Workflow: ANDROID

< DRAFT+ >

    20170319 stub thrown together
    20220308 MO, reorganize → D+

Ties to:



——— SYMBOLS ———

% = f-droid
%% = f-droid only

    * "essential"
    * "needs replacement"
    * ###

Sync (with Desktop)

    Syncthing !!!:
        p2p file sharing "dropbox/gdrive alternative"
        couldn't make it work (with small effort put into it) for CHT internals
        I have to manually restart server almost everytime I want to sync. syncing ~30GB >> since last update it works great

    VNC Viewer:
        [!] Is there a RealVNC alternative for server?

    QR (probably not useful IRL):
        QRStream (android):
             """provide for communication with a device without using radios or USB port. This can be very useful in a handful of obscure situations."""
            sudo apt-get zbar-tools
        Terminal QR code --> Barcode Scanner:
           Use: to quickly send short (<200 char) texts over. Maybe more with quality parameter.
           sudo npm install -g qrcode-terminal; qrcode-terminal 'test'


* OsmAnd
        * install & download the maps you need
        * configure track-saving ... document this [!]
        * Ok, also learn how to use it. Quite a lot of stuff.
        * Contributing to OSM would be interesting too:
            >> lol, +M has a non-competition clause (until may 2018)
        * also see 🔗workflow (\Maps)

        Google Maps (offline)
        Google My Maps
        ?Google Earth
        ?Google Streetvew (actually photosphere view?)
        ?Here maps (smooth, offline)
        Wikipedia (nearby, but also in marble and OsmAnd)

        Telegram (Mobile + Desktop) +
        WeChat (for access to China)
            don't give access to contacts, use "" trick
        Twitter (get tweets from X as notifications)
            no, just use the web interface + bookmarks trick
        ?Signal, Telegram, Snapchat, AndChat IRC (annoying conn errors)?
        >> Actually some command-line Workflow for Twitter & Fb posting would be awesome
        >> Clicking in the desert on 3G sucks
        >> see Desktop

Offline reference

Wikipedia (saved pages)

ElectroDroid (!!!!!! must have reference for elements, chips, cable pinouts, ...)

EveryWiki (impressive more for its list of wikis, than as an app):
    ?camping/nomad/survival/prepper/army("FM 21-76" - rather find PDF)/first aid :)
    >> have a lot of this in /BOOKS ! rather invest into reading + annotation!

First Aid Training # offline health information



* Duolingo (partly offline (no review / new topics))
* Memrise (fully offline)

__________ also
* This via RSS / mail
* Set your FB to spanish
Movies: Accion Mutante, Los Chronocrimenes, Abre Los Ojos (original Vanilla Sky, still has Penelope Cruz) :)


* Google Translate (offline if you download packs, offline voice too)


Sensors Test / Sensor Sense (incl. battery, sound dB, network, graphs with record->save to .csv) / Sensorium
    >> all these can read Lux meter - can help determine best solar cell placement

%% Oscilloscope # uses mic or mic input to show oscilloscope or spectrum

%% E numbers # list of food additives and safety status


        [!!] Wifi

Wifi Analyzer (nice graphs, by channel/dB)

Wigle (huge online DB)
            >> have some more documented ...
            >> also learn how to crack networks (WEP, WPS) + have rainbow stuff ready
            "wifi wardriving app - records networks + GPS + security"

        [!!] Security 

    * what I really need is documented under #safety
    * so a camera that can detect + react to environment
    * a "perimeter security", like >20m outside of tents, to give you advance warning
    * ... and NIGHT CAPABLE >> RPi camera has no IR filter (see hardware)
    * ...


    Computational photography
            A better camera: >> HDR and Night mode are really good, but free version is nagging
            devCam: iterate over camera parameters - for research datasets, doesn't work on my phone
            Wishlist: long exposure,HDR,super-resolution(or 20MP+ camera),change amplification(heartbeat),medical,"sensor replacement" learning
            ?Photosphere that works without gyro? >> 360 panorama

        Color analysis / Camera color picker -> Uros
        HydroColor: Water quality app... paid, needs 18% Grey patch :)
        CamScanner / Office Lens... paper detection and flattening, OCR, ...:
                "take pictures of documents and they are automatically adjusted and cleaned so it looks like scanned"
        Barcode scanner (QR, barcode, and obscure code formats)
            ...: color/image analysis, computer vision/machine learning
        Google PlaNet:
            (Not an app)
            , geolocation from image alone, 1000km median error for now


Ethereal Dialpad
EasySynth (analog emulation)
Common Analog/FM Synthesizer
Music Synthesizer (responsive. chromatic keyboard)

[!!] drum machines???


% Padland:
    Working etherpad editor, list of accessed pads

    * Doesn't support .local addresses (says invalid on OK):
        (fixes invalid on OK):
        mDNS: #TODO
    * ###


    * template-style editing
    * design/theming
    * classification
    * direct chrome-integration
    * editorial stuff (confirming change diffs "while having nothing better to do")
    * [...]


* F-Droid - alternative, OSS "market" - bunch of alternative / hacker / edu apps

* Apk Extractor # get apk from installed apps - archive or share with others


* Automate - task automation / programming flows ... looks powerful:
    "Snap photo" instead of google search! (drag up on O icon)!!!
    PROJECT: Could be used to setup a timelapse cam - leave an android somewhere cool for a day, snap image every 5min
    a visual programming language for task automation on android (e.g. take picture every 10 seconds, turn on wifi when GPS is 20m from home location, ...)

* Red Moon - like f.lux / RedShift for android (set temperature (eliminate blue light), dim, ...)

% Chibe:
    Vibrates every X minutes for time keeping
    Configurable vibration pattern

Stereo test:
    # Says "left" and "right" on the correct channels - useful for audio output test

Libreoffice Viewer

    # find local sellers of stuff @Spain

ColorNote Notepad Notes:
    # good app for notes - you can put files on home screen and edit with double-click

<-------------------------- (new)+ APPS ↑


[!!] android-repurpose


[!!] space-maker

<------------------ (new) MISSING ↑

*** PAD

<----------------------------- ((new))

Edit Site

Edit CSS