Live tactical "radio" on the interwebz
Stream HERE >>
Check the Chaos Pad for updates :
podinski @ mailbox (dot) org
*** NEW ***
Friday Nite LIVEstreams, 19h (CET) til late
from Regenbogenfabrik e.V. / Cafe + Kino
Lausitzer Straße 22 in Kreuzberg
( Note: you will only hear the radio when we are streaming LIVE, otherwise there is NO SOUND ) ... OR the sound of rain in a forest *new* :) ... And sorry we are not currently making archives available. Our goal is to create a live REALTIME interactive medium / channel. But we may decide to make *some* past shows avalable in the future.
Table of Contents
May 27
GRK ep.no.108:
Anthropocene vs. Zivilisationsfrage
19h CET start ( til late ) at Regenbogen Cafe
Lausitzer Straße 22 in Kreuzberg
see new GRK2 pad for details...
MAY 20
Note: will not be at regenbogen cafe, due to another event needing the space...
plans for this friday's show is not clear.
more updates soon.
May 13
GRK ep. no.106 "Dr.Westlove, or how i stopped worrying and learned to love anmnesia westerns "
19h CET til late
Musika + Topics....
- a critique of Nettime's "UKR irregular linklist"... and a few links of our own:
- "Why I Can't Wave a Ukrainian Flag – A Dissenting Teach-In on Russia's
Invasion" by Daniel Herman
- Jurgen Habermas from Suddeutsche Zeitung from April 29
now excavated from SZ paywall, and available in Eng:
War and Indignation. The West’s Red Line Dilemma
( in SZ : Krieg und Empörung )
GRK Alerts>
2 interesting punks show 2nite May 12th:
May 6
GRK ep.no.105: "by the skin of our teeth"
19h CET til late
Cafe is open from 19h.
+ Musika
1. Xjazz Festival Berlin May 4-8
2. Chris Watson at Alte Munze ( talk on may 7 )
3. Boring Machines, Ital.label
4. Superbooth
5. Nettime on the addiction of social media
8. the patriarchal atrocities
9. + WW3 - the XLt analysis ;)
10. A *not so neutral* take on the the Wartime debates going on in DE...
with LINKS to a couple Open letters making the rounds.
This one that Emma ( feminist magazine from Alice Schwarzer ) is interesting to read and analyze the hysterical backlash that attacked it... reading the original ... it is very level-headed. The responses seem a little ridiculous and overboard.
news + Alerts
add your topics here>>
April 29
GRK ep.no.104
19h CET start time...
Cafe is open ab 19h
+ Musika:
1. Miss Read Buch Messe at HKW
Berlin Art Book Festival 2022
April 29 – May 1, 2022
this year w/ a focus on publishers from Afrika
2.Eugene Hutz - UKr / NYC musician
from Gogol Bordello
does an odd tribute song for Zelensky
( XLT analysis required ! )
3. The intellectual No Fly Zone
censorship article via Mint Press news
April 22
is earthday !
NO STREAM 2day !
We've decided to take a break from the stream this week !
But here below are a few things we would probaly want to discuss:
1. Franco Bifo Berardi on Institute of Network Cultures on the wartimes: https://networkcultures.org/blog/2022/04/15/the-precipice/?fbclid=IwAR1WDlbOnV3gD5b3WTU7ZRNijeP60tdNXx5ODaVgoe-m9rWoND6V6_wq0qI
2. Covid news resources:
Vinay Prasad, MD MPH
Medicine Oncology Science Policy Academic Pubs
Clips on YouTube Books EMR & Malignant Prof
This was Vinay's statement very early on in the controversies + debates of Covid19... April 27, 2020
new pages for
Gonzalo Lira, ( from California? Chilean ? ) after "disappearing" for a few days in Kharkiv...
an odd case... we are not promoting ... we are not for or against...
just examining an ODD media specimen.
live stream:
new twitter:
Gonzalo Lira
doing the stream with Gonzalo is Richard Medhurst ( w/ page on Tgram, 8000 subscribers ) ... not bad stuff ... impression upon first view.
April 15
GRK ep.103
19h CET til ?
there's certianly alot of topics....
but perhaps we might just take refuge in the musika
perhaps some Urschrei Therapy
if yur still trying to assess the complexities and greyzones of the new HOT PROXY WAR in UKR, this post is pretty fascnating ... and maybe even a must read:
+ the longer version
( this top LINK was posted 2 days ago on the Radical Film Network ( RFN ) list which is not usually about politics without being related to FILMS. We are not familiar with "Swiss Standpoint" ( independent ) and this is an interview with Jacques Baud, who says he worked with the FDFA [Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs] and worked in Swiss strategic Intelligence and NATO ... it seems like incredibly clear information ... with alot of military details about the regions and conflicts )
Here is Two Hours of Similar from Scott Ritter
GRK ep.101:
19h CET til late
We are still postponing our 100 episodes celebration at a larger venue, perhaps the last weekend in April.
But 2nite we re-open the Cafe, and the public is welcome to come enjoy the show LIVE...
New C19 rules. no checks / no scans ( in fact it is now illegal for public places to require i.d.s ) ... but masks ( and distance bewteen tables ) are still encouraged at Regenbogen !
All proceeds support the regenbogen, and xtra donations welcomed for our GRK/XLT media projects ...
so feel free to share with all friendly comrades.
Come visit us at the tactical media pop-up studio !
Tonite's TOPICS:
more coming soon.
1. Vijay Prashad's UKr analysis:
2. Yuval Noah Harari "vs." Rutger Bregman: YES Online Conversations
(2021) - a fascinating "debate" between " Humankind" and " Sapiens :
two contrasting historian/futurist postions > represeting > a practical + collaborative utopia vs. a grim manufactured dystopia ??
3. 1000 scientists protested in over 25 countries, in civil disobedience against climate fuckery and inaction !
( The response in Los Angeles to arrest FOUR scientists was particularly INSANE ! )
4. Social Dissonance - new book by Mattin, and the event series from School of Sound at Acud - http://www.mattin.org/
Book recommended by commenter:
Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin
>> Some critiques of Snyder, interesting as he may be, IS a "YALE-groomed" U.S.-based historian...
His view was questioned by Marlene Laruelle, Research Professor at The George Washington University:
Contrary to [Snyder's] claims, the Kremlin does not live in an ideological world inspired by Nazi Germany, but in one in which the Yalta decades, the Gorbachev-Yeltsin years, and the collapse of the Soviet Union still constitute the main historical referents and traumas.[34]
NYT, Apr 12th:
A month of terror in Bucha
A mother killed by a sniper while walking with her family to fetch a thermos of tea. A woman held as a sex slave, naked except for a fur coat and locked in a potato cellar before being executed. Two sisters dead in their home, their bodies left slumped on the floor for weeks.
These are the scenes documented by Times reporters and photographers who spent more than a week in Bucha, the city on Kyiv’s outskirts that was occupied by Russian troops for a month.
The evidence suggests the Russians killed recklessly and sometimes sadistically, in part out of revenge. When a defeated and demoralized Russian Army finally retreated from Bucha, it left behind a grim tableau: bodies of dead civilians strewn on streets, in basements and in backyards, many with gunshot wounds to their heads, some with their hands tied behind their backs.
Quotable: “They shot everything,” said Anatoly Rodchenko, a retired high school physics teacher. “They shot at houses. They shot a woman on the street. They shot at dogs.”
not saying NO atrocities are happening...
But NYT is probably about as ONE-sided ( and state-aligned ) as RT when it comes to describing a war situation. The US has big stakes + agenda in this game apparently, so one should be extremely cautious about how NYT portrays anything about this conflict ! Important to remember how they have covered other wars like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, etc. ! ( Full of misinformation ) !
___________________________________________________________________ end
April 1st
no joke !
*** Our 100th EPISODE ***
live stream aus der Regenbogen Fabrik
19:00h (CET) til ? late
So we are assembling some special occasion(s) celebrating our slave to the not-so-funny rhythm ...
A more public event will be happening the following weekend - possibly at Moos Fabrik - for the *101th* episode.
But meanwhile we are inviting all our beautiful comrades who have contributed and supported us these last 2 troubling years... to stop in and drink some bubbly with us at teh Rbogen...
And for anyone who has got some important alerts/ announcements to share you are always welcome to drop in and take the MIC during the friday shows... we are an outpost for Radikal KIEZ news ... along with our strange XLterrestrials analysis... and always killer Musica from the XLT ARCHIVES. Always collecting the good Bits, and weclome to share what's on your radio / music radar with us...
Read this morning there is a new Red Hot Chili Peppers album out...
Delta 5 - See The Whirl ( 1981 )
Au Pairs - Sense and Sensuality (1982 )
Sudden Infant - Buddhist Nihilist ( 2018 )
+ Wölfli's Nightmare ( 2014 ) + +
Steven Jesse Bernstein - Prison ( 2011 )
GRK ALERT >> April 1st - No Joke ! *** Our 100th EPISODE *** live stream aus Btropolis 19h CET til ? late... Turning the world leftsides up, since A.C.19 #freeradio #kieznews #widerstandskultur #antiOligarchs #NoNations #StepAcrossTheBorders >> Tune In: https://pads.ccc.de/grk
on twitter:
Your INPUTS here>
_______________________________________________________ !!!
March 25:
( we are not sure about 2nite's program, as we have allowed soem comrades to use the Rbogen space , and do not know if we will have a stream location 2nite )
In local KIEZ news ... 2 years since Meuterei's eviction... Event / Kundgebung ... 2day at their former location in Reichenbergerstr still boarded up and unused... ( and after at Rbgen Cafe supposedly ) ... https://stressfaktor.squat.net/node/211835
March 18:
19h CET til ? late
GRK ep. 98:
Eastblock: the Interzones, between the Occupiers !
Xlt archives of Ostblock Musika
mit dj Podo Zsupo
( incl. Yuri Gurzhi - Rotfront - compilations
i.e.Borsch Division )
And possible special guests to share some musika from the East Interzones
While there's a ton of themes for XLT analysis, we may go easy, and stick to the musical territories... but we will have to play it by ear.
AND we return to the RegenbogenFabrik after some weeks absence.
Feel free to drop by, if yur in the Kiez !
If you want some interesting analysis of the UKR situations, we recommend the threads on Nettime. It got a little heated over there !
And if you want to join the XLT on Tgram,
write us an email, and if you arent someone we havent met IRL, we might ask you a bit about what you are doing for other possible worlds.
GRK 97:
Soli 4 UKr via CDPV
( club der polnischen versager )
the band Stan Zawieszenia ( State of Suspense )
PL ballads, Lieder, covers, etc.
5 or 6 member ensemble
And perhaps after we will chat w. the Btropolis polish community to hear what expletives they have for the Putin Gang...
Links for analysis, perspectives, actions, solidarity:
March 4
GRK ep.no.96
War, What Is It Good For ?!
GRK ep.no.95
A **Solidarity Days** special stream
from the Moos Fabrik
starting at 16:00h CET til ? late
More info on the event:
We will try and give an overview of the weekend contents...
and we will be set up in the caravan/ wagen in the Moos Hof, next to the circus tent and the fire pit. And we are open for people to drop in and chat with us, and tell us what they are up to help build the solidarity networks.
The XLterrestrials we also do a PechaKucha ( sometime between 19-22 ) in the new Saal space. Our theme for that is :
**Soli Media Activism in the times of a cybernetic regime + Guineapigdom
So 20 slides x 20 sec per shot
(slightly longer than a lightning talk)
to explain media activism + strategies NOW... . ...
The XLT will run thru a quick flyby about the silly things we have gotten ourselves into in order to try and give alien analysis and a community voice in the perpetual storms of krapitalism, oiligrachy and ecocide ! ... To do that we will try to provide a glimpse of techno-colonialism and the exacerbated social dilemmas immersed in the cybernetic regimes + guineapigdom. That is to say, both the mediated and terrestrial landscapes are deeply fucked ! And yet we can and must orgnize oursleves and our communities to build islands of solidarity and maybe even whole revolutions, should they not be severed and crushed prematurely by the ubiquitous control society. That is to say we currently exist as pirates + rebel art organisms up shit creek without a secure paddle, but alas we will hunt for and hack our way out of the labyrinths of predatory technodystopias and unite to build bridges to Other possible worlds !
During the GRK stream, we will obviously try and expand on this idea of how to use the over-mediated landscapes in these complex and entangled times.
Your thoughts, themes,ideas, resources
Add HERE >>>
Another old white man has started a war in Europe. Global shellfishness quota pegging unbearable.
one could argue that this latest war of krapitalism and oligarchs started along time ago. US empire + NATO meddling played a significant part as aggressors in this new disturbing conflict !
Note: there is also a group doing a digital mirror (presumably audio+visual ) of the events here:
You can join the space with this link: https://app.joynt.works/?id=33a84f37-8718-4955-8404-d2022cb78ac6
We are taking a break THIS WEEK ( 18.2 )
BUT will return on FEB25th for a special collaboration with the * LIVING SOLIDARITY DAYS* conference/event at the Moos Fabrik Space.
See more info here:
And more streams from new spaces in March !
i.e. the Polish Kultur Klub
19:00h CET start time
GRK ep.no.94:
Possible Futures Unwritten !
We continue this week with more from Franko Berardi's (aka Bifo ) incredible ( Pandemic ) analysis in The Third Unconscious ...
( the autistic times of the viral info+psycho-spheres )
For more from last week, scroll down for a few notes...
and the book is downloadable here:
Here's the Epub downloadable version, if anyone interested ... https://theoryreader.org/2022/01/25/the-third-unconscious-by-franco-berardi
... and always killer soundtracks for the Possible Futures Unwritten !
2nite w/ special guest dj Cat-o-tonic !...
more Topics ?
coming soon.
Got some musik or topic suggestions....
>>> Add here:
Antifa alert!!!
Newest neo-Nazi weapons: truck fog horns and clouds of diesel exhaust, oh my!
is that the same Guardian that continues to bash jeremy corbyn at every opportunity ? i would look for better sources of information !
19:00h CET start time
GRK ep.no.93: ** The Psycho-Sphere in The Viral Age **
with dj Podo Zsupo
1. The Third Conciousness - The Psycho-Sphere in The Viral Age
by Franco “Bifo” Berardi ...
the founder of the pirate radio station Radio Alice in 1976. One of the most prominent members of the Italian movement Autonomia, Berardi worked closely with the French psychoanalyst Félix Guattari throughout the 1980s. Since the early 1990s, much of his theoretical work has focused on the relationship between psychopathology, information technology and capitalism.
Here's the Epub downloadable version, if anyone interested ... https://theoryreader.org/2022/01/25/the-third-unconscious-by-franco-berardi
The first chapter begins brilliantly with the collaboration that never really happened between William Burroughs, PK Dick and Ridley Scott... "Blade Runner" was the title that Scott and his hired hacks slapped onto his Hollywood Mess, but was actually already the name of short story by WSB about a strange epidemic of a contagious cancer ! Of course most of us probably know the movie that got made. But both the short story / script from 1979 and PKD's sci-fi novell ( Electric Sheep ) from 1968 were way too dark + radical for a commercial blockbuster... and so what we got on the screens was a soft boiled egg. And so Bifo revisiting these original materials is quite a fascinating preface for a book about our current nightmare dystopias ( repressed desire + imagination ) unfolding, and with some strategies of a 3rd Unconciousness and poetic resistance as a possible way out !
to be cont.
19:00h CET start time
GRK ep.no.92:
"Solidarity Days to redirect our Fractured Times"
w/ special guests from Moos Fabrik
Tomek, Jacob and friends
possible Topics:
- creating the Solidarity Days event - at the Moosdorf Fabrik, an inspiring new community-building node in Treptow
- Re-imagining Life + Work, Mind + Body in Multiple Crises Times
- circus arts as social interventionism and embodied caring and outside-the-box praxis
- alt. education programs for Youth and YA and rebel teachers
- Disobedience School ( i.e. from Labofii )
- arts and activism ( revisited )
- Everything Must Change !
( the title of a fairly new book from Srecko Horvat and Renata Avila, a bunch of interviews in pandemic times/situations from OrBooks.com )
- (resistance) Culture in the midst of Viral Pandemic Fears
- freeing space
- https://freeingspace.com/
- https://roarmag.org/essays/freeing-space-building-worlds-outside-of-state-and-capital/
more coming soon
Some great new musika from our comrades at the Club der P.V.:
Leszek Możdżer plays Komeda, Maciej Maleńczuk from Homo Twist, Siekiera - Nowa Aleksandria ( 1986 ), Jak punk to punk compilation Vol.2 (2006 ), Charles Mingus (1963 ), Izabela Trojanowska, Obywatel G.C. - Citizen G.C. - Selekcja (1993), Voo Voo Z Kobietami (2003), Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band - Between My Head And The Sky (2009), Terranova w/ Alex Hacke - Close The Door (1999), etc...
Share some topics, thoughts, kiez alerts. etc. >>>
Antifa alert!!! Achtung: Holocaust deniers!!!
Germanic people behaving badly: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/27/paraguay-german-speaking-covid-denialists-settlement-new-paradise
a Kennedy behaving badly: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jan/25/robert-f-kennedy-jr-vaccine-anne-frank plus
In terms of Pandemic analysis, the XLterrestrials might be a little more concerned with " (so-called- ) democracies in decay" , state overreach managing + controlling borders + cities in new ways ( biometric i.d.s), shock doctrines, Big Pharma + Corporate structures managing non-solutions, and blocking patent-free medicines for the global south, etc.
Here were some posts sent to us via other channels today:
very inspiring story of how cooperation wins out over the worst kind of hegemonic aggression and exclusion: https://www.democracynow.org/2022/1/27/cuba_beat_covid_despite_us_embargo
and from last week:
JAN. 21
GRK ep.no. 90 + 91
Who's Afraid Of A Big Left Wolf ?
( ( in pandemic times ) )
19h CET
Lots of Musik, maybe some analysis, maybe some screams
( contact us if u want the Deep L eng translation file )
Decolonizing Science:
Covid’s lesson: When anxious, isolated and hopeless, we’re less ready to think critically
- by Jonathan Cook, 2022 Jan 6
- https://www.jonathan-cook.net/blog/2022-01-06/lesson-covid-critical-thinking/
Call For Papers
CfP: Critical reflections on pandemic politics: left-wing, feminist and anti-racist critiques
- by [Ingrid Hoofd](https://www.uu.nl/staff/IMHoofd/CV), 2022 Jan 19
- https://nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-2201/msg00023.html
GRK ep.no.90:
Big Brother Science Time
start time: 19h CET
Topics coming SOON !
Postponed !
No GRK show 2nite... we need a break from work and humans.... so we are having easy alien + chill downtime 2nite... enjoy yur nite !
And what's on YOUR Kiez Radar ??
GRK ep.no.89:
The Responsible Anarcho-Spiritualist Overthrow of Evil Assholedom
Pandemia Suspiria Spaghetti
GRK ep.no.88: Dr. Endtimes, or how i learned to stop worrying and love theVaccines Boosters
19h CET til...
1. the new bio-molecular Cold War
1.5 Kusturica's Underground script - a metaphor / parallel universe for NOW
2. Chaos reports
3. G. Maxwell , a spy comes in from the fold
4. Poisoned Pizza Gate
( the memes, the memes )
5. Which Revolution wlll be Tokenized ?
(new one from D. Pinchbeck about crypto )
( a little dissection required )
7. And more MUSIKA from Dr.Unkuenst
Oddity Archive Teil 2
Ideas welcome here >>
schism + unschism from the intersect + Bonfire TV pppl
and older archive on the theme ( not yet the session from RC3 )
Ep.no. 87:
the night of unholy christian consumer-imperialisms
19:00h CET until ?
We are deciding if we will actually do this show... or... take a much needed break .
Standby for confirmation
Confirmed !
Btw, we just got word that:
maldekstra #13
Globale Perspektiven von links: das Auslandsjouis now OUT.
link for PDF coming soon.
print version may also be out at the RLS / Neues Deutschland HQ in Fhain
Got Topics ? >>
musiKa links ? >>
Kiez Alerts ? >>>
your inputs Here >>>>
GRK ep.no.86 :
14-19h CET
( roughly )
Hey Comrades, FYI: the XLterrestrials will be at Moos Market 2mrw. in Treptow - between 2-7pm- ( perhaps not operating that whole time). We will be set up in the covered corner of the Hof, next to the Spaeti + E.Alchemy... We will be streaming Globalista Radio Kit, dj Podo Zsupo w/ the Globo vibes, perhaps chatting with guests on-the-fly inbetween the musika + + PLUS a little CiTiZEN KiNO excerpt > CK#92: A Smorgasbord of Escape Routes / Hacks ( 1. A little about our ongoing Pandemic Mess , 2. some reflection on our C-Kino for Solar Punks collab at CCC-RC3-remote last year, 3. some excerpts from the new Arte Doc : Unterm Radar - Wege aus der digitalen, + 4. a few musika videos from our summer collab w/ UNkraut this summer, and 5. preview of C-KINOs in 2022, etc. ) ...
Happy Holidaze!
check out this wild trailer for the film from JB Carlsen
Santa Action ( 1975 )
ab 19h CET
2nite : GRK ep.no. 85: A tribute to Mass Revolt ! ... featuring a bit or a bunch of Punk Irratia streams outta the basque lands ... radikal nonstop ... w/ interspersed blabberei .
you can tune in already at:
"The Internet was not built for sequencing the human genome ( an ol' tired Rifkin notion, perhaps partially correct), devoloping A.I., downloading or uploading consciouness into the matrix, constructing cybernetic regimes + corporate mousetraps, ponzi schemes uberalles, and surveiling + manipulating human populations everywhere! It is for streaming 24/7 beacons of revolt... like channels such as Punk Irratia... Be Like P.I. ! ... and we might just survive the 21st century with some integrity and our human and/or species dignity ! " dj Podo Zsupo ( from the XLt/GRK/CK collective troll operations center at Regbogenfabrik )
Your topics and Kiez news HERE >>>
Dec. 10 :
GRK ep.no.84:
Deep Fried Hedonist Cyborgism
19h CET until ?
- Short heads-up on 5 volume anarcho-communist book project in search for a livable utopia
-> In the web: https://befreiungvomgeldundeigentum.blackblogs.org/
-> The books (Band 1-5 : https://we.riseup.net/geldundeigentumabschaffen )
- via a new agey channel
Jason Silva ( uber-technotopian ) interviews Erik Davis ( author of Tehcgnosis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGwKge-ivkU
needs ALOT of XLT analysis
watch at your own risk of getting very agitated and/or seduced by the deepfried cyborg hedonists
- anecdots of racist harrassemnt in the Kiez... the incompetent methods of covid controls in the btropolis, or is it ANOther Agenda at work?!
-upcoming housing events ! fighting forced evictions.
to be cont.
Dec. 3 :
GRK ep.no.83
the art + revolution of everyday life ( now or never )
19h CET til ?
- We Are Nature Defending Itself book
and reflections on Labofii + Zad on tour
( laboratory of insurrectionary imagination )
-Envisioning Space conference ( reflections )
- About the Unciv List
( with special guests ? )
-Revisting the Dark Mountain manifesto from 2010, and
a new substack article from Paul Kingsworth
- Trauer March Demo on Sunday, Dec 5
against displacement, forced evictions....
and soli for the housing struggles
- Another RC3 Chaos Congress, online only, and more decentralized
( but, will anyone be resisting this cubicle-ization of everyday life ?? )
...to be cont.
ADD YOUR thoughts, ideas, news items, alerts HERE >>>>>
Excellent commentary on vaccine cross-contamination: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1MlE4r1RSI
hahaha. i admit, that's funny !
But here is some really good journalistic cross-examination of Big Pharma's not-so-comedy narratives :
Cory Doctorow ( Xlt caution: one of the ultimete tech solutionists )... writes about the Cuban Vaccines and one of Big Pharmas biggest fuckups ( or fuckOvers ) and Omicron variant ! .... some useful things here perhaps. ... https://pluralistic.net/2021/11/28/somos-cuba/
OOoof, we were warned by a couple friends, and sent an incredibly messy article by Paul Kingsworth for the Guardian... and we will likely drop this material from our GRK topics. It is just so difficult to untangle the few good parts from the mostly insane parts !
I'm not happy with this. You imply too much with no backup. Please quote the "insane" parts, or at least reference whatever it is you are talking about. Otherwise it's just sraight up blatant demafation. The article is not even "messy". If anything it's "honest".
Like, for example, this?:
no, nothing like that, for example. One thing is pretty a pretty serious discussion of the state of environmentalism movement, and "the left", the other is sensationalist media for selling shit "journalism".
New topic:
- the new book by Carola Rackete
The Time to Act Is Now - A call to combat environmental breakdown -
It's available for free !
Nov.26 :
GRK ep.no.82
Snakes and Ladders + Walls, Motes and Hierarchies
19h CET til ?
PLEASE NOTE: The Cafe will not be open to the public. We have to assess the sitaution further to know how we can navigate the new pandemic measures/rules.
If you are particpating in the radio program, you are welcome to be a part of the working group and join us at the studio. Email us ( see contact above) and let us know you are coming.
Tonite"s themes:
- Housing is a Human Right, and we will fight when you fuck with our rights ! Updates on Germany's Ampfel coalition, and how it affects housing, and the rights to our city !
- H48 Demo on sat. Nov.27
Wir fordern #WohnungenFürAlle statt dem weiteren #AusverkaufDerStadt! Demo: MORGEN #b2711 14 Uhr #h48, #Hermannstraße 48 in #Neukölln
March to Kotti !
- Refugees drowning in the Channel
the current situations at Calais. and other news from the refugee fronts.
- Solidarity vs. the Ant Mills of obedience
( with references to Graeber and Wengrow"s new book The Dawn of Everything )
- Fuck thanksgiving, the colonizers' myth making !
- strange encounters with artists
and a tribute for a passing friend of G's in London.
- to be cont.
YOUR thoughts, kiez bits, news + alerts
GRK ep.no. 81:
mystical preposterous and all Copped out !
!9h CET til ?
PLEASE NOTE: The Cafe will not be open to the public. We have to assess the sitaution further to know how we can navigate the new pandemic measures/rules.
XLt analyst:
Wir sind nicht so bereit ( nor convinced ) data + ausweiss + gesundheits kontrol zu machen, mittendrin in einen Class War.
__ ___ ____
- the new book- The Dawn Of Everything - from D. Wengrow + D. Graeber
great interview / report here:
- 26 copped out
vijay prashad on the uberised farmlands + technological power grabs
" remind(ing) us that technology is not neutral; technology is a part of the class struggle. "
- report from Soundwatch#5 fest
music from A.E. Bizottság ( hungary ) + Ag Geige ( Karl Marx Stadt )
- the 2g measures + situations in Btropolis
contribute YOUR topics and suggestions and alerts here
GRK ep.no.80: Welcome to the new Schmutzige "Quango" Circus Times !
image/theme: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ae/eb/43/aeeb4373613cf118c97ae3b821a749a7.jpg
- news from Cop26:
* warning, do not read this before ( or after) breakfast.
stay tune, we will try to have some cheerier elements for 2nite's program.
to be cont.
YOUR news roundup +/or inspirations here >>>>>>>
Chakras, crystals and conspiracy theories: how the wellness industry turned its back on Covid science --
And on a lighter note, excellent commentary on ivermectin and the like:
No, this commentary is horseshit. Either totally stupid clickbait, or part of a campaign. The background of this until now especially big success in the campaign against Ivermectin is shown in this article: https://rescue.substack.com/p/horse-bleep-how-4-calls-on-animal
While the article states that the nytimes reported false statistics which were propmptly corrected. The point of the video above, is that people trust their filter bubble and then use de-licers for treating corona instead of vaccines.
GRK ep.no.79:
Climate aUction NOw !? ( or Are all COP summits bastards ?! )
topics :
- Cop26 analysis
(stands for "Conference of the Parties" ... or Plunderers )
Tricontinental reports -
and more resources coming.
-Regenbogen Kino film series -
„Freiräume für Selbstorganisierung schaffen, gestalten und verteidigen“
- an XLT Guide to ... keeping cultural + public spheres alive in the Military Industrial Hamster Cage Complex times ( Metaverse, my Ass ! )
to be cont.
Add your suggestions, resources etc. HERE>>
GRK Ep.No.78
TrenMaya + Colonialism 3.0 + Indigenous Resistance
19h CET til late
Sometime after 21:30 we expect to have guests from the Berlin GiraPorLaVida and the CNI (Congreso Nacional Indígena - Mexiko)
For More Info:
Gira Por La Vida Berlin Crew + Recherche AG des Netz der Rebellion
recherche "tren maya": https://www.ya-basta-netz.org/tren-maya-made-in-germany/
telegram: https://t.me/Reise_Zapatistas_Berlin
twitter: https://twitter.com/BerlinGira
blog: https://reiseporlavida.noblogs.org/
We will discuss the fight against the Mayan Train, the Zapatista resistance and the context for our struggles against neoliberliam uberalles and our endangered planet and ways of life.
With lots of new Globalista Musik as well !
to be cont.
IF you have important items or news alerts, announcements to share...
Add your bits HERE >>>
GRK ep.no. 77:
Soli mit Schlurf
Anti-Te-Fa !
( Not the same fascism of the 2oth century )
Unfortunately our collab with Schlurf cafe crew has been cancelled/postponed. But "we" are anyway assembling a bunch of Hot Topics for GRK 2mrw., and with the weather shift it might be a good nite to do an especially chatty + ranty version with lots of XLT analysis, let's see. As usual it will be a play-it-by-ear+mood episode.
On the XLt Radar:
1. Zapatistas Gira Por La Vida - cont. - a recap of their visit in Btropolis and upcoming action on 30.10 re: The Mayan Train, and their other EU destinations
2. The Pandemic Abyss isn't our biggest nightmare !
Biometric I.D.s Are! :
3. The Schlurfs + Zazous antifa youth in Wien + Paris 1930/40s
4. the upcoming Cop26 in Glasgow
5. Remembering key highlights from Cop25 in Paris
6. Defining Techno-Facisms
7. The Kopiplatz eviction stories
8. 22.10 - Soli for goldene Hahn Bar ( heini-Platz ) at Zielona Gora which was brutally attacked by the Po on Tag X nite.
9. Excellent report on the grim state of media in the Covid Controlled Times:
Excellent commentary on ivermectin and the like:
10. Getting evicted from the M-Fuckerbook ! And XLt ideas for paying it all Back !
ADD more HERE>>>>
to be cont.
Xtra Notes:
30.10 > Maya Tren Demo
Together on 30.10 on the street against ecocide and displacement worldwide! From Lützerath to Yucatan - From Berlin to Kurdistan!
The #TrainOfDestruction is digging a swath through the last great rainforest of Central America. The #megaproject brings environmental destruction and #humanrights violations. And the #DB is profiting with it!
We can stop it! >>> 30.10, 4 pm, Nordbahnhof Berlin
Oct 15.
GRK ep.no.76:
Rettet Die Kiez ! Koepi Bleibt !
more into coming soon !
Cafe open, roughly from 18-23h
#KöpiBleibt #DefendKöpi #b1510 ...
Live tickers for Kopi eviction : https://kopibleibt.aktionsticker.org/
+ on twitter https://twitter.com/demo_ticker
Friday Oct.8
GRK Alert > We will be taking a break from the GRK livestream 2day in order to give our full attention to the Demonstration with the Zapatistas ! And so the Cafe will also be closed tonite.
Info on the demonstrations/actions in Btropolis:
>> Kampf für das Leben!
Besuch der Zapatistas in Berlin
Demonstration gegen die Todesmaschinerie des kolonialen Kapitalismus
Fr 08.10.
Seedemo auf der Spree: (Es wird zu dezentralen Aktionen auf den Brücken
14:45 Beginn Wasserdemo ggü. Holzmarkt /Schillingbrücke
15:30/16:00 Uhr Kundgebung vor dem Humboldt Forum
17 Uhr anlanden am Anleger Marschallbrücke/ggü. ARD-Hauptstadtstudio
also here:
Friday Oct.1st
GRK ep.no.75:
The Zapatistas Are Landing ! ( Part 1 )
19:00h (CET) begin / intro
19:30h Discussion with guests
21:30h Soli Music from The Global South ( mix )
Incl. the incredible new Lucha Amada benefit compilation
o - now available :
Regenbogen Cafe is semi-open, with limited outdoor seating, the public is welcome. Inside will be for radio guests only.
Stream link:
This program WILL be ARCHIVED ! Link will be posted here on the Chaos pad, but we also encourage you to join the livestream, and participate here in the chat.
