
< DRAFT+ >

A successive script/template for reverting a lack of sense.

    20210120 STUB→PD
    20210124 ping


← initial intellectual disprivilege and lack of care
* missing rational, historical, factual foundation
* uninformed (historic, geographic, political, etc) conditions of own privilege
* not part of support networks

↓ prologue
* victim of seed propaganda, breeding reactionary attitudes
* not seeing the big picture with own eyes (faulty induction)

↓↓ self-bullshitting
* being privately "suspicious" and "researching" crap (self-bullshiting)
* being insistively, toxic fucking stupid
* conspiracy theories, anti-expert, "everyone is fucking mafia" (arrogance)
* normalized in daily life, employing ironic shield (cynicism)
* being confirmed by others, shifting kin (being radicalized)
* spreading the toxic, providing backup for others (radicalizing)

↑ sanity check
* looking around, privately considering you are in the wrong bunch (outlier/self-reflection)
* preparedeness to stay around (lingering)
* being able to agree on any point whatsoever (sanity check)

↑↑ shared importance recognition
* being open to individual reconsideration of ground facts — without changing topic, ironic shield, etc (stability)
* acknowledging this is important (consideration of effects)
* being open to do the work required (patience, care)
* acknowledging you are missing from a more kindered bunch (outlier/self-reflection 2)

↑↑↑ diminishing arrogance
* acknowledging that your "research" skills are limited (method reconsideration)
* acknowledging other people have done more work there — even though that does not neccessary mean they're right (qualifications)

↑↑↑↑ doing the work
* comitting to do the work
* actually doing the work
* not letting go of the work
* maintaining connection / trust, not slipping the process

→ re-alignment
* private (apology — to victims, to polemic opponents)
* public (recognition)

→→ keep it real
* calling back others still out there (de-radicalization)
* transfer well-rooted beliefs into action



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