 1924 – 20 January 1973) was a Bissau-Guinean and Cape Verdean agricultural engineer, pan-africanist, intellectual, poet, theoretician, revolutionary, political organizer, nationalist and diplomat.[1] He was one of Africa's foremost anti-colonial leaders.[2][3]

<----------------------------- (new) FIGURES ↑ 

Parties in Post-Soviet space
In May 2007, A Just Russia's chairman Sergey Mironov proposed a merger between his party and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation in order to create a new unified socialist party.[39] Mironov invited all "honest socialists" to join the party. However, his proposal was rejected by Gennady Zyuganov, leader of the Communists, who claimed that A Just Russia's claim to be a leftist party was "a charade".[40]

Chinese Democracy
China, officially the People's Republic of China, is a one-party state under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). Despite this, eight minor parties officially exist alongside the CCP in a United Front similar to the popular fronts of former Cold War-era Eastern European countries such as the National Front of the German Democratic Republic. The CCP's CGTN wing officially states that the Communist Party acts as the ruling party but cooperates with the eight minor parties.[1]

Writeup: #antianticommunism (for Solarpunk group) ... ANTICOMMUNISM IS CHAUVINISM; DOTP BASICS

Clare (and select others)
(1) there can be no such thing as "communism with a twinkle of fascism". Stalin's socialist USSR defeated fascism, if not for another reason, consider this as today is Victory Day.

(2) Regarding your "devolving into authoritarianism" and your idea of what Marx's and even Lenin's "visions of socialism" are supposed to be— I suggest to anyone interested to take another look at and .

(3) Regarding China, a look at and should shed some new light. A good start is gaining clarity in how developing towards communism is a multi-stage process, and how specific base conditions will determine those stages for each locality (in the cases of USSRs, African, China's revolutions, consider especially their initial backwardness, and pre-existing imperialist oppression).

(4) Importantly, as somebody born in a socialist state, has immensely benefited from that heritage, is witnessing its dismantling, whose country's liberation from fascism and subsequent self-determination is founded on the heritage of a Popular Front under the helm of the communist party — take into account that I will consider the comments and commentators with a lens of where they (or You) are coming from, and *the track record of their (or Your) home states*.
This makes this thread quite disconcerting.

(5) For me, **anticommunism is chauvinism**, it is as simple as that. I suggest a careful application of the following test - if your home country or nation has colonized, invaded, couped, aggressed, or war-mongered —— as is the case of Commonwealth especially with Africa & China, or USA with every socialist state ever —— against a country you are "criticizing", or trying to imperialist-splain about, have some discretion. You might be doing the bidding of a propaganda machine.

Sunny regards from an opt-in communist cell in Canary Islands running on 100% solar power, Jesus Lizard on full blast via a hacked surround sound system. (To preempt any potential "muh muh I think you are not solarpunk").

Quantity → Quality

The transition from quantity to quality: A neglected causal mechanism in accounting for social evolution (2000)
Students of social evolution are concerned not only with the general course it has followed, but also with the mechanisms that have brought it about. One such mechanism comes into play when the quantitative increase in some entity, usually population, reaching a certain threshold, gives rise to a qualitative change in the structure of a society. This mechanism, first recognized by Hegel, was seized on by Marx and Engels. However, neither they nor their current followers among anthropologists have made much use of it in attempting to explain social evolution. But as this paper attempts to show, in those few instances when the mechanism has been invoked, it has heightened our understanding of the process of social evolution. And, it is argued, if the mechanism were more widely applied, further understanding of the course of evolution could be expected to result.
an UX take on this ;-)

communism = no state? and "Withering away of the state"

Communism (from Latin communis, 'common, universal')[1][2] is a philosophical, social, political, and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a communist society, namely a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes, money,[3][4] and, in some cases, the state.[5][6] As such, communism is a specific form of socialism. 
1) didn't this used to be different:
    !!! confirm
2) in that case, start a discussion in relevant forum:
    ... /r/communism ?

"You are ignoring racism/patriarchy, because you speak of class"


Authority, "authoritarian" and, contra-anti "tankies"

(Engels, 1872)
Therefore, either one of two things: either the anti-authoritarians don't know what they're talking about, in which case they are creating nothing but confusion; or they do know, and in that case they are betraying the movement of the proletariat. In either case they serve the reaction.