We will be joined by some guests from the Berlin Coordination of La Gira por la Vida to learn more about what the Zapatista delegation brings to Europe, having finally managed after some unusual obstacles to gather - in full - in Austria 2 weeks ago.And Germany is their next stop !
The indigenous communities of the EZLN began to organize quietly in the 1980s to dare an uprising against capitalism, patriarchy and colonialism on Jan. 1, 1994. During that time president Carlos Salinas de Gortari was pushing a neoliberal turn in Mexico with actions like revising Article 27 in Mexico's revolutionary constitution from 1917 which protected native communal landholdings or ejidos from sale or privatization. Anticipating the consequences the EZLN declared war on the Mexican state on January 1, 1994 among other things to protest the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) implementation.
Since then, they have been implementing their ideas of a world where many worlds fit into self-organization on a daily basis and building international solidarity networks. In 2021, the Zapatistas decided to embark on a journey to reconquer Europe and meet with hundreds of collectives from the left and below. Europe will only be the first stop of a worldwide Journey for Life.
Following this call groups, collectives and individuals from different movements and organizations all around Europe have united to organize the Journey for Life (#LaGiraZapatistaVa). The political consensus of this organization process is expressed in the common Declaration for Life. In Germany we call us the Network of Rebellion (#NetzDerRebellion).
The Berlin Coordination has been organizing with great enthusiasm a welcoming program that includes spaces for exchange amongst collectives and people fighting for refugees and undocumented migrants rights, against police and state repression, against megaprojects and extractivism, building urban autonomic structures as well as resisting from the arts, to name a few.
In the framework of their visit in company of indigenous representatives from the Consejo Nacional Indígena (CNI) & Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra y el Agua (FDPTA) in Berlin, we are calling to participate (in person and digitally) at the great march against the capitalist death machine on Friday, October 8, accross Berlin-Mitte.
In good old manner, we will start our reconquest by boat landing at the Marschallbrücke / ARD-Hauptstadtstudio at 4:00 pm to continue marching through the greedy heart of our beloved city to Potsdamer Platz. Stops will include places where a few determine and compromise the fate of the entire planet. We'll march fearlessly against the lethal giants of Bayer-Monsanto, Deutsche Bahn and Heckler&Koch, and many more.
Join the resistance!
More on: www.ya-basta-netz.org
Financial support welcome!
- Berin Coordination -
Konto: Zwischenzeit e.V. (gemeinnütziger Verein)
IBAN: DE91 4306 0967 0033 5767 00 / BIC: GENODEM1GLS
Stichwort: “Spende Delegation Zapatistas”
- GRK -
AND if you would like to support our local KIEZ media station:
GRK project at the Regenbogenfabrik, contact us at Podinski's email ( above ), and ask us how. We also now accept alternative currencies like CIRCLES.
Possible topics / guiding questions / analysis
More coming soon !
And send us any thougths or questions you have there...
We wish to create our "Kiez" media platform as a PARTICIPATORY node !
(( i )) - style.
in Soli,
The XLterrestrials
YOUR thoughts / inputs HERE >>>>
ep. no. 74 Whale Party Partei !
arrrrgh, that election really sucked !
kinda like we knew it would ;)
Ep.no.73 : What TIME is it ??!
19h CET - til late
Regenbogen Cafe, semi-open until 23h
( tables outside )
Possible Topics:
Part 1
- Vandana Shiva on Bill Gates' Monopolies/Empires
( and a very controversial article that we will NOT link here, because we are still investigating its author, and assessing if it is information we are willing to defend + support )
- Superbooth 2021 at the FEZ Berlin
- Pi Radio and Radio Woltersdorf streams from Superbooth
- Nikolas Cruz at Funkhaus last weds.
- Regenbogen Andy's Cafe Gespraech with Frans from the banned *Radikal* magazine ( streamed on sept. 16th )
Live stream LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLRmBD7PGFc
Part 2
- new article from Daniel Pinchbeck on the Actual Climate War !
- Andreas Malm vs. Roy Scranton ( on Anthropocene issues )
- Fridays For Future is back ! Sept.24th is A BIg One !
- Stanislaw Lem 100th birthday !
( exhibition currently in Potsdam at Rechenzentrum )
- happy B Day K.Kino !!
- etc.
Do YOU have some topics for us to REPORT + DISCUSS
Add your NEWS here>>>
Ep.no. 72 :
"5,000 ways to Kill a Landlord"
20h CET til c.midnite
We might get a late start 2day due to rain... and stuff.
- Report back from CK91
( clips + excerpts )
- LinaBraakeBank news
- 11.9 Mietenwahnsinn DEmo
- Zodiak program at HAU
- Vaccine mandates coming ??
( see Heise.de articles )
- Climate news
- XLt now on Gitlab
- Sept. 11
- the failed war on terror and everything else that was on the wrong track ( kinda like the pandemic eh? )
at Insel Der Jugend, Treptow
XLterrestrials present
CiTiZEN KiNO ( #91) : “Re-embodied Music + Praxis“
In this episode we navigate a variety of films + clips about artists using music for social change, revolution, healing and/or cultures of resistance. As Fela Kuti once famously said from the epicenter of one of Nigeria’s brutal regimes, “Music is a weapon !“ Of course music can be many others things, but in our own severely troubled times with global-scale chaos unfolding, perhaps we could use some wild inspiration from those who have wielded their artistry and radical concepts as deeply engaged political action! This show is also our tribute to Ton Steine Scherben, the legendary anarchist rock collective, whose fierce art still permeates the movements for solidarity and autonomous zone cultures.
CiTiZEN KiNO is a series of situationist-like interventions, an expanded cinema that mixes + hacks film, mass media, performance, social gatherings and the public sphere
at Insel Der Jugend, Treptow
( in the harbor, beside the foot of the bridge that leads to the island )
A collaboration with Unkraut Kollectiv’s Boat
Start time is punctual !
20:30 - Intro to the C-KiNO project
21:00 - the main CK#91 playlist
Donations welcomed !
Ep.no. 71 : Re-embodied Musix + Poitics
19h CET
Cafe open until 23h
so if yur in Kberg, come stop by
have a drink and support the KIEZ MEDIA !
Lots of possible topics, we will try to write more about here...
1. C-KINO has a new date scheduled with Unkraut Kollectiv
perhaps the last chance this year to experience guerilla KIno as open air cinema.... we will discuss our topic for the show: (Dis-)Embodied Music + Politics : A Tribute to Ton Steine Scherben
( Sept. 7 at Insel der Jugend, Treptow. 20:30h ( intro ) 21:00 film clips )
2. The Telegram Platform, and its owners Nikolai and Pavel Durov
an intro discussion. XLt perspectives, as newbies on the channel.
3. Adam Tooze article+discussion on Nettime
Covid and the crisis of neo-liberalism
by Adam Tooze https://www.theguardian.com/profile/adam-tooze
The Guardian, Thursday 2 Sep 2021
4. Climate Summit in Glasgow coming up...
5. A report back from our Radical Fim Network experiences
6.etc, to be cont.
ADD your news + topic + music suggestions+links HERE >>>
We might decide to take a break with the GRK stream 2nite... and work and do research at the Radical Film Network 2nite instead... gonna play it by ear.
Check the full schedule HERE:
Here is an interesting trailer for a film called Grief by Andrea Culkova .. who i think speaks 2day... and will be on our panel 2mrw..... https://vimeo.com/395125093
Aug 20
GRK ep.no.70:
"The River of Creative Returns"
19h til Late ( CET )
We will discuss the Unkraut Kollevtiv in Btropolis, and our upcoming C-Kino collaboration with them on Thurs. Aug. 26th.
And lots going on, so we will be posting more topics sooooooon !
We are working on our CiTiZEN KiNO #91 ( Aug.26 ) - a tribute to TSS - and just realized that today is Rio Reiser's todestag 20.8.96 ...
Some very fresh Musika being featured on 2nite's show:
Mark Stewart and the Pop Group "Y in Dub" 2021>> https://popgroup.bandcamp.com/album/y-in-dub
KingLMan with Dave Watts from Fun Da Mental >> https://kinglman.bandcamp.com/album/headonix-3?fbclid=IwAR2xxO1klCOC0XBXpI1Hgzb95T97xkMXRvO29B4o9vH5AG1D9zh-y_BodFM
Amy Denio Soundtrack Cunegonde Femme Crampon >>> https://amydenio.bandcamp.com/track/soundtrack-cunegonde-femme-crampon?fbclid=IwAR20XxLqZJtxic-4mCQxwf0Ez1m467jNb2sLHU85Q6lKCL-yCofg70jvrrw
Also the incredible Lucha Amada has a fundraising 'kickstarter' to put out his 3rd benefit compilation ( for Zapatists and Rojava )
lucha amada
Aug 13
Friday the 13th special:
GRK ep.no.69:
Stab in the Streaming Dark
19-24h CET Cafe/station semi-open for the public
chairs and tables and a speakerfeed of the LIVE show out on the terrace ( distance advised, warm friendly + embodied presence requested )
with dj/xj Mobo Podo on the schnews and tunes and kiez strategies
A list of suggested topics coming sooon...
Fell free to add some of your own... got any really good news for a change !?
We got one unusual item, so far :
1. Choriner 12 ! it looks like a HAUS in Pberg fought HARD for their rights to buy and control their own HOME... ( vorverkauf recht ) and the owner ( new buyer ) is conceding to their demands ( more or less ) ! LETS TALK ABOUT THAT ! Activism WORKS when appropriately + generously ;) + radically APPLIED !
your tales HERE >>>>
more good news:
2. Aug 26 Citizen Kino is coming back IN STyle !
A collaboration with the Unkraut Kollectiv, and amphibian version experiment on and and sea/see ... somehwere on the SPREE... location to be announced SOON.
Aug. 6 > GRK ep.no.68:_______ as yet untitled
wild provocative ideas + radical news items welcomed !
and LINKS for some freshy fresh summer groooves always appreciated too!
Add Your Bits HERE >>>>>
some possible items for 2nite:
- The Children of Line 3 ( Brian Holmes post on nettime )
about sci-fi writer KMS, the current pipelene protests in Minnesota, and a pretty ferocious climate activist + academic Andreas Malm
- Plastique Fantastique theater / installation piece at Haus Der Statistik this weekend called #StayOut
- Report back from the Circles Assembly + Market in Btropolis
- conversation on SlowTech list about Zuckerfucker + the "METAVERSE"
( also related to the Cyborg "Hype" + Disruptions the last couple decades )
- The EZLN + Zapatista EU Tour updates...
- Music from A L'arme Festival. discussions on deep tech in music. "disembodied music"
- Upcoming bits on the Housing + Anti-gentrification struggles
i.e. Kiez-Kundgebung 14.08 14h-20h in der Raumerstr, at Kiez Kultur
and a screening of Mietrebellen on 11.8 um 20h at Helmiplatz
- Corona Narratives - updates...
vaccine passports, bio-molecular borders, etc.
Nasal Vaccines updates.
30.Juli ~~ Ep.no.67 ~~ Art in the Age of Bio-Molecular Borders
19h CET start time, til ? ( we may end around 23h tonite for our own amusement rides ).
Some (possible ) topics
( for a lazy summer day )
- new music from acts performing this weekend at A L'Arme Festival in Radial System
- The Current Thing
v.1 + v.2 out NOW:
- upcoming Housing Actions in Btropolis
and we got some killer stickers for the big Housing Action Day 11.9 2021... So come by the cafe and get some, and stay for a beer or 2 :)
- XLT Bad Dreams analyzed live by our in-house multiple personalities
- some OTHER stuff, we will maybe remember
23.Juli ~~ Ep.no.66 ~~ Economic Hoodoo
19h CET start time, til LATE.
Our GRK crew is busy with collaborations at the Lina Braake Bank project on Karl Marx Allee. On THURSDAY, July 22, dr. Podinski and Julio Linares ( from the CIRCLES Project ) will be presenting a discussion about MONEY, DEBT, POLITICS, HOUSING STRUGGLES, PSYCHOMAGIC and CULTURES OF RESISTANCE...
More Info HERE: https://www.lina-braake-bank.com/
All welcome to join ! ( this is NOT a stream )
ON this friday's GRK show, we will continue discussing the conundrums + complexities of the MONEY themes...
And Play lots of money+banking THEMED music TRACKS from the likes of Die Goldenen Zitronen, N.A.S.A., Public Enemy, Lyapis Trubetskoy, David Byrne, Negativeland, Ton Steine Scherben, Die Incredible Herrengedeck, Pink Floyd ( covers ), etc...
Feel free to SUGGEST tracks on the theme !
We also have an amazing playlist gathered for our upcoming CiTiZEN KinO episode #90: Economic Voodoo ( Part 2 ) - Date TBA - like some incredible David Graeber lectures, excerpts from Lucio - The Film and Peter Watkins La Commune, Paris 1871... and Cryptopia - Bitcoin Blockchains And The Future Of The Internet ( 2020 ) by Torsten Hoffmann
If you would like a CK90 work-in-progress PLAYLIST, write to us at the contact at/near the Top of this PAD.
And if ya got a second... PLEASE share the GRK URL + CHAOS PAD link to any of your comrades who appreciate TACTICAL MEDIA + KIEZ NEWS + GLOBALISTA MUSIK. thx !!
Your THOUGHTS, links and resources for the themes + sounds here >>>
16.Juli ~~ Ep.No.65 : Pay It All Back !
Title plundered from the brilliant On-U-Sound compilations.
We got a crazy batch of new stuff from archivist + Dj Herr Ungrund...
Topics are being assembled.
Always too many things to babble about... it's picking which ones are the most urgent + radical is the tricky part.
We have a nice new arts+praxis meetup on weds. nites, so if u are in Btropolis, write us at podinski email, and we can let ya know where we are. we mention it here, b/c it is also a great place to assemble + bounce ideas for the GRK shows. So welcome to come help us create the content flows.
Some topics:
The Anthropocene-themed show at TOP galerie in NK
Sven Kalden's Lina Braake Bank installation + events
( + new book called Patterns )
We are currently researching our current Financial Trainwrecks, Debt and positive ( direct ) actions like Basic Income for an upcoming Citizen Kino #89: Economic Hoodoo Part 2... ( the sequel of a show we did several years ago, which included some things about Lucio Urtubia - the anarcho- "banker", counterfeiter. )
GRK book alert ! Was hoping to pick up a 2nd hand copy Graeber's 5000 Years of Debt... But instead, found Marget Atwoods 2008 book "Payback"
Interesting angles... with a storytelling writer's mastery... for our C-Kino research for " Economic Hoodoo Part 2" ... But we suspect this might have inspired Graeber to do his more... fighting-the-system + radical- anarcho-antrhopo investigation into the same topic... and historical analysis... a few years later.
YOUR Suggestions, tips, stories, leaks, analysis HERE >>>
9.Juli ~~ Ep.no.64 ~~
Cultural Anxiety + The Evolution of (metaphorical) Monsters
well, we had technical problems last week, so there was NO STREAM, but things are back to full functioning.
So for themes and topics, we will be plundering stuff from our last 2 weeks which we didnt get to, cause we have mostly been spinning music for the outdoor visitors. But 2nite is supposed to be rainy, so a good nite to get into some topical materials... and get chatty, perhaps.
A guest artist, visiting from Copenhagen, might also drop in to tell us what is going on in her worlds.
And we got some good news bits to add to the list:
1. WHOA ! ... David Graeber's Music Library !!! ... ( 17839 tracks. You're viewing the first of 744 pages. ). Thx to Nika Dubrovsky for making this available. This is the kind of ultimate archives treasure hunt that all music-sharing anarcho-radio-pirate-heads will love... and make good use of... ❤ .... expect to hear some of this on the next GRK ep.no. 64... July 9th... https://music.davidgraeber.org/
2. "Cryptocurrencies’ dream of escaping the global financial system is crumbling " - Quinn Slobodian .... some interesting analysis... https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/jul/05/cryptocurrencies-financial-system-digital-future
OR.. search for news on "cashless society".
3. " Internet Speech Will Never Go Back to Normal"
opps. isn't that kind of blatant china bashing propoganda a source for pointless conflict? sorry, but dear godess that article is just one terrible (erroneous) statement after another. not even fit for toilet paper. I really find the atlantic hard to put my finger on. Always feels like absolute lies peddled as absolute truth. or somesuch.
4. Btropolis Artists take on the Antrhopocene Themes at TOP galerie in NK
"Leviathan: A Capitalocene Beastiarium |"
( Note: artists talks on Sunday - 11.4 )
Add some NEWS here >>>>
2.Juli ~~ Ep.no.63 ~~ (dis)embodied musik, sound + politics... cont.
We may start a bit late 2nite to visit the opening of the Lina Braake Bank project on Karl Marx Allee...
And we will be reporting on that later in the evening on the livestream around 21h CET
Lots of new musika too:
from Yat Kha, Pancho Balkanic Factory feat. Ben Dito, Cedrik Fermont ( remixed )... usw.
+ other possible news items:
1. Sound + Cellular research
2. Updates on the Kiez Resistance
Choriner12 and other houses fighting for their rights against the speculators
3. report back from last week"s demo/trauermrasch for Peter Hollinger, Kberg musician (rip)
4. Citizen Kino is back with a new program , tribute to Tone Steine Scherben
5. The Music of Jon Hassel ( rip ) and a rare interview describing his process and techniques and objectives... 4th world compositions
6. The life of synthesizer pioneer and sonic visionary Peter Zinovieff
( r.i.p )
Add your own topics and suggestions, links, resources
And if we get around to it... we will start posting GRK shows on this new events platform>
( created and recommended by SlowTech, Crypto Party and CCC comrades )
June25 ~~ Ep.no.62 ~~ Bodies in Exil ~~
2nite's GRK is a collaboration with Leute Fuer Meute... Regenbogen Cafe is Open for Soli Drinks, (some) Table and Chairs outside ( in the front and in teh Hof ) ... come by ... and support the Kiez Comrades ! Some funds will help support our Kiez Media Initiatives too.
expect some brill XLt + Meute archives w/ dj Podinski Plus Plus
News + Discussion Items:
1. C-KIno # 88: (dis-) Embodied Musik + Politik
( looking for venues and freiluft spots this summer to host us )
2. MietenWahnsinn Demo(s)
Add Your News + Suggestions +/or Musik links Here >>>
June 18
~~ GRK ep.no.61 : Arts Alone aint Gonna Take No Tiger Mountains
( next levels of revolutionary praxis )
19h CET til late
Live aus der RegenbogenFabrik
all alien visitors weclome !
Topics coming soon !
Kiez news items:
0. Choriner12.de + Fete de La Resistance
1. #Rigaer94 + #Fhain + Interkiezionale
2. Lauratibor protest oper ( + XLt analysis )
3. New Events announcement platform from Slow Tech + CCC :
4. new Director announced for HKW - Prof. Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, orig. from Cameroon.
5. The 1st Zapatista delegation has landed in Portugal ! Follow more from the welcoming committee in DE : #NetzDerRebellion / https://www.ya-basta-netz.org
Freundeskreis Videoclips
Unser Video: neues Netzwerk #NetzDerRebellion unterstützt Reise der rebellischen #Zapatistas in Deutschland https://youtu.be/8l_Qpw0W7AM Regionalgruppe Berlin vom "Netz der Rebellion" zur Organisierung der Reise erklärt #LaGiraZapatistaVA #EZLN #CNI #CIG #FPDTAMPT #NetzDerRebellion
Check out the new anti-survy-krapitalist platform for posting + seraching for events in Btropolis:
a new public service from Slow-Tech
Got some KIEZ or Planetary news you want us to "BROADCAST" ...
post more bits HERE >>>>>
adding to the archive tomorrow´s demo: Marcha Lencha in Mexico City. June 19. 2021. Radio Cosmica Libre will be streaming the noise and voices from womxn in the demo and later live music w Chingona Sound from La Cañita.
starting at 13 h (Mexico City Time)
More info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CQO_qfTjC9P/?utm_medium=copy_link
Stream link: http://mensajito.mx:8000/d59579be728b
June 11
~~ GRK ep.60: die Strassen Ärtzte von Btropolis ...
19h CET til spÄt ! ...
#tacticalmedia + #FreeRadio + #streamscheiss + #alienpirates
+ foto: Gustav Klimt Kebab
we will probably get a later start 2nite...
as we will stop by Heini Platz for the
"Unser Platz" konzert
Punk stuff
( and a bit of a protest + kundgebung about whz some ppl are against the pltz being renamed after Rio Reiser from TSS. ( renaming Now postponed )
and more topics to be discussed.
and plentz of TSS Music
If U have important alerts to announce,
Add HERE >>>>>
June 4
GRK ep. 59
Ferocious Cooks
19h (CET) til late
Btropolis is opening back up, slowly...
defintely not returning to any "normal" ... but...
it's summertime, and the streets are sorta back
So we may have tables and chairs out front at Regenbogen to listen to teh Livestream... Not yet confirmed.
Topics being assembled:
- Wuhan Lab Theories
( the relgion of Big Science angle or the "progress trap" as D. Pinchbeck has framed it. )
- Ice Cream Swabs for Everyone ! the XLt theories
( the new rules of This is Not A Game )
- Gentrification stories : The Chroniner Spaeti
( and the call to cornering arms )
- Berlin Autofrei
- Universal Basic Insurrection
( Graeber's Debt book is 10 years old, new edition with a Picketty Forward )
- Max Haiven + friends podcast series
The ReImagining Value Action Lab (RiVAL)
- Updates on Rio Reiser Platz, renaming postponed
- etc.
Feel free to add some!
the Choriner fight
Jonathan (ferocious) Cook:
on Wuhan theory
Interviews with Wu Ming One ( parts 1 + 2 )
Rio Reiser platz
May 28
Grk ep. 58 : A guide to the XLterrestrials and Psychomedia Analysis
19h CET til late
2nite on GRK, we are going back to our ROOTS ... discussing the mysterious origins of the XLterrestrials and the practices of psychomedia analysis....
and improving !
If YOU have any KIEZ news or alerts, interesting topics to cover ...
feed the GRK post box HERE >>>
( LINKS to good stories and big scoops always appreciated )
FEstival Jaqueer 2.0
from 24 May to 26 June.
Info here---> https://bunqueer.jaquerespeis.org/t/festival-jaqueer-2-0/1980
You can also propose activities by signing into the platform.
Please note most of activities will be in Spanish.
I also wanna invite to the talk/workshop: Blochain for Artists
as part of this festival.
This is happening next Wednesday June 2nd, 7pm (Costa Rica Time)
info on the link above =)
to be cont.
May 21
GRK ep. 57 : All Tomorrow's Neutral Technology
19h CET til late
19h music
22h kiez news, topics, analysis
24h unchartered muddy waters
1. Efficiency + Madness
( from Guattari )
Also the title of a downloadable + useful booklet from Tactical Tech
2.diesen sonntag, pfingstsonntag, 23.mai (in 3 tagen)
13 uhr potsdamer platz:
grossdemo gegen mietenwahnsinn und ungedeckelte vertreibung
3. Palestine + Israel, the dreamtime resolutions...
that is the psychomagic solutions.
4. Btropolis in new Corona Summertime Blues + rules
Exberliner gives the breakdown in English
5. Tha Nasal Vaccines...
updates, this not just a Finnish lab project now...
6. Ken Silverstein vs. Glenn Greenwald mess
7. Rushkoff on the (meltdown) digital climate
8. Activism works
Drugstore / Potse - youth center in Btropolis
was about to be evicted this week. The numbers in the streets for demos like TAG X ... has bought them a little more time.
And they have been offered a new space in the Templehofer Airport
( but nothing settled yet )
to be cont.
May 14
Grk ep.no.56: : Oh the sweetness of engineered Efficiency + Madness !
19:00h CET
( mostly musik ? )
news, topics and announcements welcome ...
add Here:
1. Inspring text from J. Jordan ( living the arts+praxis + cultures of resistance at the ZAD ) written for CTM Transmediale 2021:
Sounds + Fury
2. Konrad Zuse and the 1st Computer
Dear unciv and arts + praxis friends...
On the 80th anniversary of the invention of the FIRST Computer in Berlin ( May 12, 1941 ):
As usual missing from this history of Konrad Zuse ( see below ) - the inventor of the 1st Turing-complete Rechner - perhaps the more important part of the story is that while being obsessed with a technological solution of creating a "mechanical brain" ( as it is claimed: to do statistical work in aviation ) he utterly failed to take into account the situations he was living in: an industrialized + predatory + murderous society that was losing its humanity.
Zuse was employed by the 3rd Reich, and was working towards creating the computational mechanisms of what would become guided missiles. Whether the story that he just wanted to resolve the problem of boring calculations is real or made up to obscure these origins of computing as wartime goals is hard to determine. But there is at least one academic who has written critical papers on Zuse, but they are not going to be published ( in FAZ ) on the 80th anniversary... I will try and come back another time to post some links. In short, the more important angle or questions:
A. Was Zuse a soulless idiot Nazi collaborator, and not a genius pioneer !?
B. If the origins of computing is designed for WEAPONRY, how should that understanding effect our relationships to our machines today ?
C. And now, are the dominant technological environments we are so deeply immersed in the fruitful MIC gardens of ever more Efficiency and Madness ?!
From FAZ.net... feel free to read between the lines :
" Wie Konrad Zuse vor 80 Jahren in Berlin den Computer erfand"
( if needed, please use Deep L or other translator )
Tonight on GRK...
Ep.no, 56: Oh, the sweetness of engineered Efficiency + Madness !
XLterrestrial rants will begin around 21h CET
appropriate music starts at 19h...
+ after midnite: unchartered waters
May 7
GRK ep.no.55
19h CET until ?
We will be revisiting some of the topics we didnt speak about last week, PLUS new stuff
- 1.Mai recap
- marc garret on situationism
- pinchbeck on ART now
- OThercinema show on Mayday history, incl. new Submedia TV
- wealth distribution
( taz article re: 1. Mai )
- choriner12.de ( Spati in Pberg under threat )
- degrowth
- UBI themes revisited
article for and against by Leah Gazan
and john Clarke
John Clarke:
- chomsky +
may 71
( democracy now )
What happened on May 1st 1987 in Btropolis
( the regenbogen blog txt )
with video reportage from 1987 re: SO36, the district + the revolt
Globalista News Items:
Good stuff from Shoshana Zuboff yestrday... a summary of the #InternetOfDonuts ?? https://twitter.com/FBoversight/status/1390055476369530883
Zapatista delegates set sail 2day for Europe.... https://www.democracynow.org/2021/5/5/headlines/zapatistas_set_sail_to_europe_to_mark_500_years_of_indigenous_resistance
The news from the resistance + uprising in Colombia
Spotify patents new speech recognition tool and 180 musicians + human rights orgs take a stand
to be cont.
+ ( possible ) NEW Musika from the XLT archives
- Omniversal Earkastra - Le Mali 70
- Pastor Leumond - the remixes
- new Mouse on Mars
- new Der Plan
and concert news:
Abwarts Live(stream ) in So36 - May 13?
April 30
GRK ep.no.54
19h CET until ?
seems like a good time to chat serious about 1.Mai and Revolutionary Struggles...
Some topics below
1. WHat's ON for 1.Mai in Btropolis
LOTS ! See:
2. Tricontinental newletter
Vijay Prashad + crew on DDR histories:
the series from Internationale Forschungsstelle DDR (IF DDR) based in Berlin. Part 1:
3. Walpurgis Nacht
( history )
+ Take Back The Night Demo am Spreewaldplatz (30.4 )
4.a. C19 news:
-India crisis
-Fuck Patented Vaccines !
the Salon article re: Gates
- https://www.democracynow.org/2021/4/29/jayati_ghosh_priya_sampathkumar_india_vaccines
4.b.- The #AllesDichtMachen Media Mess
XLt analysis
5. Chomsky re: DeGrowth
Via Labor Activist in SF Bay Tom Wetzel
via Patrice Riemens
Jason Hickel' s book "Less is More" (2021) just published in Italy under the title (translated) 'We've still (just enough) time, how a new economy can save the planet'
6. Bob Fass and Revolutionary + "Unnameable" Radio
Radio as a tool of the revolution in the 60s, 70s...
and Now ?
more tales of radio pioneer :
7. Daniel Pinchbeck newsletter now on Substack
interesting analysis on
"What Happened to Art?"
( and the disruptive digital environments fx on culture and consciousness )
( note: u can read this article without subscribing )
8. Nachrichten via
The Freien ArbeiterInnen-Union ( FAU ) is an anarcho-syndicalist federation of labour unions.
9. ?
to be cont.
April 23 ep.no. 53
19:00 CET til Late
Livestreams only.
aus der Regenbogen Cafe
music til 21h with Dj Podinski
and then discussion + themes
special guests ?
topics work-in-progress
- on JUNE 22nd, Heinrichplatz in O-strasse ( Kberg ) will be renamed Rio Reiser Platz ... and this year also marks the 50th anniversary of Ton Steine Scherben, one of DE's most influential and political bands, and with a very Berlin aura + ongoing presence in the activist + anarchist milleue !
- a discussion about the relation between art (especially music/lyrics/poetry) and politics.
with TintenWolf + Anderersaits
+live musik?
- Housing + Mietendeckel updates
Kisch + Co., etc.
- Chauvin trial + police terror ( in the U.S. )
Jello Biafra"s post on it
- 1.Mai perspectives
- Corona + testing + gatekeeping + profiteering from the crisis...
sorry but we might have to rant about Bill Gates in serious detail here. ( the new Hagiographic B.Gates doc on Netflix, made by the director of The Inconvenient Truth. )
+ the "Society of Control " solutions ...
or the other routes to keeping people healthy and safe and well-cared for
- The Pink Cloud ( 2021... written in 2017, pre-corona )
Brasil sci-fi film
- to be cont.
Investigating Bill Gates:
re: vaccines
India + Modi
How the Gates Foundation’s Investments Are Undermining Its Own Good Works - Its vast holdings in the fossil fuel and arms industries subvert the foundation’s battle against disease and poverty.
by Charles Pillar
Democracy Now 2007
investigates Gates
April 16 ep.no.52
!9:00 CET til LATE
Livestreams only.
aus der Regenbogen
Our title and list of topics comming soon:
So far:
1. Updates on the Pandemic regulations in DE
and the impacts on Cultural Events
i.e. this article about the Senat der Kultur, Klaus Lederer
2. The whistleblower at Facebook
Sophie Zhang
3. the New Besetzen Actions in Btropolis
4. Spring is almost here, What's up with Climate Actions ?!
5. 15.4 - Riesenproteste am Hermannplatz/Kottbusser Damm, nachdem der Mietendeckel für verfassungswidrig erklärt wurde. Huge protests after Rent Cap declared unconstitutional. #b1504
analysis from Andrej Holms : https://www.rosalux.de/news/id/44118/mietendeckel-was-hat-das-bundesverfassungsgericht-entschieden?cHash=6f04ba2f345ba3197b87ea26809bee9d
6. Updates on rent and housing struggles, and upcoming actions and demos. i.e. Regenbogenfabrik discusses with POTSE and DRUGSTORE
7. Racial Capitalism - and the origins of police as enforcers of slavery ( from current discussions on Nettime )
8. XLterrestrials are back ! at least, as a guest blog...
talking about the possible new formats for KIEZ MEDIA ( part 1 )
Discussion on SUNDAY w/ Rbgen
"Potse & Drugstore"
Geschichte(n) radikaler, selbstverwalteter Jugendarbeit
So., 18.4.21 | 17:00 Uhr | live aus dem RegenbogenCafé
more to come !
Got some news for us ??!
RCL will be covering tomorrow´s event in Mexico City against political incarcelation (not sure i translated that well) We will be at Okupa Che. Here is more info about the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/454973558949228/
April 9 ep.no.51
!9:00 CET til LATE
Livestreams only.
aus der Regenbogenfabrik
Topics being assembled...
In the meantime we are boosting our GRK Musika library with an arsenal of fresh bits and legendary underground archives...
( recommendations, and donations to purchase stuff for the archives on Bandcamp FRidays always welcome ... ask us how u can help ! )
GRK Archives Alert - Part 1 : Thx in part to a couple GRK comrades who like to hunt for stuff for the archives... Some cool new batches of musika coming for the upcoming GRK shows. Next LIVE date: APRIL 9 : 1. Too Much Future - a DDR punk compilation from
Henryk Gericke (2020) 2. Magnetbanduntergrund DRR 1979-1990 von Alexander Pehlemann und Ronald Galenya ( 2015 Zonic Label ) 3. Amiga - Die 100 Besten Ost Songs ( Radio Eins/ RBB / Sony 2019 ) 4. Snakefinger - Who Do You Love - B-Sides & Rarities - ( 2020 SecretRecords ) 5. The Cardiacs ( entire catalogue? ) 6. Pastor Leumond - Remixes ( 2021) 7. Rodion G.A. - ( full catalogue, incl. The Lost Tapes ) 8. WWW-Neurobeat with Ondrej Sifon Andera ( the full catalogue) + more to come !
