
⛵ Boating

< RFC >

Part of 🔗hackbase-type4:
    Harbours: mobile hackbases & supporting infrastructure

+hackerfleet +david +hana +M +aa +oier +javi ...

    20191007 copied in <d
    20191016 working on rfc <d +andie
    20191126 adding hackerfleet
    20210710 D+L ping (made it uglier)


* Define the CHT boat

Boat type:

    * sailboat:
        + diesel engine

    * lifeboat-type:
        + electric+diesel engine

    * car-carrying boat:
        this would be bigger ... what would be smallest possible?
  • (maybe examples and very brief advantages of the above boat types - or eye candy page - also testing this editing out by writing this )
___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ 

Must have:
    * 4-6 people minimal
    * [...]

Also by...:
    * looking around for this boat.
    * checking "possibility to get these "1€" ghost boats
    * [...]

* Mooring in Canarias


    * Anchoring in waters next to islands?

    * What are the laws about this (international, spanish, canarian?, local?, ...)

    * [...]

* Boating software & tools

* path-planner: ???

* radios & comm

* get opencpn + charts:
    where to find them ??? >aa

* osmand has a boating layer !!!:
    it's not perfect - we checked la graciosa !!!

* Basics of boating

    * sailing

    * mechanics and maintenance

    * mechanisms of other boat aspects (legal, financial, etc)

    * [...]

TODO !!!


    * ooooo.be !!!

* How to learn more?
    * talk to +javi !
    * talk to +hamish ("the man who boat a lifeboat"), was at CHT#1
    * marine school arrecife
    * [...]

* Possible routes around Lanzarote

(for sailboats - either under sail, or motoring):

    * Nearest Africa:
        ~ 2 days ?

    * Americas:
        ~ 3 weeks ?

    * Cape Verde:
        ~ 5-10 days ... ~1000km South (???)

    * Gibraltar + Balearic + Greece + Adriatic:
        ~ 3500km, 1 month

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* @ Lanzarote & La Graciosa / Canarias

meet Lanzarote local boating scene !!!

    * Puerto Calero harbour
    * La Graciosa harbour
    * fancy Real (?) club in Arrecife?

smaller / boats:
    * La Graciosa / Pedro Barba!
    * street boats in Famara
    * boats in Tenesar ?
    * [...]

* BRYC +ooooo.be @ Brussels/BE (aka YO'KAAI "open port")

common: the ooooo.be boats in Brussels Royal Yacht Club

See https://ooooo.be/S14 , and pages for Floating Point + Techotsukumogami .

There is also the solar-powered electric boat, Buratinas.


Ports nearby:
    * @Antwerp/BE
    * @GENT/BE
    * [...]

* (others)
    * >M @la palma ?
    * [...]

*** TODOs

* Answer general questions ...


    * where to buy it
        A) local
        B) abroad + import
        C) ???

    * where to keep it
    A) local expensive / official
    B) local inexpensive / trick / x
    C) sail it elsewhere
    D) ???

    * complete legalese & finance of keeping boats
    * taxes ?
    * insurances

TODO !!!:
    * ask locals
    * ask comrades
    * [...]

    * alternative models of ownership
    * sharing/allying?
    * extending-appropriating?
    * co-reconstructing?
    * [...]

* Talk to people !
    * >javi !!!
    * >oier
    * >M
    * >aaron
    * [...]

*** PAD

* Route: Transatlantic crossing 

This is organised once a year with a group of little or sailing boats...
>lies, ask Fran about this!

* Foldable boats

* They do exist, but more like the "life-boat"-types
like https://www.porta-bote.com/ :)
* or canoes https://onakcanoes.com/m/
(not really for oceanic adventures though...)

* Drifting bits of country

A boat is a part of the country in which it is inscribed
wo with it the country's legislation travels "abroad" ...
>lies, check this info, who told you this again??? 

Tenace boat

    inner shipping concert boat

[!!o] Hackerfleet

crew exchange
(mentioned as "HSVC" in 37c3 mail)

What's useful, how?


mailing list
Welcome to the Hackers@hackerfleet.eu mailing list!
To post to this list, send your message to:

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Croatia boating ...

* sailboat = jedrilica


You can get an Elan 31 for ~20k€.

Rumour: You need a special safety certificate for boats produced prior 2000.

    * https://gov.hr/moja-uprava/promet-i-vozila/registracija/upis-brodice/515
    * http://www.crs.hr/hr-hr/data/usluge/plovilazasportirazonodu/tehni%C4%8Dkaprihvatljivost.aspx ?
    * new 2020 regulation: https://morski.hr/2020/02/11/novi-pravilnik-tehnicki-pregledi-za-brodice-ukinuta-trajna-registracija-strozi-sigurnosni-standardi/
    * [...]

– U slučaju da je plovilo građeno prije 16. lipnja 2000. godine i na plovilu nema CE oznake, odnosno nije provedena ocjena sukladnosti sukladno zahtjevima Direktive o rekreacijskim plovilima, a u cilju utvrđivanja sukladnosti sa zahtjevima Pravilnika o brodicama, čamcima i jahtama, osoba koja namjerava kupiti takvu brodicu treba se javiti Hrvatskom registru brodova – pojasnili su nam iz Ministarstva mora.

el jablito ... and mooring in shallow waters

catamaran better?

microship & +steven.k.roberts


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