"Verbal delict" in Yugoslavia and DOTP

Sovražna propaganda
133. člen
(1) Kdor s pisano besedo, letakom, risbo, govorom ali kako drugače poziva ali ščuva k rušenju oblasti delavskega razreda in delovnih ljudi, k protiustavni  spremembi socialistične samoupravne družbene ureditve, k razbijanju bratstva in enotnosti ter enakopravnosti narodov in narodnosti, k strmoglavljenju organov družbene samouprave in oblasti ali njihovih izvršilnih organov, k odporu proti odločitvam pristojnih organov oblasti in samouprave, ki so pomembne za varnost in razvoj socialističnih samoupravnih odnosov, varnost ali obrambo države, ali kdor s hudobnim namenom in neresnično prikazuje družbene in politične razmere v državi,
se kaznuje z zaporom od enega do desetih let.
(2) Kdor stori dejanje iz prvega odstavka tega člena s pomočjo ali pod vplivom iz tujine,
se kaznuje z zaporom najmanj treh let.
(3) Kdor pošilja ali spravlja v SFRJ agitatorje ali propagandni material za izvrševanje dejanj iz prvega odstavka tega člena,
se kaznuje z zaporom najmanj enega leta.
(4) Kdor izdeluje ali razmnožuje sovražni propagandni material z namenom, da bi ga razširjal, ali kdor ima pri sebi ta material, čeprav ve, da je namenjen za razširjanje,
se kaznuje z zaporom od šestih mesecev do petih let.

The question is: why didn't it get applied consistently?

Role of party (create conditions for revolution!)
On The Affordances of Bourgeois Democracy
What can be accomplished by way of parliamentary parties?
How do we work towards revolutionary goals?
What Would Lenin Do?

Trangressive "how about" response to bullshitters


How many people died in Hiroshima and Ngasaki from US atomic bombs? What about the Holocaust in Congo carried out by the King of Belgium?
How many people died from the hunger caused by Winston Churchill in India?
How many Indians did the Yankees decimate? How many people died in the US-provoked Vietnam War? How many people are tortured every day in Guantanamo?
How many European companies financed Nazism in Germany and used slave labor in concentration camps? Did England and France sign the Munich Agreement handing over Czechoslovakia's industries to Hitler, guaranteeing him the military power so he could start a war in Europe and other parts of the world, killing tens of millions of people? How many black people have you Yankees killed and continue to kill in the US? Shut up you hypocrite, demagogue, murderer, coward!! Fuck you fucking Yankee!

On Reformism
Non-reformist reform, also referred to as abolitionist reform,[1] anti-capitalist reform,[2][3][4] revolutionary reform,[5][6] structural reform[7][8][9] and transformative reform,[10][11] is a reform that "is conceived, not in terms of what is possible within the framework of a given system and administration, but in view of what should be made possible in terms of human needs and demands". On the other hand, reformist reforms essentially maintain the status quo and do not threaten the existing structure.[12] These have been described as reforms that rationalize or "fine-tune the status quo" by implementing modifications "from the top down", but that fail to address root causes of the issue
The Gotha Program was the party platform adopted by the nascent Social Democratic Party of Germany (SPD) at its initial party congress, held in the town of Gotha in 1875. The program called for universal suffrage, freedom of association, limits on the working day, and for other laws protecting the rights and health of workers.[1] The Gotha Program was explicitly socialist: "the socialist labor party of Germany endeavors by every lawful means to bring about a free state and a socialistic society, to effect the destruction of the iron law of wages by doing away with the system of wage labor, to abolish exploitation of every kind, and to extinguish all social and political inequality".[1] It was superseded by the Erfurt Program in 1891. 
Karl Marx famously attacked the platform, which he had read in draft form, in his Critique of the Gotha Program.[2]

Why we need capitalism first before socialism

burgeoning liberal businessmen, assumed the feudal mode, becoming landlords and monopolists themselves, in order to enjoy superprofits from both exploitative production and rent. The old feudals were democratised into the form of contemporary bourgeois dictatorships we have today. Dmytri Kleiner calls this tendency capitalist false consciousness: instead of emancipating their potential as capitalists to truly bring about a better world, they dream and scheme of being kings and lords, and intervene in state to impede free competition.

A "working capitalism" is a prerequesite for socialism, but not a replacement for it.

Why not feudalism→socialism directly?
What specifically does capitalism, or "capitalization", do to be neccessary?
What's ML's relation to / intervention here?


To be or not to be "Woke"?

"""establishing affirmative measures to address social inequalities, so that everyone can participate equally in the class struggle"""
(Dmytri Kleiner/Telekommunisten). 


"identity politics" is "just dividing"

Bordiga / Bordigism
The Bordigists, as they became known, with their theory of the party and their opposition to any form of frontism, held that program was everything and a gate-receipt notion of numbers was nothing.