GRK ep.no.51: hyper-modern molecular teratology
- Teratology ( and the early XLterrestrials )
- Vaccine Passports + a 2 tiered society (again!)
- limited hangout, Unlimited Hangout ( reports )
- Vitamin D - Jonathan Cook
- The Cutting Up Of Afrika (1884-85 Berlin Conference aka the Congo Conference organized by Otto von Bismarck)
- FAU Berlin - management and NS history of labor divisions
- Micro-plastics, Hormones and Xenopolitics
to be cont.
April 2 GRK ep.50:
Brain Wreck on The Beach of The Machine
!9:00 CET til late
Livestreams only
Topics will start later 2nite...
after 21h.... first some musika !
And possibly a music guest aus Colombia later....
and who knows what else...
this is improv LIVE KIEZ radio
Topics + Music:
- St Stupid's Day in SF
- Pranks
- Regenbogen interview with Peng!
( die Deutsche Yes Men )
a new book by co-founder, artist, activist, clown Jean Peters
»Wenn die Hoffnung stirbt, geht’s trotzdem weiter«
- #41
a. yesterday was Einsturzende Neubauten's 41st Birthday
b. Pyramid Club in the lower east side close down after 41 years...
c. there was a 3rd 41, but i forgot.
( maybe i will remember by the night's end )
d. Aha, oh yeah the 3rd #41 was the 41st St Stupid"s Day Parade ( on Ka-Zoom ! ) ... coincidence !?
- " Your Brain Is Not A Computer " - by Robert Epstein https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-empty-brain?utm_source=pocket-newtab
Peter Kalmus going out of his mind while being climate scientist:https://www.propublica.org/article/the-climate-crisis-is-worse-than-you-can-imagine-heres-what-happens-if-you-try
Anxiety over the climate crisis is spreading like wildfire.
Psychologists are just starting to figure out: what is a good
"Therapy for the End of the World"https://thewalrus.ca/therapy-for-the-end-of-the-world/
to be cont.
26.3 GRK ep.49: The KIEZ is ALIVE with the sound of ANTI-MUZAK
( + OUR Next Moves ! )
possible topics
- the Next Moves for Meuterei + Kiez
- Housing Action Day + Mietewahnsinn 27.3
- soli for Pablo Hasel
- the "Linux Vaccine"
- Money Labs
Meuterei resources:
to be cont.
March 19
Grk ep.no.48 :
The Empire Never Ended ... ( or Solidarity is NOT Theory )
( poster image on Frackybook, Twitter @ podrescu, and Wire group )
FREE RADIO BEER for the 1st person who can guess who painted this MASTERPIECE !
Themes, Topics, Rants are being gathered :
- Defending Meuterei + KiezKultur
( 25.3 is eviction date )
- Kundgebung at BAIZ for Meurteri 20.3
- annalee newitz critique of Substack
- Taz prints up a Corona Facts mini-paper
- Field Notes on Freie Szene, Freier Fall from Initiative Neue Musik Berlin E.V.
- Live Music Concerts ?
- Demo for Catalan Rapper Pablo Hasel in Btropolis, 18.3
- May 18th Tag der Politischen Gefangenen
- more on Adam Curtis and revisiting "new left ideas"
- Whats up with GDPR and the state of Survy Krapitalism these days !?
- Disruption Lab program on Whistelblowers in Covid times, and screening Ai Wei Wei new Coronation film
- 150th anniversary of the Paris Commune ( March 18th )
( see PM Press, Voices of The Paris Commune )
- etc.
- to be cont.
March 12
GRK ep.n0.47 : Outside the Zones
with special guests Dennis + + Maria + + Julio ...
The Foundry (www.bravosfoundry.com)
Freeing Space (www.freeingspace.com, not there yet)
possible Topics :
- Out of the Zones
The Foundry and other autonomous + collective land projects
- Zapatistas EU Tour
- Samirvive.art
- mapping the outsides
- alt. currencies, economies for humans
- moneylabs
- pirate care
- rebel cities, reclaiming, municipalities restructured for sustainable cultures
- Deutschewohnen Enteignen
- Kiez Spaziergang
- 40th anniversary of Regenbogenfabrik
to be cont.
*Zones + Outsides
references to:
Stalker + "Roadside Picnic" book, Cacaphony Society experiments, Keller Easterling's "Extrastatecraft" book and various trade zone descriptions, Andrei Codrescu's "Disappearance of The Outside"
https://www.codrescu.com/the-disappearance-of-the-outside-a-manifesto-for-escape, Escape The Overcode by Brian Holmes, and Interzones by W.S. Burroughs. T.A.Z by Hakim Bey...
YOUR - MORE - thoughts for GRK ep47 HERE >>>>
M. Benjamin:
Gira Zapatista
#SamirVive (www.samirvive.art)
Art as a Trojan horse (rambling – somewhat structured, but possible rambling might ensue.)
Confirmed ^ - m.
Also joining :
Julio from joincircles.net
ramblings welcome :)
on Codrescu:
audio lecture from 1990 ( and funny ):
Soli for all our feminist comrades out in the streets 2morw M8 ... and Radio Cosmica Libre in Mexico City streaming 9am CST.... Let's take down the bullshit patriarchies one by one !
GRK *MIGHT* relay stream from Btropolis at 16h CET...
GRK ep.no.46 > Yes We Are Not Open
( an actual store front window sign )
with special guests Julio Linares
from Circles, a direct action UBI initiative, and community currency
and ? ... YOU ?
topics list coming soon.
+ musica
incl. our ongoing exchanges with Radio Cosmica Libre
Possible Topics:
- Universal Basic Interventions
- Solar Punks revisited
- Adam Curtis CGYOOMH ( spoilers )
- Tete.nu Umsonstladen
+ closed+canceled kultur spaces
- Regenbogen gentrification series (recap )
- Myanmar solidarity project
+ Syphre label ( on bandcamp )
- Mars Sucks ! ( the Atlantic article )
+ the XLt theories of space migration
- Lawrence Ferhlinghetti (rip) and the Beat Generation
- Hamster Cage Complex
- Coronation ( not just a film by Ai wei wei )
- GRK is 1 YEAR OLD !
- etc.
Add your own:
26.02 ... GRK starting LATER 2nite at 20h CET
GRK ep.45:
19h CET til late
title + topics coming soon.
GRK episode v.44
"Gargantuan Creatures Of Mobilized Culture In The Streets"
19:00h CET
until ? late
Livestream (only)
with special guests: J + X
- Small Kiez Businesses in Corona Times
( interviews )
-Adam Curtis new 6-part doc collage
-Regenbogen ( Verdraengung ) Series
-Wagenplatz Demo 20.2
-New Mobilizations
-New Ideas for Toppling A Dead System
-Dissent is NOT OVER b/c Corona
-Jodorowsky at 92
-Eco Strategies vs. Billionaire’s Moonshots
-The Hanau Murders, 1 year ago 2day.
+ A toast to all the aquarians, last call for water bearers in 2021, Yes we are celebrating them a day late.
As one of the possible topics is the new Adam Curtis doc series... And if you want to have a look, it is all available here:
( It's 8 hours total , ooof )
Here are 2 interviews with AC, one zoom ( recent), and one text from 2019.
Western Culture: Death & Rebirth, with Richard Tarnas
"video unavailable"
-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ccle0QvH-Ds
2021-02-03 https://www.idler.co.uk/article/adam-curtis-social-media-is-a-scam/?fbclid=IwAR1QMr9_FZHN84fNCCWD41kEtrh7PnHoEfpKZnpbnxh0kE1Dg1JnYKzCBqg
the Archives below...
BUT anything you want to add
best to keep it chronological...
so post YOUR most recent news + notes + resources HERE:
FEB 12 : GRK episode v.43 :
Livelihood Factor X (Part 1)
We take on the topic that has been under our skin for the last couple decades, at least ?? ... surviving as autonomous beings + cultural creatives in the corporate krapitalist colonies.
!9h - 23h CET
more info coming soon !
May 27
GRK ep.no.108:
Anthropocene vs. Zivilisationsfrage
19h CET start ( til late ) at Regenbogen Cafe
Lausitzer Straße 22 in Kreuzberg
see new GRK2 pad for details...
MAY 20
Note: will not be at regenbogen cafe, due to another event needing the space...
plans for this friday's show is not clear.
more updates soon.
May 13
GRK ep. no.106 "Dr.Westlove, or how i stopped worrying and learned to love anmnesia westerns "
19h CET til late
Musika + Topics....
- a critique of Nettime's "UKR irregular linklist"... and a few links of our own:
- "Why I Can't Wave a Ukrainian Flag – A Dissenting Teach-In on Russia's
Invasion" by Daniel Herman
- Jurgen Habermas from Suddeutsche Zeitung from April 29
now excavated from SZ paywall, and available in Eng:
War and Indignation. The West’s Red Line Dilemma
( in SZ : Krieg und Empörung )
GRK Alerts>
2 interesting punks show 2nite May 12th:
May 6
GRK ep.no.105: "by the skin of our teeth"
19h CET til late
Cafe is open from 19h.
+ Musika
1. Xjazz Festival Berlin May 4-8
2. Chris Watson at Alte Munze ( talk on may 7 )
3. Boring Machines, Ital.label
4. Superbooth
5. Nettime on the addiction of social media
8. the patriarchal atrocities
9. + WW3 - the XLt analysis ;)
10. A *not so neutral* take on the the Wartime debates going on in DE...
with LINKS to a couple Open letters making the rounds.
This one that Emma ( feminist magazine from Alice Schwarzer ) is interesting to read and analyze the hysterical backlash that attacked it... reading the original ... it is very level-headed. The responses seem a little ridiculous and overboard.
news + Alerts
add your topics here>>
April 29
GRK ep.no.104
19h CET start time...
Cafe is open ab 19h
+ Musika:
1. Miss Read Buch Messe at HKW
Berlin Art Book Festival 2022
April 29 – May 1, 2022
this year w/ a focus on publishers from Afrika
2.Eugene Hutz - UKr / NYC musician
from Gogol Bordello
does an odd tribute song for Zelensky
( XLT analysis required ! )
3. The intellectual No Fly Zone
censorship article via Mint Press news
April 22
is earthday !
NO STREAM 2day !
We've decided to take a break from the stream this week !
But here below are a few things we would probaly want to discuss:
1. Franco Bifo Berardi on Institute of Network Cultures on the wartimes: https://networkcultures.org/blog/2022/04/15/the-precipice/?fbclid=IwAR1WDlbOnV3gD5b3WTU7ZRNijeP60tdNXx5ODaVgoe-m9rWoND6V6_wq0qI
2. Covid news resources:
Vinay Prasad, MD MPH
Medicine Oncology Science Policy Academic Pubs
Clips on YouTube Books EMR & Malignant Prof
This was Vinay's statement very early on in the controversies + debates of Covid19... April 27, 2020
new pages for
Gonzalo Lira, ( from California? Chilean ? ) after "disappearing" for a few days in Kharkiv...
an odd case... we are not promoting ... we are not for or against...
just examining an ODD media specimen.
live stream:
new twitter:
Gonzalo Lira
doing the stream with Gonzalo is Richard Medhurst ( w/ page on Tgram, 8000 subscribers ) ... not bad stuff ... impression upon first view.
April 15
GRK ep.103
19h CET til ?
there's certianly alot of topics....
but perhaps we might just take refuge in the musika
perhaps some Urschrei Therapy
if yur still trying to assess the complexities and greyzones of the new HOT PROXY WAR in UKR, this post is pretty fascnating ... and maybe even a must read:
+ the longer version
( this top LINK was posted 2 days ago on the Radical Film Network ( RFN ) list which is not usually about politics without being related to FILMS. We are not familiar with "Swiss Standpoint" ( independent ) and this is an interview with Jacques Baud, who says he worked with the FDFA [Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs] and worked in Swiss strategic Intelligence and NATO ... it seems like incredibly clear information ... with alot of military details about the regions and conflicts )
Here is Two Hours of Similar from Scott Ritter
GRK ep.101:
19h CET til late
We are still postponing our 100 episodes celebration at a larger venue, perhaps the last weekend in April.
But 2nite we re-open the Cafe, and the public is welcome to come enjoy the show LIVE...
New C19 rules. no checks / no scans ( in fact it is now illegal for public places to require i.d.s ) ... but masks ( and distance bewteen tables ) are still encouraged at Regenbogen !
All proceeds support the regenbogen, and xtra donations welcomed for our GRK/XLT media projects ...
so feel free to share with all friendly comrades.
Come visit us at the tactical media pop-up studio !
Tonite's TOPICS:
more coming soon.
1. Vijay Prashad's UKr analysis:
2. Yuval Noah Harari "vs." Rutger Bregman: YES Online Conversations
(2021) - a fascinating "debate" between " Humankind" and " Sapiens :
two contrasting historian/futurist postions > represeting > a practical + collaborative utopia vs. a grim manufactured dystopia ??
3. 1000 scientists protested in over 25 countries, in civil disobedience against climate fuckery and inaction !
( The response in Los Angeles to arrest FOUR scientists was particularly INSANE ! )
4. Social Dissonance - new book by Mattin, and the event series from School of Sound at Acud - http://www.mattin.org/
Book recommended by commenter:
Bloodlands: Europe Between Hitler and Stalin
>> Some critiques of Snyder, interesting as he may be, IS a "YALE-groomed" U.S.-based historian...
His view was questioned by Marlene Laruelle, Research Professor at The George Washington University:
Contrary to [Snyder's] claims, the Kremlin does not live in an ideological world inspired by Nazi Germany, but in one in which the Yalta decades, the Gorbachev-Yeltsin years, and the collapse of the Soviet Union still constitute the main historical referents and traumas.[34]
NYT, Apr 12th:
A month of terror in Bucha
A mother killed by a sniper while walking with her family to fetch a thermos of tea. A woman held as a sex slave, naked except for a fur coat and locked in a potato cellar before being executed. Two sisters dead in their home, their bodies left slumped on the floor for weeks.
These are the scenes documented by Times reporters and photographers who spent more than a week in Bucha, the city on Kyiv’s outskirts that was occupied by Russian troops for a month.
The evidence suggests the Russians killed recklessly and sometimes sadistically, in part out of revenge. When a defeated and demoralized Russian Army finally retreated from Bucha, it left behind a grim tableau: bodies of dead civilians strewn on streets, in basements and in backyards, many with gunshot wounds to their heads, some with their hands tied behind their backs.
Quotable: “They shot everything,” said Anatoly Rodchenko, a retired high school physics teacher. “They shot at houses. They shot a woman on the street. They shot at dogs.”
not saying NO atrocities are happening...
But NYT is probably about as ONE-sided ( and state-aligned ) as RT when it comes to describing a war situation. The US has big stakes + agenda in this game apparently, so one should be extremely cautious about how NYT portrays anything about this conflict ! Important to remember how they have covered other wars like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, etc. ! ( Full of misinformation ) !
___________________________________________________________________ end
April 1st
no joke !
*** Our 100th EPISODE ***
live stream aus der Regenbogen Fabrik
19:00h (CET) til ? late
So we are assembling some special occasion(s) celebrating our slave to the not-so-funny rhythm ...
A more public event will be happening the following weekend - possibly at Moos Fabrik - for the *101th* episode.
But meanwhile we are inviting all our beautiful comrades who have contributed and supported us these last 2 troubling years... to stop in and drink some bubbly with us at teh Rbogen...
And for anyone who has got some important alerts/ announcements to share you are always welcome to drop in and take the MIC during the friday shows... we are an outpost for Radikal KIEZ news ... along with our strange XLterrestrials analysis... and always killer Musica from the XLT ARCHIVES. Always collecting the good Bits, and weclome to share what's on your radio / music radar with us...
Read this morning there is a new Red Hot Chili Peppers album out...
Delta 5 - See The Whirl ( 1981 )
Au Pairs - Sense and Sensuality (1982 )
Sudden Infant - Buddhist Nihilist ( 2018 )
+ Wölfli's Nightmare ( 2014 ) + +
Steven Jesse Bernstein - Prison ( 2011 )
GRK ALERT >> April 1st - No Joke ! *** Our 100th EPISODE *** live stream aus Btropolis 19h CET til ? late... Turning the world leftsides up, since A.C.19 #freeradio #kieznews #widerstandskultur #antiOligarchs #NoNations #StepAcrossTheBorders >> Tune In: https://pads.ccc.de/grk
on twitter:
Your INPUTS here>
_______________________________________________________ !!!
March 25:
( we are not sure about 2nite's program, as we have allowed soem comrades to use the Rbogen space , and do not know if we will have a stream location 2nite )
In local KIEZ news ... 2 years since Meuterei's eviction... Event / Kundgebung ... 2day at their former location in Reichenbergerstr still boarded up and unused... ( and after at Rbgen Cafe supposedly ) ... https://stressfaktor.squat.net/node/211835
March 18:
19h CET til ? late
GRK ep. 98:
Eastblock: the Interzones, between the Occupiers !
Xlt archives of Ostblock Musika
mit dj Podo Zsupo
( incl. Yuri Gurzhi - Rotfront - compilations
i.e.Borsch Division )
And possible special guests to share some musika from the East Interzones
While there's a ton of themes for XLT analysis, we may go easy, and stick to the musical territories... but we will have to play it by ear.
AND we return to the RegenbogenFabrik after some weeks absence.
Feel free to drop by, if yur in the Kiez !
If you want some interesting analysis of the UKR situations, we recommend the threads on Nettime. It got a little heated over there !
And if you want to join the XLT on Tgram,
write us an email, and if you arent someone we havent met IRL, we might ask you a bit about what you are doing for other possible worlds.
GRK 97:
Soli 4 UKr via CDPV
( club der polnischen versager )
the band Stan Zawieszenia ( State of Suspense )
PL ballads, Lieder, covers, etc.
5 or 6 member ensemble
And perhaps after we will chat w. the Btropolis polish community to hear what expletives they have for the Putin Gang...
Links for analysis, perspectives, actions, solidarity:
March 4
GRK ep.no.96
War, What Is It Good For ?!
GRK ep.no.95
A **Solidarity Days** special stream
from the Moos Fabrik
starting at 16:00h CET til ? late
More info on the event:
We will try and give an overview of the weekend contents...
and we will be set up in the caravan/ wagen in the Moos Hof, next to the circus tent and the fire pit. And we are open for people to drop in and chat with us, and tell us what they are up to help build the solidarity networks.
The XLterrestrials we also do a PechaKucha ( sometime between 19-22 ) in the new Saal space. Our theme for that is :
**Soli Media Activism in the times of a cybernetic regime + Guineapigdom
So 20 slides x 20 sec per shot
(slightly longer than a lightning talk)
to explain media activism + strategies NOW... . ...
The XLT will run thru a quick flyby about the silly things we have gotten ourselves into in order to try and give alien analysis and a community voice in the perpetual storms of krapitalism, oiligrachy and ecocide ! ... To do that we will try to provide a glimpse of techno-colonialism and the exacerbated social dilemmas immersed in the cybernetic regimes + guineapigdom. That is to say, both the mediated and terrestrial landscapes are deeply fucked ! And yet we can and must orgnize oursleves and our communities to build islands of solidarity and maybe even whole revolutions, should they not be severed and crushed prematurely by the ubiquitous control society. That is to say we currently exist as pirates + rebel art organisms up shit creek without a secure paddle, but alas we will hunt for and hack our way out of the labyrinths of predatory technodystopias and unite to build bridges to Other possible worlds !
During the GRK stream, we will obviously try and expand on this idea of how to use the over-mediated landscapes in these complex and entangled times.
Your thoughts, themes,ideas, resources
Add HERE >>>
Another old white man has started a war in Europe. Global shellfishness quota pegging unbearable.
one could argue that this latest war of krapitalism and oligarchs started along time ago. US empire + NATO meddling played a significant part as aggressors in this new disturbing conflict !
Note: there is also a group doing a digital mirror (presumably audio+visual ) of the events here:
You can join the space with this link: https://app.joynt.works/?id=33a84f37-8718-4955-8404-d2022cb78ac6
We are taking a break THIS WEEK ( 18.2 )
BUT will return on FEB25th for a special collaboration with the * LIVING SOLIDARITY DAYS* conference/event at the Moos Fabrik Space.
See more info here:
And more streams from new spaces in March !
i.e. the Polish Kultur Klub
19:00h CET start time
GRK ep.no.94:
Possible Futures Unwritten !
We continue this week with more from Franko Berardi's (aka Bifo ) incredible ( Pandemic ) analysis in The Third Unconscious ...
( the autistic times of the viral info+psycho-spheres )
For more from last week, scroll down for a few notes...
and the book is downloadable here:
Here's the Epub downloadable version, if anyone interested ... https://theoryreader.org/2022/01/25/the-third-unconscious-by-franco-berardi
... and always killer soundtracks for the Possible Futures Unwritten !
2nite w/ special guest dj Cat-o-tonic !...
more Topics ?
coming soon.
Got some musik or topic suggestions....
>>> Add here:
Antifa alert!!!
Newest neo-Nazi weapons: truck fog horns and clouds of diesel exhaust, oh my!
is that the same Guardian that continues to bash jeremy corbyn at every opportunity ? i would look for better sources of information !
19:00h CET start time
GRK ep.no.93: ** The Psycho-Sphere in The Viral Age **
with dj Podo Zsupo
1. The Third Conciousness - The Psycho-Sphere in The Viral Age
by Franco “Bifo” Berardi ...
the founder of the pirate radio station Radio Alice in 1976. One of the most prominent members of the Italian movement Autonomia, Berardi worked closely with the French psychoanalyst Félix Guattari throughout the 1980s. Since the early 1990s, much of his theoretical work has focused on the relationship between psychopathology, information technology and capitalism.
Here's the Epub downloadable version, if anyone interested ... https://theoryreader.org/2022/01/25/the-third-unconscious-by-franco-berardi
The first chapter begins brilliantly with the collaboration that never really happened between William Burroughs, PK Dick and Ridley Scott... "Blade Runner" was the title that Scott and his hired hacks slapped onto his Hollywood Mess, but was actually already the name of short story by WSB about a strange epidemic of a contagious cancer ! Of course most of us probably know the movie that got made. But both the short story / script from 1979 and PKD's sci-fi novell ( Electric Sheep ) from 1968 were way too dark + radical for a commercial blockbuster... and so what we got on the screens was a soft boiled egg. And so Bifo revisiting these original materials is quite a fascinating preface for a book about our current nightmare dystopias ( repressed desire + imagination ) unfolding, and with some strategies of a 3rd Unconciousness and poetic resistance as a possible way out !
to be cont.
19:00h CET start time
GRK ep.no.92:
"Solidarity Days to redirect our Fractured Times"
w/ special guests from Moos Fabrik
Tomek, Jacob and friends
possible Topics:
- creating the Solidarity Days event - at the Moosdorf Fabrik, an inspiring new community-building node in Treptow
- Re-imagining Life + Work, Mind + Body in Multiple Crises Times
- circus arts as social interventionism and embodied caring and outside-the-box praxis
- alt. education programs for Youth and YA and rebel teachers
- Disobedience School ( i.e. from Labofii )
- arts and activism ( revisited )
- Everything Must Change !
( the title of a fairly new book from Srecko Horvat and Renata Avila, a bunch of interviews in pandemic times/situations from OrBooks.com )
- (resistance) Culture in the midst of Viral Pandemic Fears
- freeing space
- https://freeingspace.com/
- https://roarmag.org/essays/freeing-space-building-worlds-outside-of-state-and-capital/
more coming soon
Some great new musika from our comrades at the Club der P.V.:
Leszek Możdżer plays Komeda, Maciej Maleńczuk from Homo Twist, Siekiera - Nowa Aleksandria ( 1986 ), Jak punk to punk compilation Vol.2 (2006 ), Charles Mingus (1963 ), Izabela Trojanowska, Obywatel G.C. - Citizen G.C. - Selekcja (1993), Voo Voo Z Kobietami (2003), Yoko Ono Plastic Ono Band - Between My Head And The Sky (2009), Terranova w/ Alex Hacke - Close The Door (1999), etc...
Share some topics, thoughts, kiez alerts. etc. >>>
Antifa alert!!! Achtung: Holocaust deniers!!!
Germanic people behaving badly: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/jan/27/paraguay-german-speaking-covid-denialists-settlement-new-paradise
a Kennedy behaving badly: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jan/25/robert-f-kennedy-jr-vaccine-anne-frank plus
In terms of Pandemic analysis, the XLterrestrials might be a little more concerned with " (so-called- ) democracies in decay" , state overreach managing + controlling borders + cities in new ways ( biometric i.d.s), shock doctrines, Big Pharma + Corporate structures managing non-solutions, and blocking patent-free medicines for the global south, etc.
Here were some posts sent to us via other channels today:
very inspiring story of how cooperation wins out over the worst kind of hegemonic aggression and exclusion: https://www.democracynow.org/2022/1/27/cuba_beat_covid_despite_us_embargo
and from last week:
JAN. 21
GRK ep.no. 90 + 91
Who's Afraid Of A Big Left Wolf ?
( ( in pandemic times ) )
19h CET
Lots of Musik, maybe some analysis, maybe some screams
( contact us if u want the Deep L eng translation file )
Decolonizing Science:
Covid’s lesson: When anxious, isolated and hopeless, we’re less ready to think critically
- by Jonathan Cook, 2022 Jan 6
- https://www.jonathan-cook.net/blog/2022-01-06/lesson-covid-critical-thinking/
Call For Papers
CfP: Critical reflections on pandemic politics: left-wing, feminist and anti-racist critiques
- by [Ingrid Hoofd](https://www.uu.nl/staff/IMHoofd/CV), 2022 Jan 19
- https://nettime.org/Lists-Archives/nettime-l-2201/msg00023.html
GRK ep.no.90:
Big Brother Science Time
start time: 19h CET
Topics coming SOON !
Postponed !
No GRK show 2nite... we need a break from work and humans.... so we are having easy alien + chill downtime 2nite... enjoy yur nite !
And what's on YOUR Kiez Radar ??
GRK ep.no.89:
The Responsible Anarcho-Spiritualist Overthrow of Evil Assholedom
Pandemia Suspiria Spaghetti
GRK ep.no.88: Dr. Endtimes, or how i learned to stop worrying and love the
19h CET til...
1. the new bio-molecular Cold War
1.5 Kusturica's Underground script - a metaphor / parallel universe for NOW
2. Chaos reports
3. G. Maxwell , a spy comes in from the fold
4. Poisoned Pizza Gate
( the memes, the memes )
5. Which Revolution wlll be Tokenized ?
(new one from D. Pinchbeck about crypto )
( a little dissection required )
7. And more MUSIKA from Dr.Unkuenst
Oddity Archive Teil 2
Ideas welcome here >>
schism + unschism from the intersect + Bonfire TV pppl
and older archive on the theme ( not yet the session from RC3 )
Ep.no. 87:
the night of unholy christian consumer-imperialisms
19:00h CET until ?
We are deciding if we will actually do this show... or... take a much needed break .
Standby for confirmation
Confirmed !
Btw, we just got word that:
maldekstra #13
Globale Perspektiven von links: das Auslandsjouis now OUT.
link for PDF coming soon.
print version may also be out at the RLS / Neues Deutschland HQ in Fhain
Got Topics ? >>
musiKa links ? >>
Kiez Alerts ? >>>
your inputs Here >>>>
GRK ep.no.86 :
14-19h CET
( roughly )
Hey Comrades, FYI: the XLterrestrials will be at Moos Market 2mrw. in Treptow - between 2-7pm- ( perhaps not operating that whole time). We will be set up in the covered corner of the Hof, next to the Spaeti + E.Alchemy... We will be streaming Globalista Radio Kit, dj Podo Zsupo w/ the Globo vibes, perhaps chatting with guests on-the-fly inbetween the musika + + PLUS a little CiTiZEN KiNO excerpt > CK#92: A Smorgasbord of Escape Routes / Hacks ( 1. A little about our ongoing Pandemic Mess , 2. some reflection on our C-Kino for Solar Punks collab at CCC-RC3-remote last year, 3. some excerpts from the new Arte Doc : Unterm Radar - Wege aus der digitalen, + 4. a few musika videos from our summer collab w/ UNkraut this summer, and 5. preview of C-KINOs in 2022, etc. ) ...
Happy Holidaze!
check out this wild trailer for the film from JB Carlsen
Santa Action ( 1975 )
ab 19h CET
2nite : GRK ep.no. 85: A tribute to Mass Revolt ! ... featuring a bit or a bunch of Punk Irratia streams outta the basque lands ... radikal nonstop ... w/ interspersed blabberei .
you can tune in already at:
"The Internet was not built for sequencing the human genome ( an ol' tired Rifkin notion, perhaps partially correct), devoloping A.I., downloading or uploading consciouness into the matrix, constructing cybernetic regimes + corporate mousetraps, ponzi schemes uberalles, and surveiling + manipulating human populations everywhere! It is for streaming 24/7 beacons of revolt... like channels such as Punk Irratia... Be Like P.I. ! ... and we might just survive the 21st century with some integrity and our human and/or species dignity ! " dj Podo Zsupo ( from the XLt/GRK/CK collective troll operations center at Regbogenfabrik )
Your topics and Kiez news HERE >>>
Dec. 10 :
GRK ep.no.84:
Deep Fried Hedonist Cyborgism
19h CET until ?
- Short heads-up on 5 volume anarcho-communist book project in search for a livable utopia
-> In the web: https://befreiungvomgeldundeigentum.blackblogs.org/
-> The books (Band 1-5 : https://we.riseup.net/geldundeigentumabschaffen )
- via a new agey channel
Jason Silva ( uber-technotopian ) interviews Erik Davis ( author of Tehcgnosis https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGwKge-ivkU
needs ALOT of XLT analysis
watch at your own risk of getting very agitated and/or seduced by the deepfried cyborg hedonists
- anecdots of racist harrassemnt in the Kiez... the incompetent methods of covid controls in the btropolis, or is it ANOther Agenda at work?!
-upcoming housing events ! fighting forced evictions.
to be cont.
Dec. 3 :
GRK ep.no.83
the art + revolution of everyday life ( now or never )
19h CET til ?
- We Are Nature Defending Itself book
and reflections on Labofii + Zad on tour
( laboratory of insurrectionary imagination )
-Envisioning Space conference ( reflections )
- About the Unciv List
( with special guests ? )
- Trauer March Demo on Sunday, Dec 5
against displacement, forced evictions....
and soli for the housing struggles
- Another RC3 Chaos Congress, online only, and more decentralized
( but, will anyone be resisting this cubicle-ization of everyday life ?? )
...to be cont.
ADD YOUR thoughts, ideas, news items, alerts HERE >>>>>
Excellent commentary on vaccine cross-contamination: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o1MlE4r1RSI
hahaha. i admit, that's funny !
But here is some really good journalistic cross-examination of Big Pharma's not-so-comedy narratives :
Cory Doctorow ( Xlt caution: one of the ultimete tech solutionists )... writes about the Cuban Vaccines and one of Big Pharmas biggest fuckups ( or fuckOvers ) and Omicron variant ! .... some useful things here perhaps. ... https://pluralistic.net/2021/11/28/somos-cuba/
OOoof, we were warned by a couple friends, and sent an incredibly messy article by Paul Kingsworth for the Guardian... and we will likely drop this material from our GRK topics. It is just so difficult to untangle the few good parts from the mostly insane parts !
I'm not happy with this. You imply too much with no backup. Please quote the "insane" parts, or at least reference whatever it is you are talking about. Otherwise it's just sraight up blatant demafation. The article is not even "messy". If anything it's "honest".
Like, for example, this?:
no, nothing like that, for example. One thing is pretty a pretty serious discussion of the state of environmentalism movement, and "the left", the other is sensationalist media for selling shit "journalism".
New topic:
- the new book by Carola Rackete
The Time to Act Is Now - A call to combat environmental breakdown -
It's available for free !
Nov.26 :
GRK ep.no.82
Snakes and Ladders + Walls, Motes and Hierarchies
19h CET til ?
PLEASE NOTE: The Cafe will not be open to the public. We have to assess the sitaution further to know how we can navigate the new pandemic measures/rules.
If you are particpating in the radio program, you are welcome to be a part of the working group and join us at the studio. Email us ( see contact above) and let us know you are coming.
Tonite"s themes:
- Housing is a Human Right, and we will fight when you fuck with our rights ! Updates on Germany's Ampfel coalition, and how it affects housing, and the rights to our city !
