
F🐞ck Ticks

< DRAFT++ >


    20170502 original idea @jošt D+klara
    20170503 initial research
    20191119 import @cht7a +lies
    20200810 funky styling
    20210407 overview →D

Ties to:


Prevention tips
    * "Wear hats when walking in the woods"
    * "Don’t sit on logs – If you sit on a log for only five minutes, you have a 30% chance of getting a tick on you.
    * "Tuck your pants into your socks"
    * "Apply a tick repellent product on your shoes to create a powerful barrier."
    * "Avoid coarse fabrics where ticks can easily fasten itself. Wear smoother fabrics instead."
    * "When on hike trails, keep away from tall grass or undergrowth. Avoid brushing into bushy plants. Don’t let your hair hang loosely. Cover it or if long, have it braided or tied neatly."
    * "Shower within two hours of coming indoors" (HOT!)
    * "If the clothes require washing first, hot water is recommended. Cold and medium temperature water will not kill ticks effectively" :O
    * probably a good idea to have separate "forest clothes" and wash them with separate stuff (like white vinegar and these oils)
    * [...]


Every time you leave the forest / grassy areas:
    * "Inspect your clothes and body, especially: Under the arms, around the ears, inside the belly button, back of knees and in your hair."
    * "Ticks tend to bite humans in areas below the belt, most easily discovered while sitting on the toilet."

Tick removal
    * http://www.tickencounter.org/prevention/tick_removal


(without anything...)

"Impenetrable onesie"
    * but how about open parts (hands, face)?
    * too warm?
    * changing of clothes? ("zamenji majco")
    * may be great for non-summer!
    * "Wear clothing that covers the skin and has elastic on the wrist and ankles"


Clothes treatment
    * usually (always?) uses Permethrin!:
        (which is a synthetic version of pyrethrum/piretrin)
        (see below)

    * http://www.rovince.co.uk/ :
        * "ZECK-Protec" impregnation
        * "Rovince clothing is impregnated with this tick-resistant protection during production and tests in the EU have shown ZECK-Protec to be 98% effective against tick bites. All tick-resistant clothing sold by Rovince requires no further treatment in its lifetime"
        * [...]

    * http://www.bugbewear.com/

    * http://www.tickencounter.org/prevention/should_i_wear_tick_repellent_clothing
        but also is not 100%. hands/arms seem problem.

    * http://www.insectshield.com/
    * http://gamehide.com/why-gamehide/elimitick/ :

    * [...]

    * Permethrin
        * is not (natural) pyrethrum !! (see below):
            "Permethrin ("per-meth-rin"), on the other hand, is a synthetic, man-made insecticide, whose chemical structure is based on natural pyrethrum. The so-called pyrethroid insecticideswere developed to match or exceed the effectiveness of natural pyrethrum but be more stable in sunlight. Pyrethroid insecticides are used in agriculture because of their stability in sunlight."

        * http://www.bugbewear.com/ :
            "Insect Shield’s active ingredient, permethrin, is a synthetic version of a natural compound in chrysanthemum flowers, pyrethrum. Developed in 2002 to meet the needs of the US Army, this finish is now used on all Army troop uniforms."

        * Ticks fall off + die within 60s. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r38LNcCUwc4

        * study details:
            "Regardless of the permethrin application method, subjects wearing outfits treated with permethrin received 3.36 times (odds ratio=0.298 with a 95%CI (0.221,0.401)) fewer tick bites than subjects wearing outfits with no repellent."

        * "kills ticks on contact"

        * "Results were consistent with past research; the treated clothing reduced tick bites by 83% in workers that spent a lot of time in prime tick habitat." (via http://www.wired.com/2014/05/repellent-clothing-protects-you-from-ticks/ )

        * "You can purchase your own permethrin to make your own DIY-treated clothing, or one group offers a treatment service where they will treat your clothes by mail."

        * "(Insect Shield, which produces its own line of insect-repellent apparel, will treat clothing for $8 to $10 an item.)"