Comecon (comunist inter-state economic coordination & collaboration)

Post-red/hegemony/multipolar sentiment

———— 20230208

[!!**] "How to become communist"

* (why and how does this instinct happen in the first place?):
    agitation via parties & unassociated

* read books:
    🔗d-reads, 🔗commonground, ###

* join a local communist party:
        which one? (if there are factions?), and how would one know this from outside?
        how to understand if they are leading well or not?


Planned economy / Command economy (and signals)

[!!] Global coordination: Meetings, Events, Trans/Inter- party politics

International Meeting of Communist and Workers' Parties

[!!!*] Slovenian Communist Party
founded in 2013
The Party of Labour of Austria [German: Partei der Arbeit Österreichs, PdA] was founded on October 12, 2013 in Vienna. It emerged from a longer process within the Austrian workers' movement, including various theoretical, strategic, organisational, structural and practical steps.
In 2005 the Communist Initiative [Kommunistische Initiative, KI] was founded and served as a collective movement comprising the Marxist-Leninist forces that could no longer be active in the so-called Communist Party of Austria [Kommunistische Partei Österreichs, KPÖ] due to its revisionist and postmodern development and its membership in the "Party of the European Left".

"Founding Declaration of the INITIATIVE of Communist and Workers’ Parties to study and elaborate European issues and to coordinate their activity"
2.1 Every Communist and Workers’ Party from an EU member-state can participate in the “Initiative”, as long as it agrees with the Founding Declaration and is not a full member of any “European Party”.

ties to "third yugoslavia"

This article argues that Eurocommunism was an unwanted development of the détente framework that the White House and the Kremlin devised. By relaxing tensions between Washington and Moscow, détente both allayed fears of a communist threat in Western Europe and provided the CPs with more leeway to choose a semi-independent course. “The danger of détente is that it makes Communism respectable and therefore adds to the drawing power of the Communist groups”, Nixon admitted in 1974. For Kissinger, more independent and moderate CPs proved more dangerous than hardline Leninist ones because they were more likely to reach power democratically. Such a possibility, which indeed came close to happening in France (1974 and 1978) and Italy (1976-79), haunted the Ford and—to a lesser degree—the Carter administrations for none of them wanted to appear too “soft of communism” in a decade of perceived American decline. The Soviets were little more enthusiastic, if at all. For them, the Eurocommunists’ adherence democratic principles and increased criticism towards Moscow amounted to heresy. Besides, they feared, the Eurocommunists might provide Eastern European intellectuals with an alternative model of communism which, in the long run, could challenge Moscow’s. Through close examination of government and party archival material and through interviews with former actors of that period, the article attempts to shed a new light on détente’s conceptual instability and contradictions which helped turn cold war Europe into a breeding ground for change.

ECONOMICS/DOTP/TACTICS— Titoism: "We Shall Not Take Foreigner's, and Not Give Ours"


[!**i] DOTP/PROPAGANDA— 21 conditions

[!**] ECON/NUMERICS/RF/PRC— State-ownership of core industries

###[m!] <leo post about this ~20240325
#reread !
The contribution of Russian SOEs to GDP, as calculated by the IMF for a smaller sample, noticeably exceeds our estimates. According to IMF calculations (Hughes et al., 2014) based on the expenses aggregation method, in 2012, 26 major state-owned companies produced 28% of the Russian GDP, which is comparable to the SOEs contribution to GDP according to our estimate for 61 major companies. Concurrently, the estimate of the contribution of the entire public sector, including budget-funded organizations to the GDP as indicated by the IMF based on 2012 data, at 68%, is fairly consistent with similar FAS calculations (2016). According to them, the aggregate contribution of the state and state-owned companies to the Russian GDP was approximately 70%, in 2005, this figure did not exceed 35%.

<------------------------------------------- (new)+ TOPICS ↑

*** PAD

Contemporary "Communist International"-style transnational alliances (SI) 1951→ (PA) 2013→


It's actually common sense once you explain to people: "I just want the economy to be under democratic control instead of being run by a few greedy people who ruin people's lives"

"The communists can't organize, that's why they lost the Spanish Civil War - the infighting, so people went to the Fascist side"
It was Hitler's & Mussolini's airforce.

[!!→] INTERNATIONALISM/SYSTEMATIS?— New Fedaralism: after Comintern, BRICS, B&R, CIIE, etc?