- H48 Demo on sat. Nov.27
Wir fordern #WohnungenFürAlle statt dem weiteren #AusverkaufDerStadt! Demo: MORGEN #b2711 14 Uhr #h48, #Hermannstraße 48 in #Neukölln
March to Kotti !
- Refugees drowning in the Channel
the current situations at Calais. and other news from the refugee fronts.
- Solidarity vs. the Ant Mills of obedience
( with references to Graeber and Wengrow"s new book The Dawn of Everything )
- Fuck thanksgiving, the colonizers' myth making !
- strange encounters with artists
and a tribute for a passing friend of G's in London.
- to be cont.
YOUR thoughts, kiez bits, news + alerts
GRK ep.no. 81:
mystical preposterous and all Copped out !
!9h CET til ?
PLEASE NOTE: The Cafe will not be open to the public. We have to assess the sitaution further to know how we can navigate the new pandemic measures/rules.
XLt analyst:
Wir sind nicht so bereit ( nor convinced ) data + ausweiss + gesundheits kontrol zu machen, mittendrin in einen Class War.
__ ___ ____
- the new book- The Dawn Of Everything - from D. Wengrow + D. Graeber
great interview / report here:
- 26 copped out
vijay prashad on the uberised farmlands + technological power grabs
" remind(ing) us that technology is not neutral; technology is a part of the class struggle. "
- report from Soundwatch#5 fest
music from A.E. Bizottság ( hungary ) + Ag Geige ( Karl Marx Stadt )
- the 2g measures + situations in Btropolis
contribute YOUR topics and suggestions and alerts here
GRK ep.no.80: Welcome to the new Schmutzige "Quango" Circus Times !
image/theme: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/ae/eb/43/aeeb4373613cf118c97ae3b821a749a7.jpg
- news from Cop26:
* warning, do not read this before ( or after) breakfast.
stay tune, we will try to have some cheerier elements for 2nite's program.
to be cont.
YOUR news roundup +/or inspirations here >>>>>>>
Chakras, crystals and conspiracy theories: how the wellness industry turned its back on Covid science --
And on a lighter note, excellent commentary on ivermectin and the like:
No, this commentary is horseshit. Either totally stupid clickbait, or part of a campaign. The background of this until now especially big success in the campaign against Ivermectin is shown in this article: https://rescue.substack.com/p/horse-bleep-how-4-calls-on-animal
While the article states that the nytimes reported false statistics which were propmptly corrected. The point of the video above, is that people trust their filter bubble and then use de-licers for treating corona instead of vaccines.
GRK ep.no.79:
Climate aUction NOw !? ( or Are all COP summits bastards ?! )
topics :
- Cop26 analysis
(stands for "Conference of the Parties" ... or Plunderers )
Tricontinental reports -
and more resources coming.
-Regenbogen Kino film series -
„Freiräume für Selbstorganisierung schaffen, gestalten und verteidigen“
- an XLT Guide to ... keeping cultural + public spheres alive in the Military Industrial Hamster Cage Complex times ( Metaverse, my Ass ! )
to be cont.
Add your suggestions, resources etc. HERE>>
GRK Ep.No.78
TrenMaya + Colonialism 3.0 + Indigenous Resistance
19h CET til late
Sometime after 21:30 we expect to have guests from the Berlin GiraPorLaVida and the CNI (Congreso Nacional Indígena - Mexiko)
For More Info:
Gira Por La Vida Berlin Crew + Recherche AG des Netz der Rebellion
recherche "tren maya": https://www.ya-basta-netz.org/tren-maya-made-in-germany/
telegram: https://t.me/Reise_Zapatistas_Berlin
twitter: https://twitter.com/BerlinGira
blog: https://reiseporlavida.noblogs.org/
We will discuss the fight against the Mayan Train, the Zapatista resistance and the context for our struggles against neoliberliam uberalles and our endangered planet and ways of life.
With lots of new Globalista Musik as well !
to be cont.
IF you have important items or news alerts, announcements to share...
Add your bits HERE >>>
GRK ep.no. 77:
Anti-Te-Fa !
( Not the same fascism of the 2oth century )
Unfortunately our collab with Schlurf cafe crew has been cancelled/postponed. But "we" are anyway assembling a bunch of Hot Topics for GRK 2mrw., and with the weather shift it might be a good nite to do an especially chatty + ranty version with lots of XLT analysis, let's see. As usual it will be a play-it-by-ear+mood episode.
On the XLt Radar:
1. Zapatistas Gira Por La Vida - cont. - a recap of their visit in Btropolis and upcoming action on 30.10 re: The Mayan Train, and their other EU destinations
2. The Pandemic Abyss isn't our biggest nightmare !
Biometric I.D.s Are! :
3. The Schlurfs + Zazous antifa youth in Wien + Paris 1930/40s
4. the upcoming Cop26 in Glasgow
5. Remembering key highlights from Cop25 in Paris
6. Defining Techno-Facisms
7. The Kopiplatz eviction stories
8. 22.10 - Soli for goldene Hahn Bar ( heini-Platz ) at Zielona Gora which was brutally attacked by the Po on Tag X nite.
9. Excellent report on the grim state of media in the Covid Controlled Times:
Excellent commentary on ivermectin and the like:
10. Getting evicted from the M-Fuckerbook ! And XLt ideas for paying it all Back !
ADD more HERE>>>>
to be cont.
Xtra Notes:
30.10 > Maya Tren Demo
Together on 30.10 on the street against ecocide and displacement worldwide! From Lützerath to Yucatan - From Berlin to Kurdistan!
The #TrainOfDestruction is digging a swath through the last great rainforest of Central America. The #megaproject brings environmental destruction and #humanrights violations. And the #DB is profiting with it!
We can stop it! >>> 30.10, 4 pm, Nordbahnhof Berlin
Oct 15.
GRK ep.no.76:
Rettet Die Kiez ! Koepi Bleibt !
more into coming soon !
Cafe open, roughly from 18-23h
#KöpiBleibt #DefendKöpi #b1510 ...
Live tickers for Kopi eviction : https://kopibleibt.aktionsticker.org/
+ on twitter https://twitter.com/demo_ticker
Friday Oct.8
GRK Alert > We will be taking a break from the GRK livestream 2day in order to give our full attention to the Demonstration with the Zapatistas ! And so the Cafe will also be closed tonite.
Info on the demonstrations/actions in Btropolis:
>> Kampf für das Leben!
Besuch der Zapatistas in Berlin
Demonstration gegen die Todesmaschinerie des kolonialen Kapitalismus
Fr 08.10.
Seedemo auf der Spree: (Es wird zu dezentralen Aktionen auf den Brücken
14:45 Beginn Wasserdemo ggü. Holzmarkt /Schillingbrücke
15:30/16:00 Uhr Kundgebung vor dem Humboldt Forum
17 Uhr anlanden am Anleger Marschallbrücke/ggü. ARD-Hauptstadtstudio
also here:
Friday Oct.1st
GRK ep.no.75:
The Zapatistas Are Landing ! ( Part 1 )
19:00h (CET) begin / intro
19:30h Discussion with guests
21:30h Soli Music from The Global South ( mix )
Incl. the incredible new Lucha Amada benefit compilation
o - now available :
Regenbogen Cafe is semi-open, with limited outdoor seating, the public is welcome. Inside will be for radio guests only.
Stream link:
This program WILL be ARCHIVED ! Link will be posted here on the Chaos pad, but we also encourage you to join the livestream, and participate here in the chat.
We will be joined by some guests from the Berlin Coordination of La Gira por la Vida to learn more about what the Zapatista delegation brings to Europe, having finally managed after some unusual obstacles to gather - in full - in Austria 2 weeks ago.And Germany is their next stop !
The indigenous communities of the EZLN began to organize quietly in the 1980s to dare an uprising against capitalism, patriarchy and colonialism on Jan. 1, 1994. During that time president Carlos Salinas de Gortari was pushing a neoliberal turn in Mexico with actions like revising Article 27 in Mexico's revolutionary constitution from 1917 which protected native communal landholdings or ejidos from sale or privatization. Anticipating the consequences the EZLN declared war on the Mexican state on January 1, 1994 among other things to protest the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) implementation.
Since then, they have been implementing their ideas of a world where many worlds fit into self-organization on a daily basis and building international solidarity networks. In 2021, the Zapatistas decided to embark on a journey to reconquer Europe and meet with hundreds of collectives from the left and below. Europe will only be the first stop of a worldwide Journey for Life.
Following this call groups, collectives and individuals from different movements and organizations all around Europe have united to organize the Journey for Life (#LaGiraZapatistaVa). The political consensus of this organization process is expressed in the common Declaration for Life. In Germany we call us the Network of Rebellion (#NetzDerRebellion).
The Berlin Coordination has been organizing with great enthusiasm a welcoming program that includes spaces for exchange amongst collectives and people fighting for refugees and undocumented migrants rights, against police and state repression, against megaprojects and extractivism, building urban autonomic structures as well as resisting from the arts, to name a few.
In the framework of their visit in company of indigenous representatives from the Consejo Nacional Indígena (CNI) & Frente de Pueblos en Defensa de la Tierra y el Agua (FDPTA) in Berlin, we are calling to participate (in person and digitally) at the great march against the capitalist death machine on Friday, October 8, accross Berlin-Mitte.
In good old manner, we will start our reconquest by boat landing at the Marschallbrücke / ARD-Hauptstadtstudio at 4:00 pm to continue marching through the greedy heart of our beloved city to Potsdamer Platz. Stops will include places where a few determine and compromise the fate of the entire planet. We'll march fearlessly against the lethal giants of Bayer-Monsanto, Deutsche Bahn and Heckler&Koch, and many more.
Join the resistance!
More on: www.ya-basta-netz.org
Financial support welcome!
- Berin Coordination -
Konto: Zwischenzeit e.V. (gemeinnütziger Verein)
IBAN: DE91 4306 0967 0033 5767 00 / BIC: GENODEM1GLS
Stichwort: “Spende Delegation Zapatistas”
- GRK -
AND if you would like to support our local KIEZ media station:
GRK project at the Regenbogenfabrik, contact us at Podinski's email ( above ), and ask us how. We also now accept alternative currencies like CIRCLES.
Possible topics / guiding questions / analysis
More coming soon !
And send us any thougths or questions you have there...
We wish to create our "Kiez" media platform as a PARTICIPATORY node !
(( i )) - style.
in Soli,
The XLterrestrials
YOUR thoughts / inputs HERE >>>>
ep. no. 74 Whale Party Partei !
arrrrgh, that election really sucked !
kinda like we knew it would ;)
Ep.no.73 : What TIME is it ??!
19h CET - til late
Regenbogen Cafe, semi-open until 23h
( tables outside )
Possible Topics:
Part 1
- Vandana Shiva on Bill Gates' Monopolies/Empires
( and a very controversial article that we will NOT link here, because we are still investigating its author, and assessing if it is information we are willing to defend + support )
- Superbooth 2021 at the FEZ Berlin
- Pi Radio and Radio Woltersdorf streams from Superbooth
- Nikolas Cruz at Funkhaus last weds.
- Regenbogen Andy's Cafe Gespraech with Frans from the banned *Radikal* magazine ( streamed on sept. 16th )
Live stream LINK : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fLRmBD7PGFc
Part 2
- new article from Daniel Pinchbeck on the Actual Climate War !
- Andreas Malm vs. Roy Scranton ( on Anthropocene issues )
- Fridays For Future is back ! Sept.24th is A BIg One !
- Stanislaw Lem 100th birthday !
( exhibition currently in Potsdam at Rechenzentrum )
- happy B Day K.Kino !!
- etc.
Do YOU have some topics for us to REPORT + DISCUSS
Add your NEWS here>>>
Ep.no. 72 :
"5,000 ways to Kill a Landlord"
20h CET til c.midnite
We might get a late start 2day due to rain... and stuff.
- Report back from CK91
( clips + excerpts )
- LinaBraakeBank news
- 11.9 Mietenwahnsinn DEmo
- Zodiak program at HAU
- Vaccine mandates coming ??
( see Heise.de articles )
- Climate news
- XLt now on Gitlab
- Sept. 11
- the failed war on terror and everything else that was on the wrong track ( kinda like the pandemic eh? )
at Insel Der Jugend, Treptow
XLterrestrials present
CiTiZEN KiNO ( #91) : “Re-embodied Music + Praxis“
In this episode we navigate a variety of films + clips about artists using music for social change, revolution, healing and/or cultures of resistance. As Fela Kuti once famously said from the epicenter of one of Nigeria’s brutal regimes, “Music is a weapon !“ Of course music can be many others things, but in our own severely troubled times with global-scale chaos unfolding, perhaps we could use some wild inspiration from those who have wielded their artistry and radical concepts as deeply engaged political action! This show is also our tribute to Ton Steine Scherben, the legendary anarchist rock collective, whose fierce art still permeates the movements for solidarity and autonomous zone cultures.
CiTiZEN KiNO is a series of situationist-like interventions, an expanded cinema that mixes + hacks film, mass media, performance, social gatherings and the public sphere
at Insel Der Jugend, Treptow
( in the harbor, beside the foot of the bridge that leads to the island )
A collaboration with Unkraut Kollectiv’s Boat
Start time is punctual !
20:30 - Intro to the C-KiNO project
21:00 - the main CK#91 playlist
Donations welcomed !
Ep.no. 71 : Re-embodied Musix + Poitics
19h CET
Cafe open until 23h
so if yur in Kberg, come stop by
have a drink and support the KIEZ MEDIA !
Lots of possible topics, we will try to write more about here...
1. C-KINO has a new date scheduled with Unkraut Kollectiv
perhaps the last chance this year to experience guerilla KIno as open air cinema.... we will discuss our topic for the show: (Dis-)Embodied Music + Politics : A Tribute to Ton Steine Scherben
( Sept. 7 at Insel der Jugend, Treptow. 20:30h ( intro ) 21:00 film clips )
2. The Telegram Platform, and its owners Nikolai and Pavel Durov
an intro discussion. XLt perspectives, as newbies on the channel.
3. Adam Tooze article+discussion on Nettime
Covid and the crisis of neo-liberalism
by Adam Tooze https://www.theguardian.com/profile/adam-tooze
The Guardian, Thursday 2 Sep 2021
4. Climate Summit in Glasgow coming up...
5. A report back from our Radical Fim Network experiences
6.etc, to be cont.
ADD your news + topic + music suggestions+links HERE >>>
We might decide to take a break with the GRK stream 2nite... and work and do research at the Radical Film Network 2nite instead... gonna play it by ear.
Check the full schedule HERE:
Here is an interesting trailer for a film called Grief by Andrea Culkova .. who i think speaks 2day... and will be on our panel 2mrw..... https://vimeo.com/395125093
Aug 20
GRK ep.no.70:
"The River of Creative Returns"
19h til Late ( CET )
We will discuss the Unkraut Kollevtiv in Btropolis, and our upcoming C-Kino collaboration with them on Thurs. Aug. 26th.
And lots going on, so we will be posting more topics sooooooon !
We are working on our CiTiZEN KiNO #91 ( Aug.26 ) - a tribute to TSS - and just realized that today is Rio Reiser's todestag 20.8.96 ...
Some very fresh Musika being featured on 2nite's show:
Mark Stewart and the Pop Group "Y in Dub" 2021>> https://popgroup.bandcamp.com/album/y-in-dub
KingLMan with Dave Watts from Fun Da Mental >> https://kinglman.bandcamp.com/album/headonix-3?fbclid=IwAR2xxO1klCOC0XBXpI1Hgzb95T97xkMXRvO29B4o9vH5AG1D9zh-y_BodFM
Amy Denio Soundtrack Cunegonde Femme Crampon >>> https://amydenio.bandcamp.com/track/soundtrack-cunegonde-femme-crampon?fbclid=IwAR20XxLqZJtxic-4mCQxwf0Ez1m467jNb2sLHU85Q6lKCL-yCofg70jvrrw
Also the incredible Lucha Amada has a fundraising 'kickstarter' to put out his 3rd benefit compilation ( for Zapatists and Rojava )
lucha amada
Aug 13
Friday the 13th special:
GRK ep.no.69:
Stab in the Streaming Dark
19-24h CET Cafe/station semi-open for the public
chairs and tables and a speakerfeed of the LIVE show out on the terrace ( distance advised, warm friendly + embodied presence requested )
with dj/xj Mobo Podo on the schnews and tunes and kiez strategies
A list of suggested topics coming sooon...
Fell free to add some of your own... got any really good news for a change !?
We got one unusual item, so far :
1. Choriner 12 ! it looks like a HAUS in Pberg fought HARD for their rights to buy and control their own HOME... ( vorverkauf recht ) and the owner ( new buyer ) is conceding to their demands ( more or less ) ! LETS TALK ABOUT THAT ! Activism WORKS when appropriately + generously ;) + radically APPLIED !
your tales HERE >>>>
more good news:
2. Aug 26 Citizen Kino is coming back IN STyle !
A collaboration with the Unkraut Kollectiv, and amphibian version experiment on and and sea/see ... somehwere on the SPREE... location to be announced SOON.
Aug. 6 > GRK ep.no.68:_______ as yet untitled
wild provocative ideas + radical news items welcomed !
and LINKS for some freshy fresh summer groooves always appreciated too!
Add Your Bits HERE >>>>>
some possible items for 2nite:
- The Children of Line 3 ( Brian Holmes post on nettime )
about sci-fi writer KMS, the current pipelene protests in Minnesota, and a pretty ferocious climate activist + academic Andreas Malm
- Plastique Fantastique theater / installation piece at Haus Der Statistik this weekend called #StayOut
- Report back from the Circles Assembly + Market in Btropolis
- conversation on SlowTech list about Zuckerfucker + the "METAVERSE"
( also related to the Cyborg "Hype" + Disruptions the last couple decades )
- The EZLN + Zapatista EU Tour updates...
- Music from A L'arme Festival. discussions on deep tech in music. "disembodied music"
- Upcoming bits on the Housing + Anti-gentrification struggles
i.e. Kiez-Kundgebung 14.08 14h-20h in der Raumerstr, at Kiez Kultur
and a screening of Mietrebellen on 11.8 um 20h at Helmiplatz
- Corona Narratives - updates...
vaccine passports, bio-molecular borders, etc.
Nasal Vaccines updates.
30.Juli ~~ Ep.no.67 ~~ Art in the Age of Bio-Molecular Borders
19h CET start time, til ? ( we may end around 23h tonite for our own amusement rides ).
Some (possible ) topics
( for a lazy summer day )
- new music from acts performing this weekend at A L'Arme Festival in Radial System
- The Current Thing
v.1 + v.2 out NOW:
- upcoming Housing Actions in Btropolis
and we got some killer stickers for the big Housing Action Day 11.9 2021... So come by the cafe and get some, and stay for a beer or 2 :)
- XLT Bad Dreams analyzed live by our in-house multiple personalities
- some OTHER stuff, we will maybe remember
23.Juli ~~ Ep.no.66 ~~ Economic Hoodoo
19h CET start time, til LATE.
Our GRK crew is busy with collaborations at the Lina Braake Bank project on Karl Marx Allee. On THURSDAY, July 22, dr. Podinski and Julio Linares ( from the CIRCLES Project ) will be presenting a discussion about MONEY, DEBT, POLITICS, HOUSING STRUGGLES, PSYCHOMAGIC and CULTURES OF RESISTANCE...
More Info HERE: https://www.lina-braake-bank.com/
All welcome to join ! ( this is NOT a stream )
ON this friday's GRK show, we will continue discussing the conundrums + complexities of the MONEY themes...
And Play lots of money+banking THEMED music TRACKS from the likes of Die Goldenen Zitronen, N.A.S.A., Public Enemy, Lyapis Trubetskoy, David Byrne, Negativeland, Ton Steine Scherben, Die Incredible Herrengedeck, Pink Floyd ( covers ), etc...
Feel free to SUGGEST tracks on the theme !
We also have an amazing playlist gathered for our upcoming CiTiZEN KinO episode #90: Economic Voodoo ( Part 2 ) - Date TBA - like some incredible David Graeber lectures, excerpts from Lucio - The Film and Peter Watkins La Commune, Paris 1871... and Cryptopia - Bitcoin Blockchains And The Future Of The Internet ( 2020 ) by Torsten Hoffmann
If you would like a CK90 work-in-progress PLAYLIST, write to us at the contact at/near the Top of this PAD.
And if ya got a second... PLEASE share the GRK URL + CHAOS PAD link to any of your comrades who appreciate TACTICAL MEDIA + KIEZ NEWS + GLOBALISTA MUSIK. thx !!
Your THOUGHTS, links and resources for the themes + sounds here >>>
16.Juli ~~ Ep.No.65 : Pay It All Back !
Title plundered from the brilliant On-U-Sound compilations.
We got a crazy batch of new stuff from archivist + Dj Herr Ungrund...
Topics are being assembled.
Always too many things to babble about... it's picking which ones are the most urgent + radical is the tricky part.
We have a nice new arts+praxis meetup on weds. nites, so if u are in Btropolis, write us at podinski email, and we can let ya know where we are. we mention it here, b/c it is also a great place to assemble + bounce ideas for the GRK shows. So welcome to come help us create the content flows.
Some topics:
The Anthropocene-themed show at TOP galerie in NK
Sven Kalden's Lina Braake Bank installation + events
( + new book called Patterns )
We are currently researching our current Financial Trainwrecks, Debt and positive ( direct ) actions like Basic Income for an upcoming Citizen Kino #89: Economic Hoodoo Part 2... ( the sequel of a show we did several years ago, which included some things about Lucio Urtubia - the anarcho- "banker", counterfeiter. )
GRK book alert ! Was hoping to pick up a 2nd hand copy Graeber's 5000 Years of Debt... But instead, found Marget Atwoods 2008 book "Payback"
Interesting angles... with a storytelling writer's mastery... for our C-Kino research for " Economic Hoodoo Part 2" ... But we suspect this might have inspired Graeber to do his more... fighting-the-system + radical- anarcho-antrhopo investigation into the same topic... and historical analysis... a few years later.
YOUR Suggestions, tips, stories, leaks, analysis HERE >>>
9.Juli ~~ Ep.no.64 ~~
Cultural Anxiety + The Evolution of (metaphorical) Monsters
well, we had technical problems last week, so there was NO STREAM, but things are back to full functioning.
So for themes and topics, we will be plundering stuff from our last 2 weeks which we didnt get to, cause we have mostly been spinning music for the outdoor visitors. But 2nite is supposed to be rainy, so a good nite to get into some topical materials... and get chatty, perhaps.
A guest artist, visiting from Copenhagen, might also drop in to tell us what is going on in her worlds.
And we got some good news bits to add to the list:
1. WHOA ! ... David Graeber's Music Library !!! ... ( 17839 tracks. You're viewing the first of 744 pages. ). Thx to Nika Dubrovsky for making this available. This is the kind of ultimate archives treasure hunt that all music-sharing anarcho-radio-pirate-heads will love... and make good use of... ❤ .... expect to hear some of this on the next GRK ep.no. 64... July 9th... https://music.davidgraeber.org/
2. "Cryptocurrencies’ dream of escaping the global financial system is crumbling " - Quinn Slobodian .... some interesting analysis... https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/jul/05/cryptocurrencies-financial-system-digital-future
OR.. search for news on "cashless society".
3. " Internet Speech Will Never Go Back to Normal"
opps. isn't that kind of blatant china bashing propoganda a source for pointless conflict? sorry, but dear godess that article is just one terrible (erroneous) statement after another. not even fit for toilet paper. I really find the atlantic hard to put my finger on. Always feels like absolute lies peddled as absolute truth. or somesuch.
4. Btropolis Artists take on the Antrhopocene Themes at TOP galerie in NK
"Leviathan: A Capitalocene Beastiarium |"
( Note: artists talks on Sunday - 11.4 )
Add some NEWS here >>>>
2.Juli ~~ Ep.no.63 ~~ (dis)embodied musik, sound + politics... cont.
We may start a bit late 2nite to visit the opening of the Lina Braake Bank project on Karl Marx Allee...
And we will be reporting on that later in the evening on the livestream around 21h CET
Lots of new musika too:
from Yat Kha, Pancho Balkanic Factory feat. Ben Dito, Cedrik Fermont ( remixed )... usw.
+ other possible news items:
1. Sound + Cellular research
2. Updates on the Kiez Resistance
Choriner12 and other houses fighting for their rights against the speculators
3. report back from last week"s demo/trauermrasch for Peter Hollinger, Kberg musician (rip)
4. Citizen Kino is back with a new program , tribute to Tone Steine Scherben
5. The Music of Jon Hassel ( rip ) and a rare interview describing his process and techniques and objectives... 4th world compositions
6. The life of synthesizer pioneer and sonic visionary Peter Zinovieff
( r.i.p )
Add your own topics and suggestions, links, resources
And if we get around to it... we will start posting GRK shows on this new events platform>
( created and recommended by SlowTech, Crypto Party and CCC comrades )
June25 ~~ Ep.no.62 ~~ Bodies in Exil ~~
2nite's GRK is a collaboration with Leute Fuer Meute... Regenbogen Cafe is Open for Soli Drinks, (some) Table and Chairs outside ( in the front and in teh Hof ) ... come by ... and support the Kiez Comrades ! Some funds will help support our Kiez Media Initiatives too.
expect some brill XLt + Meute archives w/ dj Podinski Plus Plus
News + Discussion Items:
1. C-KIno # 88: (dis-) Embodied Musik + Politik
( looking for venues and freiluft spots this summer to host us )
2. MietenWahnsinn Demo(s)
Add Your News + Suggestions +/or Musik links Here >>>
June 18
~~ GRK ep.no.61 : Arts Alone aint Gonna Take No Tiger Mountains
( next levels of revolutionary praxis )
19h CET til late
Live aus der RegenbogenFabrik
all alien visitors weclome !
Topics coming soon !
Kiez news items:
0. Choriner12.de + Fete de La Resistance
1. #Rigaer94 + #Fhain + Interkiezionale
2. Lauratibor protest oper ( + XLt analysis )
3. New Events announcement platform from Slow Tech + CCC :
4. new Director announced for HKW - Prof. Bonaventure Soh Bejeng Ndikung, orig. from Cameroon.
5. The 1st Zapatista delegation has landed in Portugal ! Follow more from the welcoming committee in DE : #NetzDerRebellion / https://www.ya-basta-netz.org
Freundeskreis Videoclips
Unser Video: neues Netzwerk #NetzDerRebellion unterstützt Reise der rebellischen #Zapatistas in Deutschland https://youtu.be/8l_Qpw0W7AM Regionalgruppe Berlin vom "Netz der Rebellion" zur Organisierung der Reise erklärt #LaGiraZapatistaVA #EZLN #CNI #CIG #FPDTAMPT #NetzDerRebellion
Check out the new anti-survy-krapitalist platform for posting + seraching for events in Btropolis:
a new public service from Slow-Tech
Got some KIEZ or Planetary news you want us to "BROADCAST" ...
post more bits HERE >>>>>
adding to the archive tomorrow´s demo: Marcha Lencha in Mexico City. June 19. 2021. Radio Cosmica Libre will be streaming the noise and voices from womxn in the demo and later live music w Chingona Sound from La Cañita.
starting at 13 h (Mexico City Time)
More info: https://www.instagram.com/p/CQO_qfTjC9P/?utm_medium=copy_link
Stream link: http://mensajito.mx:8000/d59579be728b
June 11
~~ GRK ep.60: die Strassen Ärtzte von Btropolis ...
19h CET til spÄt ! ...
#tacticalmedia + #FreeRadio + #streamscheiss + #alienpirates
+ foto: Gustav Klimt Kebab
we will probably get a later start 2nite...
as we will stop by Heini Platz for the
"Unser Platz" konzert
Punk stuff
( and a bit of a protest + kundgebung about whz some ppl are against the pltz being renamed after Rio Reiser from TSS. ( renaming Now postponed )
and more topics to be discussed.
and plentz of TSS Music
If U have important alerts to announce,
Add HERE >>>>>
June 4
GRK ep. 59
Ferocious Cooks
19h (CET) til late
Btropolis is opening back up, slowly...
defintely not returning to any "normal" ... but...
it's summertime, and the streets are sorta back
So we may have tables and chairs out front at Regenbogen to listen to teh Livestream... Not yet confirmed.
Topics being assembled:
- Wuhan Lab Theories
( the relgion of Big Science angle or the "progress trap" as D. Pinchbeck has framed it. )
- Ice Cream Swabs for Everyone ! the XLt theories
( the new rules of This is Not A Game )
- Gentrification stories : The Chroniner Spaeti
( and the call to cornering arms )
- Berlin Autofrei
- Universal Basic Insurrection
( Graeber's Debt book is 10 years old, new edition with a Picketty Forward )
- Max Haiven + friends podcast series
The ReImagining Value Action Lab (RiVAL)
- Updates on Rio Reiser Platz, renaming postponed
- etc.
Feel free to add some!
the Choriner fight
Jonathan (ferocious) Cook:
on Wuhan theory
Interviews with Wu Ming One ( parts 1 + 2 )
Rio Reiser platz
May 28
Grk ep. 58 : A guide to the XLterrestrials and Psychomedia Analysis
19h CET til late
2nite on GRK, we are going back to our ROOTS ... discussing the mysterious origins of the XLterrestrials and the practices of psychomedia analysis....
and improving !
If YOU have any KIEZ news or alerts, interesting topics to cover ...
feed the GRK post box HERE >>>
( LINKS to good stories and big scoops always appreciated )
FEstival Jaqueer 2.0
from 24 May to 26 June.
Info here---> https://bunqueer.jaquerespeis.org/t/festival-jaqueer-2-0/1980
You can also propose activities by signing into the platform.
Please note most of activities will be in Spanish.
I also wanna invite to the talk/workshop: Blochain for Artists
as part of this festival.
This is happening next Wednesday June 2nd, 7pm (Costa Rica Time)
info on the link above =)
to be cont.
May 21
GRK ep. 57 : All Tomorrow's Neutral Technology
19h CET til late
19h music
22h kiez news, topics, analysis
24h unchartered muddy waters
1. Efficiency + Madness
( from Guattari )
Also the title of a downloadable + useful booklet from Tactical Tech
2.diesen sonntag, pfingstsonntag, 23.mai (in 3 tagen)
13 uhr potsdamer platz:
grossdemo gegen mietenwahnsinn und ungedeckelte vertreibung
3. Palestine + Israel, the dreamtime resolutions...
that is the psychomagic solutions.
4. Btropolis in new Corona Summertime Blues + rules
Exberliner gives the breakdown in English
5. Tha Nasal Vaccines...
updates, this not just a Finnish lab project now...
6. Ken Silverstein vs. Glenn Greenwald mess
7. Rushkoff on the (meltdown) digital climate
8. Activism works
Drugstore / Potse - youth center in Btropolis
was about to be evicted this week. The numbers in the streets for demos like TAG X ... has bought them a little more time.
And they have been offered a new space in the Templehofer Airport
( but nothing settled yet )
to be cont.
May 14
Grk ep.no.56: : Oh the sweetness of engineered Efficiency + Madness !
19:00h CET
( mostly musik ? )
news, topics and announcements welcome ...
add Here:
1. Inspring text from J. Jordan ( living the arts+praxis + cultures of resistance at the ZAD ) written for CTM Transmediale 2021:
Sounds + Fury
2. Konrad Zuse and the 1st Computer
Dear unciv and arts + praxis friends...
On the 80th anniversary of the invention of the FIRST Computer in Berlin ( May 12, 1941 ):
As usual missing from this history of Konrad Zuse ( see below ) - the inventor of the 1st Turing-complete Rechner - perhaps the more important part of the story is that while being obsessed with a technological solution of creating a "mechanical brain" ( as it is claimed: to do statistical work in aviation ) he utterly failed to take into account the situations he was living in: an industrialized + predatory + murderous society that was losing its humanity.
Zuse was employed by the 3rd Reich, and was working towards creating the computational mechanisms of what would become guided missiles. Whether the story that he just wanted to resolve the problem of boring calculations is real or made up to obscure these origins of computing as wartime goals is hard to determine. But there is at least one academic who has written critical papers on Zuse, but they are not going to be published ( in FAZ ) on the 80th anniversary... I will try and come back another time to post some links. In short, the more important angle or questions:
A. Was Zuse a soulless idiot Nazi collaborator, and not a genius pioneer !?
B. If the origins of computing is designed for WEAPONRY, how should that understanding effect our relationships to our machines today ?
C. And now, are the dominant technological environments we are so deeply immersed in the fruitful MIC gardens of ever more Efficiency and Madness ?!