        * "Even when applied to the skin directly, it’s considered safe. It’s actually commonly used as a topical ointment to treat scabies, and it’s in the World Health Organization’s List of Essential Medicines."

        * how to:

        * also for camping tents:

        * [...]

    * DEET
        * some claim toxic?:
            * (—SLO—) "Študije so pokazale, da je DEET povzročil umiranje nevronov na predelu možganov, ki nadzorujejo gibanje mišic, učenje, spomin in koncentracijo. Koža otrok še lažje absorbira snovi, zato imajo otroci še večje tveganje za spremembe v možganih po izpostavljenosti DEET-a."
            * "The EPA has completed several comprehensive assessments of DEET over the years (most recently in 1998) and concludes that repellents containing DEET do not present a health concern as long as consumers follow label direction"
            * some say is a poisonous and bad pesticide (?) ... http://commonsensehome.com/natural-tick-repellents/

        * percentage is important!:
            (—SLO—) "Nekateri repelenti z 10-20% koncentracijo DEETa, so zelo učinkoviti in si jih nanesite po koži preden greste v naravo"

        * "There are various DEET based products that are safe on human skin formulated to be absorbed less by the skin but provide extended protection. It may be applied on clothes too but some fabrics react to it."

        * " DEET gives off a distinct odor and may damage plastic, rubber and vinyl. On the plus side, when used as directed, DEET is considered safe by many public health authorities and organizations"


    * picaridin
        * http://www.outdoors.org/articles/amc-outdoors/picaridin-vs-deet-which-is-the-best-insect-repellent/
        * "For more than 50 years, DEET has reigned as the undisputed champion of insect repellents. No longer. There’s now a potentially better alternative on the market: picaridin"
        * [...]

    * IR3535:
        * http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IR3535
        * "Our insect repellent has excellent toxicological and Eco toxicological profile, meaning that it is not toxic to aquatic organism such as fish or algae and does not accumulate in the environment. It is classified as “U” by WHO-hazard classification which means “Unlikely to present acute hazard in normal use”."

    * PMD / Citriodiol / (refined oil of lemon eucalyptus):
        * http://articles.mercola.com/herbal-oils/lemon-eucalyptus-oil.aspx
        * [...]



    * http://homeremedyshop.com/home-remedies-for-ticks/ !!

    * http://commonsensehome.com/natural-tick-repellents/:
        "The way that herbs work at repelling mosquitoes, spiders, ticks and other biting insects is that they provide you with sensory camouflage. They mask your natural scent and odors that the biting species find attractive."

    * "Many of the same herbs that repel mosquitoes and spiders also repel ticks."

    * "Natural Does Not Necessarily Mean Safe" !!!:
        "some companies will push service and products under the buzz-word of 'natural,' even though they contain neurotoxins"

    * Pyrethrum

slo: "Piretrin"

    * is not PERMETHRIN, which is a synthetic based on it. see above!:
        read http://www.livingwithbugs.com/permethrin_pyrethrum.html !!
             Pyrethrin Vs. Permethrin:
                * http://www.hunker.com/12224525/pyrethrin-vs-permethrin
                * piretrin = naraven ...... npr:
                    * http://www.bioteh.si/index.php?p=article&Id_SArt=221&Id_Cat=66&Id_Sbm=64&lang=sl !!!
                    * http://www.unichem.si/blagovne_znamke/bio_plantella/bio_varstvo_pred_skodljivci/izdelek?prid=190
                * [...]

    * "Pyrethrum ("pie-wreath-rum") is a natural insecticide made from certain species of the chrysanthemum. It is a mixture of several different compounds called pyrethrins and cinerins. Originally pyrethrum was made by grinding dried chrysanthemum flowers into a powder. Today, pyrethrum is extracted with solvents but is still widely used in household insect sprays where it is usually combined with another chemical called piperonyl butoxide (PBO)." 

    * http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bolha%C4%8D : "Kot preverjeno sredstvo proti bolham, klopom in drugemu mrčesu v Dalmaciji že stoletja poznajo rastlino dalmatinski bolhač. Iz nje pridobivajo piretin – naravni insekticid, ki ga uporabljajo tudi v naravnih pripravkih proti mrčesu. Če imate rastlino doma, jo lahko namočite v alkohol in z alkoholno raztopino škropite površine, s katerih želite odgnati mrčes."

