

Calendaring->Dudle Calendaring->Google Calendar Chat->IRC Chat->Whatsapp Chat->Telegram Tracking site changes->mirrorable Tracking site changes->git gui Social media->(mailing list) Social media->Facebook Social media->Twitter Social media->Instagram Music Studio->Ardour Music Studio->Audacity Music Studio->Hydrogen Music Studio->LV2 Funding->(missing) Funding->Paypal Funding->Ethereum, Bitcoin Funding->IBAN Synchronisation->mirrorable Synchronisation->Syncthing Theoretical work->tt-archive Theoretical work->Okular Theoretical work-> Theoretical work->linkroute WORKFLOW->Calendaring WORKFLOW->Chat WORKFLOW->Tracking site changes WORKFLOW->Social media WORKFLOW->Music Studio WORKFLOW->Funding WORKFLOW->Synchronisation WORKFLOW->Theoretical work WORKFLOW->Contacts WORKFLOW->Text WORKFLOW->Coordination WORKFLOW->Numeric data WORKFLOW->Maps WORKFLOW->Networking WORKFLOW->Hardware WORKFLOW->Photos, Media WORKFLOW->Operating System Contacts->.ICS / text file Contacts->Google Contacts Text->linkroute Text->E2H Text->Etherpad Text->glia-graph Text->Graphviz Coordination->(mailing list) Coordination->E2H Coordination->middlemachine Coordination-> Numeric data->OpenOffice Calc Maps->(custom archiving) Maps->OsmAnd Maps->Google MyMaps (editor) Maps->(custom export) Networking->linkroute Networking->local (zeroconf) Hardware->Lenovo X220 Hardware->Raspberry PI Hardware->Arduino Photos, Media->hyperphoto Photos, Media->(Android Pull) Operating System->GNU/Linux Operating System->DISTRO Operating System->Android (custom archiving)->mirrorable (Android Pull)->DISTRO Calendaring Calendaring Dudle Dudle Google Calendar Google Calendar Chat Chat IRC IRC Whatsapp Whatsapp Telegram Telegram Tracking site changes Tracking site changes mirrorable mirrorable git gui git gui Social media Social media (mailing list) (mailing list) Facebook Facebook Twitter Twitter Instagram Instagram Music Studio Music Studio Ardour Ardour Audacity Audacity Hydrogen Hydrogen LV2 LV2 Funding Funding (missing) (missing) Paypal Paypal Ethereum, Bitcoin Ethereum, Bitcoin IBAN IBAN Synchronisation Synchronisation Syncthing Syncthing Theoretical work Theoretical work tt-archive tt-archive Okular Okular linkroute linkroute WORKFLOW WORKFLOW Contacts Contacts Text Text Coordination Coordination Numeric data Numeric data Maps Maps Networking Networking Hardware Hardware Photos, Media Photos, Media Operating System Operating System (custom archiving) (custom archiving) hyperphoto hyperphoto (Android Pull) (Android Pull) E2H E2H middlemachine middlemachine Etherpad Etherpad glia-graph glia-graph Graphviz Graphviz GNU/Linux GNU/Linux DISTRO DISTRO Android Android local (zeroconf) local (zeroconf) OpenOffice Calc OpenOffice Calc Lenovo X220 Lenovo X220 Raspberry PI Raspberry PI Arduino Arduino .ICS / text file .ICS / text file Google Contacts Google Contacts OsmAnd OsmAnd Google MyMaps (editor) Google MyMaps (editor) (custom export) (custom export)


Function Function Want to replace Want to replace Own solution Own solution

    * document all own projects (green ellipse)
    * link them from graph

Edit Site

Edit CSS