From FAZ.net... feel free to read between the lines :
" Wie Konrad Zuse vor 80 Jahren in Berlin den Computer erfand"
( if needed, please use Deep L or other translator )
Tonight on GRK...
Ep.no, 56: Oh, the sweetness of engineered Efficiency + Madness !
XLterrestrial rants will begin around 21h CET
appropriate music starts at 19h...
+ after midnite: unchartered waters
May 7
GRK ep.no.55
19h CET until ?
We will be revisiting some of the topics we didnt speak about last week, PLUS new stuff
- 1.Mai recap
- marc garret on situationism
- pinchbeck on ART now
- OThercinema show on Mayday history, incl. new Submedia TV
- wealth distribution
( taz article re: 1. Mai )
- choriner12.de ( Spati in Pberg under threat )
- degrowth
- UBI themes revisited
article for and against by Leah Gazan
and john Clarke
John Clarke:
- chomsky +
may 71
( democracy now )
What happened on May 1st 1987 in Btropolis
( the regenbogen blog txt )
with video reportage from 1987 re: SO36, the district + the revolt
Globalista News Items:
Good stuff from Shoshana Zuboff yestrday... a summary of the #InternetOfDonuts ?? https://twitter.com/FBoversight/status/1390055476369530883
Zapatista delegates set sail 2day for Europe.... https://www.democracynow.org/2021/5/5/headlines/zapatistas_set_sail_to_europe_to_mark_500_years_of_indigenous_resistance
The news from the resistance + uprising in Colombia
Spotify patents new speech recognition tool and 180 musicians + human rights orgs take a stand
to be cont.
+ ( possible ) NEW Musika from the XLT archives
- Omniversal Earkastra - Le Mali 70
- Pastor Leumond - the remixes
- new Mouse on Mars
- new Der Plan
and concert news:
Abwarts Live(stream ) in So36 - May 13?
April 30
GRK ep.no.54
19h CET until ?
seems like a good time to chat serious about 1.Mai and Revolutionary Struggles...
Some topics below
1. WHat's ON for 1.Mai in Btropolis
LOTS ! See:
2. Tricontinental newletter
Vijay Prashad + crew on DDR histories:
the series from Internationale Forschungsstelle DDR (IF DDR) based in Berlin. Part 1:
3. Walpurgis Nacht
( history )
+ Take Back The Night Demo am Spreewaldplatz (30.4 )
4.a. C19 news:
-India crisis
-Fuck Patented Vaccines !
the Salon article re: Gates
- https://www.democracynow.org/2021/4/29/jayati_ghosh_priya_sampathkumar_india_vaccines
4.b.- The #AllesDichtMachen Media Mess
XLt analysis
5. Chomsky re: DeGrowth
Via Labor Activist in SF Bay Tom Wetzel
via Patrice Riemens
Jason Hickel' s book "Less is More" (2021) just published in Italy under the title (translated) 'We've still (just enough) time, how a new economy can save the planet'
6. Bob Fass and Revolutionary + "Unnameable" Radio
Radio as a tool of the revolution in the 60s, 70s...
and Now ?
more tales of radio pioneer :
7. Daniel Pinchbeck newsletter now on Substack
interesting analysis on
"What Happened to Art?"
( and the disruptive digital environments fx on culture and consciousness )
( note: u can read this article without subscribing )
8. Nachrichten via
The Freien ArbeiterInnen-Union ( FAU ) is an anarcho-syndicalist federation of labour unions.
9. ?
to be cont.
April 23 ep.no. 53
19:00 CET til Late
Livestreams only.
aus der Regenbogen Cafe
music til 21h with Dj Podinski
and then discussion + themes
special guests ?
topics work-in-progress
- on JUNE 22nd, Heinrichplatz in O-strasse ( Kberg ) will be renamed Rio Reiser Platz ... and this year also marks the 50th anniversary of Ton Steine Scherben, one of DE's most influential and political bands, and with a very Berlin aura + ongoing presence in the activist + anarchist milleue !
- a discussion about the relation between art (especially music/lyrics/poetry) and politics.
with TintenWolf + Anderersaits
+live musik?
- Housing + Mietendeckel updates
Kisch + Co., etc.
- Chauvin trial + police terror ( in the U.S. )
Jello Biafra"s post on it
- 1.Mai perspectives
- Corona + testing + gatekeeping + profiteering from the crisis...
sorry but we might have to rant about Bill Gates in serious detail here. ( the new Hagiographic B.Gates doc on Netflix, made by the director of The Inconvenient Truth. )
+ the "Society of Control " solutions ...
or the other routes to keeping people healthy and safe and well-cared for
- The Pink Cloud ( 2021... written in 2017, pre-corona )
Brasil sci-fi film
- to be cont.
Investigating Bill Gates:
re: vaccines
India + Modi
How the Gates Foundation’s Investments Are Undermining Its Own Good Works - Its vast holdings in the fossil fuel and arms industries subvert the foundation’s battle against disease and poverty.
by Charles Pillar
Democracy Now 2007
investigates Gates
April 16 ep.no.52
!9:00 CET til LATE
Livestreams only.
aus der Regenbogen
Our title and list of topics comming soon:
So far:
1. Updates on the Pandemic regulations in DE
and the impacts on Cultural Events
i.e. this article about the Senat der Kultur, Klaus Lederer
2. The whistleblower at Facebook
Sophie Zhang
3. the New Besetzen Actions in Btropolis
4. Spring is almost here, What's up with Climate Actions ?!
5. 15.4 - Riesenproteste am Hermannplatz/Kottbusser Damm, nachdem der Mietendeckel für verfassungswidrig erklärt wurde. Huge protests after Rent Cap declared unconstitutional. #b1504
analysis from Andrej Holms : https://www.rosalux.de/news/id/44118/mietendeckel-was-hat-das-bundesverfassungsgericht-entschieden?cHash=6f04ba2f345ba3197b87ea26809bee9d
6. Updates on rent and housing struggles, and upcoming actions and demos. i.e. Regenbogenfabrik discusses with POTSE and DRUGSTORE
7. Racial Capitalism - and the origins of police as enforcers of slavery ( from current discussions on Nettime )
8. XLterrestrials are back ! at least, as a guest blog...
talking about the possible new formats for KIEZ MEDIA ( part 1 )
Discussion on SUNDAY w/ Rbgen
"Potse & Drugstore"
Geschichte(n) radikaler, selbstverwalteter Jugendarbeit
So., 18.4.21 | 17:00 Uhr | live aus dem RegenbogenCafé
more to come !
Got some news for us ??!
RCL will be covering tomorrow´s event in Mexico City against political incarcelation (not sure i translated that well) We will be at Okupa Che. Here is more info about the event: https://www.facebook.com/events/454973558949228/
April 9 ep.no.51
!9:00 CET til LATE
Livestreams only.
aus der Regenbogenfabrik
Topics being assembled...
In the meantime we are boosting our GRK Musika library with an arsenal of fresh bits and legendary underground archives...
( recommendations, and donations to purchase stuff for the archives on Bandcamp FRidays always welcome ... ask us how u can help ! )
GRK Archives Alert - Part 1 : Thx in part to a couple GRK comrades who like to hunt for stuff for the archives... Some cool new batches of musika coming for the upcoming GRK shows. Next LIVE date: APRIL 9 : 1. Too Much Future - a DDR punk compilation from
Henryk Gericke (2020) 2. Magnetbanduntergrund DRR 1979-1990 von Alexander Pehlemann und Ronald Galenya ( 2015 Zonic Label ) 3. Amiga - Die 100 Besten Ost Songs ( Radio Eins/ RBB / Sony 2019 ) 4. Snakefinger - Who Do You Love - B-Sides & Rarities - ( 2020 SecretRecords ) 5. The Cardiacs ( entire catalogue? ) 6. Pastor Leumond - Remixes ( 2021) 7. Rodion G.A. - ( full catalogue, incl. The Lost Tapes ) 8. WWW-Neurobeat with Ondrej Sifon Andera ( the full catalogue) + more to come !
GRK ep.no.51: hyper-modern molecular teratology
- Teratology ( and the early XLterrestrials )
- Vaccine Passports + a 2 tiered society (again!)
- limited hangout, Unlimited Hangout ( reports )
- Vitamin D - Jonathan Cook
- The Cutting Up Of Afrika (1884-85 Berlin Conference aka the Congo Conference organized by Otto von Bismarck)
- FAU Berlin - management and NS history of labor divisions
- Micro-plastics, Hormones and Xenopolitics
to be cont.
April 2 GRK ep.50:
Brain Wreck on The Beach of The Machine
!9:00 CET til late
Livestreams only
Topics will start later 2nite...
after 21h.... first some musika !
And possibly a music guest aus Colombia later....
and who knows what else...
this is improv LIVE KIEZ radio
Topics + Music:
- St Stupid's Day in SF
- Pranks
- Regenbogen interview with Peng!
( die Deutsche Yes Men )
a new book by co-founder, artist, activist, clown Jean Peters
»Wenn die Hoffnung stirbt, geht’s trotzdem weiter«
- #41
a. yesterday was Einsturzende Neubauten's 41st Birthday
b. Pyramid Club in the lower east side close down after 41 years...
c. there was a 3rd 41, but i forgot.
( maybe i will remember by the night's end )
d. Aha, oh yeah the 3rd #41 was the 41st St Stupid"s Day Parade ( on Ka-Zoom ! ) ... coincidence !?
- " Your Brain Is Not A Computer " - by Robert Epstein https://getpocket.com/explore/item/the-empty-brain?utm_source=pocket-newtab
Peter Kalmus going out of his mind while being climate scientist:https://www.propublica.org/article/the-climate-crisis-is-worse-than-you-can-imagine-heres-what-happens-if-you-try
Anxiety over the climate crisis is spreading like wildfire.
Psychologists are just starting to figure out: what is a good
"Therapy for the End of the World"https://thewalrus.ca/therapy-for-the-end-of-the-world/
to be cont.
26.3 GRK ep.49: The KIEZ is ALIVE with the sound of ANTI-MUZAK
( + OUR Next Moves ! )
possible topics
- the Next Moves for Meuterei + Kiez
- Housing Action Day + Mietewahnsinn 27.3
- soli for Pablo Hasel
- the "Linux Vaccine"
- Money Labs
Meuterei resources:
to be cont.
March 19
Grk ep.no.48 :
The Empire Never Ended ... ( or Solidarity is NOT Theory )
( poster image on Frackybook, Twitter @ podrescu, and Wire group )
FREE RADIO BEER for the 1st person who can guess who painted this MASTERPIECE !
Themes, Topics, Rants are being gathered :
- Defending Meuterei + KiezKultur
( 25.3 is eviction date )
- Kundgebung at BAIZ for Meurteri 20.3
- annalee newitz critique of Substack
- Taz prints up a Corona Facts mini-paper
- Field Notes on Freie Szene, Freier Fall from Initiative Neue Musik Berlin E.V.
- Live Music Concerts ?
- Demo for Catalan Rapper Pablo Hasel in Btropolis, 18.3
- May 18th Tag der Politischen Gefangenen
- more on Adam Curtis and revisiting "new left ideas"
- Whats up with GDPR and the state of Survy Krapitalism these days !?
- Disruption Lab program on Whistelblowers in Covid times, and screening Ai Wei Wei new Coronation film
- 150th anniversary of the Paris Commune ( March 18th )
( see PM Press, Voices of The Paris Commune )
- etc.
- to be cont.
March 12
GRK ep.n0.47 : Outside the Zones
with special guests Dennis + + Maria + + Julio ...
The Foundry (www.bravosfoundry.com)
Freeing Space (www.freeingspace.com, not there yet)
possible Topics :
- Out of the Zones
The Foundry and other autonomous + collective land projects
- Zapatistas EU Tour
- Samirvive.art
- mapping the outsides
- alt. currencies, economies for humans
- moneylabs
- pirate care
- rebel cities, reclaiming, municipalities restructured for sustainable cultures
- Deutschewohnen Enteignen
- Kiez Spaziergang
- 40th anniversary of Regenbogenfabrik
to be cont.
*Zones + Outsides
references to:
Stalker + "Roadside Picnic" book, Cacaphony Society experiments, Keller Easterling's "Extrastatecraft" book and various trade zone descriptions, Andrei Codrescu's "Disappearance of The Outside"
https://www.codrescu.com/the-disappearance-of-the-outside-a-manifesto-for-escape, Escape The Overcode by Brian Holmes, and Interzones by W.S. Burroughs. T.A.Z by Hakim Bey...
YOUR - MORE - thoughts for GRK ep47 HERE >>>>
M. Benjamin:
Gira Zapatista
#SamirVive (www.samirvive.art)
Art as a Trojan horse (rambling – somewhat structured, but possible rambling might ensue.)
Confirmed ^ - m.
Also joining :
Julio from joincircles.net
ramblings welcome :)
on Codrescu:
audio lecture from 1990 ( and funny ):
Soli for all our feminist comrades out in the streets 2morw M8 ... and Radio Cosmica Libre in Mexico City streaming 9am CST.... Let's take down the bullshit patriarchies one by one !
GRK *MIGHT* relay stream from Btropolis at 16h CET...
GRK ep.no.46 > Yes We Are Not Open
( an actual store front window sign )
with special guests Julio Linares
from Circles, a direct action UBI initiative, and community currency
and ? ... YOU ?
topics list coming soon.
+ musica
incl. our ongoing exchanges with Radio Cosmica Libre
Possible Topics:
- Universal Basic Interventions
- Solar Punks revisited
- Adam Curtis CGYOOMH ( spoilers )
- Tete.nu Umsonstladen
+ closed+canceled kultur spaces
- Regenbogen gentrification series (recap )
- Myanmar solidarity project
+ Syphre label ( on bandcamp )
- Mars Sucks ! ( the Atlantic article )
+ the XLt theories of space migration
- Lawrence Ferhlinghetti (rip) and the Beat Generation
- Hamster Cage Complex
- Coronation ( not just a film by Ai wei wei )
- GRK is 1 YEAR OLD !
- etc.
Add your own:
26.02 ... GRK starting LATER 2nite at 20h CET
GRK ep.45:
19h CET til late
title + topics coming soon.
GRK episode v.44
"Gargantuan Creatures Of Mobilized Culture In The Streets"
19:00h CET
until ? late
Livestream (only)
with special guests: J + X
- Small Kiez Businesses in Corona Times
( interviews )
-Adam Curtis new 6-part doc collage
-Regenbogen ( Verdraengung ) Series
-Wagenplatz Demo 20.2
-New Mobilizations
-New Ideas for Toppling A Dead System
-Dissent is NOT OVER b/c Corona
-Jodorowsky at 92
-Eco Strategies vs. Billionaire’s Moonshots
-The Hanau Murders, 1 year ago 2day.
+ A toast to all the aquarians, last call for water bearers in 2021, Yes we are celebrating them a day late.
As one of the possible topics is the new Adam Curtis doc series... And if you want to have a look, it is all available here:
( It's 8 hours total , ooof )
Here are 2 interviews with AC, one zoom ( recent), and one text from 2019.
Western Culture: Death & Rebirth, with Richard Tarnas
"video unavailable"
-> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ccle0QvH-Ds
2021-02-03 https://www.idler.co.uk/article/adam-curtis-social-media-is-a-scam/?fbclid=IwAR1QMr9_FZHN84fNCCWD41kEtrh7PnHoEfpKZnpbnxh0kE1Dg1JnYKzCBqg
the Archives below...
BUT anything you want to add
best to keep it chronological...
so post YOUR most recent news + notes + resources HERE:
FEB 12 : GRK episode v.43 :
Livelihood Factor X (Part 1)
We take on the topic that has been under our skin for the last couple decades, at least ?? ... surviving as autonomous beings + cultural creatives in the corporate krapitalist colonies.
!9h - 23h CET
more info coming soon !
RE-streaming REgenbogenfabrik stream
Viele Mieter*innen und Gewerbe wurden verdrängt, unzählige weitere sind bedroht. Selbst im Pandemie-Winter werden Menschen zwangsgeräumt. Morgen #b0902 sprechen wir darüber mit
. 20:00 cet
3 Groups respresenting
if yur on twitter, show yur support:
( sprechen wir darüber mit )
RE-streaming REgenbogenfabrik stream
Viele Mieter*innen und Gewerbe wurden verdrängt, unzählige weitere sind bedroht. Selbst im Pandemie-Winter werden Menschen zwangsgeräumt. Morgen #b0902 sprechen wir darüber mit
. 20:00 cet
3 Groups respresenting
if yur on twitter, show yur support:
( sprechen wir darüber mit )
Friday Nites in FEBRUARY - from The RegenbogenFabrik Cafe
19:00 - 23:00h CET
GRK - Part 1 of 4 :
"Our Btropolis, Beneath The Street"
A mix of music, anarchic gardens and stories about the cultures of resistance in the 36-Kiez, with special Rainbow guests.
Stream Links: https://globalista.openradio.in/
Chaos Pad Notes + Public Chatroom : https://pads.ccc.de/grk
Interviews in Eng.+ some DE
Here"s a book + book review about the Situationist slogan referenced in our title, from May 1968: "Sous les paves, la plage!" ("Under the pavement, the beach!)
It's bandcamp fridays, where all yur funds go to the artists...
here some of our recommendations ( and purchases, yikes, we went over Budget 2day ) :
Friday Nites in FEBRUARY - from The RegenbogenFabrik Cafe
19:00 - 23:00h CET
GRK - Part 1 of 4 :
"Our Btropolis, Beneath The Street"
A mix of music, anarchic gardens and stories about the cultures of resistance in the 36-Kiez, with special Rainbow guests.
Stream Links: https://globalista.openradio.in/
Chaos Pad Notes + Public Chatroom : https://pads.ccc.de/grk
Interviews in Eng.+ some DE
Here"s a book + book review about the Situationist slogan referenced in our title, from May 1968: "Sous les paves, la plage!" ("Under the pavement, the beach!)
It's bandcamp fridays, where all yur funds go to the artists...
here some of our recommendations ( and purchases, yikes, we went over Budget 2day ) :
¶KIEZ ALERT! 2.2.2021
For anyone interested in the local Kiez + gentrification + housing struggles, RegenbogenFabrik is hosting a 4 part STREAM series every TUES in FEB. Starting 2nite at 20h CET ( probably all in DE )... PLz Feel free to share with any comrades ( + indy media types ) who have time for these issues. On BBButton and roach.fm Radio ( stream ).
02.02.21 // 20 Uhr auf
with guests from #syndikatlebt, #kischundco und der #Meuterei
https://bbb.extern.alt.coop/b/lud-dpj-gdj oder https://roach.fm
More Info:
For anyone interested in the local Kiez + gentrification + housing struggles, RegenbogenFabrik is hosting a 4 part STREAM series every TUES in FEB. Starting 2nite at 20h CET ( probably all in DE )... PLz Feel free to share with any comrades ( + indy media types ) who have time for these issues. On BBButton and roach.fm Radio ( stream ).
02.02.21 // 20 Uhr auf
with guests from #syndikatlebt, #kischundco und der #Meuterei
https://bbb.extern.alt.coop/b/lud-dpj-gdj oder https://roach.fm
More Info:
¶Friday 29.1
ep.40 : The Un-EZ-Re-set
or the Winter/Summer of SOUL + Resistance
(with a little bit of news about + mixes from Questlove aka Ahmir Thompson )
until ?
from Rbogenfabrik
more news on that show soon !
ep.40 Topics:
Adding some topics for GRK ep.40 2nite.... nothing super in-depth, no time for that as usual.... but stuff people should research themselves in more depth... and let us know what ya think:
1. Summer of Soul documentary ( 2021 ) ... fascinating look into the racism ( in media ). one angle. why was this harlem cultural festival never televised, and only came to light 50 years later.
2. Gamestop story: The People Vs. Wallstreet ?... there is news coming out about the unsavory funders of Robinhood app, ie. one being jared kushner's Brother ?!! is this another kind of "staged insurrection" ?... as one angle to consider. For purposes of controlling and reigning in the net, with new regulations ?!
3. Bertolt Brecht's essay on The Radio As An Apparatus Of Communication (1932 ) - astounding to revisit and think about NOW in the digital era !!! In Eng. : http://sodacity.net/system/files/Bertolt_Brecht_The_Radio_as_an_Apparatus_of_Communication.pdf
4. Robots + Labor ( via K. - if s/he doesnt mind )... Humans Need Not Apply... https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=7Pq-S557XQU
request for next episode: 1-speed fuckin' bike: https://o---s---b.bandcamp.com/album/pashto-translator-needed (plus the other 3 albums on that page) (note: bandcamp albums can be downloaded using https://youtube-dl.org/ ...)
ep.40 : The Un-EZ-Re-set
or the Winter/Summer of SOUL + Resistance
(with a little bit of news about + mixes from Questlove aka Ahmir Thompson )
until ?
from Rbogenfabrik
more news on that show soon !
ep.40 Topics:
Adding some topics for GRK ep.40 2nite.... nothing super in-depth, no time for that as usual.... but stuff people should research themselves in more depth... and let us know what ya think:
1. Summer of Soul documentary ( 2021 ) ... fascinating look into the racism ( in media ). one angle. why was this harlem cultural festival never televised, and only came to light 50 years later.
2. Gamestop story: The People Vs. Wallstreet ?... there is news coming out about the unsavory funders of Robinhood app, ie. one being jared kushner's Brother ?!! is this another kind of "staged insurrection" ?... as one angle to consider. For purposes of controlling and reigning in the net, with new regulations ?!
3. Bertolt Brecht's essay on The Radio As An Apparatus Of Communication (1932 ) - astounding to revisit and think about NOW in the digital era !!! In Eng. : http://sodacity.net/system/files/Bertolt_Brecht_The_Radio_as_an_Apparatus_of_Communication.pdf
4. Robots + Labor ( via K. - if s/he doesnt mind )... Humans Need Not Apply... https://invidious.fdn.fr/watch?v=7Pq-S557XQU
request for next episode: 1-speed fuckin' bike: https://o---s---b.bandcamp.com/album/pashto-translator-needed (plus the other 3 albums on that page) (note: bandcamp albums can be downloaded using https://youtube-dl.org/ ...)
¶Friday 22.1
LIVE GRK TONITE from a new KIEZ base station from 19-23h ... Regenbogen KIno.
Topics are being assembled, but it may turn into a very easy going program with mostly musika....
( some fresh stuff received from Radio Cosmica in an ongoing exchange ) check the chaos pad (2morw, day of ) for updates + notes.
to be cont.
GRK ep.39 IT's NOT Fine !
Possible topics:
- KieZ Tour
- EZLN Tour
- US (s)election Relief ? Sill Not Fine
( we will try not to be toooo cynical )
- the Bernie Meme
- Nettime thread - The Left needs a new strategy
- Kultur in Grundgesetz ( petition )
- Housing Struggles ( an upcoming series from the RegenbogenFabrik team in Feb. on Tues. Nites )
- Hermannstr. 48
- Regulating and/or breaking up the Platform Beasts ( and the free speech debacle, re deplatforming white supremacists + fascists, and the potential fallout ... for the LEFT )
- MF Doom on the Dem's inagural Sponge-i-fy playlist ! WTF !?
- Jodorowsky on a shamanic Zoom chat with Israeli kultur activists dealing with conflict ( and apartheid ).
- The Tricontinetal Newsletter from Vijay Prashad
My Wish Is That You Win This Fight for Truth: The Third Newsletter (2021)
- etc.
and Possible special guest fom the global Btropolis south - wilmersdorf ;)
and Musika exchanges cont. from Radio Cosmica !
Solidarity Alert:
LIVE GRK TONITE from a new KIEZ base station from 19-23h ... Regenbogen KIno.
Topics are being assembled, but it may turn into a very easy going program with mostly musika....
( some fresh stuff received from Radio Cosmica in an ongoing exchange ) check the chaos pad (2morw, day of ) for updates + notes.
to be cont.
GRK ep.39 IT's NOT Fine !
Possible topics:
- KieZ Tour
- EZLN Tour
- US (s)election Relief ? Sill Not Fine
( we will try not to be toooo cynical )
- the Bernie Meme
- Nettime thread - The Left needs a new strategy
- Kultur in Grundgesetz ( petition )
- Housing Struggles ( an upcoming series from the RegenbogenFabrik team in Feb. on Tues. Nites )
- Hermannstr. 48
- Regulating and/or breaking up the Platform Beasts ( and the free speech debacle, re deplatforming white supremacists + fascists, and the potential fallout ... for the LEFT )
- MF Doom on the Dem's inagural Sponge-i-fy playlist ! WTF !?
- Jodorowsky on a shamanic Zoom chat with Israeli kultur activists dealing with conflict ( and apartheid ).
- The Tricontinetal Newsletter from Vijay Prashad
My Wish Is That You Win This Fight for Truth: The Third Newsletter (2021)
- etc.
and Possible special guest fom the global Btropolis south - wilmersdorf ;)
and Musika exchanges cont. from Radio Cosmica !
Solidarity Alert:
Radio Cosmica and GRK are doing musical exchanges...
and 2nite - c. 20:00 (CET) until ??
they have their show HERE: http://mensajito.mx:8000/d59579be728b
Note: this link only works when they are livestreaming...
Archive may get posted elsehwere, will post link when i know where.
this is our archive=
and our SM
maybe here:
Radio Cosmica and GRK are doing musical exchanges...
and 2nite - c. 20:00 (CET) until ??
they have their show HERE: http://mensajito.mx:8000/d59579be728b
Note: this link only works when they are livestreaming...
Archive may get posted elsehwere, will post link when i know where.
this is our archive=
and our SM
maybe here:
¶1.13 LIVE NOW !
Please NOte:
2nite's Interviews are postponed ( probably til Feb )
GRK ep.38 : Escape from Krapula - make your own autonomous zones
live 20-23h ...
With special guest(s) Dennis Schep via The Foundry in Galicia ( read more below )... and perhaps other playful and troublemaking rural and/or urban and/or sea-faring otthers ?
Themes to riff of:
Syncronistically, the GRK had a similar idea as the Zapatista communities ... to go on a "TOUR" ... in the midst of the pandemonia ...
Another topic:
Great post about how taiwan is dealing as a community ( building democracy togther ) with C19, and from what looks like their very young Digital Minister-in ... ( will try and grab an eng translation later ) ... good thing to add to our topics for GRK 2mrw.... https://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/politik/Taiwans-Digitalministerin-Sehen-die-Demokratie-selbst-als-eine-Technologie-id58833006.html
Another topic:
NYT has a buzzy new piece about how Tim Berners Lee thinks its time to make ANOTHER internet... cause u know what we really need now is more cyber turd stew :)
Please NOte:
2nite's Interviews are postponed ( probably til Feb )
GRK ep.38 : Escape from Krapula - make your own autonomous zones
live 20-23h ...
With special guest(s) Dennis Schep via The Foundry in Galicia ( read more below )... and perhaps other playful and troublemaking rural and/or urban and/or sea-faring otthers ?
Themes to riff of:
Syncronistically, the GRK had a similar idea as the Zapatista communities ... to go on a "TOUR" ... in the midst of the pandemonia ...
Another topic:
Great post about how taiwan is dealing as a community ( building democracy togther ) with C19, and from what looks like their very young Digital Minister-in ... ( will try and grab an eng translation later ) ... good thing to add to our topics for GRK 2mrw.... https://www.augsburger-allgemeine.de/politik/Taiwans-Digitalministerin-Sehen-die-Demokratie-selbst-als-eine-Technologie-id58833006.html
Another topic:
NYT has a buzzy new piece about how Tim Berners Lee thinks its time to make ANOTHER internet... cause u know what we really need now is more cyber turd stew :)
GRK live 2nite 18.30-21h ...
" Wag the Dog Operations " - the long ass fascist tails version
and/or the Musical
mostly dj stuff.
+ Free Ice Cream for everyone !
( thats a lie )
GRK live 2nite 18.30-21h ...
" Wag the Dog Operations " - the long ass fascist tails version
and/or the Musical
mostly dj stuff.
+ Free Ice Cream for everyone !
( thats a lie )
GRK ep.36 "Commons Galore vs. Up Shit Creek"
WEDS. 20h CET til ?
Image: Indian Creek Island aka Billionaire's Bunker in Miami Beach
1. The Commons
Logic mag"s lat issue was all about this:
2. This kind of follows up from our collab with Solar Punk last week at RC3, and still plenty of sessions there we didnt yet talk about.
One of which was a Land Trust project in Chemnitz.
hmm, wonder if the archives are up yet ?!!
3. JA denied bail
4. Article on Corona
from Byung-Chul Han is a South Korean philosopher
from May 2020
dated -- yeah, it's dated in the sense that at that point the chronic and idosyncratic health effects of the virus hadn't yet manifested themselves in younger cohorts
relevant -- I like the final point that the virus and 2020/1 may be remembered as the point of geopolitical inflexion from the West to the East
[input from SeSi]
5. Georgia turns blue
( will the dem party now know what to do ? )
excerpt from Point 4 :
"The coronavirus is showing that human vulnerability or mortality is not democratic, but depends on social status. Death is not democratic. Covid-19 has not changed anything in this respect. Death has never been democratic. The pandemic, in particular, highlights the social problems, failures and differences in each society. With Covid-19, the working poor of immigrant origin in the peripheral areas of large cities fall ill and die. They have to work. Carers, factory workers, cleaners, shop assistants and rubbish collectors cannot afford to work from home. The rich, on the other hand, move into their homes in the countryside.
"The pandemic is not just a medical problem, it is a social problem. One reason why so many people have not died in Germany is because there are not as many social problems as in other European countries and the United States. Also the health system is much better in Germany than in the United States, France, England or Italy".
"The second problem is that Covid-19 does not support democracy. As is well known, autocrats feed on fear. In the crisis, people return to look for leaders. The Hungarian Viktor Orban benefits greatly from this, declares a state of emergency and makes it normal. This is the end of democracy.
"With the pandemic we are moving towards a regime of bio-political surveillance. Not only our communications, but even our bodies, our state of health become objects of digital surveillance. The pandemic shock will cause digital biopolitics to take hold worldwide, which with its control and surveillance system will take over our bodies, leading to a biopolitical disciplinary society in which our health status will also be constantly monitored.
GRK ep.36 "Commons Galore vs. Up Shit Creek"
WEDS. 20h CET til ?
Image: Indian Creek Island aka Billionaire's Bunker in Miami Beach
1. The Commons
Logic mag"s lat issue was all about this:
2. This kind of follows up from our collab with Solar Punk last week at RC3, and still plenty of sessions there we didnt yet talk about.
One of which was a Land Trust project in Chemnitz.
hmm, wonder if the archives are up yet ?!!
3. JA denied bail
4. Article on Corona
from Byung-Chul Han is a South Korean philosopher
from May 2020
dated -- yeah, it's dated in the sense that at that point the chronic and idosyncratic health effects of the virus hadn't yet manifested themselves in younger cohorts
relevant -- I like the final point that the virus and 2020/1 may be remembered as the point of geopolitical inflexion from the West to the East
[input from SeSi]
5. Georgia turns blue
( will the dem party now know what to do ? )
excerpt from Point 4 :
"The coronavirus is showing that human vulnerability or mortality is not democratic, but depends on social status. Death is not democratic. Covid-19 has not changed anything in this respect. Death has never been democratic. The pandemic, in particular, highlights the social problems, failures and differences in each society. With Covid-19, the working poor of immigrant origin in the peripheral areas of large cities fall ill and die. They have to work. Carers, factory workers, cleaners, shop assistants and rubbish collectors cannot afford to work from home. The rich, on the other hand, move into their homes in the countryside.
"The pandemic is not just a medical problem, it is a social problem. One reason why so many people have not died in Germany is because there are not as many social problems as in other European countries and the United States. Also the health system is much better in Germany than in the United States, France, England or Italy".
"The second problem is that Covid-19 does not support democracy. As is well known, autocrats feed on fear. In the crisis, people return to look for leaders. The Hungarian Viktor Orban benefits greatly from this, declares a state of emergency and makes it normal. This is the end of democracy.
"With the pandemic we are moving towards a regime of bio-political surveillance. Not only our communications, but even our bodies, our state of health become objects of digital surveillance. The pandemic shock will cause digital biopolitics to take hold worldwide, which with its control and surveillance system will take over our bodies, leading to a biopolitical disciplinary society in which our health status will also be constantly monitored.
GRK v.35 : the meltdown(s) continue
GRK livestream... 18-21h ( CET )
2NIte at the Btropolis Mitte Ice Palast... on the occasion of the first snow of 2021... GRK livestream... 18-21h ( CET )... because... FREE ice cream + Kaffee + wonderful hosts .... and all the usual global emergencies !!