    * "Pyrethrum-based garden insecticides and other least-toxic garden pesticides are available here (DoMyOwnPestControl).":

        * from "DALMATINSKI BOLHAČ" (Chrysanthemum cinerariifolium) or "Robinson Pink / Rdeča krizantema" (C.coccineum) ! :
            "T. cinerariifolium is called the Dalmatian chrysanthemum, denoting its origin in that region of the Balkans (Dalmatia)."
            "Rat and rabbit LD50 levels for pyrethrum are high (safe), with doses in some cases of about 1% of the animal's body weight required to cause significant mortality similar to levels in synthetic pyrethroids.[4] Nevertheless, pyrethrum should be handled with the same caution as synthetic insecticides.[5]"

(C. cinerariifolium)

(C. coccineum)

        * (—SLO—) Bioteh Forth sprej proti klopom:
            * http://www.lekarnar.com/izdelki/forth-proti-klopom
            * "Sestava: Naravni piretrini 0,2 g (0,2%), etanol"
            * ~7€ / 150ml
            * [...]

        * concentration:
            is 0.2% (like in Forth spray) enough? price to make own? etc
        * is an eco-gardening certified (basically only one of, next to canola oil) insecticide!:

    * [...]

    * Essential oils

### merge !!!!!!
Also see → 🔗essential-oils !

    * ROSE GERANIUM ("olje geranije"):
        story: http://www.primallyinspired.com/easy-natural-tick-repellent-that-really-works-essential-oils/#
        Hierochloe odorata or Anthoxanthum nitens
        bison grass in Poland ... ZUBROWKA!
        "znana pod imeni sladka trava, zobrova trava, vanilijina trava"
    * Citronella (lemon balm, lemon grass, lemon verbena)

    * Citrus oils !
    * Cedar oil:
        http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CpWPKMn1xeA lol

    * Tanacetum vulgare ("navadni vratič"):
        http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tansy / http://sl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Navadni_vrati%C4%8D
        * "Research has found that tansy extracts do indeed repel mosquitoes, but not as effectively as products containing DEET.[6][19] In 2008, researchers in Sweden investigated the use of tansy to repel ticks, showing a 64–72% repellency for each oil constituent."
        * http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/18283947
        * [...]

    * Eucalyptus
    * Lemon Eucalyptus Oil (unrefined):
    * Pennyroyal (Tickweed) / mentha pulegium / "poprova meta":
    * Neem Oil:
    * Sage
    * Lavender
    * American beautyberry
    * Cinnnnamon oil:
        "In some cases, humans and pets who come in contact with cinnamon oil experience contact dermatitis"
    * Tea Tree Oil
    * Clove

    * [...]

    Preparation & Tips
0.5l + 10 drops of aromathic oils

anti-tick smelly stuff:
Some of the essential oils you can safely use on dogs for flea and tick prevention are: lavender, lemon, citronella, sage/clary sage, bergamot, cedarwood, lemon eucalyptus, lemongrass, peppermint, geranium, sweet orange, and rosemary. Herbs – There are quite a few options that you can utilize herbally for your pets.

70 drops to 100ml !?
"Pripravek iz eteričnih olj pred klopi varuje dve, tri ure, nanesete pa ga lahko na kožo ali na oblačila. Če ga boste nanašali le na kožo, si lahko mešanico namesto na vodni pripravite tudi na oljni osnovi"
"70 kapljic eteričnega olja (olja citrusov, limonske trave, citronele, sivke, cedre, pelargonije, evkalipta, čajevca)"
"Kis ali alkohol in 70 kapljic eteričnega olja (lahko mešate različna) zmešajte in dodajte vodo (kolikor je še manjka do zapolnitve 100ml posodice). Dobro premešajte in razpršite."

* odganja vonj po kisu!
* Beli kis lahko dodate tudi pri pranju – suha oblačila ne bodo oddajala vonja, zaznali pa ga bodo klopi.

