Table of Contents
¶This time applied to classics...
* https://e2h.totalism.org/e2h.php?_=alike&CSSPAD=theme-test
* https://e2h.totalism.org/e2h.php?_=calendar&CSSPAD=theme-test
* https://e2h.totalism.org/e2h.php?_=index&CSSPAD=theme-test
* [...]
* https://e2h.totalism.org/e2h.php?_=alike&CSSPAD=theme-test
* https://e2h.totalism.org/e2h.php?_=calendar&CSSPAD=theme-test
* https://e2h.totalism.org/e2h.php?_=index&CSSPAD=theme-test
* [...]
¶ (for graphs)
* 🔗graph-exact-css allows setting specific node colors:
* example #1: : 🔗graph-exact20181208-2202-css
* example #2 : 🔗graph-exact-v2 (20190204)
* [...]
* 🔗graph-exact-css allows setting specific node colors:
* example #1: : 🔗graph-exact20181208-2202-css
* example #2 : 🔗graph-exact-v2 (20190204)
* [...]
¶ _____________ then:
* TOC lvls fg <<< NOW: "BLACK" ... auto-diminish color would be great ... see "dark-palette" as a future pad !!!
* TOC lvls bg <<< NOW: NOTHING:
would be great especially to stand out from complex backgrounds !!!!!!
* TOC lvls bg hover <<< NOW: A HOVER
* TOC B fg <<< NOW: same as lvl 0 fg
* main text (bg, maybe fg):
* p
* strong
* em
* [...]
* 20190905:
css-wide ne razširi TOC BGja (BG2 al kaj je) !!!
vsaj na representation.systems ga ni
* 20190905:
* test and include ETTb ETTf !!!
(TOC text colors)
* ... make sure the gradienting also works :)
* ... think of applying this to other stuff ???:
it's amazing !!! ... #tomerge 🔗dev-css
* 20190727 so:
* how do I set TOC FG color? the "levels" subtypes only?:
TODO: make master FG for that
TODO: it's definitely not there in this demo right now
* make this perfect:
make all definitions CYCLE BASIC COLORS, to search easily:
* "blue-yellow"
* ALWAYS: alphabetical (so only one way o writing it)
* ALWAYS: same primary colors (define as X1, X2, X3) :)
* different pulses (from 0-3 changes) possible !
* Fail: setting link colors influences lvl ???
* TOC lvls fg <<< NOW: "BLACK" ... auto-diminish color would be great ... see "dark-palette" as a future pad !!!
* TOC lvls bg <<< NOW: NOTHING:
would be great especially to stand out from complex backgrounds !!!!!!
* TOC lvls bg hover <<< NOW: A HOVER
* TOC B fg <<< NOW: same as lvl 0 fg
* main text (bg, maybe fg):
* p
* strong
* em
* [...]
_____________ (new) TODOS BELOW:
* 20190905:
css-wide ne razširi TOC BGja (BG2 al kaj je) !!!
vsaj na representation.systems ga ni
* 20190905:
* test and include ETTb ETTf !!!
(TOC text colors)
* ... make sure the gradienting also works :)
* ... think of applying this to other stuff ???:
it's amazing !!! ... #tomerge 🔗dev-css
* 20190727 so:
* how do I set TOC FG color? the "levels" subtypes only?:
TODO: make master FG for that
TODO: it's definitely not there in this demo right now
* make this perfect:
make all definitions CYCLE BASIC COLORS, to search easily:
* "blue-yellow"
* ALWAYS: alphabetical (so only one way o writing it)
* ALWAYS: same primary colors (define as X1, X2, X3) :)
* different pulses (from 0-3 changes) possible !
* Fail: setting link colors influences lvl ???
¶*** Features
:root {
/************** MAKE SURE ALL COMMENTS ARE FOLLOWED BY ";" ************************/
:root {
/************** MAKE SURE ALL COMMENTS ARE FOLLOWED BY ";" ************************/
¶ --LINE-HEIGHT: 137%; //.................... text line height{150%};
/* ^ not sure if this one works 20191005 !!! */
/* ^ not sure if this one works 20191005 !!! */
¶ --A_: red; //.............................. TOC lvl0 fg{FG} ...also: TOCnum fg;
¶ --B: lime; //............................... TOCnum bg{A};
¶ --Tb: repeating-linear-gradient(90deg, black 10px, violet 2px, red 3px, maroon 11px, lavender 8px) !important; //....... title bg;
¶ --Tf: blue !important; //........................... title fg{Afg} [maybe buggy in comb with some other styles] ................;
¶ --Tx: whatever; //............................ title border-bottom color , if using css-u_smaller atm ! #TODO;
--Tsize: 36%; //.............................. normal is 180% in CSS-default on 20191005 .................;
20190612 in development #todev;
20190701 retrying...
* At & Af seemed to work!
* renaming to Tb,Tf ........ keeping for now the old ones!
* Tsize
--Tsize: 36%; //.............................. normal is 180% in CSS-default on 20191005 .................;
20190612 in development #todev;
20190701 retrying...
* At & Af seemed to work!
* renaming to Tb,Tf ........ keeping for now the old ones!
* Tsize
--BG3: repeating-linear-gradient(
111deg, blue 10px, white 11px, orangered 141px, indigo 15px) !important; //main (external) bg ... also TOC bg ............... MAIN BACKGROUND;
¶ --BG2: repeating-linear-gradient(
66deg, lime 5px, green 6px, yellow 6px, cyan 64px, mediumseagreen 16px) !important; //..................... TOC bg;
66deg, lime 5px, green 6px, yellow 6px, cyan 64px, mediumseagreen 16px) !important; //..................... TOC bg;
¶ --BG: repeating-linear-gradient(111deg, magenta, violet 121px, red 3px, maroon 11px, lavender 8px) !important; // ............. main container background;
¶/*HEADINGS (content titles) [U+B]*/
¶ --Abg: purple; //.......................... U bg;
¶ --Afg: lime; //............................ U fg ...also: title fg;
¶ --Ax: blue; //.......................... U underline (was 'A3');
¶ --BTb: black; //............................ side buttons: bg;
¶ --BTf: yellow; //................................ side buttons: fg;
¶ --L: gold; //.................................. link color;
¶ --LH: yellow; //................................ link hover color;
¶ --DIVP: 45%; //............................. sidetoc position (left break);
¶ --EMbg: yellow;
¶ --EMfg: brown;
Btw, this is how some inline empahasis looks like, followed by a full line
Here's this one
Btw, this is how some inline empahasis looks like, followed by a full line
Here's this one
¶/*FONTQ: ??? */