1. #FreeAssange
2. earthquake in Croatia
3. Ivan Illich
( and B. Bratton's anarcho-spiritual phobias )
GRK v.35 : the meltdown(s) continue
GRK livestream... 18-21h ( CET )
2NIte at the Btropolis Mitte Ice Palast... on the occasion of the first snow of 2021... GRK livestream... 18-21h ( CET )... because... FREE ice cream + Kaffee + wonderful hosts .... and all the usual global emergencies !!
1. #FreeAssange
2. earthquake in Croatia
3. Ivan Illich
( and B. Bratton's anarcho-spiritual phobias )
Spontaneous New Year Day Musika Mix Special
Live Now
GRK ep.34:
2021 A Sporiferous Odditysie
20:30 til late (CET )
( coming soon )
Spontaneous New Year Day Musika Mix Special
Live Now
GRK ep.34:
2021 A Sporiferous Odditysie
20:30 til late (CET )
( coming soon )
GRK Full Moon Livestream 2nite
dec.30 20-23h CET
discussion about RC3
analysis and critiques of CCC orientations
in the Hyper-industrial Hamster Cage Complex
and we will collab with Radio Cosmica in Mexico
they will be relaying our GRK show.
Meanwhile Solar Punk channel is continuing with some good content 2day.
And we can discuss our collaborations with them.
Any perspectives from any of you out there... on your takes and participations in RC3 Worlds... welcome !
musika + theme focus
perhaps in contrast to the germanesque C3 content:
voices from the Global South
If we have time to assemble that.
Two projects that were sent to us from Cosmica Radio:
+about Radio Cosmica Libre=
Sintoniza - Tune in: http://mensajito.mx:8000/d59579be728b
Email: radiocosmicalibre@gmail.com
¡Síguenos! - Follow us!
Alert : ONE more session... JUlio Linares... on basic income + circles
GRK Full Moon Livestream 2nite
dec.30 20-23h CET
discussion about RC3
analysis and critiques of CCC orientations
in the Hyper-industrial Hamster Cage Complex
and we will collab with Radio Cosmica in Mexico
they will be relaying our GRK show.
Meanwhile Solar Punk channel is continuing with some good content 2day.
And we can discuss our collaborations with them.
Any perspectives from any of you out there... on your takes and participations in RC3 Worlds... welcome !
musika + theme focus
perhaps in contrast to the germanesque C3 content:
voices from the Global South
If we have time to assemble that.
Two projects that were sent to us from Cosmica Radio:
+about Radio Cosmica Libre=
Sintoniza - Tune in: http://mensajito.mx:8000/d59579be728b
Email: radiocosmicalibre@gmail.com
¡Síguenos! - Follow us!
Alert : ONE more session... JUlio Linares... on basic income + circles
¶RC3 - Chaos Congress Remote - DAY 3
Here's the stream LINK for tuning into the Solar Punk / Kreaturworks .... https://streaming.media.ccc.de/rc3/kreaturworks
IF trouble with RC3 stream, Radio Cosmica is also streaming here;
( havent tried any streams, too busy ... give us feedback in the chat )
Program starts at 15:30
Resources for our talk:
Ikarie XB-1 trailer
about Zdeněk Liška
Ikarie soundtrack
Ikarie XB-1
Corona Reboot
Cory Ondrejka at 22c3
Freeing Space by Denis Schep
Here's the stream LINK for tuning into the Solar Punk / Kreaturworks .... https://streaming.media.ccc.de/rc3/kreaturworks
IF trouble with RC3 stream, Radio Cosmica is also streaming here;
( havent tried any streams, too busy ... give us feedback in the chat )
Program starts at 15:30
Resources for our talk:
Ikarie XB-1 trailer
about Zdeněk Liška
Ikarie soundtrack
Ikarie XB-1
Corona Reboot
Cory Ondrejka at 22c3
Freeing Space by Denis Schep
Hi All,
GRK and the XLterrestrials are following CCC - remote, called RC3...
Here is the Farhplan/schedule for DAy 2
On Day 3 we will be contributing to the Solar Punks Assembly.
They are HERE:
( ticket required to see this link apparently )
But the 2 main channels ( maybe more ) are open for public viewing:
This the Solar Punks channel schedule for Day3 - Dec29:
SP2077 schedule: Below are the times for each talk in Central European Time:
Radio Cosmica - 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Globalista Radio XLterrestrials - 4:30 - 5:30pm
Hacker*innen der Demokratischen Moderne: Wie leben, Was tun? - 6:30pm -7:30pm
Cybergrrrrls - 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Anarchist Hospital - 8:30pm
Pehaps these will in Jitsi rooms which we can send a link for.
Keep you posted !
In addition to that GRK will try to have a roundtable-ish discussion with any and all SP-collaborators on WEDS nite. 18-24h CET roughly.
THIS will be on our regular GRK stream channel.
So we are set up at the Cuore di Vetro, above the ice cream shop... in the buro... streaming live....
Hi All,
GRK and the XLterrestrials are following CCC - remote, called RC3...
Here is the Farhplan/schedule for DAy 2
On Day 3 we will be contributing to the Solar Punks Assembly.
They are HERE:
( ticket required to see this link apparently )
But the 2 main channels ( maybe more ) are open for public viewing:
This the Solar Punks channel schedule for Day3 - Dec29:
SP2077 schedule: Below are the times for each talk in Central European Time:
Radio Cosmica - 3:30pm - 4:30pm
Globalista Radio XLterrestrials - 4:30 - 5:30pm
Hacker*innen der Demokratischen Moderne: Wie leben, Was tun? - 6:30pm -7:30pm
Cybergrrrrls - 7:30pm - 8:30pm
Anarchist Hospital - 8:30pm
Pehaps these will in Jitsi rooms which we can send a link for.
Keep you posted !
In addition to that GRK will try to have a roundtable-ish discussion with any and all SP-collaborators on WEDS nite. 18-24h CET roughly.
THIS will be on our regular GRK stream channel.
So we are set up at the Cuore di Vetro, above the ice cream shop... in the buro... streaming live....
¶Coming Up (Dec 26-30)
GRK special episodes for Chaos Congress : Solar Punk (2077) vs. Military Industrial Hamster Cage Complex (2020 )
The schedule so far:
26.12 nocturnal tests from the secret XLt bunker
27.12 Part 1 : Launch from a Btropolis Mitte punk ice cream shop
17-23h CET
30.12 Part X : Last Day Of Remote Congress from MICT, Btrop Mitte
more news coming.
Coming Up:
GRK special episodes for Chaos Congress : Solar Punk (2077) vs. Military Industrial Hamster Cage Complex (2020 )
The schedule so far:
26.12 nocturnal tests from the secret XLt bunker
27.12 Part 1 : Launch from a Btropolis Mitte punk ice cream shop
17-23h CET
30.12 Part X : Last Day Of Remote Congress from MICT, Btrop Mitte
more news coming.
Coming Up:
¶GRK ep.no.31
Military Industrial Hamster Cage Complex
20-23h CET, Btropolis time
This year's CCC is all online...
a virtual ghost of itself.
a ghost of ourselves.
a ghost in the MACHINATIONS
special guests TBA
Military Industrial Hamster Cage Complex
20-23h CET, Btropolis time
This year's CCC is all online...
a virtual ghost of itself.
a ghost of ourselves.
a ghost in the MACHINATIONS
special guests TBA
¶GRK ep.no.30: Cultural Workers Unite !
w/ special guests.
Laura Horelli, Carlos G.
Topics for 16.12:
1. The Coalition of Cultural Workers Against the Humboldt Forum
2. Music + Musicology
Venues, Tresspassers Bar, more on cultural workers, music livelihoods
3. The Great Reset
what is it?
what to do ?
Leaving aside the questioning of the pandemic, the threat of digital serfdom is real !
more links needed
w/ special guests.
Laura Horelli, Carlos G.
Topics for 16.12:
1. The Coalition of Cultural Workers Against the Humboldt Forum
2. Music + Musicology
Venues, Tresspassers Bar, more on cultural workers, music livelihoods
3. The Great Reset
what is it?
what to do ?
Leaving aside the questioning of the pandemic, the threat of digital serfdom is real !
more links needed
¶GRK ep. no.29
Wed. Dec 9th
20-23h ( CET )
1. the GRK unlockdown Tour project
2. " Save the (Techno) Clubs " EVENTS
#rettetdietechnoclubs - in Btropolis, which brought together some great speakers to share news + analysis from many fronts... ( from eco + climate struggles to local livelihoods, etc, etc. ). This was much much more politically engaged than we were expecting, and an important mobilzation + communication tool in the cultural lockdown period.
3. Disruption Lab's Borders + Migration conference, a reportback
4.looking at the discussions on Nettime about : Has the Right Gone Full Alt ? ... fascinating view of the current state of (political) madness.
5. Great resource for analyzing "techno fascism", "the great reset", the 4th industrial revolution, and how to resist the hyper-industrializtion of life
And more topics to come...
hallo! ;)
Wed. Dec 9th
20-23h ( CET )
1. the GRK unlockdown Tour project
2. " Save the (Techno) Clubs " EVENTS
#rettetdietechnoclubs - in Btropolis, which brought together some great speakers to share news + analysis from many fronts... ( from eco + climate struggles to local livelihoods, etc, etc. ). This was much much more politically engaged than we were expecting, and an important mobilzation + communication tool in the cultural lockdown period.
3. Disruption Lab's Borders + Migration conference, a reportback
4.looking at the discussions on Nettime about : Has the Right Gone Full Alt ? ... fascinating view of the current state of (political) madness.
5. Great resource for analyzing "techno fascism", "the great reset", the 4th industrial revolution, and how to resist the hyper-industrializtion of life
And more topics to come...
hallo! ;)
¶GRK ep. no. 28:
Weds, Dec 2nd. 20-23h (CET) -
We will cont. our coverage of local Btropolis events, incl. Silent Works, and Disruption Lab"s Borders of Fear / Migration + Control ! ... and we plan an interview with Max Haiven and Cassie Thornton !
For homework we found that one of our fave topical and investigative radio programs "Against The Grain" + C.S. Soong did this interview with Max last May,2020 ( and one actually in 2017 as well, as Trumpism had just started to kick in )... on "Revenge Capitalism" : https://kpfa.org/episode/against-the-grain-april-9-2019/
And if you want to read it, transcribed here: https://maxhaiven.com/capitalism-as-revenge/
Also via Berliner Gazette:
"We have just uploaded a video teaser to University of the Phoenix's
contribution to SILENT WORKS, have a look here: https://vimeo.com/485838879
_______________________ ___________________________________
New episodes
Weds, Dec 2nd. 20-23h (CET) -
We will cont. our coverage of local Btropolis events, incl. Silent Works, and Disruption Lab"s Borders of Fear / Migration + Control ! ... and we plan an interview with Max Haiven and Cassie Thornton !
For homework we found that one of our fave topical and investigative radio programs "Against The Grain" + C.S. Soong did this interview with Max last May,2020 ( and one actually in 2017 as well, as Trumpism had just started to kick in )... on "Revenge Capitalism" : https://kpfa.org/episode/against-the-grain-april-9-2019/
And if you want to read it, transcribed here: https://maxhaiven.com/capitalism-as-revenge/
Also via Berliner Gazette:
"We have just uploaded a video teaser to University of the Phoenix's
contribution to SILENT WORKS, have a look here: https://vimeo.com/485838879
_______________________ ___________________________________
New episodes
¶2x GRK on Nov.25th
In collaboration with Berliner Gazette and the exhibition Silent Works at Haus Der Statistik.
15-17h (CET)
GRK will moderate a discussion with Magdalena Taube, the co-curator of the exhibition. And 3 of the artists in the exhibition.
More on that later.
In the evening, we will do GRK ep. 27 - Part 2 of the Silent Works discussions, an expanded freeform reflection ...
and other news.
again from MICT with Adam Burns.
20-23h (CET)
themes: A.i. and Labor / techno-colonialism /
arts and culture going deeper into the data underworlds in corona times... what now ?! how do we take back and continue our embodied cultures and planetary being ?!
Coming up:
In collaboration with Berliner Gazette and the exhibition Silent Works at Haus Der Statistik.
15-17h (CET)
GRK will moderate a discussion with Magdalena Taube, the co-curator of the exhibition. And 3 of the artists in the exhibition.
More on that later.
In the evening, we will do GRK ep. 27 - Part 2 of the Silent Works discussions, an expanded freeform reflection ...
and other news.
again from MICT with Adam Burns.
20-23h (CET)
themes: A.i. and Labor / techno-colonialism /
arts and culture going deeper into the data underworlds in corona times... what now ?! how do we take back and continue our embodied cultures and planetary being ?!
Coming up:
¶GRK episode v.26 - Weds. 18.11.2020
20:00h ( CET ) til ?
from MiCT in B-Mitte
(possible) Topics:
- the 4th Logan Symposium ( Nov. 16-19 )
reflections on various talks there, incl. tonight's "Open The Black Box"
- Silent Works, exhibition by Berlin Gazette ( on A.I. + Labor )
- Technopolis ( book ) with Katja Schwaller, maybe
- the lockdown(s), specifically as it relates to arts+culture+life
- Soundwatch + Interfilm (online) festivals
- analyzing the cancerous Trumpism ( + the new Parler social media platform for fascho f*ckwits )
- #Mercerism ( P.K. Dick )
- etc.
20:00h ( CET ) til ?
from MiCT in B-Mitte
(possible) Topics:
- the 4th Logan Symposium ( Nov. 16-19 )
reflections on various talks there, incl. tonight's "Open The Black Box"
- Silent Works, exhibition by Berlin Gazette ( on A.I. + Labor )
- Technopolis ( book ) with Katja Schwaller, maybe
- the lockdown(s), specifically as it relates to arts+culture+life
- Soundwatch + Interfilm (online) festivals
- analyzing the cancerous Trumpism ( + the new Parler social media platform for fascho f*ckwits )
- #Mercerism ( P.K. Dick )
- etc.
¶GRK Updates 12.11 :
1. Tentatively sheduled to play with Dj Ungrund - fresh outta Quarantine ;) - ... GRK at SmooBar Sunday - 15.11 ... Boxhagener flohmarkt day
LATE START, But we are up at SMOO Bar...
share the URL:
here til about 20h, maybe more...
2. We are in negotiations to do some streams at Haus Der Statistik at the former Stasi complex at Alexanderplatz for the Silent Works exhibition. dates TBA.
Check out the exhibtion info/overview here at :
SILENT WORKS – The Hidden Human Labor in AI-Driven Capitalism
Good topics for us to conduct some interviews on these very well-framed themes in the struggles against Big Tech(-nopolies ).
3. Buchhandlung is not open for our weds nite programs, so we are hunting other options to stream for local venues and public spaces. We are open to suggestions.
1. Tentatively sheduled to play with Dj Ungrund - fresh outta Quarantine ;) - ... GRK at SmooBar Sunday - 15.11 ... Boxhagener flohmarkt day
LATE START, But we are up at SMOO Bar...
share the URL:
here til about 20h, maybe more...
2. We are in negotiations to do some streams at Haus Der Statistik at the former Stasi complex at Alexanderplatz for the Silent Works exhibition. dates TBA.
Check out the exhibtion info/overview here at :
SILENT WORKS – The Hidden Human Labor in AI-Driven Capitalism
Good topics for us to conduct some interviews on these very well-framed themes in the struggles against Big Tech(-nopolies ).
3. Buchhandlung is not open for our weds nite programs, so we are hunting other options to stream for local venues and public spaces. We are open to suggestions.
¶NOV.3/4 tues/weds
The 2020 Selections shitshow !
GRK will collaborate with Radio Patapoe in AMsterdam to do some coverage of the US (S)election mess ... as the results would normally start coming in.
if anyone wants to share the news.... here's the stream links:
patapoe : https://radiopatapoe.nl/
and GRK: https://globalista.openradio.in/
GRK will start around 23h ( CEST ) - Nov3
Patapoe's program starts at 2h ( CEST ) - Nov.4
Both streams going until late, and we will somehow be exchanging / relaying each others streams and chatting with each other...
and the Many guests that Patapoe has planned to bring to the table...
Incl. ppl like Brain Holmes, voices from indymedia, and ... ??
from New York, Portland, etc.
Get in touch, if ya wanna rant and roll with us !
NEWS 4 2nite:
THIS is the Patapoe schedule, which starts at 2h... and we"ll perhaps have a discussion with Patapoe host Menno before their slot kicks in ( maybe around midnite ) .... and announce their show... which we will mostly relay here on GRK... ... .... .................................................................................................................................Live-link with Globalista Radio Kit during the whole show, WIRE/Zoom/Skype
* Donald Fleming about the specifics of voting in the US (pre-recorded)
* Ingeborg Beugel from Athens about refugees and other thoughts (at 2:15, Whatsapp)
* Patrice Riemens from Firenze (perhaps, phone)
* Brian, Evan and Cozka from Portland (Whatsapp)
* Mohammad Salemy from Berlin (at 3:00, Whatsapp)
* David Garcia from Brighton (at 3:15, Whatsapp)
* Jecorey Arthur from Louisville, Kentucky (at 3:30, Zoom)
* Rebekka Timmer, from the Dutch Black Lives Matter-movement (at 3:45, phone)
* Anton Jaeger from Brussel (Whatsapp)
* Brian Holmes from Chicago (at 4:30. Zoom)
* Thomas Gokey (Debtcollective.org, at 4:45, Zoom)
from SmooBar
The 2020 Selections shitshow !
GRK will collaborate with Radio Patapoe in AMsterdam to do some coverage of the US (S)election mess ... as the results would normally start coming in.
if anyone wants to share the news.... here's the stream links:
patapoe : https://radiopatapoe.nl/
and GRK: https://globalista.openradio.in/
GRK will start around 23h ( CEST ) - Nov3
Patapoe's program starts at 2h ( CEST ) - Nov.4
Both streams going until late, and we will somehow be exchanging / relaying each others streams and chatting with each other...
and the Many guests that Patapoe has planned to bring to the table...
Incl. ppl like Brain Holmes, voices from indymedia, and ... ??
from New York, Portland, etc.
Get in touch, if ya wanna rant and roll with us !
NEWS 4 2nite:
THIS is the Patapoe schedule, which starts at 2h... and we"ll perhaps have a discussion with Patapoe host Menno before their slot kicks in ( maybe around midnite ) .... and announce their show... which we will mostly relay here on GRK... ... .... .................................................................................................................................Live-link with Globalista Radio Kit during the whole show, WIRE/Zoom/Skype
* Donald Fleming about the specifics of voting in the US (pre-recorded)
* Ingeborg Beugel from Athens about refugees and other thoughts (at 2:15, Whatsapp)
* Patrice Riemens from Firenze (perhaps, phone)
* Brian, Evan and Cozka from Portland (Whatsapp)
* Mohammad Salemy from Berlin (at 3:00, Whatsapp)
* David Garcia from Brighton (at 3:15, Whatsapp)
* Jecorey Arthur from Louisville, Kentucky (at 3:30, Zoom)
* Rebekka Timmer, from the Dutch Black Lives Matter-movement (at 3:45, phone)
* Anton Jaeger from Brussel (Whatsapp)
* Brian Holmes from Chicago (at 4:30. Zoom)
* Thomas Gokey (Debtcollective.org, at 4:45, Zoom)
from SmooBar
17h - 20h - maybe later
( we hope )
serving is still getting fixed... standby !
19:03h ( CEST )...
________________________ __________________ __________________
17h - 20h - maybe later
( we hope )
serving is still getting fixed... standby !
19:03h ( CEST )...
________________________ __________________ __________________
¶GRK 21.10
GRM mix v.171
We will be at the Bu Tu studio 2nite from 19-23h...
if you are in town, all welcome to join us at the Buchhandlung Cafe, Tucholskystr. 32 in B-Mitte.
but there are reports of the C19 numbers rising, so we recommend you bring a mask ( obligated, actually ) ... and seating is limited, no more than SIX per table, which might also be considered a risk.
We're always collecting musik... if you have some you would like to share please bring some tunes, or share links to what's on yur radar these days...
we are kind of in a "gothic" moody mood...
21.10.2020 --- ( ö ) ----o---- ( O ) --- gLoBaLiSta RAdi0 KiT --- ( ö ) ----o---- ( O ) ---- GRK. v171: Dubber Side of The Moon, Easy Star All-Stars, Adrian Sherwood & Jazzwad, Dreadzone, Mad Professor, Dr. Israel, Dubphonic, Dub Colossus, 47 Soul , A-Wa, Širom, Ammar 808, Thom Yorke - Anima, Ukandanz, Strangers in Dub: Bert Kaempfert meets De-Phazz, Elvis Costello + The Roots, Zenzile, High-Tone, Einstuerzende Neubauten, La Yegros, Califone, Mono Nome, Little Axe, Fun Da Mental, BKO, Bixiga 70, Bantou Mentale, Short Paris, Asian Dub Foundation, Guts Pie Earshot, Yo La Tengo, Alice Dee, Live Skull, Come, November Group, Primitive Romance, Kozma Orkestra, Trio Tekke, The Fallen Stars …
_________________________________ _____________________________
GRM mix v.171
We will be at the Bu Tu studio 2nite from 19-23h...
if you are in town, all welcome to join us at the Buchhandlung Cafe, Tucholskystr. 32 in B-Mitte.
but there are reports of the C19 numbers rising, so we recommend you bring a mask ( obligated, actually ) ... and seating is limited, no more than SIX per table, which might also be considered a risk.
We're always collecting musik... if you have some you would like to share please bring some tunes, or share links to what's on yur radar these days...
we are kind of in a "gothic" moody mood...
21.10.2020 --- ( ö ) ----o---- ( O ) --- gLoBaLiSta RAdi0 KiT --- ( ö ) ----o---- ( O ) ---- GRK. v171: Dubber Side of The Moon, Easy Star All-Stars, Adrian Sherwood & Jazzwad, Dreadzone, Mad Professor, Dr. Israel, Dubphonic, Dub Colossus, 47 Soul , A-Wa, Širom, Ammar 808, Thom Yorke - Anima, Ukandanz, Strangers in Dub: Bert Kaempfert meets De-Phazz, Elvis Costello + The Roots, Zenzile, High-Tone, Einstuerzende Neubauten, La Yegros, Califone, Mono Nome, Little Axe, Fun Da Mental, BKO, Bixiga 70, Bantou Mentale, Short Paris, Asian Dub Foundation, Guts Pie Earshot, Yo La Tengo, Alice Dee, Live Skull, Come, November Group, Primitive Romance, Kozma Orkestra, Trio Tekke, The Fallen Stars …
_________________________________ _____________________________
¶GRK 18.10
Sonntags im Herbst at the SmooBar
mit djs Podinski und Ungrund
the globalista brunch network
starting earlier 2day...
17h or so ??
flohmarkt day
____________ ___________ ________________________
Sonntags im Herbst at the SmooBar
mit djs Podinski und Ungrund
the globalista brunch network
starting earlier 2day...
17h or so ??
flohmarkt day
____________ ___________ ________________________
¶GRK. 11.10
We are in the Neukoelln Kiez for a special ceremony...
15:30 til 19h
we might be streaming, but will have to check who is ok with be on the webz...
and we might be at the Smoo later 2nite 20h... we"ll try to keep you updated! ...
GrK is assembling and spreading a little mycelium of inspired musika... for the garden of radikal spirits:
Bandista - Hiçbir Yerin Şarkısı
Bandista - Beton Millet Sakarya
Bad Sound System - Kapitalismo
Da Cruz - Visitar América
Deichkind - Wer Sagt Denn Das?
Fela Kuti - Coffin For Head Of State (Part 2)
Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle - Was kostet die Welt
Iva Nova - Летящая
Skeleton Crew - The Border
A.R. Rahman Riots
Dog Faced Hermanns - Bella Ciao
Dj Krush - Bдstard - locate radiation
Dr. Israel & Brooklyn Jungle Soundsystem - Liberation Dub
Jeffrey Lewis ( sings Crass ) - Do They Owe Us A Living?
Gil Scott-Heron Ani't No Such Thing As Superman
Soul Coughing - The Incumbent
ErsatzMusik - Wild Grass
Tom Waits - Carnival (Brunello Del Montalcino)
Ton Steine Scherben - Keine Macht für niemand
Ton Steine Scherben - Solidarität
The Velvet Underground - European Son
The Gun Club - Brother And Sister
The Fall - Cyber Insekt
The Fall - Free Range
Tony Allen - Kindness
Tony Allen + Hugh Maskela -
Terry Hall & Mushtaq -Ten Eleven
The Specials - Concrete Jungle
The Clash - White Riot
Smadj - Spring revolution song
Pascal Comelade + Jaki Liebezeit - Jours Tranquilles A Rodez
L.U.C - Tribute To Lech Walesa
Fehlfarben - Abenteuer & Freiheit
Gang Of Four - To Hell With Poverty (Go Home Productions Remix)
Gang of Four - Capital, It Fails Us Now !
Kryzys Brygada - babylon is falling
Dub Colossus - Fight Back
Dub Colossus - The Casino’s Burning Down
Asian Dub Foundation - Collective Mode
Public Enemy - Give it up
Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 - Last Revolutionary
Beastie Boys - Funky Boss
Beastie Boys - Stand Together
Toni Kitanovski & Cherkezi Orchestra - Gnossienne No.1
Ana Tijoux Featuring Shadia Mansour - Somos sur
The Incredible Herrengedeck - Chor der Banker
Linton Kwesi Johnson - Wat About Di Workin' Claas?
Seed - G€ld
Trio Tekke - Shooting Star
Meridian Brothers - Guaracha U.F.O (No Estamos Solos...)
Filastine- Salarymen
Atom Heart - Ashes To Ashes (Digital Spacepop Replicant)
Little Axe - Seeing Red
We are in the Neukoelln Kiez for a special ceremony...
15:30 til 19h
we might be streaming, but will have to check who is ok with be on the webz...
and we might be at the Smoo later 2nite 20h... we"ll try to keep you updated! ...
GrK is assembling and spreading a little mycelium of inspired musika... for the garden of radikal spirits:
Bandista - Hiçbir Yerin Şarkısı
Bandista - Beton Millet Sakarya
Bad Sound System - Kapitalismo
Da Cruz - Visitar América
Deichkind - Wer Sagt Denn Das?
Fela Kuti - Coffin For Head Of State (Part 2)
Freiwillige Selbstkontrolle - Was kostet die Welt
Iva Nova - Летящая
Skeleton Crew - The Border
A.R. Rahman Riots
Dog Faced Hermanns - Bella Ciao
Dj Krush - Bдstard - locate radiation
Dr. Israel & Brooklyn Jungle Soundsystem - Liberation Dub
Jeffrey Lewis ( sings Crass ) - Do They Owe Us A Living?
Gil Scott-Heron Ani't No Such Thing As Superman
Soul Coughing - The Incumbent
ErsatzMusik - Wild Grass
Tom Waits - Carnival (Brunello Del Montalcino)
Ton Steine Scherben - Keine Macht für niemand
Ton Steine Scherben - Solidarität
The Velvet Underground - European Son
The Gun Club - Brother And Sister
The Fall - Cyber Insekt
The Fall - Free Range
Tony Allen - Kindness
Tony Allen + Hugh Maskela -
Terry Hall & Mushtaq -Ten Eleven
The Specials - Concrete Jungle
The Clash - White Riot
Smadj - Spring revolution song
Pascal Comelade + Jaki Liebezeit - Jours Tranquilles A Rodez
L.U.C - Tribute To Lech Walesa
Fehlfarben - Abenteuer & Freiheit
Gang Of Four - To Hell With Poverty (Go Home Productions Remix)
Gang of Four - Capital, It Fails Us Now !
Kryzys Brygada - babylon is falling
Dub Colossus - Fight Back
Dub Colossus - The Casino’s Burning Down
Asian Dub Foundation - Collective Mode
Public Enemy - Give it up
Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 - Last Revolutionary
Beastie Boys - Funky Boss
Beastie Boys - Stand Together
Toni Kitanovski & Cherkezi Orchestra - Gnossienne No.1
Ana Tijoux Featuring Shadia Mansour - Somos sur
The Incredible Herrengedeck - Chor der Banker
Linton Kwesi Johnson - Wat About Di Workin' Claas?
Seed - G€ld
Trio Tekke - Shooting Star
Meridian Brothers - Guaracha U.F.O (No Estamos Solos...)
Filastine- Salarymen
Atom Heart - Ashes To Ashes (Digital Spacepop Replicant)
Little Axe - Seeing Red
¶GRK 7.10
some stuff yur gonna hear nite:
GRK. v170: Mal Eleve ( 2019 ), Deichkind (2019), Rachid Taha ( new: Je Suis Africain 2019 ), Asian Dub Foundation (new), Dangsha ( new), Tony Allen + Hugh Masekela (2020), Bixiga 70 ( 2018), BKO ( 2017), Ana Tijoux, Miss Columbia (new), Ceu (new), Saigon Supersound v.1 ( 2017 ), Too Much Future ( DDR punk, 2020 ), Deckname Jenny Sndtk w/ Guts Pie Earshot + Nomi und Aino (2019), Sampled Funk (2019), Sankara Future Dub Resurgence (IR 2020), Space Funk - Afro Futurist Electro Funk in Space 1976-84, Meszecsinka (2019), Altin Gun (2019), Mdou Moctar (2020), Celluloid Mata (1998), WWW Neurobeat (2009/2018), Dub Colossus (2020), Bantou Mentale (2020), The Heliocentrics (2020)…
Coming up:
some stuff yur gonna hear nite:
GRK. v170: Mal Eleve ( 2019 ), Deichkind (2019), Rachid Taha ( new: Je Suis Africain 2019 ), Asian Dub Foundation (new), Dangsha ( new), Tony Allen + Hugh Masekela (2020), Bixiga 70 ( 2018), BKO ( 2017), Ana Tijoux, Miss Columbia (new), Ceu (new), Saigon Supersound v.1 ( 2017 ), Too Much Future ( DDR punk, 2020 ), Deckname Jenny Sndtk w/ Guts Pie Earshot + Nomi und Aino (2019), Sampled Funk (2019), Sankara Future Dub Resurgence (IR 2020), Space Funk - Afro Futurist Electro Funk in Space 1976-84, Meszecsinka (2019), Altin Gun (2019), Mdou Moctar (2020), Celluloid Mata (1998), WWW Neurobeat (2009/2018), Dub Colossus (2020), Bantou Mentale (2020), The Heliocentrics (2020)…
Coming up:
¶GRK ep.no.25 - 30.9
20:00h til ?
( weclome to join us -live - at the B-Mitte Cafe, ask us for details )
1. reports from Disruption Lab's 3-day Conference on Smart Cities / Data Cities: https://www.disruptionlab.org/data-cities
2. news of Blackrock tribunal at the FU, Berlin (?)
3. reports from the new Christoph Schlingensief Book Launch at KW Institute ( a collection of interviews + conversations )
on the 10th of anniversray of todestag in Aug. 2010
and in Oct, what would have been his 60th birthday.
4. The Social Dilemma neflix flik ( analyzed, deconstructed )
( got some topics for us ??? )
And as always some killer music
possible playlist:
2nite's GRK livestream >>> 30.09.2020 --- ( ö ) ----o---- ( O ) --- gLoBaLiSta RAdi0 KiT --- ( ö ) ----o---- ( O ) ---- GRK. v169: Miss Columbia (new), Ceu (new), Deichkind (2019), Altin Gun (2019), Rachid Taha ( new: Je Suis Africain 2019 ), Asian Dub Foundation (new), Dangsha ( new), Stereo MCs, Carter Burwell sndtks, Fayrouz, Hendrix in the Spirit of Jazz compilation ( 2017), Minyo Crusaders, Bugge + Friends, Celluloid Mata, usw....
20:00h til ?
( weclome to join us -live - at the B-Mitte Cafe, ask us for details )
1. reports from Disruption Lab's 3-day Conference on Smart Cities / Data Cities: https://www.disruptionlab.org/data-cities
2. news of Blackrock tribunal at the FU, Berlin (?)
3. reports from the new Christoph Schlingensief Book Launch at KW Institute ( a collection of interviews + conversations )
on the 10th of anniversray of todestag in Aug. 2010
and in Oct, what would have been his 60th birthday.