Stekleničko s pršilko
2 žlici nosilnega olja (jojoba, mandljevo olje)
20 kapljic eteričnega olja
12 kapljic limonske trave
6 kapljic evkaliptusa
2 kapljice citronele
10 kapljic rožmarina
7 kapljic cimeta
3 kapljice cedre

*** FUCK TICKS (project)
### #tomerge #projects !!!

Make super anti-tick clothing. Produce 10 test body suits. Test them.
More : david@totalism.org


* find alike:
    * g: "anti tick clothing"
    * [...]

* focus on local (Slovenia) situation

* find supplier + buy:
    essential oils
    Pyrethrum / "piretrin" (the natural one): would this work on clothes?

* find something to cover hair

* segmentation:
    For foresters, hunters, recreational use.
    "Note, Lyme Disease is after all an occupational disease and prevention is mandatory!"

* [...] ###


Tick environments: temperatures, altitudes?

Klopi se najpogosteje pojavljajo na vlažnih travnikih, obronkih gozdov in grmičevju. Največ klopov je do nadmorske višine 800m, višje pa njihovo število postopoma upada in nad 1400 m so že zelo redki. Klopi postanejo aktivni, ko temperatura zraka preseže 5 stopinj Celzija.

Where on your body to protect yourself?

The most important areas to defend are your feet and ankles. “Your shoes are the primary interface with nymphs and larva, which crawl up from the leaf litter,” Mather explains. Apply permethrin and/or DEET to your shoes and socks and you’ll establish a powerful barrier against your Lilliputian foes. Adult ticks, on the other hand, will climb up on tall grass and low-lying bushes, allowing them to latch on at the calf or above. Wear treated pants and shorts to fend them off, and apply DEET to your legs if they’re exposed. For maximum protection, wear treated clothing from top to bottom.

tick bite times?


time to transmit disease?
    (for Lyme disease)
    24 hours: 0%
    48h : ~50%
    72h : ~100%

what provokes ticks to bite?

ticks on scalp/hair?

spread / percentage of diseased ticks?

tick-borne diseases?
    * lyme
    * tick encephalitis
    * babesia ???
    * anaplasma ???
    * tularemia
    * [...]

disease testing?
(Lyme, for example, doesn't leave clear symptoms, and persists!)

can you just carry a dog anti-tick collar with you and it will help?

growing number of infected ticks?
(or people?)


~100€ against encephalitis

tick species? ... (in Slovenia)?

"ultrasonic tick repeller" ?

Supposed to repel ticks with sound...

    * http://www.amazon.com/Gen7Pets-SonicGuard-Ultrasonic-Protection-Brown/dp/B01KWEXTV0
    * [...]

    * http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/1770480 (1991):
        "Neither unit had any affect on the distribution of fleas or ticks in the choice chamber up to 24 h exposure, and activity of fleas, ticks and cockroaches was unimpaired. The study extends and supports previous findings that ultrasound is ineffective as a means of controlling common pests of households and pets."
    * [...]


*** PAD

(L:) Removing ticks
20220724 on the case of D getting a tick in Krnica
How to remove a tick
  1. Use clean, fine-tipped tweezers to grasp the tick as close to the skin’s surface as possible.
  2. Pull upward with steady, even pressure. Don’t twist or jerk the tick; this can cause the mouth-parts to break off and remain in the skin. If this happens, remove the mouth-parts with tweezers. If you cannot remove the mouth easily with tweezers, leave it alone and let the skin heal.
  3. After removing the tick, thoroughly clean the bite area and your hands with rubbing alcohol or soap and water.
  4. Never crush a tick with your fingers. Dispose of a live tick by 
    • Putting it in alcohol,
    • Placing it in a sealed bag/container,
    • Wrapping it tightly in tape, or
    • Flushing it down the toilet.

(L:) Types of ticks


Full list with images → https://www.lymedisease.org/types-of-ticks/

<----------------------------------- ((new))

[SLO] by Pfizer !!!!!! (who's also selling the vaccine...)
