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    20200830 ping
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    20230731 ping <L @huje

Ties to:


Different strategies of controlled movement

D personally learned from:
    * navigating woods and mountains +parents
    * yugo/early slovenian "telovadba" (#fisculture), like gym class
    * watching and experiencing ballet
    * qi gong lecture (1 hour) @ imperial college, london
    * "watching basketball on tv"
    * canarian ocean swimming ("self taught")

There is also:
    * martial arts
    * yoga
    * [...] ###


You need:

* basket ball

* 2+ players, or even solo

* a basket + standard "rocket" (inner court) markings / shooting positions

You play:

Start at first mark.

ODBIJE SE->(žoga se dotakne igralca, ki ni na potezi) ODBIJE SE->NASLEDNJI IGRALEC LOVI, (ostali ga lahko pri tem oviraju ampak brez kontakta) (žoga se dotakne igralca, ki ni na potezi)->Dobiš 'GORDOL' (FAIL) NASLEDNJI IGRALEC LOVI, (ostali ga lahko pri tem oviraju ampak brez kontakta)->pade 0x NASLEDNJI IGRALEC LOVI, (ostali ga lahko pri tem oviraju ampak brez kontakta)->pade 1x ali 2x pade 0x->Dobiš 'GORDOL' (FAIL) Dobiš 'GORDOL' (FAIL)->NASLEDNJI IGRALEC Dobiš 'GORDOL' (FAIL)->vsi drugi gredo piko GOR Dobiš 'GORDOL' (FAIL)->jaz grem piko DOL ČIST FALIT->Dobiš 'GORDOL' (FAIL) postaviš se na naslednjo pozicijo v raketi->STREL NA KOŠ STREL NA KOŠ->ODBIJE SE STREL NA KOŠ->ČIST FALIT STREL NA KOŠ->KOŠ skočiš in ujameš->STREL NA KOŠ NASLEDNJI IGRALEC->START START->postaviš se na naslednjo pozicijo v raketi KOŠ->postaviš se na naslednjo pozicijo v raketi pade več kot 2x->Dobiš 'GORDOL' (FAIL) ujameš->STREL NA KOŠ pade 1x ali 2x->skočiš in ujameš pade 1x ali 2x->pade več kot 2x pade 1x ali 2x->ujameš ODBIJE SE ODBIJE SE (žoga se dotakne igralca, ki ni na potezi) (žoga se dotakne igralca, ki ni na potezi) NASLEDNJI IGRALEC LOVI, (ostali ga lahko pri tem oviraju ampak brez kontakta) NASLEDNJI IGRALEC LOVI, (ostali ga lahko pri tem oviraju ampak brez kontakta) pade 0x pade 0x Dobiš 'GORDOL' (FAIL) Dobiš 'GORDOL' (FAIL) ČIST FALIT ČIST FALIT postaviš se na naslednjo pozicijo v raketi postaviš se na naslednjo pozicijo v raketi STREL NA KOŠ STREL NA KOŠ skočiš in ujameš skočiš in ujameš NASLEDNJI IGRALEC NASLEDNJI IGRALEC START START KOŠ KOŠ pade več kot 2x pade več kot 2x ujameš ujameš pade 1x ali 2x pade 1x ali 2x vsi drugi gredo piko GOR vsi drugi gredo piko GOR jaz grem piko DOL jaz grem piko DOL (ta pravila omogočajo zlorabe) (ta pravila omogočajo zlorabe)

Za postavitve na raketi, glej:
    str 16


[!!] DRAMATURGY -- Learn how it best fits within the day

    * swimming before breakfast?
    * always exercise before swimming?
    * exervcise on an empty stomach?
    * running in high sun?
    * what to do before bed?
    * [...] ###

*** PAD

(L:)[f!!] exercises for different body parts and muscle groups

Lower abs
doing now (20230731)

to try
[f!] under belly muscles
[h!] hips

(L:)[!!] FOOD— What to eat before and after workout?


When you’re working out, your muscles use up their glycogen — the body’s preferred fuel source, especially during high intensity workouts. This results in your muscles being partially depleted of glycogen. Some of the proteins in your muscles can also be broken down and damaged
Doing this helps your body: 
  • decrease muscle protein breakdown
  • increase muscle protein synthesis (growth)
  • restore glycogen stores
  • enhance recovery

  • sweet potatoes
  • chocolate milk
  • quinoa and other grains
  • fruits (such as pineapple, berries, banana, kiwi)
  • rice cakes
  • rice
  • oatmeal
  • potatoes
  • pasta
  • whole grain bread
  • edamame

  • animal- or plant-based protein powder
  • eggs
  • Greek yogurt
  • cottage cheese
  • salmon
  • chicken
  • protein bar
  • tuna

  • avocado
  • nuts
  • nut butters
  • seeds
  • trail mix (dried fruits and nuts)

within two hours of your exercise session if possible. 

Most dietitians recommend eating something within 30 minutes after a workout.

[m!!!*to] DIETETICS/FOOD/EAT— Proper protein intake
good infos

A new technique for establishing protein needs has been developed, catchily called the indicator amino acid oxidation method. “It suggests the minimum protein intake for thrive mode, not just to prevent malnutrition, is about 1g to 1.2g per kilogram of body weight per day.” By this metric, national protein consumption levels don’t look as problematic. “As a woman in my 40s,” says Patel, “as my hormones decrease I will lose muscle mass. The 1g of protein will help me prevent that, not the 0.75g.”
(per kg)

“There is undoubtedly a sweet spot for protein,” says Giles Yeo, a professor of molecular neuroendocrinology at Cambridge University and the honorary president of the British Dietetic Association. “And the big reason is that we cannot store it.” So any protein that’s not needed to build or repair tissue will be converted into fat, leaving nitrogen as a byproduct to be peed out. “That process , if taken to extreme, puts stress on our kidneys.”

It shows up on nails, hair
And there’s more, Patel says: “Fifty per cent of your bone structure is protein. So a low-protein diet weakens your bones. And then, of course, because I’m vain, I want my skin and my nails and my hair to look great. One of the first signs when you’re a bit low on protein is that your nails become brittle. Your skin begins to suffer.” Because what do our bodies use to make collagen? It’s amino acids, silly.

She generally advises adults to start by aiming to consume 1g per kg of body weight a day, and start monitoring muscle mass. The gold standard method is a Dexa scan, which uses low-dose X-rays, but most of us wouldn’t have access to one. The next best thing, she says, are the body composition scales you find at the gym. “They’re not accurate like a Dexa, but they can give you an indication over time, if they’re used right, like you’re weighing yourself at the same time every day and not after a workout.”

[!!**e] DIETETICS — Metabolic window / fasted exercise

Typically said to be 30m - 2h.

Some theorists believe the metabolic window begins to close within minutes of the end of a workout. They claim the same nutrients taken two hours later result in significantly reduced protein synthesis and muscle glycogen storage.[1]
The evidence for replenishing depleted energy levels only relates when they are completely gone at the beginning of training, such as during fasted exercise.[5] This is where large amounts of the day go by without any eating to spike and deplete energy levels to trick the body, followed by a training session (with low levels of nutritional energy) to force the body to be uncomfortable. Following this, the body is at an abnormally low level of various nutrients (such as carbohydrates and proteins), which are then put back into the body to force an even higher adaptation in the body.
An example of this diet would be Intermittent Fasting. 
Hudo !

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