4. The Social Dilemma neflix flik ( analyzed, deconstructed )
( got some topics for us ??? )
And as always some killer music
possible playlist:
2nite's GRK livestream >>> 30.09.2020 --- ( ö ) ----o---- ( O ) --- gLoBaLiSta RAdi0 KiT --- ( ö ) ----o---- ( O ) ---- GRK. v169: Miss Columbia (new), Ceu (new), Deichkind (2019), Altin Gun (2019), Rachid Taha ( new: Je Suis Africain 2019 ), Asian Dub Foundation (new), Dangsha ( new), Stereo MCs, Carter Burwell sndtks, Fayrouz, Hendrix in the Spirit of Jazz compilation ( 2017), Minyo Crusaders, Bugge + Friends, Celluloid Mata, usw....
¶GRK ep.no.24 - 13.9 -
Warning: This Is Not A Ridley Scott Dystopian Ka-Ching Flik
1. Feministische Aktionswoche & Demo 7.-13.09. .... https://interkiezionale.noblogs.org/aktionswoche-demo-7-13-09/
w/ special guest Suzy Q
And other news from the Kiez front !
2.a.California + Oregon on Fire...
and Moria ... and the Global South too.
we might mention that in C-KINO #69 in 2017, we analyzed Blade Runner Part 2... an anarcho-feminist critique presented at Chaos Congress
where are the strategies ? obviously not in a toasted hollywood product.
b.Upcoming C-KiNo #88 at KINDL KIEZ in Neukoelln...
an interesting project to analyze what is happening at the old Kindl Brauerei... ( recently bought by a swiss foundation related to the Edith Maryon Stiftung, whuch supports social projects, and taking urban properties off the real estate market ( sort of ).
3. More on the work of David Graeber
re: Mutual Aid
4. Spanish Royal Soap Opera / Telenovela Real España: the true story of a beautiful but perfidious German royal wanna-be, and a Machiavellian appearance by the al Saud family / el cuento verdadero de una bella pero pérfida alemana, que más que nada querría ser princesa, con la aparición maquiavélica de la familia al Saud.
5. etc. etc. random rants +
Warning: This Is Not A Ridley Scott Dystopian Ka-Ching Flik
1. Feministische Aktionswoche & Demo 7.-13.09. .... https://interkiezionale.noblogs.org/aktionswoche-demo-7-13-09/
w/ special guest Suzy Q
And other news from the Kiez front !
2.a.California + Oregon on Fire...
and Moria ... and the Global South too.
we might mention that in C-KINO #69 in 2017, we analyzed Blade Runner Part 2... an anarcho-feminist critique presented at Chaos Congress
where are the strategies ? obviously not in a toasted hollywood product.
b.Upcoming C-KiNo #88 at KINDL KIEZ in Neukoelln...
an interesting project to analyze what is happening at the old Kindl Brauerei... ( recently bought by a swiss foundation related to the Edith Maryon Stiftung, whuch supports social projects, and taking urban properties off the real estate market ( sort of ).
3. More on the work of David Graeber
re: Mutual Aid
4. Spanish Royal Soap Opera / Telenovela Real España: the true story of a beautiful but perfidious German royal wanna-be, and a Machiavellian appearance by the al Saud family / el cuento verdadero de una bella pero pérfida alemana, que más que nada querría ser princesa, con la aparición maquiavélica de la familia al Saud.
5. etc. etc. random rants +
¶GRK ep.no.23
start 20h:
1st musika for the humans in the cafe..
after 23h: XLt news and analysis
1. Refugee Camp #Moria burns, aprox. 13,000 people left without shelter ! #LeaveNoOneBehind !
2. Defend Independent Press Freedom / Free Julian !
3. in memoriam: David Graeber ... and communicating cultures of resistance @ !
4. Berlin Action Days ( next week? coming up ) - housing struggles + gentrification
5. Cory Doctorow's absurd new article on destroying Survy krapitalism, but still loving the machines of sucking disgrace ( the net as our central nervous system ) ?!
6... what ya got for us !? ....
Doctorow -
start 20h:
1st musika for the humans in the cafe..
after 23h: XLt news and analysis
1. Refugee Camp #Moria burns, aprox. 13,000 people left without shelter ! #LeaveNoOneBehind !
2. Defend Independent Press Freedom / Free Julian !
3. in memoriam: David Graeber ... and communicating cultures of resistance @ !
4. Berlin Action Days ( next week? coming up ) - housing struggles + gentrification
5. Cory Doctorow's absurd new article on destroying Survy krapitalism, but still loving the machines of sucking disgrace ( the net as our central nervous system ) ?!
6... what ya got for us !? ....
Doctorow -
Solidarity for JA + Wikileaks
extradition trial continues this week
Demo in Btropolis
Sept 7th ( then the 12th, the 19th )
in front of the US embassy from 10h30 to 18h
Pariser platz
NEW AUDIO MATERIAL - a treasure trove of songs and sounds for your #Free Assange campaigns - online or offline.
Also found @ https://challengepower.info
RADIO FREE ASSANGE : https://challengepower.info/radio_free_assange
COLLATERAL MIXTAPE: https://archive.org/details/collateral-mixtape-2020
JINGLES (DECENTRALISED MONTH OF SOLIDARITY WITH ASSANGE) - English: https://archive.org/details/decentralized-month-solidarity-en
JINGLES - (Mois Décentralisé de solidarité avec Assange) French: https://archive.org/details/moissolidarite-presskit-fr
Music Playlist: https://challengepower.info/music_playlist
Please use freely and share widely !!
IF you hear nothing on the stream links, it's b/c we are not streaming 24 / 7 ... only when we are in the studio... We should put a little ON-AIR RED Light on the stream page, for when we are ON LIVE.
______________ ______________ _________________________
Solidarity for JA + Wikileaks
extradition trial continues this week
Demo in Btropolis
Sept 7th ( then the 12th, the 19th )
in front of the US embassy from 10h30 to 18h
Pariser platz
NEW AUDIO MATERIAL - a treasure trove of songs and sounds for your #Free Assange campaigns - online or offline.
Also found @ https://challengepower.info
RADIO FREE ASSANGE : https://challengepower.info/radio_free_assange
COLLATERAL MIXTAPE: https://archive.org/details/collateral-mixtape-2020
JINGLES (DECENTRALISED MONTH OF SOLIDARITY WITH ASSANGE) - English: https://archive.org/details/decentralized-month-solidarity-en
JINGLES - (Mois Décentralisé de solidarité avec Assange) French: https://archive.org/details/moissolidarite-presskit-fr
Music Playlist: https://challengepower.info/music_playlist
Please use freely and share widely !!
IF you hear nothing on the stream links, it's b/c we are not streaming 24 / 7 ... only when we are in the studio... We should put a little ON-AIR RED Light on the stream page, for when we are ON LIVE.
______________ ______________ _________________________
¶Aug 26:
20:00h til ?
podminski: GRK is live again 2nite... since we are assembling our next citizen kino on agitprop and political music videos...
youre very welcome to send us some good suggestion of m-videos that are tackling the crises of our times...
and we'll try to post a bunch of the links to videos we play, if ya want to watch some of them, while we are streaming ...
hey, we also got word there is a BRAND NEW Asian Dub Foundation album out... we"ll see if we can get ahold of some of That in time !
and some local Btropolis cultural events news to share.
( but maybe not until after 23h or 24h )
________________________ _____________________ ________________
20:00h til ?
podminski: GRK is live again 2nite... since we are assembling our next citizen kino on agitprop and political music videos...
youre very welcome to send us some good suggestion of m-videos that are tackling the crises of our times...
and we'll try to post a bunch of the links to videos we play, if ya want to watch some of them, while we are streaming ...
hey, we also got word there is a BRAND NEW Asian Dub Foundation album out... we"ll see if we can get ahold of some of That in time !
and some local Btropolis cultural events news to share.
( but maybe not until after 23h or 24h )
________________________ _____________________ ________________
podminski: GRK is live 2nite with soli musik for the ppl of belarus !
_____________ ______________________ ______________________________
podminski: GRK is live 2nite with soli musik for the ppl of belarus !
_____________ ______________________ ______________________________
¶July 15:
Now LIVE on Weds. + Sun. 20:00 CET...
#GlobalistaRadioKit - listen from wherever you can jack into the burning interwebz, or visit us in #Btropolis as fleshy comrades. Ask for location by PM ... or here in the chat.
Tonite we are back to the Bu Tu Studio in Mitte
___________________________________________ __________ ________
topics for GRK”s episode no. sweet 16
Now LIVE on Weds. + Sun. 20:00 CET...
#GlobalistaRadioKit - listen from wherever you can jack into the burning interwebz, or visit us in #Btropolis as fleshy comrades. Ask for location by PM ... or here in the chat.
Tonite we are back to the Bu Tu Studio in Mitte
___________________________________________ __________ ________
topics for GRK”s episode no. sweet 16
¶July 12th
1. Journal of Aesthetics & Protest, 11: Newsletter (2020)
“Corona, Fascism, Climate Break-Down… ”
2. Kai Heron + Jodi Dean
Revolution or Ruin for E-flux
( and the notion of Climate Leninism )
3. EFF’s 30th anniversary
4. “ Liebe, Leben, Uberleben und Geschaefte in Zeiten der Pandemie “
Georg Seesslen on Corona times and fx on our personal lives
5. “Zoom Fatigue” discussion on Nettime
( and Susan Greenfield - neuroscience - on the future brain )
6. Gegen der Strom film
screening dates in Berlin
topics: Venezuela, and the radical left, and a transatlantic music project featuring Mal Eleve from Irie Revoltes
7 Hiig"s ( Humboldt ) exhibition + film at Haus der Statistic : "twentyforty" – utopias for a digital society ( thirteen visionary researchers from different fields of expertise. It asks: What will the world look like two decades from now? How will we work, live, love, learn in twentyforty? ) ... XLt analysis needed !
8. ( July 11 ) This Is An Intervention - day-long Kreuzberg art event - dozens of artists participated. An XLt report back. ThisIsanintervention.info
_____________ __________________________________________
1. Journal of Aesthetics & Protest, 11: Newsletter (2020)
“Corona, Fascism, Climate Break-Down… ”
2. Kai Heron + Jodi Dean
Revolution or Ruin for E-flux
( and the notion of Climate Leninism )
3. EFF’s 30th anniversary
4. “ Liebe, Leben, Uberleben und Geschaefte in Zeiten der Pandemie “
Georg Seesslen on Corona times and fx on our personal lives
5. “Zoom Fatigue” discussion on Nettime
( and Susan Greenfield - neuroscience - on the future brain )
6. Gegen der Strom film
screening dates in Berlin
topics: Venezuela, and the radical left, and a transatlantic music project featuring Mal Eleve from Irie Revoltes
7 Hiig"s ( Humboldt ) exhibition + film at Haus der Statistic : "twentyforty" – utopias for a digital society ( thirteen visionary researchers from different fields of expertise. It asks: What will the world look like two decades from now? How will we work, live, love, learn in twentyforty? ) ... XLt analysis needed !
8. ( July 11 ) This Is An Intervention - day-long Kreuzberg art event - dozens of artists participated. An XLt report back. ThisIsanintervention.info
_____________ __________________________________________
¶GRK episode v.15
July 5: Liebe, Leben, Uberleben und Geschaefte in Zeiten der Pandemie ... ( Part 1)
from Smoo Bar 20:00-22:00h (CET)
a short 2 hour session.
might have some music about earlier around 19h... but, let"s see.
this article from Georg Seesslen is a good starting point to jump down the rabbit holes and/or raise our flags... https://jungle.world/artikel/2020/25/liebe-zeiten-der-pandemie
Plus some killer tunes:
new compilation stuff from Lucha Amada
July 5: Liebe, Leben, Uberleben und Geschaefte in Zeiten der Pandemie ... ( Part 1)
from Smoo Bar 20:00-22:00h (CET)
a short 2 hour session.
might have some music about earlier around 19h... but, let"s see.
this article from Georg Seesslen is a good starting point to jump down the rabbit holes and/or raise our flags... https://jungle.world/artikel/2020/25/liebe-zeiten-der-pandemie
Plus some killer tunes:
new compilation stuff from Lucha Amada
¶GRK episode no.14
June 28; boycott Zuckerborg
from SMoo Bar 20h (CET )
Possible topics: 1. Zuckerborg ( flailing ) under attack ! 2. Russian artist eats live bat in protest of the pharmaceutical industries ( a-culinary art as an unsavory weapon ) 3. reports from Berlin vs Amazon campaign 4. Brian Holmes on green new energy deals ....
not much up yet on Chaos Pad, but feel free to indulge in resource sharing !
and S. America
and we are always hunting for good politically engaged tunes...
send us stuff !!
June 28; boycott Zuckerborg
from SMoo Bar 20h (CET )
Possible topics: 1. Zuckerborg ( flailing ) under attack ! 2. Russian artist eats live bat in protest of the pharmaceutical industries ( a-culinary art as an unsavory weapon ) 3. reports from Berlin vs Amazon campaign 4. Brian Holmes on green new energy deals ....
not much up yet on Chaos Pad, but feel free to indulge in resource sharing !
- 1. Zuckeborg boycott + more actions
- 2. Man Bites Bat ( russian artist protests big pharma in corona times
- 3. berlin vs Amazon campaign - https://berlinvsamazon.com/
- 4. Brian Holmes ( author + nettime contr. ) on Green New Energy push
- 5. German far right infiltrates green groups with call to protect the land - https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/jun/28/german-far-right-infiltrates-green-groups-with-call-to-protect-the-land
- 6. 7 Billion Suspects - the surveillane society - french Arte Doc - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G1KxMnAERcU
- 7. Eric Li TED talk (on china"s corptocracy ? )
- 8. Hope Conference July 27 - Aug 2
- 9. New Citizen Kino work-in-progress
- etc.
and S. America
and we are always hunting for good politically engaged tunes...
send us stuff !!
¶Episode no.13 : Boycott Fracky World
June21 20:00 (CET)
via Smoo Bar
Topics ?
1. Fracky World
This news is stirring up some debate about what to do now in the ubiquitous surveillance krapitalist domains :
Nothing exaclty new, Zuckerborg has been enabling this shit all along. One of our first really really gruesome views of its escalating level of insidiousness was back when George Bush was invited to FB HQ to plug his new post-prez auto-bio book... (year?) ... But of course we already new it was a shithole concept and a threatening new weaponizing of mass comm from its very outset. We just didnt have the term Surveillance Capitalism yet.
If FB is not dealt with before Nov. ... it is a very good chance that Trump will manage to steal another election. It has been pointed out that these platforms are the primary engines of his campaign strategies.
( revisit the Cambridge Analytica story )
2. Report back on June 20th Mietenwahnsinn Demo
3. the Green New Plunge:
2nite from Smoo Bar > Episode no.13 : What Now On Fracky Planet ?!
June21 20:00 (CET) ... and join us on the chaos pad !
Topics: Mietenwahnsinn demo report back, Laura+tibor Radio "opera ( arts+media as a grassroots weapon ) + Reichenbergerkiez, Chuck D interviewed by Talib Kweli for People"s Party Podcast, What now in frackyworld? ( surveillance capitalism + election ad campaigns on social media ),
a review of Surveillance Capitalism ( Zuboff ) + Cambridge Analytica, Tulsa - Oklahoma reports, updates on statue topplings + regime change, NYC's H.O.P.E conf ONLINE - july29/ .... to be cont.
June21 20:00 (CET)
via Smoo Bar
Topics ?
1. Fracky World
This news is stirring up some debate about what to do now in the ubiquitous surveillance krapitalist domains :
Nothing exaclty new, Zuckerborg has been enabling this shit all along. One of our first really really gruesome views of its escalating level of insidiousness was back when George Bush was invited to FB HQ to plug his new post-prez auto-bio book... (year?) ... But of course we already new it was a shithole concept and a threatening new weaponizing of mass comm from its very outset. We just didnt have the term Surveillance Capitalism yet.
If FB is not dealt with before Nov. ... it is a very good chance that Trump will manage to steal another election. It has been pointed out that these platforms are the primary engines of his campaign strategies.
( revisit the Cambridge Analytica story )
2. Report back on June 20th Mietenwahnsinn Demo
3. the Green New Plunge:
2nite from Smoo Bar > Episode no.13 : What Now On Fracky Planet ?!
June21 20:00 (CET) ... and join us on the chaos pad !
Topics: Mietenwahnsinn demo report back, Laura+tibor Radio "opera ( arts+media as a grassroots weapon ) + Reichenbergerkiez, Chuck D interviewed by Talib Kweli for People"s Party Podcast, What now in frackyworld? ( surveillance capitalism + election ad campaigns on social media ),
a review of Surveillance Capitalism ( Zuboff ) + Cambridge Analytica, Tulsa - Oklahoma reports, updates on statue topplings + regime change, NYC's H.O.P.E conf ONLINE - july29/ .... to be cont.
¶Announcement - Episode no.11
- JUNE 14th 20:00h ( CET )
Epi 11 : The Chapters:
1. Intro : progress towards what?!
2. Unteilbar dEmo report
3. Racism in Amerikkka
4. news from Seattle Autonomous Zones
5. The Great Silence ( short )
6. murky hackers for hire
7. Picnic on The Grass ( 1959) vs. Sorry to Bother You (2018 )
8. Making Trouble Kinetic ( not Haraway-esque )
9. Meitenwansinn Demo 20.6 - the fight against rents !
10. Big Agro, Little Autonomy
11. Anarchism vs. (State) Communism
Sunday, JUNE 14 , 2020 Globalist Radio Kit Episode no.11 : “Progress Towards What?!” LIVE 20:00 - 23:00h ( CET ) https://globalista.openradio.in/
Globalista Radio Kit ( GRK ) is a pop-up radio shop which began icecasting ( streaming ) as the Corona Pandemic kicked in, quarantines began and public space became restricted. As things begin slowly re-opening, we continue our programs in order to create discussions about all our current situations and dramatic changes that are unfolding all around us. Most crucially we wish to inform and inspire our communities in order to be an active force in shaping our daily lives, social interactions, autonomy and whatever comes next.
This week we are excited to announce that we will set up at a new partner location. The Smoobar in Friedrichshain. http://smoobarcafe.com/
Sundays are flea market days at Boxhagenerplatz. And the streets surrounding the square will be closed to traffic. This presents an interesting location to experiment and engage the public in our discussions, and supporting local merchant businesses + livelihoods.
In this episode, we would like to examine a few films, and a number of topics.
Sorry To Bother You, Boots Riley ( 2018 )
Picnic on the Grass, Jean Renoir ( 1959 )
The Great Silence ( short,1970s ) etc.
We - the XLterrestrials - have been getting into quite a few debates + on-the-ground struggles over the years regarding the directions humans have been steering “spaceship earth” ( a term from Buckminster Fuller ). Our path as a species ( and an increasingly homogenous society ) has been looking pretty grim for some time. We are, to be brief, in pretty deep shit. Big changes are not just on the horizon, they are erupting in real time. Not to sound like a rabid Milton Friedman carpetbagging krapitalist, but this actually does present an unusual moment of grand opportunities. From a grassroots perspective, this is our chance to ditch all of the worst aspects of exploitative + destructive + racist systems that have emerged to mangle the “good nature” that humans can possess + practice when the gardens of life are more like a commons for all to nurture and be nurtured. But also realistically, the damage that has been done to our planet is severe, and we will need to work together to repair + detourn this epic-scale mess ! So let’s analyze and navigate in a climate of upgraded collective intelligences.
In addition to our main themes, we also will be randomly discussing some recent news items throughout the evening, which may become a list of "chapters" or "reports" in the program including the planet-killing machine that is global (corporate) agriculture, the racist history/future of amerikkka, and the murky world of hackers-for-hire.
To follow the development of our topics for all episodes, and participate in the discussions and research gathering, and sharing of resources. Join us on the Chaos Pad, open 24/7 : https://pads.ccc.de/grk
on our title:
"progress towards what?!"
is a line taken from a lecture by Andrew Kimbrell ( author of the Human Body Shop )
........ .... ... .. .
Live tactical "radio" on the interwebz every TUES night !
( And now sunday too )
20:00h ( CET ) til late
Next show:
Ep.11 Notes:
Quite possibly one of the most important film works of the last few decades providing a non-anthropocentric and zoological ( and/or zoonotic ) study of babbling humans ... rediscovered by a/v geeks :
The Great Silence
- JUNE 14th 20:00h ( CET )
Epi 11 : The Chapters:
1. Intro : progress towards what?!
2. Unteilbar dEmo report
3. Racism in Amerikkka
4. news from Seattle Autonomous Zones
5. The Great Silence ( short )
6. murky hackers for hire
7. Picnic on The Grass ( 1959) vs. Sorry to Bother You (2018 )
8. Making Trouble Kinetic ( not Haraway-esque )
9. Meitenwansinn Demo 20.6 - the fight against rents !
10. Big Agro, Little Autonomy
11. Anarchism vs. (State) Communism
Sunday, JUNE 14 , 2020 Globalist Radio Kit Episode no.11 : “Progress Towards What?!” LIVE 20:00 - 23:00h ( CET ) https://globalista.openradio.in/
Globalista Radio Kit ( GRK ) is a pop-up radio shop which began icecasting ( streaming ) as the Corona Pandemic kicked in, quarantines began and public space became restricted. As things begin slowly re-opening, we continue our programs in order to create discussions about all our current situations and dramatic changes that are unfolding all around us. Most crucially we wish to inform and inspire our communities in order to be an active force in shaping our daily lives, social interactions, autonomy and whatever comes next.
This week we are excited to announce that we will set up at a new partner location. The Smoobar in Friedrichshain. http://smoobarcafe.com/
Sundays are flea market days at Boxhagenerplatz. And the streets surrounding the square will be closed to traffic. This presents an interesting location to experiment and engage the public in our discussions, and supporting local merchant businesses + livelihoods.
In this episode, we would like to examine a few films, and a number of topics.
Sorry To Bother You, Boots Riley ( 2018 )
Picnic on the Grass, Jean Renoir ( 1959 )
The Great Silence ( short,1970s ) etc.
We - the XLterrestrials - have been getting into quite a few debates + on-the-ground struggles over the years regarding the directions humans have been steering “spaceship earth” ( a term from Buckminster Fuller ). Our path as a species ( and an increasingly homogenous society ) has been looking pretty grim for some time. We are, to be brief, in pretty deep shit. Big changes are not just on the horizon, they are erupting in real time. Not to sound like a rabid Milton Friedman carpetbagging krapitalist, but this actually does present an unusual moment of grand opportunities. From a grassroots perspective, this is our chance to ditch all of the worst aspects of exploitative + destructive + racist systems that have emerged to mangle the “good nature” that humans can possess + practice when the gardens of life are more like a commons for all to nurture and be nurtured. But also realistically, the damage that has been done to our planet is severe, and we will need to work together to repair + detourn this epic-scale mess ! So let’s analyze and navigate in a climate of upgraded collective intelligences.
In addition to our main themes, we also will be randomly discussing some recent news items throughout the evening, which may become a list of "chapters" or "reports" in the program including the planet-killing machine that is global (corporate) agriculture, the racist history/future of amerikkka, and the murky world of hackers-for-hire.
To follow the development of our topics for all episodes, and participate in the discussions and research gathering, and sharing of resources. Join us on the Chaos Pad, open 24/7 : https://pads.ccc.de/grk
on our title:
"progress towards what?!"
is a line taken from a lecture by Andrew Kimbrell ( author of the Human Body Shop )
........ .... ... .. .
Live tactical "radio" on the interwebz every TUES night !
( And now sunday too )
20:00h ( CET ) til late
Next show:
Ep.11 Notes:
Quite possibly one of the most important film works of the last few decades providing a non-anthropocentric and zoological ( and/or zoonotic ) study of babbling humans ... rediscovered by a/v geeks :
The Great Silence
¶++ 9.6.2020 EPSODE 10:
Please Note: We will only be doing MUSIK for Episode10, because the cafe - now open - is no longer a good setting to focus on topics and analysis, and chatting with guests. BUt we will use the research below for Episode 11 on our new Sunday NIGHTS in F-Hain Kiez.
No theme yet...
But some resources:
New Juice news, Honest Ads
Economic Recovery ( theme )
possible chapter on Deconstructing Donna Haraway ( technotopianism / technofascism / guineapigdom )
trolling popo in france
Using art as a weapon:
Sorry To Bother You, dir. Boots Riley (2018)
a pretty good review
using cinema, jitsi groups, tactical media, public navigations
Jean Renoir’s 1959 film “Picnic on the Grass” (Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe)
Well, of course there's a load of unhelpful 5g info flying around, but dont let that distract you from hating mr. Bill fuckin Gates:
______________ ______________ _________________________
Please Note: We will only be doing MUSIK for Episode10, because the cafe - now open - is no longer a good setting to focus on topics and analysis, and chatting with guests. BUt we will use the research below for Episode 11 on our new Sunday NIGHTS in F-Hain Kiez.
No theme yet...
But some resources:
New Juice news, Honest Ads
Economic Recovery ( theme )
possible chapter on Deconstructing Donna Haraway ( technotopianism / technofascism / guineapigdom )
trolling popo in france
Using art as a weapon:
Sorry To Bother You, dir. Boots Riley (2018)
a pretty good review
using cinema, jitsi groups, tactical media, public navigations
Jean Renoir’s 1959 film “Picnic on the Grass” (Le Déjeuner sur l’herbe)
Well, of course there's a load of unhelpful 5g info flying around, but dont let that distract you from hating mr. Bill fuckin Gates:
______________ ______________ _________________________
¶++ 2.6.2020 EPSODE 9:
Soli for ALL #GeorgeFloyd protests...
send us yur fightin tracks ...
This was a great find last nite ! THX :
and many others will post later.
DJ Screw + Big Floyd :
played on Demo Now june 3rd.
Soli for ALL #GeorgeFloyd protests...
send us yur fightin tracks ...
This was a great find last nite ! THX :
and many others will post later.
DJ Screw + Big Floyd :
played on Demo Now june 3rd.
¶++ 26.5.2020 : GRK: Episode no.8 : All of the Above, All of the Below
ADDed NOTE: we didnt get very far on our themes, but we can continue with the 10 Chapters again next tuesday...
and meanwhile we will continue to add some resource LINKS:
like this incredible one about 5G from Rhizomatica:
This episode is likely a continuation of our themes about this neufeudalism depiction of our current socio-economic and technodystopian mess...
Plus we will continue with another round of sci-fi soundtracks, including some the Afrofuturism genius of Sun Ra... and some more contemporary descendents like Moor Mother.
And trying to stay on top of the corona times analysis, we found some excellent likes from the Wu Ming collective:
Pandemic war diaries - Of mice and humans
By Sebastian Lotzer
17 May , 2020 ... ( Use DeepL translator for Eng. ) https://non.copyriot.com/pandemie-kriegstagebuecher-von-maeusen-und-menschen/
in Eng :
( thx to whover pasted it )
We have decided to go for the strategy to overload the brain machine organism, thereby breaking the machine and leaving the organism intact... a purification perhaps... an experiment:
++ 26.5.2020 : GRK: Episode no.8 : All of the Above, All of the Below 20:00h ( CET )
( see Chaos Pad link there for more resources, and feel free to contribute ! )
The (impossible) Chapters:
1. the pandemic war diaries ( Sebastian Lotzer + Wu Ming )
2. of mice and MEN and 5G
3. of PLAN-demonium
4. conspiracy candy
5. of MATRIARCHAL futurism
6. Scott Draves, creator of electric sheep art (+ distributed computing, trojans? )
7. Neofeudalism 2.0 ( Wark + Dean )
8. Eric Li on TED ( re: China”s Capitalist Communist Corporatocracy ? )
9. putting the ART back in RESISTANCE
( anarchism + marxism + individuation + the commons + poetic navigations )
10. Sex in the time of Cholera ( Liquid Sky Fall 2.0 )
+ Music: lots of sci-fi soundtracks and afrofuturism !
Incredible resources:
On 5G:
____ __________ ______________ ______________________________________
ADDed NOTE: we didnt get very far on our themes, but we can continue with the 10 Chapters again next tuesday...
and meanwhile we will continue to add some resource LINKS:
like this incredible one about 5G from Rhizomatica:
This episode is likely a continuation of our themes about this neufeudalism depiction of our current socio-economic and technodystopian mess...
Plus we will continue with another round of sci-fi soundtracks, including some the Afrofuturism genius of Sun Ra... and some more contemporary descendents like Moor Mother.
And trying to stay on top of the corona times analysis, we found some excellent likes from the Wu Ming collective:
Pandemic war diaries - Of mice and humans
By Sebastian Lotzer
17 May , 2020 ... ( Use DeepL translator for Eng. ) https://non.copyriot.com/pandemie-kriegstagebuecher-von-maeusen-und-menschen/
in Eng :
( thx to whover pasted it )
We have decided to go for the strategy to overload the brain machine organism, thereby breaking the machine and leaving the organism intact... a purification perhaps... an experiment:
++ 26.5.2020 : GRK: Episode no.8 : All of the Above, All of the Below 20:00h ( CET )
( see Chaos Pad link there for more resources, and feel free to contribute ! )
The (impossible) Chapters:
1. the pandemic war diaries ( Sebastian Lotzer + Wu Ming )
2. of mice and MEN and 5G
3. of PLAN-demonium
4. conspiracy candy
5. of MATRIARCHAL futurism
6. Scott Draves, creator of electric sheep art (+ distributed computing, trojans? )
7. Neofeudalism 2.0 ( Wark + Dean )
8. Eric Li on TED ( re: China”s Capitalist Communist Corporatocracy ? )
9. putting the ART back in RESISTANCE
( anarchism + marxism + individuation + the commons + poetic navigations )
10. Sex in the time of Cholera ( Liquid Sky Fall 2.0 )
+ Music: lots of sci-fi soundtracks and afrofuturism !
Incredible resources:
On 5G:
____ __________ ______________ ______________________________________
¶++ 19.5.2020 : GRK Episode 7 : The Neofeudalist Platforms
20:00 ( CET ) til late
The chapters:
and we go fwd with our GRK programs, in raw and wild style...
2nite we will dive into a mash up of HEAVY MATERIAL....
1. Jodi Dean"s review of McKenzie Wark"s latest "Is Capitalism Dead ?..."
+ 1.2. Wark"s promo interview with Verso.
2. Neofeudalism, here we are !
+ 2.1 technotopia throws labor under the bus
3. Jodorowsky"s Techno-Priests
4. Rupert Sheldrake"s challenge to the "priesthood" of Big Science
( mechanistic worldview )
5. the Bubonic Merry-Go-Rounds ... Frank Snowden on the history of medicine and a scholar on fascism...
too much to handle in one show, but we will experiment with the chaos...
20:00 ( CET ) til late
The chapters:
and we go fwd with our GRK programs, in raw and wild style...
2nite we will dive into a mash up of HEAVY MATERIAL....
1. Jodi Dean"s review of McKenzie Wark"s latest "Is Capitalism Dead ?..."
+ 1.2. Wark"s promo interview with Verso.
2. Neofeudalism, here we are !
+ 2.1 technotopia throws labor under the bus
3. Jodorowsky"s Techno-Priests
4. Rupert Sheldrake"s challenge to the "priesthood" of Big Science
( mechanistic worldview )
5. the Bubonic Merry-Go-Rounds ... Frank Snowden on the history of medicine and a scholar on fascism...
too much to handle in one show, but we will experiment with the chaos...
¶ PART 1
Jodi Dean
Wark / Verso promo interview
the long version (20?min) https://invidio.us/watch?v=eiV0wS_in-4
Astra Taylor"s The People's Platform ( 2014 )
Jodi Dean
Wark / Verso promo interview
the long version (20?min) https://invidio.us/watch?v=eiV0wS_in-4
Astra Taylor"s The People's Platform ( 2014 )
¶ PART 2
Perhaps as a dual theme:
Analyzing the " materialist ideology " that has determined the course of the scienceS ... and thus our technologically-dominant 4th industrial revolution now under way.
Ruper Sheldrake's book The Science Delusion ( or Science Set Free , title of the US version to avoid that it would be seen as a rightwing tract that was anti-evolution and anti-climate change ) he skillfully makes clear how a particlar ideological understanding of Nature is part of the methodology of our techno-colonial subjugation, whereby living organisms are turned into biological machines, and other "languages" of being, experiences and possibilities of other sciences are ruled out.
And old review of his 2012 book:
( not a science writer, but a decent overview of the controversies )
From the final chapter:
Scientific Futures
The Sciences are entering a new phase. The materialist ideology that has ruled them since the 19th century is out of date. All ten of its essential doctrines have been superceded. The authoritarian structure of the sciences, the illusions of objectivity and the fantasies of omniscience have all outlived their usefuleness.
The sciences will have to change for another reason too: they are now global. Mechanistic science and the materialist ideology grew up in Europe, and were strongly influenced by the religious disputes that obsessed Europeans from the 19th c. onwards. But these preoccupations are alien to the cultures and traditions in many other parts of the world.
