BIOTECH NUMÉRIQUE  @ Atelier Néerlandais

~ 2018/06

< #PAU >
< #NOTES >

    * Venue:
        Atelier Néerlandais
        ____ rue de Lille

    * Schedule:

DAY 1: 19 June


        * Collaborative pad
    PLEASE EDIT SITE by accessing the pad with the "Edit Site" button at the bottom of the page
        * Hands-on workshop
        >to document !!!

DAY 2: 20 June

    * Pauline:
        * summary from masterclass
        * Etextile Summercamp collaborations:
            * harvesting textiles - kombucha - ...
            * wicked fabrics; main concern on "sustainability" for the field of etextiles...
            * waste is beautiful
            * inspiration drawn from rituals, ceremonies, humans and cultures- for speculativespeculative and design fictions.

    * Tjeerd:
        * materiality - 
        * algae farmer:
            * cellulose from algae > viscose process (what are the chemicals in use ??)
            * biomasse in water > freeing up land
    * "what´s in your own backyard?"
    * Maurizio:
        * collaborative research based atelier "Officina ___" >workshop with little bodies
        * growing fungal futures > mogu 
            * "industry of natural processes" / leather like materials
            * chitine - binding agent

    * Emma:
        * biodesigner - biofabrication (regenerative industry)
        * Form Follows Organism
        * open Blue City Lab in Rotterdam to research on materials (from a product design background):
            * new materials from waste, 
            * connect designers, 
            * experimental kitchen, 
            * biotechnology

    * Judith Goyaud-Schiltz:
        * co-director MateriO (est. since 2005)
            * tool for designers
            * online database and physical showrooms (main in Paris)
        * sustainability - objective statement -
        * "no dichotomic way of classifying but clever way to think and develop a global vision on the long term"

Biotech designer
what do you miss ?

be very curious and bold
explorative path - very indvidual
frustration - environmental responsability (not "sustainability")
systeme of inclusiveness with the "other"
symbiotic way of collaborating with the "other"
difficulty for designers to reach the scientific community
brain energy 
use less materials - use pure material to recycle - have a global and long term vision
perspective on aesthetics (major in fashion...)
backdoors "fake biologist / not a fashion designer / ..."

    * consider failures as 
    * from a privilege place/ hobby/ curiosity to 
    * interdisciplinary collaboration 

Design partners
Where we see it /fields

design companies
fairs, festivals, ... 
experts in specific fields for applications
open source in industry "prehistory of a movement"
"take a risk on your own"

confusion by marketing irrealistic - illusion
less money makes you more creative
scaling up is difficult

value, regulation
fully certification to reach the market

    * educator, children
    * illusion is for the field of art??
    * why scale up industrially ??? > other model

___ questions ___

"stop the bological process" = kill the living organism / because it´s alive it dyes

Jeanne - 
philosophical vision of death> if an interaction remains alive -> infinite life
dying is a necessary moment for regeneration
live - transform - decay - 

Eric - biodesigner
education - changing curriculum and methods
no teachers yet
online database + dedicated working place
different profiles of students < some want to be part of pionnering some not > well the ones who doon´t then they don´t

life cycle asssessment of a material is the only way for responsability and sustainability
how to effectively communicate?
water is possible to quantify but energy used to create the machine is mostly unknown
cradle to cradle - 

Valérie -
political and legal frame
dystopian outcomes?? > don´t understimate and anticipate
permit for growing an algae in a petry dish in NL
no fight but help them understand the value of changing the system
materials classified as waste... 

European Space Agency to grow architecture on Mars and the Moon
> we are bringing living organisms else where ??

__ - fasion designer from NL
are we teachers? / teaching-sharing for inspiring and transmitting, open minds and perspectives
can our vision be concretized to change
"know your strength"
ambassadors / makers / 
raise a collective voice and address policy makers
Biofabricate conference in NY is an attempt to gather this strength
all come together
online platforms for collective efforts
link industries , not only creative ones but difficult to convince : "we have our own market"
best practice examples + documentation = teaching 


> conny -electrico- :
    > amber: why do we still need to make clothes? 
    * Digital, virtual, uniforms with personnalized projetions ((see video in exhibition))

> ruben -NextNature- :
    * Manifesto:
        * design brief for today and future 
        * written by and for the industry
    * Agreement: 
        * resetting both the consumers and the production aspects

    * Manifesto:
        * technology doesn´t replace but rather enhance
        * growing our fabrics instead of cutting 

> clea -coco&rico- :
    * education & sharing
    * not enough relation between engineers, creative people and industries 
        * aiming at interdisiplinarity
        * circular knowledge

> conny :
    * turn the passive consumer into an actor
    *  seduce them first and make them express their voices
    * trust oneself, 
    * be expressive, 
    * to become a producer yourself

> ruben :
    * embrace the technology around us as it´s alread around and in us
    * clothing is the oldest technology
    * consumers :
        * tradition, craft, history
        * new target group : technology, ambition and future

> clea :
    * use what we already have and better
    * instead of creating new
    * more transformation instead of creation

> conny :
    * knowing the process of making makes it more appriable
    * designers are first making but not only
    * aiming at involving a bigger public

> clea :
    * bigger challenge :
        * each tool / machine used for production should also have a sustainable ecosystem 
    * Nature :
        * inspiration by being closer to nature 
        * "we are nature" 
        * be closer to ourselves

> valérie : 
    * What´s the number one thing that's on the way at present from vision to action?

> sharing and working all together (partner, consumer, should share
> capitalism, financial system
> diversity and connections through mindset

* What´s the future of tactality, if textiles become more and more virtual? 

* retail? slow fashion retail, slow fashion supermarket - Montorgeuil
    * Slow fashion is there because of Fast Fashion:
        * what happens if we go beyond that ?
        * what if time is not defined by a consumerist demand but the growth of the organism?!

* How much do we consider history at a time we think so much about future?

* Life of human, organism, machine...

* Bruno Latour:
    * thinking through systems, compartimentation is a construct based on modern human "in control of everything"
        * > "we are pre-modern"

* valérie summary of the day:

Where does biotech fit in the ecology of design?
Need for new business models
New educational structures to see new concepts and practices coming into the next generation
* What is the future of biotech ?
* Maybe new materials are not textles
Maybe the new computation _____
Tactality is programmable
* New uses that we haven´t imagined - expanded to a all new area
How do we future save the ideas around the table today : cooperation > online tools
* Realistic business thinking > how do we engage in a business to really have a take?
* How to be in sync with nature, working collaboratively with it
* How to look at and show > hands-on, note taking, open source platforms, libraries, exhibitions , showcases...
* New of a different system > how do we change the system?