* How are these different from a "true federaton"?
* ###




It received the highest credit ratings from the three biggest rating agencies in the world, and is seen as a potential rival to the World Bank and IMF.[11][12]


[!!fo] TOREAD— (Asked chatgpt about "top 30" developments after Lenin)

    Joseph Stalin - Theoretical contributions on socialism in one country, the theory of productive forces, and building socialism in the Soviet Union.
    Leon Trotsky - Developed the theory of permanent revolution, emphasizing the international nature of socialist revolution and the need for proletarian internationalism.
    Mao Zedong - Formulated Maoism, emphasizing the role of the peasantry, people's war, and the mass line in revolutionary struggle.
    Antonio Gramsci - Introduced the concept of cultural hegemony and emphasized the importance of intellectual and cultural struggle in achieving socialist transformation.
    Rosa Luxemburg - Emphasized the significance of mass action, the role of the working class, and the importance of internationalism in socialist revolution.
    Che Guevara - Elaborated on the concept of international revolution, focusing on guerrilla warfare, revolutionary solidarity, and anti-imperialism.
    Louis Althusser - Contributed to Marxist philosophy and the idea of ideological state apparatuses, challenging orthodox interpretations of Marxist theory.
    Ernst Bloch - Developed the concept of "concrete utopia" and explored the relationship between hope, imagination, and revolutionary consciousness.
    Nikolai Bukharin - Explored economic aspects of socialism, including the theory of equilibrium and the role of market mechanisms in a socialist economy.
    Herbert Marcuse - Contributed to the field of critical theory, emphasizing the role of ideology, alienation, and the critique of advanced capitalist societies.

[!!] POLEMICS— The idea that "capitalism is work, work, work!" ... That you can work yourself to the point of being a capitalist

"The less you eat, drink and read books; the less you go to the theatre, the dance hall, the public house; the less you think, love, theorize, sing, paint, fence, etc., the more you save-the greater becomes your treasure which neither moths nor dust will devour-your capital. The less you are, the more you have; the less you express your own life, the greater is your alienated life-the greater is the store of your estranged being."
——Karl Marx, 1844

The triple character of "communism"
aka "three distinc meanings of communism"

1) communism, the science (as theory):
    of how societies develop by class struggle
2) communist country with "communist party at its helm" (as infrastructure, as institutions ideology and practice):
    as an aspiration towards #3, applying #1
3) communist (as sociopolitical system):
    the end result of those efforts, and of history


    No one, I think, in studying the question of the economic system of Russia, has denied its transitional character. Nor, I think, has any Communist denied that the term Soviet Socialist Republic implies the determination of the Soviet power to achieve the transition to socialism, and not that the existing economic system is recognised as a socialist order.  
    Lenin, 1921. "The Tax in Kind":  
Note the emphasis on the determination (or aspiration) of the DotP to achieve the transition to socialism, rather than claiming that socialism had already been established

[!!**] Q/POLEMICS— "If USSR was a good/working model, then why did it fail?"
(asked by a "democratic confederalist" comrade)

*) it did not fail:
    * it had incredible successes for the people
    * was a beacon of light that helped half the world to take serious steps towards liberation
    * stopped what would have easily been centuries more of an American Empire:
        aka "it failed but during a serious struggle, a delayed mutual destruction of imperialism"

*) it failed because of:
    * Khruschev takeover (== improperly tweaked first instance of democratic centralism, that now PRC is doing significantly better):
        #towatch (no idea if terrible, 101, or a more desired advanced resource)
        * ###
    * ###

<----------------------------------- ((new))
The capitalist mode of production and consumption is caught in a double bind: its expansion destabilises natural systems and fails to curb social inequities, while slowdown destabilises the inner workings of the economic system itself. To better understand what is happening in this phase of instability, this article proposes a System Dynamics representation that combines elements of Georgescu-Roegen’s Ecological Economics with Marxian theory. Specifically, it draws from a diagram recently developed by David Harvey to communicate Marx’s political economy in its totality; Harvey’s diagram is then adapted to incorporate the flow-fund model developed by Georgescu-Roegen. The contribution made by this adaptation is twofold: first, it allows us to emphasise key connections and discrepancies between the two traditions; second, it extends System Dynamics into (eco-)Marxian analysis, which serves to visualise the fundamental causes and consequences of a spiralling, ever-expanding capitalist economy.

+perlmutter loving norway as a model
my thoughts:
    * isn't it xenophobic? (seems like not)
    * isn't it full of oil (yeah but so is venezuela)
    * ... but ok, venezuela is a target of US imperialism (true!)
    * is norway more socialist than venezuela?:
        say you have a true socialist state (like ... SR Slovenia/USSR), and counter-revolution:
            it is now a CAPITALIST STATE, but de-nationalization hasn't happened yet
        say you have a capitalist, corrupt state (like ... pre-bolivar Venezuela), ana revolution:
            (THOUGH IT COULD?)
        so that's it
what's this ? wow
"Is Vietnam socialist?"
Great intro
tito - media icon