... the sciences as (also) taught in Asia, Africa, the islamic countries and elsewhere are still packaged in an ideology shaped by their European past. Materialism gains its persuasive power from the technological applications of science. But the sucesses of these applications do not prove this IDEOLOGY is true.
Excerpt from Chapter 2:
The meachanistic theory is based on the metaphor of the machine. But it is only a metaphor. LIVING ORGANISMS provide better metaphors for organised systems at all levels of complexity, including molecules, plants, and societies of animals, allof which are organized in a series of inclusive levels, in which the whole at each level is more than the sum of its parts, which are themselves whole at a lower level. Even the most ardent defenders of the mechanistic theory SMUGGLE purposive principles into living organisms in the form of the selfish gene or genetic programs. In the light of the Big Bang theory, the entire universe is more like a growing, developing organism than a machine slowly running out of steam.
to be cont.
Perhaps as a dual theme:
Analyzing the " materialist ideology " that has determined the course of the scienceS ... and thus our technologically-dominant 4th industrial revolution now under way.
Ruper Sheldrake's book The Science Delusion ( or Science Set Free , title of the US version to avoid that it would be seen as a rightwing tract that was anti-evolution and anti-climate change ) he skillfully makes clear how a particlar ideological understanding of Nature is part of the methodology of our techno-colonial subjugation, whereby living organisms are turned into biological machines, and other "languages" of being, experiences and possibilities of other sciences are ruled out.
And old review of his 2012 book:
( not a science writer, but a decent overview of the controversies )
From the final chapter:
Scientific Futures
The Sciences are entering a new phase. The materialist ideology that has ruled them since the 19th century is out of date. All ten of its essential doctrines have been superceded. The authoritarian structure of the sciences, the illusions of objectivity and the fantasies of omniscience have all outlived their usefuleness.
The sciences will have to change for another reason too: they are now global. Mechanistic science and the materialist ideology grew up in Europe, and were strongly influenced by the religious disputes that obsessed Europeans from the 19th c. onwards. But these preoccupations are alien to the cultures and traditions in many other parts of the world.
... the sciences as (also) taught in Asia, Africa, the islamic countries and elsewhere are still packaged in an ideology shaped by their European past. Materialism gains its persuasive power from the technological applications of science. But the sucesses of these applications do not prove this IDEOLOGY is true.
Excerpt from Chapter 2:
The meachanistic theory is based on the metaphor of the machine. But it is only a metaphor. LIVING ORGANISMS provide better metaphors for organised systems at all levels of complexity, including molecules, plants, and societies of animals, allof which are organized in a series of inclusive levels, in which the whole at each level is more than the sum of its parts, which are themselves whole at a lower level. Even the most ardent defenders of the mechanistic theory SMUGGLE purposive principles into living organisms in the form of the selfish gene or genetic programs. In the light of the Big Bang theory, the entire universe is more like a growing, developing organism than a machine slowly running out of steam.
to be cont.
¶ PART 3 ?!
And if we are crazy enough, it mght make sense to put the Jododorowsky Jodoverse into the mix...
His collaborations with the graphic novel worlds to make The Techno-Priests could be very useful here.
And if we are crazy enough, it mght make sense to put the Jododorowsky Jodoverse into the mix...
His collaborations with the graphic novel worlds to make The Techno-Priests could be very useful here.
¶ PART 4:
Frank Snowden
bubonic plague, measels, small pox, measels, yellow fever, and the Haitian Revolution !
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Frank Snowden
bubonic plague, measels, small pox, measels, yellow fever, and the Haitian Revolution !
_______ ____________ ______________
Just as we sat down to hunt for Xtra music for 2nite's GRK themes , our comrade dj Elmo Lewis posted a tribute to Peter Thomas who died a couple days ago, the composer for Raumpatrouille and many soundtracks. Since the river theme worked so good for last week"s show, to have a focus... NOW hunting music for....... Sci-fi FiLMS and TV ! ! ! ... and all sci-fi related music !
And if anyone can find a good oline version of Mr Bungle's cover of Thomas "Love in Space" ... we might have a prize for YOU !
_______ ____________ ______________
Just as we sat down to hunt for Xtra music for 2nite's GRK themes , our comrade dj Elmo Lewis posted a tribute to Peter Thomas who died a couple days ago, the composer for Raumpatrouille and many soundtracks. Since the river theme worked so good for last week"s show, to have a focus... NOW hunting music for....... Sci-fi FiLMS and TV ! ! ! ... and all sci-fi related music !
And if anyone can find a good oline version of Mr Bungle's cover of Thomas "Love in Space" ... we might have a prize for YOU !
_______ ____________ ______________
¶++ 12.5.2020 : GRK Episode #6: The Hyper-Industrialized Rivers of No Return ?! ...
20:00 ( CET ) til late
1. songs about rivers
2. topics about whether we can GO BACK to an existence in balance with nature, or are we headed ever deeper into an anthropocenic and man-made mess, a technodystopian nightmare, a hyper-industrialized slavery to feed the machines ... and accelerate the plunder of earth ?
The bullshit cliches of "we can't go back", assumes that we are on a path towards progress. But if any human life form walks into a burning theater, there is clearly only a couple of intelligent responses: to either put out the fire or to exit as quickly as possible !
Naomi Klein's article on the SCREEN NEW DEAL
tells alot about what we are facing as corporate and state tech go headlong down the gruesome + very predictable trails of control, control, control... the virus of control !
more thoughts, feedback, resources...
to be cont.
<------ (Add YOUR IDEAS + Links)
Peter Gabriel - Washing of the Water
Recently the XLt Analysts got into some debates as to whether China is ALSO going down an extremely problematic path of destroying environments + habitats around the world to feed their needs/addictions for economic growth, enegry and resource extraction for all the consumer goods that they produce for the world markets. And they may have the most ambitious global development + moderization + infrasturcture projects around the world. And are already building and/or proposing a vast number of ( hydro-electric ) dam projects - some the largest - of any other international investor.
The positive news is that they are investing in the most ambitious green innovation projects of any other G20 country. And their economic + development strategies could possibly liberate us all from the Krapitalism OS.
BUT, if we wish to avoid a total eco collapse, perhaps this is all heading in the wrong direction. Will China also need to change its vision for the future ?! Is Hyper-industrialization A RIVER OF NO RETURN that will lead to irreparable ecological damage + a permanent technodystopia... or worse, an accelerated mass extinction that threatens a tipping point into planetary dead zones, a globally cooked environment, desertification, and centuries of a new dark age of machine-lands ruled by patriarchal MAN-made mutant cultures ?!
What good is a marxist ( technological ) revolution if we are all TOAST in 20-30 years ?! Of course we all know that's where the current dominating imperialist OS will lead us... BUT maybe we need to rethink our exits... It's certianly not merely a technological fix that will get us to an inhabitable balance ! Is there even any possibility of returning to a world where (intelligent?) + ( non-anthropocentric ) "Nature" is a guiding structure for life.
XLterrestrials suspect any "Green New Deal" that pumps out this "4th Industrial Revolution" shit ( 5G, AI, IOT, Total Cybernetic Immersion, Algo Governance + Surveillance State Expansionism, corporate tech overlords, etc. ) we can probably expect a variety of grueling dystopian outcomes !
This is a rough beginning for an upcoming XLT analysis text...
unfortunately our XLterrestrials.org blog is DOWN, and we need to rescue it ! We need about 300$ to secure our domain and pay up on our bills. ( from +10 years of hosting, which was provided by Possible Worlds, long story, but that's the short version )
We may lose control of the domain in June, if not taken care of.
______________ ______________ _________________________
20:00 ( CET ) til late
1. songs about rivers
2. topics about whether we can GO BACK to an existence in balance with nature, or are we headed ever deeper into an anthropocenic and man-made mess, a technodystopian nightmare, a hyper-industrialized slavery to feed the machines ... and accelerate the plunder of earth ?
The bullshit cliches of "we can't go back", assumes that we are on a path towards progress. But if any human life form walks into a burning theater, there is clearly only a couple of intelligent responses: to either put out the fire or to exit as quickly as possible !
Naomi Klein's article on the SCREEN NEW DEAL
tells alot about what we are facing as corporate and state tech go headlong down the gruesome + very predictable trails of control, control, control... the virus of control !
more thoughts, feedback, resources...
to be cont.
<------ (Add YOUR IDEAS + Links)
Peter Gabriel - Washing of the Water
Recently the XLt Analysts got into some debates as to whether China is ALSO going down an extremely problematic path of destroying environments + habitats around the world to feed their needs/addictions for economic growth, enegry and resource extraction for all the consumer goods that they produce for the world markets. And they may have the most ambitious global development + moderization + infrasturcture projects around the world. And are already building and/or proposing a vast number of ( hydro-electric ) dam projects - some the largest - of any other international investor.
The positive news is that they are investing in the most ambitious green innovation projects of any other G20 country. And their economic + development strategies could possibly liberate us all from the Krapitalism OS.
BUT, if we wish to avoid a total eco collapse, perhaps this is all heading in the wrong direction. Will China also need to change its vision for the future ?! Is Hyper-industrialization A RIVER OF NO RETURN that will lead to irreparable ecological damage + a permanent technodystopia... or worse, an accelerated mass extinction that threatens a tipping point into planetary dead zones, a globally cooked environment, desertification, and centuries of a new dark age of machine-lands ruled by patriarchal MAN-made mutant cultures ?!
What good is a marxist ( technological ) revolution if we are all TOAST in 20-30 years ?! Of course we all know that's where the current dominating imperialist OS will lead us... BUT maybe we need to rethink our exits... It's certianly not merely a technological fix that will get us to an inhabitable balance ! Is there even any possibility of returning to a world where (intelligent?) + ( non-anthropocentric ) "Nature" is a guiding structure for life.
XLterrestrials suspect any "Green New Deal" that pumps out this "4th Industrial Revolution" shit ( 5G, AI, IOT, Total Cybernetic Immersion, Algo Governance + Surveillance State Expansionism, corporate tech overlords, etc. ) we can probably expect a variety of grueling dystopian outcomes !
This is a rough beginning for an upcoming XLT analysis text...
unfortunately our XLterrestrials.org blog is DOWN, and we need to rescue it ! We need about 300$ to secure our domain and pay up on our bills. ( from +10 years of hosting, which was provided by Possible Worlds, long story, but that's the short version )
We may lose control of the domain in June, if not taken care of.
______________ ______________ _________________________
¶++ 5.5.2020 ++ EPISODE 5
Flattening of the Truth:
May 1st show was cancelled, sorry about that...
but that means we still got all that great collected music to play for ... 2nite's show !
Start time 20:00h (CET )..
we hope, studio is still undergoing some construction and things may be delayed.
Other topics:
From " falttening in the truth " we got to a funny picture of the 2 YipYIP Muppet characters ( ( Xtra terretsrials? ) made into an image re: the flat earth conspiracy theories...
And it would be great to segway to the "conspiracy theories" that help "flatten truths " ...
And coincidentally we came to a rare good article about the C-theories called "Beneath C-theries, the class war "
And in the MUSIC dept.
R.I.P. Dave Greenfield...
Here's a great tribute explaing his rare skills as keyboarder in rock music:
by Benjamin Bloom
Strange Little Girl by The Stranglers
cover of Saens + the Stranglers
waltz in black / les dance macabre
golden brown ( restored video )
no more heroes
something better change
5 Min.
just because...
clash w/ mikey dread
Notes on Moore/Gibbs Film:
( the right and wrong info )
______________ ______________ _________________________
Flattening of the Truth:
May 1st show was cancelled, sorry about that...
but that means we still got all that great collected music to play for ... 2nite's show !
Start time 20:00h (CET )..
we hope, studio is still undergoing some construction and things may be delayed.
Other topics:
From " falttening in the truth " we got to a funny picture of the 2 YipYIP Muppet characters ( ( Xtra terretsrials? ) made into an image re: the flat earth conspiracy theories...
And it would be great to segway to the "conspiracy theories" that help "flatten truths " ...
And coincidentally we came to a rare good article about the C-theories called "Beneath C-theries, the class war "
And in the MUSIC dept.
R.I.P. Dave Greenfield...
Here's a great tribute explaing his rare skills as keyboarder in rock music:
by Benjamin Bloom
Strange Little Girl by The Stranglers
cover of Saens + the Stranglers
waltz in black / les dance macabre
golden brown ( restored video )
no more heroes
something better change
5 Min.
just because...
clash w/ mikey dread
Notes on Moore/Gibbs Film:
( the right and wrong info )
______________ ______________ _________________________
¶++ 1.5.2020 ++ GRK will be LIVE ++
( time to be announced, probably evening )
"Tomorrow it's Mayday: the day on which we celebrate the rich and diverse history of social struggle, and commemorate those who devoted their lives to this struggle. This year also marks the 75th anniversary of the defeat of several fascist states in Europe. It is often forgotten that many socialists, communists, and anarchists significantly contributed to this victory. We must remind ourselves that their struggle for equality and solidarity, and the fight against capitalism and the extreme right, today is no less important than ever before. It is not easy to celebrate Mayday in times of a pandemic. But in an attempt to contribute to this (and inspired by some Flemish comrades), I made this home recording of a song that can be heard everywhere in the streets of Italy this week. " - Mathijs van de Sande}
if ya like to Send us yur fave "revolutionary struggles" tunes ... we are colecting for 2mrw stream... here's Mathjis version of bella ciao ... ( made in lockdown mode ) ...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sd9k9-KU5LM
( time to be announced, probably evening )
"Tomorrow it's Mayday: the day on which we celebrate the rich and diverse history of social struggle, and commemorate those who devoted their lives to this struggle. This year also marks the 75th anniversary of the defeat of several fascist states in Europe. It is often forgotten that many socialists, communists, and anarchists significantly contributed to this victory. We must remind ourselves that their struggle for equality and solidarity, and the fight against capitalism and the extreme right, today is no less important than ever before. It is not easy to celebrate Mayday in times of a pandemic. But in an attempt to contribute to this (and inspired by some Flemish comrades), I made this home recording of a song that can be heard everywhere in the streets of Italy this week. " - Mathijs van de Sande}
if ya like to Send us yur fave "revolutionary struggles" tunes ... we are colecting for 2mrw stream... here's Mathjis version of bella ciao ... ( made in lockdown mode ) ...https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sd9k9-KU5LM
¶Next GRK show: Tues. April 28, 20h ( CET )
( Live only, no archive )
Possible Topics :
Protests in Lockdown Modes
May 1st
REvolutionary Struggles
Arts + Activism in the new ( cubicled ) territories ?
Article from Siraj Izhar
Prisoners of The State
( April 23 )
( on Covid + Empire + Pathogenic States )
Archive interview w/ Vijay Prashad ( The Tricontinental )
VIDEO interview:
Jimmy Dore and Chris Hedges
+ loads of (new ) rebel music
Add YOUR IDEAS + Links
Possible additional media:
Worker's Day Clip:
___________________________ _______________________________
( Live only, no archive )
Possible Topics :
Protests in Lockdown Modes
May 1st
REvolutionary Struggles
Arts + Activism in the new ( cubicled ) territories ?
Article from Siraj Izhar
Prisoners of The State
( April 23 )
( on Covid + Empire + Pathogenic States )
Archive interview w/ Vijay Prashad ( The Tricontinental )
VIDEO interview:
Jimmy Dore and Chris Hedges
+ loads of (new ) rebel music
Add YOUR IDEAS + Links
Possible additional media:
Worker's Day Clip:
___________________________ _______________________________
¶April 21 -- GRK Episode#3: Everything's Upside Down...
Charlie Stross:
corona vid for aborigines:
ADD stuff HERE:
kuck mal hir: http://radio.garden/
GrK playlist v.161.3:
Zenzile, Secret Archives of the Vatican, High Tone, Al Chem / Berliner Ring, Maria Peszek, Bridgette Fontaine, Adrian Sherwood, Marta Sebestyen, Legends of Benin ( Analog Africa ), Filastine and Nova, Raze de Soare, Driftmachine, Boikutt, Ramallah Underground, WWW Neurobeat, DVA, Abwärts, Der Plan, üzgin üver, Yat-Kha, Station 17, Republika, Dead Can Dance, Qaballah Steppers, Once11, Nosowska, Jack Dangers, Habakuk, Lee Scratch Perry and Brian Eno, The Residents, Fred Frith, Amy Denio, Badawi, Dhafer Yousef, Jean-Pierre Smadj, Sedaa, Gaye Su Akyol, M.i.A.,Krzystof Komeda, u.s.w....
Charlie Stross:
corona vid for aborigines:
ADD stuff HERE:
kuck mal hir: http://radio.garden/
GrK playlist v.161.3:
Zenzile, Secret Archives of the Vatican, High Tone, Al Chem / Berliner Ring, Maria Peszek, Bridgette Fontaine, Adrian Sherwood, Marta Sebestyen, Legends of Benin ( Analog Africa ), Filastine and Nova, Raze de Soare, Driftmachine, Boikutt, Ramallah Underground, WWW Neurobeat, DVA, Abwärts, Der Plan, üzgin üver, Yat-Kha, Station 17, Republika, Dead Can Dance, Qaballah Steppers, Once11, Nosowska, Jack Dangers, Habakuk, Lee Scratch Perry and Brian Eno, The Residents, Fred Frith, Amy Denio, Badawi, Dhafer Yousef, Jean-Pierre Smadj, Sedaa, Gaye Su Akyol, M.i.A.,Krzystof Komeda, u.s.w....
¶April 13 -- Notes from Episode#2 : A Corona Reboot Mix + Mash
Thx for the Chaos Pad from the Openradio + Stamm team !
Astra Taylor article
"There is no such thing as a natural disaster. In earthquakes the architecture fails. If you’re out in a grassy meadow, it doesn’t matter how big the earthquake is: it might knock you down, but if nothing falls on top of you and nothing catches fire from broken gas mains or power lines, then you’re probably okay. Architecture is the first casualty of earthquakes, and human beings under the architecture are the casualties of the architecture. Even with a wholly natural disaster, whatever that might be—a tsunami, maybe—who gets help, who has resources to rebuild, who is treated as a threat or a malingerer—those are not natural but social phenomena. With Katrina you need to talk about the role of climate change in making the hurricane; of the crappy levees built by the US Army Corps of Engineers and not adequately maintained; of the lack of evacuation resources for the poor; of the demonization of those left behind; of the transformation of New Orleans into a prison-city preventing evacuation … nothing could be less natural. The natural disaster was the least of what happened to the people of New Orleans, if not the rest of the Gulf, that week." https://bombmagazine.org/articles/rebecca-solnit/
Corona Reboot
Ian Paul
kinda lost my brain on the netkillroads 2day...
but here's some music that's in the mix:
high tone ( currently ) - underground wobble
secret archives of the vatican
clock DVA
soap kills
meat beat manifesto
adrian sherwood
ramallah underground
bill laswell
nothin too freshy fresh...
sill assembling archives
but sometimes good to go back in times...
Mop Mop
Rachid taha
dub gabriel
qaballah steppers
In case you were getting tired of listening to Ghost Town by The Specials... yes, we know that's impossible, but to keep it fresh, our new theme song is HERE:
Adrian Sherwood + crew: Space Oddity Mix:
or if you are not getting tired but looking for a fresh flavour check these out
xxx crammed disc version
and it goes on and on here
Thx for the links, look fwd to exploring :)
Thx for the Chaos Pad from the Openradio + Stamm team !
Astra Taylor article
"There is no such thing as a natural disaster. In earthquakes the architecture fails. If you’re out in a grassy meadow, it doesn’t matter how big the earthquake is: it might knock you down, but if nothing falls on top of you and nothing catches fire from broken gas mains or power lines, then you’re probably okay. Architecture is the first casualty of earthquakes, and human beings under the architecture are the casualties of the architecture. Even with a wholly natural disaster, whatever that might be—a tsunami, maybe—who gets help, who has resources to rebuild, who is treated as a threat or a malingerer—those are not natural but social phenomena. With Katrina you need to talk about the role of climate change in making the hurricane; of the crappy levees built by the US Army Corps of Engineers and not adequately maintained; of the lack of evacuation resources for the poor; of the demonization of those left behind; of the transformation of New Orleans into a prison-city preventing evacuation … nothing could be less natural. The natural disaster was the least of what happened to the people of New Orleans, if not the rest of the Gulf, that week." https://bombmagazine.org/articles/rebecca-solnit/
Corona Reboot
Ian Paul
kinda lost my brain on the netkillroads 2day...
but here's some music that's in the mix:
high tone ( currently ) - underground wobble
secret archives of the vatican
clock DVA
soap kills
meat beat manifesto
adrian sherwood
ramallah underground
bill laswell
nothin too freshy fresh...
sill assembling archives
but sometimes good to go back in times...
Mop Mop
Rachid taha
dub gabriel
qaballah steppers
In case you were getting tired of listening to Ghost Town by The Specials... yes, we know that's impossible, but to keep it fresh, our new theme song is HERE:
Adrian Sherwood + crew: Space Oddity Mix:
or if you are not getting tired but looking for a fresh flavour check these out
xxx crammed disc version
and it goes on and on here
Thx for the links, look fwd to exploring :)
¶april 24 disruptive fridays live stream for tor users:
Filastine and Nova
aboard the Arka Kinari currently somewhere in the Pacific heading EAST... recently posted that they would appreciate if people played there stuff on their YOUTUBE Channel, cause they are close to being able to collect funds from the Goo(gle ) ...
( incredible music + videos )
And purchaseable stuff here;
MESAK ( from Ya Tosiba )
Devo's Mongoloid cover
Used to have these cats play in our "living room"... didnt like them much back then, but they've become much better composers over the years :
New album by X ???
first in 35 years ! WTF !?
We have a new TUES NITE ( morbid ) HIT :
Legendary punk label Dischord Records has entire catalog online for free
Filastine and Nova
aboard the Arka Kinari currently somewhere in the Pacific heading EAST... recently posted that they would appreciate if people played there stuff on their YOUTUBE Channel, cause they are close to being able to collect funds from the Goo(gle ) ...
( incredible music + videos )
And purchaseable stuff here;
MESAK ( from Ya Tosiba )
Devo's Mongoloid cover
Used to have these cats play in our "living room"... didnt like them much back then, but they've become much better composers over the years :
New album by X ???
first in 35 years ! WTF !?
We have a new TUES NITE ( morbid ) HIT :
Legendary punk label Dischord Records has entire catalog online for free
https://invidio.us/watch?v=-7cQXpzEoPE Hugo + Julez 'Monster March' music video is *in* a river :) he has another track actually about one, but i can't find it :/
https://invidio.us/watch?v=-7cQXpzEoPE Hugo + Julez 'Monster March' music video is *in* a river :) he has another track actually about one, but i can't find it :/
Tonite Buch re-opens ( with regulations, ie. distance, take out only, bars must close at 22h . Dress code: tutus, WW1 gas masks, black tie - optional ) ... james crutchfield jazz ensemble will play at 19h... https://jamescrutchfield.jimdofree.com/bio/ ... GRK will likely live stream, dj podinski perhaps on pre+post mix ... all sorta welcome to the new beginning of the end times.
Anybody wants: https://meet.systemli.org/stammtisch Audio/Video Virtual stamm.
thx for that, will try next time :)
Anouncements :
Cool news: GRK LIVE is expanding on many fronts ! this week we will be streaming Tues AND Sun. night... from 2 different locations, in 2 different Kiez ( hoods )... and we got some new co-creators / co-pilots... We are still working on our topics, but for sure we want to talk about arts+culture used as weapons in the fight for social change, and we want to talk about the wild 2018 Summer film hit from @BootsRiley
"Sorry To Bother You" ...
Tonite Buch re-opens ( with regulations, ie. distance, take out only, bars must close at 22h . Dress code: tutus, WW1 gas masks, black tie - optional ) ... james crutchfield jazz ensemble will play at 19h... https://jamescrutchfield.jimdofree.com/bio/ ... GRK will likely live stream, dj podinski perhaps on pre+post mix ... all sorta welcome to the new beginning of the end times.
Anybody wants: https://meet.systemli.org/stammtisch Audio/Video Virtual stamm.
thx for that, will try next time :)
Anouncements :
Cool news: GRK LIVE is expanding on many fronts ! this week we will be streaming Tues AND Sun. night... from 2 different locations, in 2 different Kiez ( hoods )... and we got some new co-creators / co-pilots... We are still working on our topics, but for sure we want to talk about arts+culture used as weapons in the fight for social change, and we want to talk about the wild 2018 Summer film hit from @BootsRiley
"Sorry To Bother You" ...
¶GRK episode 12 - June 16: " Juneteenth ! "
Assembling some ( music) bits for GRK Epi 12:
We are back to Buchhandlung Cafe in Mitte - Tuesday Nite Stammtisch
We'll mostly be keeping the good vibes for the In-haus "crowd" ... with a good punky punchy lefty edge mixed in. And Globalista diversty beats... from the 4 corners, all languages...
So suggestions always weclome for good tunes!
Much Thx to DataLove + Rancor for some superb archive pointers
And awhile back we got this cool link sent to us from comrades from NL... ( friends of PATAPOE RADIO )
which we are gonna try and sort thru and find some gems fr 2morw...
obsure mixTAPES from NL dutch wave and punk
AND If you havent yet heard Brother Ali"s brilliant track
"Uncle Sam Goddam"
these wicked flying texts bring the good angry tears to our eyes everytime !
didnt know there were 3 diff. versions ( red, white, blue vinyls w? diff bsides ) of this made when this first came out in 2007. Amazing ! Prolific !
https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=OO18 F4aKGzQ
Episode no.13 : Boycott Fracky World
Assembling some ( music) bits for GRK Epi 12:
We are back to Buchhandlung Cafe in Mitte - Tuesday Nite Stammtisch
We'll mostly be keeping the good vibes for the In-haus "crowd" ... with a good punky punchy lefty edge mixed in. And Globalista diversty beats... from the 4 corners, all languages...
So suggestions always weclome for good tunes!
Much Thx to DataLove + Rancor for some superb archive pointers
And awhile back we got this cool link sent to us from comrades from NL... ( friends of PATAPOE RADIO )
which we are gonna try and sort thru and find some gems fr 2morw...
obsure mixTAPES from NL dutch wave and punk
AND If you havent yet heard Brother Ali"s brilliant track
"Uncle Sam Goddam"
these wicked flying texts bring the good angry tears to our eyes everytime !
didnt know there were 3 diff. versions ( red, white, blue vinyls w? diff bsides ) of this made when this first came out in 2007. Amazing ! Prolific !
https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=OO18 F4aKGzQ
Episode no.13 : Boycott Fracky World
¶June21 20:00 (CET)
via Smoo Bar
( see above for a write-up of topics )
waar is dit? en waarom?
Taal herkennenAfrikaansAlbaneesAmharischArabischArmeensAzerbeidzjaansBaskischBengaalsBirmaansBosnischBulgaarsCatalaansCebuanoChichewaChinees tradChinees verCorsicaansDeensDuitsEngelsEsperantoEstsFinsFransFriesGalicischGeorgischGrieksGujaratiHaïtiaans CreoolsHausaHawaïaansHebreeuwsHindiHmongHongaarsIersIgboIJslandsIndonesischItaliaansJapansJavaansJiddischKannadaKazachsKhmerKirgizischKoerdischKoreaansKroatischLaoLatijnLetsLitouwsLuxemburgsMacedonischMalagasiMalayalamMaleisMalteesMaoriMarathiMongoolsNederlandsNepaleesNoorsOekraïensOezbeeksPashtoPerzischPoolsPortugeesPunjabiRoemeensRussischSamoaansSchots KeltischServischSesothoShonaSindhiSinhalaSlovaaksSloveensSoedaneesSomalischSpaansSwahiliTadzjieksTagalogTamilTeluguThaiTsjechischTurksUrduVietnameesWelsWit-RussischXhosaYorubaZoeloeZweeds
AfrikaansAlbaneesAmharischArabischArmeensAzerbeidzjaansBaskischBengaalsBirmaansBosnischBulgaarsCatalaansCebuanoChichewaChinees tradChinees verCorsicaansDeensDuitsEngelsEsperantoEstsFinsFransFriesGalicischGeorgischGrieksGujaratiHaïtiaans CreoolsHausaHawaïaansHebreeuwsHindiHmongHongaarsIersIgboIJslandsIndonesischItaliaansJapansJavaansJiddischKannadaKazachsKhmerKirgizischKoerdischKoreaansKroatischLaoLatijnLetsLitouwsLuxemburgsMacedonischMalagasiMalayalamMaleisMalteesMaoriMarathiMongoolsNederlandsNepaleesNoorsOekraïensOezbeeksPashtoPerzischPoolsPortugeesPunjabiRoemeensRussischSamoaansSchots KeltischServischSesothoShonaSindhiSinhalaSlovaaksSloveensSoedaneesSomalischSpaansSwahiliTadzjieksTagalogTamilTeluguThaiTsjechischTurksUrduVietnameesWelsWit-RussischXhosaYorubaZoeloeZweeds
Spraakfunctielimiet is 200 tekens
Opties : Geschiedenis : Feedback : DonateSluiten
( italian )
* Globalista * Radio * Kit *
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In diretta " radio" tattica su interwebz
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Controlla il Chaos Pad per gli aggiornamenti:
O la pagina del frackybook:
podinski @ casella di posta . org
*** NUOVO ***
Friday Nite in streaming da RegenbogenFabrik, 19h (CET) fino a tardi
(Nota: ascolterai la radio solo durante lo streaming LIVE, altrimenti NON c'è SUONO)
[TOC] ---->
kinds regards off Neukölln Andy
via Smoo Bar
( see above for a write-up of topics )
waar is dit? en waarom?
Taal herkennenAfrikaansAlbaneesAmharischArabischArmeensAzerbeidzjaansBaskischBengaalsBirmaansBosnischBulgaarsCatalaansCebuanoChichewaChinees tradChinees verCorsicaansDeensDuitsEngelsEsperantoEstsFinsFransFriesGalicischGeorgischGrieksGujaratiHaïtiaans CreoolsHausaHawaïaansHebreeuwsHindiHmongHongaarsIersIgboIJslandsIndonesischItaliaansJapansJavaansJiddischKannadaKazachsKhmerKirgizischKoerdischKoreaansKroatischLaoLatijnLetsLitouwsLuxemburgsMacedonischMalagasiMalayalamMaleisMalteesMaoriMarathiMongoolsNederlandsNepaleesNoorsOekraïensOezbeeksPashtoPerzischPoolsPortugeesPunjabiRoemeensRussischSamoaansSchots KeltischServischSesothoShonaSindhiSinhalaSlovaaksSloveensSoedaneesSomalischSpaansSwahiliTadzjieksTagalogTamilTeluguThaiTsjechischTurksUrduVietnameesWelsWit-RussischXhosaYorubaZoeloeZweeds
AfrikaansAlbaneesAmharischArabischArmeensAzerbeidzjaansBaskischBengaalsBirmaansBosnischBulgaarsCatalaansCebuanoChichewaChinees tradChinees verCorsicaansDeensDuitsEngelsEsperantoEstsFinsFransFriesGalicischGeorgischGrieksGujaratiHaïtiaans CreoolsHausaHawaïaansHebreeuwsHindiHmongHongaarsIersIgboIJslandsIndonesischItaliaansJapansJavaansJiddischKannadaKazachsKhmerKirgizischKoerdischKoreaansKroatischLaoLatijnLetsLitouwsLuxemburgsMacedonischMalagasiMalayalamMaleisMalteesMaoriMarathiMongoolsNederlandsNepaleesNoorsOekraïensOezbeeksPashtoPerzischPoolsPortugeesPunjabiRoemeensRussischSamoaansSchots KeltischServischSesothoShonaSindhiSinhalaSlovaaksSloveensSoedaneesSomalischSpaansSwahiliTadzjieksTagalogTamilTeluguThaiTsjechischTurksUrduVietnameesWelsWit-RussischXhosaYorubaZoeloeZweeds
Spraakfunctielimiet is 200 tekens
Opties : Geschiedenis : Feedback : DonateSluiten
( italian )
* Globalista * Radio * Kit *
0 ~~~~ O ----- o
In diretta " radio" tattica su interwebz
o ----- O ~~~~~ 0
Controlla il Chaos Pad per gli aggiornamenti:
O la pagina del frackybook:
podinski @ casella di posta . org
*** NUOVO ***
Friday Nite in streaming da RegenbogenFabrik, 19h (CET) fino a tardi
(Nota: ascolterai la radio solo durante lo streaming LIVE, altrimenti NON c'è SUONO)
[TOC] ---->
kinds regards off Neukölln Andy